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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Melville, J. A

  “What is it Sirene? Spit it out girl. I’m a busy man and I’m up shit creek now without a damned band for this evening.”

  Before I lost my nerve, I just blurted out. “I can sing.”

  Tony simply gaped at me for a moment before laughing. “Are you serious? You’re not trying to land yourself a gig here are you?”

  “Well yes.” I said, trying not to let his look of disbelief annoy me. “Please Tony, I really can sing. Just let me show you. I can do this if you’ll just let me try, please.”

  He looked at me for a few moments longer and I tried to read what was going on behind his eyes. Finally he shook his head. “You have five minutes. Come on, through to the auditorium. I think you’re crazy thinking you can take the place of my sick band, but as I said, you’ve got five minutes.”

  With a deep sigh of relief I grinned at him. “Thank you Tony, you won’t be disappointed.” I went so far as to reach up and kiss his cheek.

  “Don’t make me regret this.” He grumbled, his expression disgruntled but I had seen the flash of humour in his eyes. This was my chance to prove to him that I really could sing, that I could do this.

  With a huge grin on my face, I hurried off to the auditorium, looking back once to make sure Tony was following me. This was my big chance and I knew I had to make sure I didn’t blow it.

  Chapter Four


  Fabian was restless and hungry, not just for blood but for sex and when he walked into the club with Francesca at his side, he had one objective and one objective only. He was going after Sirene and for the first time in a very long time, he wanted to try and win her over without using mind control on her. Well, he’d probably try at some stage but not tonight. Tonight he needed to find out what the story was with her.

  Something had happened to Cassandra that stunned him. The woman was no longer getting around like the shell of a human being, but most importantly, for some reason he couldn’t touch her anymore. He couldn’t mind control her without blinding pain to the fucking cock just to make it worse, and he’d been forced back to trolling for women to fuck and feed off and he was done with it.

  He wanted Sirene, he burned with his desire for her but he wanted to know more about her, because he strongly suspected that she was responsible for Cassandra’s transformation and his inability to touch her anymore. It was too much of a coincidence. Somehow what had happened had to be linked to the raven haired beauty. Which of course made him wonder what the hell was she?

  He silently groaned. Not again, surely? First Allegra, now Sirene was possibly not entirely human. She sure looked human, smelled human and her heart beat, pumping that sweet blood of hers around that gorgeous body, he’d heard it. So what was she or was he reading more into all this?

  Standing in the club with Francesca wasn’t going to get him any answers, he needed to speak with her, but as he glanced around, he couldn’t see her. She was supposed to be working tonight, Chloe had told him that.

  He walked through the crowds towards the bar, but there was no sign of her. As he drew closer to the doors into the room where the live bands played, he could hear the loud beat of the music and there was a woman singing.

  There was something about her voice. It was actually turning him on. It was strong, sensual and with that slightly husky, sexy quality to it. Fuck, he really needed to get laid if a voice singing was turning him on.

  Unable to help himself, he moved closer to the doors, where that voice was coming from and pushed his way inside, Francesca following, and when he glanced towards the stage, he was stunned and instantly, painfully erect. Fuck it was Sirene.

  Fabian stared at her, speechless, amazed, shocked and so turned on, he just wanted to throw her on the floor regardless of who could see them. He would happily fuck her until they both came, and he realised that was true. He wanted to make Sirene come. He didn’t always care with a lot of the women. Not unless they were ones he had some slight interest in, but one stop fuck and feed trolls were of no significance to him. He didn’t give a damn if they came or not just so long as he did.

  His attention shifted back to his raven haired beauty. She was wearing some black sleeveless dress that appeared to be covered in something glittery as it shimmered with every move of her body. It clung to her like a second skin and barely made it to mid-thigh. She wore high heeled shoes that made her legs look incredible and her hair tumbled over her shoulders and back in a wild mane. Her makeup was fairly heavy, dark eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, with her lips in some deep shade probably to allow for her being on stage and under the special lighting.

  “Fuck Fabian, did you know she could sing?” Fran’s voice caused him to reluctantly look away from Sirene.

  “No, but I must concede, she’s very good.” He said, his voice deep, husky and clearly filled with his arousal causing Fran to smirk at him.

  “Patience daddy dearest, you can hardly jump her bones here now can you? You might want to make that thing a little less obvious?” She grabbed at his crotch, cupping his erection and he jerked, his body highly sensitised.

  “Don’t touch me. I wish for you to leave me now Francesca. Go find someone to feed off, anything, but I no longer require your presence here. I will be waiting to speak with Sirene which might not be until she finishes performing.” He told her.

  “You’re prepared to hang out here in this noisy club with all these blood filled humans you could feed from and yet you’re going to wait for her? You do have it bad Fabian. I’m happy to go. Enjoy your wait.” She threw her hair back with a flourish and left him, weaving her way through the crowds to get to the exit of the club.

  Once he was alone, he began to move forward, wanting to get closer to the stage, closer to her, so he could watch her, smell her, picture in his mind what he intended doing to her.

  He drew nearer, his eyes never leaving her as she moved around on the stage, her voice flowing over him, making him hungry, making him lust after her and making him hard. God, what was it about her that had him wanting her so much?

  When he finally got right to the front, he stared up at her as she sang, her head back, her long mane of black hair, swinging free off her shoulders, and Fabian felt his fingers ball into fists by his side, as he pictured himself grasping that amazing hair of hers in both hands as he fucked her from behind.

  This was going to be torture having to wait for her to finish for the night before he could have her. Perhaps he should find someone to feed off and fuck before she finished, just to take the edge off a little?

  Still when he looked up at Sirene, he realised he didn’t want someone else tonight, he only wanted her. Fuck that voice of hers, her beauty. What an appropriate name she had. She was a siren with her sexy voice and stunning appearance and she was slowly but surely reeling him in until all he could think about was her.


  God, I was having a blast, I was in my element, I was singing, performing on stage, I’d done it. I’d managed to convince Tony I could sing and he’d allowed me to take over from the band that was ‘sick.’ Ok, so they were sick with some help from me, but then a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

  Tony had found a dress for me to wear and Chloe had helped me get ready with the hair and makeup. Now here I was, on stage, singing my heart out, and the best thing was, people liked me, if the cheering was any indication.

  As I finished my last song for the set, my head came forward and I opened my eyes, just as the lights grew brighter. The first thing I saw was him, it was Fabian and he was standing right in front of the stage, watching me intently. Fuck and he looked unbelievably hot too.

  I met his gaze, staring into those pale blue grey eyes of his and I saw it, desire and arousal. He was making no effort to hide it from me and I knew, tonight was it, tonight was the night I was going to let him fuck me. With just the thought of it, of getting naked with him, for the chance to see if he could deliver on the promise his eyes and body suggested, I felt my panties damp

  He stepped towards me as I moved to leave the stage, his hand coming out to take mine, helping me down the few stairs in my high heels.

  “Fabian.” I spoke first, aiming for the cool and collected look but with my heart hammering away in my chest, I’m not sure I was convincing of that.

  “Sirene, well, now I understand your name even more. Your voice was like the siren’s song, it drew me to you. I had no idea you could sing the way you do but you have an amazing voice.”

  Despite it only being Fabian and a vampire at that complimenting me, I still felt my heart swell with excitement and happiness that someone liked my singing. “Thank you.” I told him and pulled my hand from his. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go and see Tony.”

  Just at that moment my boss turned up and hugged me enthusiastically. “Hot damn woman, I had no idea you could sing like that. You look amazing on stage and the men are all panting for you, maybe some of the women too. You have such a sexy, sultry note in your voice. I want to talk to you about regular gigs in my club if you’re interested.”

  “Are you serious, really?” I grinned up at him. “Thank you. I’m glad you like me and please, I would love more gigs. I’m actually a singer more than a waitress.” I dared to tell him, hoping he wouldn’t get pissed off at me for making it clear where my true interests lay.

  “I agree Sirene and come in tomorrow afternoon so we can discuss more gigs for you ok?”

  I grinned again, in fact I’m sure my face was about to set like that, I was so happy. “I’ll be here. Thanks Tony.” I reached up to kiss his cheek and he blushed. Damn, I’d made my boss blush.

  “Get yourself something to drink before your next set.” He said before walking off leaving me alone with Fabian.

  I turned to the sexy as sin vampire, surprised to see his eyes burning with something which looked suspiciously like anger, as he watched Tony’s retreating back. Damn, was he jealous? He certainly appeared to be, and Fabian jealous was quite a sight to see, given he was probably the most alpha male I’d ever encountered.

  “Can I get you a drink?” I asked him and his eyes moved to my face, that pale stare of his making me shiver. I couldn’t wait to hear what he would say; knowing full well that the only drink he would want was my blood, or the blood of someone in this club at the very least.

  “No thank you Sirene. I don’t drink, but let me buy you one.” He said quietly and I shrugged.

  Why not? Let him spend some of his money on me, although I knew I’d have been given a drink for nothing anyway, since Tony had told me that before I’d started performing tonight.

  “I’ll have a Long Comfortable Screw against the Wall.” I said, lowering my voice and adding a breathy note to it, almost laughing out loud at Fabian’s face, when he heard my order.

  “Is that a drink or a proposition?” He mumbled, his eyes glowing with renewed arousal as he met mine.

  I laughed. “It’s a drink. It has Gin, Vodka, Galliano, Southern Comfort and it’s topped up with orange juice.”

  “It doesn’t sound like there’s much room left for the orange juice.” He frowned down at me, those strange eyes studying me. “Are you sure you should be drinking something so strong when you still have to perform?”

  “Good point I guess.” It was time to back off. I’d worked him up enough for now, no need to keep teasing him. There was plenty of time for that later. I’d be getting what I wanted from him later, he knew it and I knew it. It was there between us, an undercurrent of sexual tension. What he didn’t know of course, was that he would be getting a whole lot more than he expected from the evening. “I’ll just have a glass of coke.” I said, smiling up at him.

  His eyes met mine again and I could almost see the cogs turning over in his brain as he tried to assess me. ‘Good luck with that one,’ I thought as he walked over to the bar to order my drink.

  He came back with it and handed it to me, where I began to drink it down thirstily. Performing and vampire teasing made a gal thirsty.

  “So are you here for any particular reason Fabian?” I asked. “Are you meeting someone?”

  “The only person I would bother coming to a noisy, crowded, smelly nightclub to see would be you Sirene.” His eyes locked on mine and I felt my heart skip a beat. ‘Ok, so he wasn’t going to drag this out as some sexy cat and mouse game all evening then? The message in his eyes was crystal clear. He wanted me and he had every intention of having me, tonight.

  “I want you my beauty more than any woman I have ever desired in a very long time. I wish to fuck you over and over again until you are not only sated but exhausted as well.”

  Well, that was laying his cards on the table for me to see. There was nothing coy or vague about Fabian. So the question was, would I agree to what he’d just proposed, if it could be called that? Now I was being coy with myself. Of course I would give in to him. That was the whole point. Still a little teasing wouldn’t hurt.

  “Is that right?” I asked, tongue in cheek as I tipped my head to one side to stare at him. “Do I have any say in this?”

  “No, it’s not open to negotiation. I want you, I’ve wanted you since I first saw you, and I think you want me too. You give a lot of mixed signals but I know women and I know you want me. The question for you is, will you deny it or accept that I am right?”

  Mixed signals? I gave him mixed signals? What a cocky bastard too. ‘I know women.’ He might know women, but did he know just what a witch was capable of? Still I would give him what he wanted. He could have me tonight, I wanted him anyway, so that worked out well, but I wasn’t going to make it easy for him. Sooner or later the fun was going to begin when he tried to mind control me. Did I let him try, or come clean about knowing what he was already?

  “Very well, I’m not going to deny it. You are right. I want you and I will allow you to have me tonight, but without any of your bullshit ok?” I warned him.

  He raised his eyebrows at me. “What bullshit would you be referring to? I would prefer to think that I will make you scream and you will come, until you cannot come again, but bullshit? Please explain to me what you mean by that?”

  “I think you know.” I told him quietly. “I have to get back on stage now. If you are staying, I shall talk after I’m finished.” I reached up and trailed a finger over his very sexy bottom lip watching excitement flare in his eyes. Unable to help myself, I rose up on my toes and pressed my lips to his, surprised that they were so soft against mine. Gently I kissed him, brushing my tongue over his lip until I felt him start to respond and his arms came around me.

  Hastily I pulled away and broke free of his hold. “I have to go Fabian.” I turned and started to walk away, stopping briefly to turn back and meet the heat of arousal I saw burning in his eyes. “I know what you are.” I told him and as surprise widened his eyes, I turned away and walked back to the stage, mounting the few steps and picking up my mic again.

  I couldn’t help grinning to myself. That should give him something to think about, and probably just fuck with his mind enough, that he’d be desperate for answers by the time I got off stage. Either that or he’d run like hell. Run or stay, I was easy either way.


  Fabian stared at Sirene as she started performing again and that voice of hers flowed over him. She was singing some song about Sweet Little Lies and her eyes shifted to him as she sang, making him suspect she was singing to him.

  Fuck, those last words of hers before she left him, kept playing over in his mind. What had she meant about knowing what he was? Did she mean she knew he was vampire and if so, how? This could be dangerous, she could be dangerous but if she knew what he was, she obviously hadn’t told anyone, at least not yet. That of course led to the next question running through his head. What the hell was she?

  He sure as hell needed to find out, and he needed to find out what she wanted from him. He growled with frustration and a group of women nearby gaped at him with wide eyes, before shifting away, putting d
istance between him and themselves.

  Great, now they thought he was crazy and Sirene was going to drive him crazy. How could one tiny, very compact woman mess with him so much? Fuck her, he wanted her so damned much but she made him nervous now. What the hell was going on with her and how dangerous to him was she?

  One thing was for sure, he needed answers, and he needed them tonight. He couldn’t get them until she finished her performance and that annoyed him. He was not accustomed to waiting for anything.

  He hated that he had to wait for her, but he knew he couldn’t stand in this crowd of warm blood filled bodies much longer when he wanted to feed. He also couldn’t stand watching her when his cock was so hard. He needed sex, but he didn’t want any of the women that surrounded him, he only wanted her. He knew he needed to do something to alleviate the discomfort he was in though, but he couldn’t bring himself to grab a quick fuck from another woman. He would go out to his car. The idea of having to take himself in hand and masturbate didn’t excite him. He rarely had to do something like that anymore with the number of warm, willing and sometimes not so willing bodies available.

  He hadn’t been forced to take himself in hand since Allegra. She had teased him and worked him up; only to fuck Dominick in front of him when she’d first become vampire. She had appeared to get off on driving him crazy with desire, then denying him entrance to her body. He wasn’t going to have that happen again. He would fuck Sirene, and then he would find out, what exactly was going on with her.

  Bloody women were going to drive him crazy. Why was it that the first two women in several centuries that he was genuinely attracted to, had to be ones that were more complicated, and hell bent on driving him slowly out of his mind?

  When he finally got outside he walked quickly to his car, an old Rolls Royce and climbed into the back where he lowered his zip and carefully pulled his painfully hard cock out of his jeans.


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