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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

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by Melville, J. A

  I made some vague noise in response. I couldn’t tell Chloe what I really thought was going on with her housemate. I was pretty confident that Fabian was taking advantage of both women. It would be the easiest thing for him to do; control both to avoid detection from one while using the other. The man was no fool that was obvious. I just wish he hadn’t complicated issues, by being such a good looking asshole. I was going to have to remind myself constantly, that I was here to fuck with him, not fuck him. Sex complicated things, I knew that. If I fucked him, I might feel less inclined to fuck with him and therefore I’d be letting down my clients and not doing the job I was being paid to do.

  I needed to confirm that both Cassie and Chloe were being controlled and used for sex and blood. I had spells I could cast to verify that one, but I wasn’t here for that right now, I was here to get myself somewhere to stay. I could use the spell to confirm my suspicions soon.

  Chloe led me up the stairs, still chatting away nonstop, explaining to me the rules of the house and I listened with half an ear. She stopped at a door and knocked softly before opening it up and I realised it was Cassandra’s room. She was stretched out on her bed, staring vacantly up at the ceiling but her head slowly turned and she gave us a hint of a smile, before going back to staring at the ceiling.

  Fucking hell, she was nearly gone, I could see that. I had to do something to help her before Fabian sucked the life right out of her, literally and figuratively.

  “Can I speak to her for a moment?” I asked Chloe. “It’ll just be a moment, I promise.”

  Chloe looked a little surprised at my request but she stepped aside anyway to give me access to the room. “Sure.” She shrugged.

  I walked into the room and approached the bed, waiting for some sort of recognition from Cassandra that I was even there, but there was nothing. I sat down on the bed and leaned forward, staring into her eyes that were empty and devoid of any emotion.

  “Undo the damage, break the link, and cause Fabian pain, the next time he tries to alter, the way you think.” I whispered and watched her face for any change, trying not to grin to myself at the cheesy incantation I’d used to break Fabian’s hold over her. It wasn’t necessary to do the incantation, but it was kind of my trademark. It didn’t really matter how bad the incantation was, the outcome was still the same. The spell would be cast no matter what.

  I took Cassandra’s hand, holding it firmly in mine and I felt the spark between our bodies which caused her back to arch, her spine bowing as if she’d being shocked by the paddles like they used to revive someone in hospital.

  “Shit, what’s wrong with her?” Chloe rushed into the room, but I waved my hand to warn her to stay back.

  “Don’t touch her, look, she’s coming around.” I said and we both watched as Cassie suddenly opened her eyes, and looked over at us. She sat up, a big smile on her face, and I could see straight away, that the light was back in her eyes.

  I became aware that Chloe was looking at me stunned. “What did you do to her? I haven’t seen her like this in so long. What are you?” Her voice was hushed and her eyes wide. “Are you an angel or something?”

  I laughed softly. “Something I guess you could say. If you prefer angel, then that’s fine with me, but now it’s time for you to forget that there was ever a problem with your friend.” I said and placed my hand on Chloe, where again another brief flash of light showed beneath my fingers.

  Chloe was the first to recover and she glanced around the room and at us. “What are we doing? Come on, I have to show you the rooms. Hey Cassie, are you coming or not?”

  Cassie hopped off the bed laughing. “Sure, come on Sirene, hopefully you’ll like one of the rooms. It would be nice to have you move in with Chloe and I.”

  We all headed out of the room and I smiled to myself. It had worked, I’d fixed Cassandra. I hadn’t used witchcraft for a while as it could get me into trouble very quickly but Cassie had been restored to her pre Fabian state. The only problem now, was what he would think when he saw her next? It was going to be obvious to him that something had happened to her. She’d been in a near vegetative state from all the mind control, and now she wasn’t. Of course he was going to notice. The sooner I moved into this house to help protect them, and punish that far too sexy damn vampire, the better.

  I followed Cassie and Chloe to look into the first room which had a large, antique styled four post bed in heavy looking dark timber. The room was covered in cream coloured wallpaper with tiny pale blue flowers, with the lower half of the walls painted in a baby blue that matched the flowers in the wallpaper. It was a decent sized room and very feminine looking. I smiled blandly at the expectant looks on their faces and indicated that I’d like to see the other room.

  When they opened the door to it, it was more my style. Large, heavy, dark stained timber furniture, a canopy bed, wardrobes, dressing table and even a two seater lounge were in the room. The lower half of the walls were covered in a dark, moss green paint and the top half was wallpapered in moss green, gold, cream and dark brown vertical stripes. It was definitely more me than the baby blue.

  “What’s the rent on this room?” I asked and Cassandra gave me the breakdown of the rent, utilities etc. It was within my budget so it was settled; I’d take the moss green room which just happened to be across from Cassie’s. That would give me the perfect opportunity to keep an eye on her next time Fabian came over wanting to get his rocks off. ‘He can get his rocks off with you.’ That little voice inside me said and I frowned. That was the problem right there. I needed to concentrate and give him some hell, but I could still see him clearly in my mind’s eye and despite him being a bastard to end all bastards, it didn’t stop my wayward body from wanting him.

  Maybe I could fuck him, just a little? I groaned that I was even allowing that damn vampire to mess with my head. I was supposed to be messing with him, not the other way around. I just hated that when I pictured him, I could feel my nipples hardening and a dull ache, deep between my legs.

  Forcing all thoughts of Fabian from my head, I grinned at the other two. It was a relief to have a place to live that was affordable and having the girls for company wouldn’t be so bad. I wasn’t much for socialising but at least by living in this house, I could make sure no greedy blood suckers came near them. After handing over a month’s worth of rent, I told Cassie and Chloe I’d go back to the hotel to get my few things and move into the house this afternoon.

  Chapter Three


  “Well daddy dearest, you must be happy the little woman who has piqued your interest has moved in with your fuck buddies.” Francesca said mockingly, as she lay sprawled out on one of the lounges, in the large circular living room of his home. When he raised his eyes to her, she was watching him as he sat across from her, deep in thought.

  “Perhaps you would do well to not stick your nose in where it is not wanted little one.” He warned. “Of course, her moving into their home has worked out nicely for me, or it will, in time.”

  The thought of Sirene now being under the same roof as Cassandra and Chloe, excited him tremendously. It would not be too much longer before he could go to their home and do the one thing he longed to do. Fucking the raven haired beauty occupied his mind every waking moment. Just the thought of finally being inside her aroused him, making him hard and he shifted restlessly when the denim of his jeans rubbed uncomfortably against his erection.

  “Would you like me to take care of that?” Francesca’s voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned to her with a raised eyebrow. He saw her eyes were on the bulge behind his zip and he decided he would make use of her to rectify his situation. There was no need for him to spend the night with a hard on and it would take the edge off his desire before he went out later to fuck and feed.

  He desperately wanted to go to Cassandra’s home, but he couldn’t, not yet. Sirene was different, she made him feel different. He didn’t want to just go there, mind control them all and have her p
erform for him like a well-trained dog, following and obeying his every command. His ego was big enough that in her case, he wanted her to want him. He wanted her begging for him to fuck her, and if he couldn’t get that from her, then he would mind control her and she could perform for him like a well-trained dog.

  Shifting again as thoughts of her, only increased his discomfort, he turned to Francesca. “Come little one, put me in your mouth, I want to fuck it.” He opened his jeans pulling out his rigid shaft as her watched her climb from the lounge and wander over to him. When she dropped to her knees before him, he gave her a warning look. “No teeth.”

  When her lips closed around him, he dropped his head back against the headrest of his chair, his fingers finding her wild mane of black hair, as she lowered over him, sucking him in deep. Obviously this was not to be some long, torturous blow job, which suited his mood, fortunately. She took him deep; not stopping until he felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. Fabian groaned as the pressure began to build rapidly. Fuck, Francesca had a mouth on her like a high powered vacuum cleaner and she was literally going to suck the essence right out of him.

  As she sucked, he began to thrust into her mouth, growling when her fangs descended and he felt them grazing his cock, as she bobbed up and down on him. Restlessly, his fingers moved through her hair, tangling it, as he watched himself sliding in and out past her black painted lips.

  Francesca brought a hand up to cup his balls, squeezing them gently while her other hand followed the path of her lips, up and down his cock. Fabian could feel the tingle through his spine, the pressure building as he swelled in her mouth, and with one final thrust, he dug his fingers into her scalp, pushing her down hard on him, just as he bucked up, slamming against the back of her throat. With a loud hiss through his teeth, he started to come, his hips rising, pumping into her, emptying his load over her tongue.

  When he was done, Francesca lifted her head, her fangs still lowered and he offered her his wrist. She latched on, sucking his blood into her mouth until he pushed her away. He needed to feed himself, but he wanted blood from someone living, not this blood exchange from one vampire to another. Nothing could beat the feeling of warm sweet blood running down the back of the throat from a nice, temperature controlled, living human. Well except for a tight, warm and wet cunt, that was an incredible feeling but the two accompanying one another was the ultimate euphoria.

  He tucked his still semi erect cock back in his pants and stood, patting Francesca on the head briefly before walking out of the room. He needed to go and get blood and he wanted to go and see Sirene. He hadn’t intended going near their home tonight though, but it was hard to stay away when she was so tempting. Her name suited her perfectly because she was a siren, luring him to her.

  Maybe he would go there; just pretend to be calling on Cassandra and Chloe? Perhaps he could use them for a quick fuck? It was too soon for Sirene, as much as he wanted her, but instinct told him this was one of those times where it would be necessary to see how things transpired. For once in his vampire life, this was not an occasion where he could rush in, pissing, in a figurative sense, all over everyone and everything to stake his claim. He was going to have to tread carefully, play it by ear. Something that was uncommon for him, but necessary if his gut instinct was correct.

  Finally satisfied he’d found a legitimate reason to go against his earlier resolve not to see the girls, and ignoring that little voice that warned him this woman was different and could be dangerous to him, he dragged on his black leather jacket, slipped out the front door and headed for his car.


  I’d only been in Cassandra’s home a couple of days but I was already loving it and getting on great with both my housemates, which was surprising given I could be considered anti-social at times. Work was going well, or as well as could be expected, for a job that was merely a cover for my real job; if planning to torment and toy with a vampire could be called a job.

  I still hadn’t approached Terry about perhaps landing a gig for myself at the club, but I was working on it. I should have felt guilty for what I was planning to do, but to hell with it. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do and I needed to sing for my second job, not serve drunk obnoxious men, who didn’t understand how potentially dangerous it was, for them to come on to me, grope at me, and generally piss me right off.

  Sighing, I shifted into a more comfortable position from where I lay, sprawled out on the lounge. All three of us were spread out all over the lounges watching a DVD which none of us were paying much attention to, while we drank our way through a couple of bottles of wine and giggled a lot. Even I giggled and giggling wasn’t something I did much of.

  It was coming up to 10pm when we heard a knock at the door and both Cassie and Chloe smiled. “That’s got to be Fabian. He always comes at night. I think he must work shift hours or something because he’s rarely around during the day but he loves to call on us in the evenings.” Cassie laughed.

  I immediately tensed up, my eyes flying to her. Was she serious? Didn’t either of them have any idea what Fabian was, or that he didn’t work shift work? In fact he didn’t work at all. He was a vampire, he didn’t need to work. I’d never come across a vampire that wasn’t financially secure, although the image in my head of all that 6 foot 4 of incredibly sexy vampire doing some menial job, nearly made me laugh out loud, and I had to force myself to keep a straight face.

  “Would you like me to get the door?” I asked, going to stand and Cassie looked over at me.

  “Can you? I’m so comfortable, I can’t be bothered getting up for Mr Sexy.” She said.

  I got up rolling my eyes at the looks on my housemates’ faces. Fabian obviously was attractive to them, so why did he mind control them then? They looked like they’d happily spread their legs for him anyway. It must be the fact that he was vampire and that sex usually came hand in hand with drinking blood. If he fed from them when they were lucid, he’d either scare the crap out of them, and they’d run off screaming into the night, possibly blowing his cover, or he’d have to trust them to be silent if they were ok when he ‘came out’ and revealed just what he was. There was probably too much at stake for him to risk exposure, so mind control solved everything. He got what he wanted and they were none the wiser.

  I pulled the door open, still grinning to myself at the girls’ reaction over Fabian and my smile died on my face when I met his pale blue grey eyes. Fuck, he was far too good looking for such an arse.

  A slow smile spread over that stunning face of his and I was subjected to his perfect white teeth.

  “Well, good evening Sirene, what a pleasure to see you. So you have made your home here with Cassandra and Chloe have you?” He asked and I narrowed my eyes at him. The bastard would have already known that, I was sure.

  “Well, as you can clearly see, yes.” I answered. “Will you come in?”

  With another smile, he stepped inside, suddenly making the entryway to the house seem far too small, as he stood for a moment staring down at me, totally dwarfing me.

  I had to tilt my head right back to meet his gaze, he was that damn tall. He was watching me, those strange eyes of his, making me feel like he was looking inside me, like he could see what I was thinking and feeling. They were beautiful and unique but somewhat intimidating too.

  He lifted a hand to brush the back of his fingers down my cheek. It was a simple, light caress, he barely touched me, but my reaction was far from simple. His fingers were cool, yet they ignited my skin, blazing a trail of heat where he touched me, and I panicked at my response to him, stepping away; fighting not to press a hand to my cheek where I could still feel the heat as if he’d somehow branded me.

  His look was thoughtful as he stared at me, but I turned away from him and headed into the living room, needing to get some space between us. Cassie and Chloe still lay sprawled out on the lounges. I didn’t bother to see if Fabian was following me, I didn’t need to. Not only could I hear
his almost silent steps, I could feel him. The man gave off something, an aura, something powerful that made me vitally aware of him. I didn’t need to know where he was, I could feel him. It was surprising too, that for such a big man, tall, extremely well built and muscled, I could see that through his clothes, he was very light on his feet. Maybe it was a vampire thing?

  A chorus of cheerful ‘hellos’ welcomed him and I stared at their faces that were all lit up with excitement as they greeted Fabian.

  It was nice to see I wasn’t the only one affected by him. He was like a magnet, attracting women to him, with his near overwhelming sexual appeal, that poured off him like the most powerful pheromone. Really none of us had a chance since it seemed like any woman within throwing distance of him, was reduced to a shivering, shaking, mindless blob of sexual desire.

  This was not good, this was bad. I had to use witchcraft on this man, fuck with him, destroy him, and knock his arrogant arse around enough, that he wasn’t the cocky asshole he was now. Somehow I had to get my raging hormones under control and not lose focus. He was a vampire. A blood sucking parasite, dressed up in pretty packaging. He would do anything to get his own way. He would destroy anyone to get his own way. He’d already shown what he was prepared to do, not to lose his power.

  Now all I had to do was remind myself of that, any time I was near him, and I would be fine.

  I moved back to the lounge I’d been occupying before, so I could subtly watch Fabian. This was the first time he’d been here since I cured Cassandra, and I was curious as to how he would react when he saw her. The change in her was too great for him not to notice.

  Then there was the spell I’d put on my housemates to protect them from his sexual advances. Secretly I wanted him to try and fuck one of them tonight. It would be fun to watch his reaction when the spell kicked in, preventing him from having his way with them.


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