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Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Melville, J. A

I watched Fabian collapse to the tiled floor of his en suite bathroom. What the hell had possessed me to think that casting a spell where he couldn’t stop coming, would be funny? It seemed amusing at first, but it sure as hell wasn’t amusing now. Seeing him on the floor in pain was far from funny. I’d broken this beautiful vampire and reduced him to nothing more than a pathetic creature, rolling on the floor, screaming and groaning and coming everywhere, over and over again.

  Silently I groaned. I should be happy. I was doing my job. Fabian was suffering, that was blatantly obvious to see and hear. Yet as I watched him, I had to concede, my victory was a hollow one. I didn’t feel happy. I had no desire to slap myself on the back and declare a job well done. I just felt bad. No, I felt like shit actually. I’d done this, and there the irony lay.

  I was doing the job I’d been paid to do but all I felt now was guilt. It was bloody awful watching him if I was honest with myself. It seemed the spell was building in intensity and speed. He was getting mere seconds between orgasms now.

  All he could do was lie there, on the tiles of his en suite floor, groaning, crying out, his face contorted and twisted with agony, as time after time, he pumped out cum all over the floor.

  “Fuck you Sirene. Lift the damned spell, please.” He bellowed at me and just as I was about to do as he asked, the bedroom door burst open and Damien and Lucian rushed in.

  “Sire.” They cried and I watched as they dropped to his side, their expressions shocked and horrified. I could understand their horror too. Seeing a man as proud as Fabian rolling on the floor in his own cum was disturbing, even for me, and I was the one who had caused this to happen to him. Damien and Lucian had no idea what was wrong, or why this was happening to their sire. They grabbed him, to pull him to his feet, but he came again, screaming at them to leave him alone, his eyes flashing wildly.

  “What is going on father?” They both asked and I stared at them. Despite all that was going on, I had to acknowledge they were a good looking bunch of mother fuckers. Well, except for Fabian. He wasn’t looking quite so good now, with his hair wild, eyes like those of a mad man and covered in his own cum.

  “Lift…the…fucking…curse…damn…you.” He ground out and I finally snapped out of my shocked state, lifting the spell, with a with a dramatic flourish of my hand. As soon as I did, he crumpled to the floor again and it took both of the ridiculously good looking men to help him to his feet.

  Stumbling over to me, rage burning in his eyes and something else, something that looked like hatred, he glowered down at me for a moment. Determined not to let my nerves show, I met his stare head on, not flinching despite the look on his face. He raised his hand and I should have seen it coming, and maybe I did, but I just froze, watching his palm come towards me. Pain exploded in my cheek as he hit me and I gasped, my head snapping sideways, before I tumbled to the floor. I lay there, my hand cupping my cheek which felt like it was on fire, unwanted tears burning my eyes.

  I looked up at him as he stood glaring down at me, and I realised that the nicer side of Fabian that he’d shown me earlier, was gone. His expression was cold, angry, hateful and totally unforgiving. There was no point me getting upset about it, as I’d done this all by myself. This was what I’d been paid to do. So why did I feel so bad?

  Somehow knowing I’d hurt him so much, both physically and emotionally, suddenly didn’t sit so well with me, despite him hitting me. The fact that he’d hit me made me aware of just how much I’d not only hurt him, but how deep his anger ran. He was never going to forgive me for what I’d done. It was evident in the cold, ice cold look in his eyes as he stared down at me. God, his expression alone made me flinch. Never in my life had anyone ever looked at me the way Fabian was now.

  “Lucian, Damien, help Ms Devereaux to dress and take her home please.” He turned to each of them before bending down to me as I still lay half cowering on the floor. “I could kill you Sirene for what you have done to me. I have done nothing to you. I liked you, for the first time in a very, very long time, I thought I’d found a woman I had more interest in than just to use for blood and sex. I was even prepared to overlook you being a witch, but there was my first mistake, wasn’t it? Never trust a woman, but never trust a fucking witch. Any witch that has ever come into my life has always ended in disaster for me. You it would seem are no different. You have no idea how much I would like to kill you right now. The only reason I’m not, is because for a moment I allowed myself to like you. Plus, stupidly, I know you were doing what you had to do, to earn your payment from your clients. Well, now you can tell them you’ve done your job. You had better convince them of that too. If you wish to live, I don’t want you coming anywhere near me or my family again. I do not wish to see you again. You have had your fun at my expense. It’s over. Come near any of us again though, and I will kill you.” He leaned towards me, his eyes so cold, I shivered. “Now...get...the...fuck...out...of…my...home!” He snapped.

  Feeling a mix of nausea, fear, pain and emotions I couldn’t fathom right now, I allowed Damien and Lucian to take my arms and lead me from the room. They waited while I hastily dressed and with a quick look at Fabian’s cold, hard expression with a look of such disdain in his pale eyes, I allowed myself to be led from the bedroom and out of his home.

  It was just breaking daylight, that first dull, grey hue where everything appears flat and colourless, when I quietly let myself into the house I shared with Cassie and Chloe. Lucky for me I guess that Damien and Lucian had simply dropped me off and left again. Obviously Fabian did had some morals and stuck by the words he’d ground out so angrily in my ear. He hadn’t instructed them to dispense of me in some way, obviously. He’d been so angry though. Would this be it? Or was there a chance he’d bide his time and come after me still? It was so late and I hadn’t slept in what felt like a lifetime. I would worry about this once I’d had some rest.

  Fortunately when I crept into the house my house mates were still in bed, because the last thing I wanted to do was run into one of them right now.

  I was exhausted, but not only tired, I was in pain from where Fabian had hit me and in shock a little too. I’d been so surprised by his attack on me, I hadn’t even dreamed of retaliating. Not that I’d want to attack him now either. I think I could chalk that one up to a fairly mild reaction to the way I’d tortured and completely humiliated him.

  I was a mass of confused emotions right now. I couldn’t shake the guilt I felt for what I’d done to him, and seeing such a proud man and vampire reduced to writhing on the tiled floor of his bathroom like a wounded, vulnerable animal. It was disconcerting that I felt bad when really, I’d only been doing my job, and it was more than a little worrying that I even cared. I wasn’t supposed to care. I was supposed to feel satisfaction. I should be happy I’d toyed with him and done what I did to him, not be feeling bad about it.

  I still couldn’t work out why he hadn’t killed me or attempted to. God he’d been so angry. I shivered just thinking about the way those pale eyes of his had looked at me. Given his anger, his hatred for me now, it didn’t make sense that he’d let me go. This was Fabian who had proven he could say one thing and mean another. Based on his track record so far, I would be a fool not to watch my back for a while to see if he did in fact come after me, and it might be an idea to surround myself with some sort of protection spell, just in case.

  Slowly, my limbs aching and my head throbbing, I climbed the stairs to my room and pulled my clothes off before collapsing in the bed. Although I was still reeling from all that had happened, and my brain should have been too busy for me to sleep, I think complete and utter, all-encompassing fatigue made coherent thought impossible, and within minutes I’d drifted into oblivion.


  Once Damien and Lucian had left with Sirene, Fabian cleaned up the bathroom and then his bed. Anger, frustration and a certain degree of humiliation over what another fucking witch had put him through, fuelled a rage so strong and a need to harm so intense,
he knew he would kill someone if he left his home before morning.

  It was less than an hour before it would start getting light anyway. He didn’t need blood; he’d had more than enough from the little bitch witch. As he cleaned up, every sweep of the cloth he used caused another wave of embarrassment to course through him. Fuck he’d been a victim of another spell of hers; two of them in one night. First not being able to come and then being caught up in a never ending cycle of coming over and over with little more than a few moments relief between. How could she do that to him? To think he’d actually come to like her, even allowing for her being a witch.

  He was drawn to her and had thoroughly enjoyed the banter between them. Her lack of fear towards him meant she’d had little to no filter on her mouth and said whatever popped into her mind. He’d actually liked that and then she’d used her witchcraft on him. She’d attacked him, she’d attacked his manhood.

  He should have known. She was sent by someone to get to him. He’d stupidly let his guard down, he’d let her in, just that tiny bit and she’d gone straight for the most important thing to a man, his sexuality.

  He was a fool for letting her in, just that little bit. She was a witch. She was a fucking woman, and they were all completely untrustworthy. Damn her doing this to him. She had humiliated him, unmanned him repeatedly and he knew he should just go and kill her now. She wouldn’t be able to stop him if he acted quickly.

  For several minutes he wavered, seriously contemplating doing just that, but it was late, he was starting to feel fatigued from the fucked up evening he’d had with Sirene. Irrational behaviour would not serve him well. It would also put him in a position where he was out in daylight. The tattoo helped, but sunlight could still hurt if exposed to it for long enough. No, as much as he longed to make her pay for what she’d done to him, he needed to plan his attack, let her think there were to be no repercussions, and then when she least expected it, he would attack. She would pay, he just had to bide his time.

  He cursed himself for being a fool and letting his attraction to Sirene overrule common sense. Well not again. She had hurt him and humiliated him; the worst humiliation being when Damien and Lucian had seen him like that. He was their sire, he was the strong one, their leader, and they had seen him rolling on the floor in a pool of his own cum; little more than some pathetic creature. It was that fact that angered him the most. There was no coming back from that. It would be there between him and his sons every time they saw one another.

  He was used to having sex around his sons that was different. They’d watched him come all over some human female numerous times, but never had they seen him as they’d seen him on his bathroom floor, never.

  God he felt so drained. No surprise given what Sirene had put him through. He probably should have taken more blood from her before kicking her out of his home. Would he recover from what she’d done to him? Fuck, would he be able to come again? Would he get hard?

  He needed to sleep but he was still so fucking angry with how the evening had gone. The sex between them had the potential to be incredible. Begrudgingly, he realised that, but they hadn’t had normal sex once during the night. Not sex that wasn’t affected by bloody witchcraft anyway. It was more than the sex though, and it was that thought, that he’d tried to tuck into the back of his mind, that upset him so much. He’d liked her, and she’d acted like she’d liked him too, but no, she’d only wanted to do her job.

  “Fuck her!” He growled, anger and frustration still surging through him and in a fit of rage, he lashed out, slamming his hand into the door of his en-suite, watching as the timber exploded and his fist smashed straight through it. He pulled his hand back, feeling almost detached from what was happening, turning it over under the light from the bathroom, watching as the blood flowed from numerous cuts to his hand, caused by the jagged edges of the broken door.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Francesca’s voice interrupted his fascination with his damaged hand. “What happened to you? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t wish to talk about it.” He snapped. “You can go.” He dismissed her but when she sighed and turned away, he suddenly remembered that he needed to feed. “Wait, come here.”

  When she walked back to him he grabbed her and bit into her neck, drawing hard on her, filling himself from Francesca’s blood. Once he’d had his fill he pushed her away. “Now get the fuck out of here, I’m tired, I need to sleep.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? I can smell sex in the air. Did you fuck your little song bird? Of course you did. So what went wrong since you generally don’t put your hand through doors because you’re bored.” Her voice was dry.

  “I don’t wish to discuss it with you Fran, now leave me please.” He growled and she gave him an impatient look before storming out of his room.

  Once she was gone, Fabian closed his door and stripped off his clothes heading in to have a shower. His hand had nearly healed from his fit of rage, but the door was not so fortunate. He stood for quite some time under the warm water, the steam slowly rising around him, as his mind played over the entire evening again. He had brought Sirene to his home thinking she might be the one that finally piqued his interest for the first time in 500 years, but it had all gone to shit and he was furious with her now; more than furious actually. He wanted to choke the shit out of her. It wasn’t that simple though. The death of Sirene Devereaux was going to take some careful planning.

  What to do with her; how would she die? He could send someone to take care of her for him. It was easy enough. Just mind control them and instruct them on what to do. It would mean no ties to him and someone else would be found responsible for her death.

  Still there was a part of him that wanted the satisfaction of being the one who watched the light go out of her eyes. He could curl his hands around her neck and squeeze, squeeze so hard, her face would turn red, then purple. Her eyes would bulge. He would see the fear in them, right before they rolled back in her head. One quick, tidy flick of his hands and her neck would snap. That would be clean, efficient and she’d be dead. There were so many possibilities.

  Could he do it though? Could he be the one to kill her? At least all his worries would be over if she was gone; but if it was so easy to contemplate taking her life, why was it that the thought of her being gone forever, caused a feeling of uneasiness low in his stomach?

  Chapter Nine


  Fabian woke from a restless sleep just before the sun started to set that evening. He knew why he had woken earlier, while it was still mostly light. It was because of her, Sirene and what she’d done to him.

  He was still so angry with her and now after having rested, his mood hadn’t improved. He wanted to hurt her, both mentally and physically but given she was a witch, it wasn’t the easiest thing to consider doing. He needed to catch her by surprise. If she could be disabled from witchcraft by either knocking her out then killing her, or by draining her of her blood until it killed her, then he would achieve his goal.

  He definitely had to get her when she least expected it, so she wouldn’t have time to retaliate. As much as it pissed him off, he couldn’t beat her when it got down to the whole power play thing. Witchcraft was always going to win over his abilities as a vampire. He might have brute strength but she could throw those spells around too quickly for him to compete. A surprise ambush was his only chance.

  He could start by going to her home though, but he would need Lucian and Damien to accompany him since he couldn’t mind control Cassandra or Chloe anymore thanks to Sirene. He would need his sons to do it for him and while they were there, they could make use of them for blood and sex, should they so desire. Thanks to the little witch he might as well be castrated. He couldn’t touch them, but he could get off watching Lucian and Damien enjoying the benefits of the two ladies.

  He climbed out of bed and dressed quickly in black jeans and a tight fitting black t-shirt. He chose to leave his hair loose and not put it in its
customary ponytail. It fell to just beyond his shoulders and when he glanced at his image in the mirrors, he tried not to think about why he cared about how he looked today.

  “I’m coming for you my beauty.” He whispered and with a final glance at his image in the mirrors he left the room.

  There was just a hint of the setting sun on the horizon by the time Fabian pulled up in Cassandra’s driveway with Lucian and Damien. He glanced up at what he knew to be Sirene’s bedroom window and wondered if she was up yet.

  It had been a long night for her too, so she was probably tired. It would certainly be the ideal situation to find her still in bed and to have the advantage of that element of surprise.

  They knocked at the door and heard footsteps approaching from inside which Fabian guessed to be Chloe’s. She tended to move lightly on her feet and it was confirmed as her, when she pulled the door open.

  “Fabian; it’s wonderful to see you.” She cried and then spotted Damien and Lucian behind him. “Hi Damien, Lucian, how are you both? Come in.” She stepped back to give them access and they walked past her and into the house.

  “So where is Cassandra, Chloe? Is she home?” Fabian asked, his eyes moving around the living room as if looking for her when in fact he was looking for Sirene.

  “She’s gone away for a week, to see her family. Now she’s feeling much better, she thought she’d go home and spend a few days with them. Were you hoping to see her?” Chloe asked.

  “It’s ok. So you’re alone?”

  Chloe grinned. “You’re looking for Sirene aren’t you? It’s ok Fabian; you don’t have to pretend to see one of us. If you want to see her, she’s still in bed. Seems someone kept her out really late and she’s exhausted. She went to lie down again a few hours ago.” She grinned at him and winked, as if sharing some secret with him, but he had no further interest in pointless chatter with her.


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