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Freaking Purrfect (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Ridgeville Book 12)

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by Celia Kyle

  Freaking Purrfect : A Ridgeville Bite of Life Short Story


  Celia Kyle

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  Freaking Perfect: A Ridgeville Bite of Life Short Story

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  About the Author

  Freaking Perfect: A Ridgeville Bite of Life Short Story

  Maya has always wanted a hedgehog shifter in the Ridgeville pride. She almost stole one once, but she sorta went into labor before Operation Quill Catcher took off. Now, she wonders if having a werehedgie is all it’s cracked up to be. After “borrowing” (kidnapping and/or saving… depending on who’s asked) a werehedgehog her daughter has to run for her life, her mate has to take a life, and one of her sons thinks hedgehog is on the menu.

  And as for the hedgehog… she’s freaking purrfect.

  This short story is set in the RIDGEVILLE SERIES and does not stand alone. This is a little bite of family life for those who fell in love with the Ridgeville gang and aren’t ready to let them go.


  “Ladies, if someone tells you that you’ll forget the pain of childbirth, they’re straight up liars. The reminder of that pain is a whining, crying, poop factory that sticks around until its eighteen, and its sole purpose in life is to clam jam its mother when she wants to get her freak on.” -- Maya O’Connell, Prima of the Ridgeville pride and woman who most recently had her taco block-o-ed by the aforementioned spawns of Satan.

  Maya hadn’t killed her children yet, and she didn’t want to ruin a nice fourteen-year streak over a…

  Screw it. Yes, yes she did want to ruin the streak.

  She breathed deeply and sought calm, trying very hard not to scream the house down. Her inner lioness told her to rip their den apart with her bare claws until they found the little rodents.

  Not that her kids were rodents, but it was easier to kill them if she thought of them as mice and not, well, her kids.

  No, no, no… She couldn’t get rid of them yet. She’d have to wait until after dinner. If she hunted them right that second, she’d have to explain everything to Alex, and then he’d try to be the one to kill them. He was not stealing her bloody, claw-tipped thunder this time. Which meant she had to keep her overwhelming ragefire—anyone but her kids would get hatefire—under wraps.

  She drew in another slow breath, fighting for a calm that seemed totally out of reach, and got a lungful of… Alex.

  Alex, her mate.

  Alex, the father of her children.

  Alex, worshipper of the vagina. At the moment, she really wished he was in a worshipping mood because that was the only thing that would fix the hot mess surrounding her. And by hot mess, she meant the completely missing spread of bow-chicka-bow-bow-inducing delicacies that’d previously decorated the dining room table. All that was left were a few scraps and very familiar claw marks marring the solid wood surface.

  If she had to tell her kids no claws in the house one more time… Well, she already planned on murdering them, so she’d just make sure it was painful.

  Her mate’s heat bathed her back, his thickly muscled arms sliding around her waist, and she leaned into him. She allowed him to take her weight while she tipped her head to the side, silently asking for what she craved. Fifteen years of mated life and she still couldn’t get enough of him. Enough of his touch, his kisses, the feel of him sliding between her thighs…

  Alex lapped at her mating mark, the scarring on her shoulder that announced she was one hundred percent taken. She shuddered and swallowed the whimper that leapt to her lips, pushing it back so they didn’t draw attention. Having kids also meant being quiet during bow-chicka-bow-bow times.

  But he knew. He always knew. He chuckled, warm breath ghosting over her damp skin, and then clamped her flesh between his teeth. He bit down hard, not enough to break skin, but enough to make her body remember the night he’d first sunk his fangs into her. Her pussy clenched, memories of that night surging. That wasn’t the only part of him that’d possessed her.

  She let her eyes flutter closed, blinding her to the world that surrounded them, and she focused on her mate. Her lioness practically purred, the animal excited at having her mate so close. The beast wanted to rub all over him, coat them in his scent and then make sure he was coated in theirs.

  Maya wiggled her ass, her pussy aching to be stretched by his cock. His rock hard cock. It nestled between her ass cheeks, his thick length prodding her rounded butt. Her center clenched, growing heavy and aching with a rising need. He could bend her over and…

  Alex growled, his grip tightening, and small jolts of pain flared from her middle. His own lion wanted to come out and play, transitioning his human nails to a lion’s claws. He could chase her through the forest and claim her once again. Fifteen years and she still wanted to be consumed by him at every opportunity.

  The teeth clenching her shoulder lengthened and sharpened, his fangs growing to pointed tips that could easily sink through skin.

  Maya pushed to her tiptoes, trying to force his hand to break through skin and renew her mating mark. Her clit twitched, anxious for Alex’s attentions, while her nipples hardened and formed tight peaks. Her lioness purred and snarled, alternating between begging and demanding Alex get on with it already.

  Chase her. Bend her over a stump. Claim her in front of the whole pride if he wanted to, but she… needed…

  A bone-deep shudder raced through her, pushing her to the very edge of release, and she let loose a pleading whine. If he sucked a little harder… If he bit a little deeper… If he growled…

  If he did, she’d come. Right then. Right there. In the middle of—


  Nothing killed happy sexytimes better than an eight-year-old.

  Speaking of killing…

  Maya straightened her spine and lifted her weight from Alex, all the while pretending she hadn’t been two breaths from a wonderful Big-ish O.

  The Big Big O actually came (snerk) during one of those fun chasey, claimy nights.

  Her mate remained behind her, his whole body shaking while he buried his face in the hair at the back of her head. His cock remained a hard, solid presence and she once again hated the little snot nearby more than a tiny bit.

  Maya pretended Alex wasn’t silently laughing like a loon—he always thought being interrupted by the kids was hilarious—and focused on the small creature.

  Creature being the operative word. What had happened to her little ball of adorable pink fluff of awesome?

  “I grew up, Mom.” Said ex-adorable ball of pink fluff of awesome sighed. “And pink? Gag.”

  Maya was pretty sure her daughter’s first word had been gag. Not Mama or Dada. Or even theory of relativity like her BFF’s kid, Cora.

  Maya used to put cute little pink dresses on her daughter and then… gag.

  At that moment, seven and a half years ago, her life had ended and hell began.

  “What do you need, Harper?” Alex’s muffled voice came from behind her, his deep tone vibrating through her still aroused body. Each syllable plucked her nerves, reminding her of what she’d been so close to mere moments before.

  Before the hell spawn interrupted.

  “The guests are arriving, and Aunt Carly said it’s rude to stay inside and bump booties while everyone else
is hungry.” Harper jerked her tiny head in a small nod, those golden curls bouncing, before spinning on her heel and stomping toward the back door.

  “Guests? Carly?” Those large, strong hands slid from her waist, up her sides and didn’t stop until he cupped her shoulders. He encouraged her to turn and she moved with him. “Bump booties?”

  Maya stared into those amber hued eyes. Eyes that would transition to a deep gold when he was close to losing control because he wanted her so much. Then they’d spark a bright yellow when angry.

  She was pretty sure he was about to be angry, which totally couldn’t happen because she was killing the kids first, dammit. They had ruined her plans—not his.

  He hadn’t bought the perfect steaks.

  He hadn’t hunted a great bottle of wine.

  He hadn’t bribed her guards to be busy for the evening. Well, longer distance busy-but-not-busy since they still needed protection. Just not all up on the front lawn protection. Maya made plans to make Alex roar, and the guys didn’t need to hear all that.

  Well, she’d had plans.

  Plans her children apparently ate, which resulted in “Aunt Carly” but minus bumping booties.

  “You have to promise not to kill anyone.” She raised her eyebrows and pointed at her mate, squinting her eyes slightly in a glare. She wanted his promise because she was going first, dammit.

  “Maya?” He said her name but it had that tone. The one that said so much with so little and she glared harder.

  “The thing about it is…”

  “Maya.” It was another of those tones. Dammit, he’d asked her a different round of questions that time.

  “You know, I should be the angry one here.” She wiggled out of his embrace, angling to blame everything on him and not her—or the kids. It’d let her keep her ragefire simmering without the risk of Alex stopping her. “Do you know what next week is?”

  Alex frowned. “The Gaian Moon?”

  “Yeah, but what else…”

  The Gaian Moon came twice a year, a time when shifters were biologically driven to get hot and heavy with willing bodies. It was nature’s way of ensuring shapeshifters thrived. It was also when she’d met Alex.

  “Didn’t you order a cow this year? Did you need me to organize pickup and delivery to Genesis?”

  Genesis—their club and location of all things bow-chicka-bow-bow during the Gaian Moon. And if cow transport was all she needed, she had an entire pride of lions to order around.

  “Cow…” She jerked back, staring at the man she loved more than life itself. “Organize…”

  Did he really forget? Like, really, really? Okay, admittedly, life got in the way of a lot. They had three kids—two teenagers and an eight-year-old turning thirty tomorrow. Plus, they were the Prima and Prime of the Ridgeville pride. Between wrangling their lion shifter children and making sure the pride ran smoothly, they didn’t have a ton of “us” time.

  But he couldn’t have… She took another step back. Had they grown so far apart that… God, could she finish a sentence?

  Oh shit. The last time she couldn’t finish sentences she was pregnant. Heaven help Alex if he knocked her up. She was too old and selfish to be a mother again. She was really enjoying being able to shove kids out of the door and it shut behind them without having to wonder if they’d be able to survive.

  They knew how to shift, and they knew how to hunt. Her work was done.

  Panic—real panic—took hold, wrapping around her throat and strangling her. Maybe the panic was a good thing. It’d kill her, and then she wouldn’t have to worry about swollen ankles, big bellies, and stretch marks. That was good.

  But if she died, she would really miss the Prince of Peen and his loyal subject, Duke Balls of Sack.

  Alex wasn’t sure if his mate was about to pass out from panic or anger. Even after fifteen years, it could go either way with Maya—which is what he loved about her. Life with her was never boring, and between her and their cubs, he was always kept on his toes. Hell, managing Genesis and controlling the pride were vacations from his time at home with those four.

  As hectic as his days were, Maya made up for it every night. Every. Single. Passion-filled. Night.

  And day if he could talk her into bending over the dining room table, or even just backing into the wall and wrapping her legs around his waist. His cock throbbed, arousal rising, and his lion grumbled and growled. It wanted to claim their mate. It wanted to dominate the female that belonged to them. He could already scent her arousal, her salty sweet cream preparing her pussy for him. Her nipples were hard, pebbled points straining against her bra and thin top.

  He’d tear at her shirt and then tug one of those cups down, baring her breast. He’d take one nipple into his mouth and suck on the nub until she begged him to take her.

  Alex’s dick strained against his jeans, the tight fabric pinching his cock, and fuck he wanted her. His balls drew up tightly against him, anticipation thrumming in his veins. His gums ached, fangs pressing against his flesh while the cat fought for freedom. His nails pulsed with a stinging pain, the tips of his human fingers growing dark claws.

  He shoved at the lion, kicking its ass back, but the beast remained in place and snarled at him. The animal could scent their mate’s readiness and the desperate need to claim her rode him hard. Fuck her. Take her. Claim her.

  His mouth watered, and he could practically taste her blood on his tongue. Sweet. Coppery. Perfect.

  Maya continued to give him a wide-eyed stare—shock or panic? It didn’t matter. He knew she craved him just as much as he ached for her. It’d take one pinch of a nipple, one flick of her clit, and they’d become lost to their passion.

  Alex let his hands slide down her arms and over the fur peppered skin of her biceps before he shifted his touch to her waist. He didn’t stop there, though. He wrapped his arms around her, hands meeting at her lower back before he reached down and cupped the abundant cheeks of her ass.

  Fuck. So fucking soft and perfect, and he cursed himself for not putting a tube of lube in the dining room. The absence of lube didn’t mean he couldn’t play though.

  “Alex,” she whimpered, and he saw the change in her expression. If he didn’t distract her, she’d start talking about other shit. Less talking. More sinking balls deep inside her.

  He captured her lips with his own, sliding his tongue deep into her mouth and growling when her flavors slid over his taste buds. Maya shuddered and whined, her heat so close to his dick that he nearly came right there. More of her scent perfumed the air, sliding over his skin and covering him in her aroma. He wanted to taste her, to fuck her, to do every wicked thing he could imagine.


  Alex tightened his hold on her ass, bringing her flush with his cock, and he rocked his hips. His mate whimpered and did the same in return, the friction stroking his dick slow and hard.

  Small hands slid over his shoulders, Maya clinging to him as she practically crawled up his body. Small pinpricks of pain told him that her own lioness wanted to come out and play as well. Those tiny nails dug into his skin so that the scent of his own blood crowded the air as well.

  Fuck, he wasn’t gonna be able to stop—not anytime soon—and those kids of his had better keep their asses outside if they wanted to live for another day. His kids and whoever the hell else showed up with “Aunt Carly” and her guests.

  Alex backed Maya into the wall, his claw-tipped hands tugging and pulling on her skirt with each step. The second her back collided with the sheetrock, she lifted her legs. First one and then the other, and then she was fucking open for him—his dick. He tugged and yanked on the fabric, pulling it higher and higher until his fingers found bare skin—not even lace panties hiding her from him.

  He wrenched his mouth from hers, the rough sounds of their panting filling the air.

  “Fuck, Maya.” He caressed her ass, seeking her wet pussy. He first traced the crack of her ass, his mate wiggling and rolling her hips, silently beg
ging him to toy with her dark hole.

  “Is that what you want, baby?” he murmured low, his lion adding a rough rasp to his voice. He ghosted his fingers over her back entrance and that little pucker kissed the tip of one digit. “You want my fingers in your ass?”

  Maya shuddered and wiggled even closer, crawling him like a fucking tree. Those nails scrambled for his flesh, seeking a hold so she could somehow take what she wanted. Not happening. He’d give pleasure—or not—at his own discretion.

  “Tell me, Maya.” He wanted the words because they got him just as hot as touching her.

  Instead of asking for what she wanted, she pulled back and stared into his eyes—her she-cat glaring at him while she released a long, low hiss. Golden fur slid free of her pores, the lioness pushing forward even more, and he knew it wouldn’t be long before the beast had Maya attempting to take what she wanted.


  He let Maya have her way most of the time—was content to let her run wild and free—but he was still the Ridgeville Prime.

  Alex released some of the control over his own cat, his eyes flickering and fur pushing past his skin. His flesh stung as each strand emerged, but it did nothing to lessen his fucking craving for Maya. His cock hardened further, nearly busting the zipper on his jeans, and he was tempted to let Maya get her way already.

  Tempted, but not convinced.

  He released one ass cheek and lifted his hand to fist her blonde curls, tugging her head back until their eyes met. “Tell me.”

  “Alex,” she whined and wiggled, but he didn’t move. He wanted to, but he wanted her begging first. Wanted her hot and wet and so needy she was nearly crying before he pounded her wet cunt.

  “Say it.” A garbled growl came from his mouth, the cat hovering at the edge of his humanity and just waiting for a chance to push forward and overtake his two-legged form. He didn’t want to fuck in fur, dammit. He wanted skin on skin. Wet bodies and sweat slick limbs.


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