Player in Paradise
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“Do what?”
“I can tell you have the hots for him, and I’m sure you’ll see him at another event. Do not fall for his game. You can’t risk it.”
“I won’t. This job is too important to me. I left all my friends and family back home to pursue my dreams out here. There’s no way I’m giving that up for a guy.”
As the words come out of my mouth, I question if I’m saying them just to reassure Mandy, or to make myself believe them too.
The phone rings at my desk. I don’t recognize the number, but I pick up anyway. “PWR Group, Olivia speaking.”
“Good morning, Olivia.”
The voice startles me. It sounds deep and raspy, but I’m not able to place it. “Who’s this?”
“It’s Austin.”
My heart leaps into my throat, but I try to speak normally. “Oh, hey, what’s up?”
“I think I may need your help.”
Calling your publicist for help on a Monday morning usually meant something bad happened over the weekend. This was so not the way I wanted to start my work week.
“With what?” My stomach churns as I anticipate the bad news.
“Uhhh…I kissed a girl at a club last night…and the girl wasn’t Cassidy. And…”
“Someone might have taken a picture, and it might be circling online right now.”
From his lips to my inbox. My email news alerts start blowing up with mentions of Austin cheating on Cassidy.
“Ok, ok, we can handle this,” I say, not knowing if we actually can.
“How?” he asks.
“I’ll call you right back. Don’t say anything to anyone about this. Not your housekeeper, not your driver, no one. And don’t leave your house.”
“My lips are sealed.”
“Good, I’ll call you right back.”
I hang up and find Priscilla standing over my shoulder. “Come to my office, now,” she barks.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I’m getting fired. I know it.
“Close the door,” she instructs.
I do as I’m told and take a seat at her desk. My heart is pounding so hard that I’m sure she can hear it through my chest.
“Do you know why I called you in here?”
I nod. “I just got off the phone with Austin.”
“Why didn’t you conference me in?”
I freeze. Why didn’t I do that? I don’t know. I panicked!
“Um...I told him I’d call him right back. I was going to talk to you first.”
Priscilla dials Austin’s number and puts him on speaker. “Austin, it’s Priscilla and Olivia.”
“How do we fix this?” he asks, urgently.
“I’ll get with Cassidy’s management and we’ll issue a joint statement that says you were out with some friends and the kiss didn’t mean anything. We’ll say that the only reason you did what you did was because you were too scared to admit your deep feelings for Cassidy and acted out. And when you admitted this to her, you told her that you would never do something like this ever again. She accepted your apology and you’re going on vacation together to work on being a closer couple.”
How did she think that up in five seconds? I guess she’s been through similar situations with other clients during her many years in the entertainment business.
“Do I really have to go on vacation with her?” he asks.
“Do you want your fans to think you’re a cheating asshole, or do you want them to think you did this because you’re a hopeless romantic?” Priscilla responds.
Austin sighs. “I understand.”
“Start packing. I’m sending you two to Hawaii as soon as I figure out what dates work with both of your schedules. Olivia will be watching you like a hawk so that you don’t get into trouble again.”
Me? Hawaii? With Austin Ford? What?
Priscilla hangs up the phone and purses her shiny pink lips. “I need you to babysit him around the clock. I’ll book you adjoining rooms so you can make sure you don’t see or hear anyone in his room that isn’t part of his or Cassidy’s entourage.”
I nod my head and hold my hands together tightly in my lap. I try to appear calm as she continues to divulge the plan. “We’ll alert the media to come to the airport in Honolulu, so make sure they’re lovey-dovey coming off the plane. And round up every photographer you can to take photos of them on the beach. Encourage them to play in the ocean, get ice cream together, have him carry her in the sand. Anything to make it look like they’re madly in love.”
“Yes, of course,” I reply.
“If you sense anything going wrong call me right away.”
I nod. “Got it.”
“Good. Draft up the statement; I’d like to see it in the next ten minutes.”
I rush back to my desk and type out the biggest piece of bullshit that’s ever crossed my screen. I know the magazines and blogs will eat it up, and I’m hoping the fans will believe it too. I send the document over to Priscilla for review and explain to Mandy that we need an out of office lunch date STAT.
Chapter Four
“So, what happened this morning?” Mandy asks, munching on a forkful of baby spinach.
“Apparently Austin was up to his antics this weekend. I’m sure you saw the photos of him with another girl by now.”
She nods. “Yeah, who was that chick? She looked pretty slutty.”
“Who knows? Anyway, we’re issuing a statement that says he acted out because he was scared of the strong emotions that Cassidy makes him feel.”
Mandy snorts and almost spits out her salad. “Genius, Olivia, that’s genius.”
“Oh, it gets even better. Priscilla wants the happy couple to take a romantic vacation to Hawaii to show off their love publicly, and she wants me to go with them.”
Her jaw drops. “You’re kidding.”
I shake my head. “No lie. I’m going to Hawaii with Austin fucking Ford.”
“Oh my God,” she shrieks. “But, you have to keep your guard up. Don’t let him feed you those alcoholic drinks that come in the pineapples; those things are stronger than they look. Seriously though, I don’t want something to happen between you guys and lose you at work.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“You probably shouldn’t wear a bikini in front of him either. Keep those things under wraps,” she says, pointing at my chest.
“Yes, I will wear a full-length cover-up at all times,” I laugh.
“So when do you leave?”
I check my phone and open a new email from Priscilla. “Apparently I’m going this weekend.”
“Well, I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
I grin at the thought of Austin in swim trunks. His bronzed, toned chest glistening in the sunshine.
Mandy waves her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my fantasy. “Seriously, be careful. And good luck.”
We head back up to the office where there’s a bunch of emails from Priscilla waiting in my inbox with instructions for booking everyone’s flights and hotel reservations. Cassidy’s getting the Penthouse Suite, Austin the Junior Suite, and mine will be adjoining to his.
The manifest lists Austin and Cassidy’s managers, both of their security teams, and Cassidy’s mother. I book the flights to Honolulu and rooms at the beachfront, five-star resort in Waikiki. I then work with the hotel management and PR staff to create an itinerary that includes as many romantic activities as possible. We book surf lessons, jet skiing, cooking classes and special dinners.
I rush to dig through my bedroom closet as soon as I get home. After trying on clothes for hours, I can’t help but wonder if I have enough swimsuits. Do I even want to wear a bathing suit in public? My thighs seemed to have magically expanded since the summer began.
It takes me a few days to finalize my outfit decisions, but I think I do a pretty good job at choosing the right assortment. I just pray my suitcase doesn’t go over the weight limit.
Austin calls me at work th
e day before we leave. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t need babysitting.”
Who does he think he is telling me how to do my job? “You won’t even notice I’m there.”
“Seriously, I promise I won’t screw things up. I want my next movie to do well, and I know the consequences of another bad move on my part,” he says in a serious tone.
“Good, I hope so.”
I’d like to believe him, but based on his past, I don’t think he can be on his best behavior without some supervision.
“And a cooking class? Really? I hate to cook.”
“Just pretend you’re having fun, please,” I plead.
“You owe me.”
“Uh huh, I’ll see you tomorrow at nine AM sharp.”
“See ya then boss lady.”
His voice lingers in my head after we hang up. It’s hard to concentrate on my work knowing that in less than twenty-four hours I’ll be on a beautiful island with him. And regardless of what he just said, I’m going to keep my eyes glued on him at all times.
Chapter Five
A black, chauffeured SUV arrives at LAX and Cassidy, her manager, security guard and mother walk through the doors with a massive amount of luggage in tow. The airport staff greets them and assists with the check-in process. Cassidy and her entourage make their way to security while I wait for Austin to arrive. It’s a quarter past nine and I’m worried that Austin overslept, or worse, decided not to follow through with this whole charade.
Pacing up and down the airline departure area, I watch families, couples and business travelers check in for their flights. It’s half past nine and still no Austin. Is he going to give me a panic attack before the trip even begins?
I text him. “Where are you??”
I wait for what feels like forever for a response, but nothing comes back.
Shit, he’s not coming. He royally screwed me over. Why am I working for this douche? And why on earth do I like him? He obviously has no concern for anyone but himself. What am I going to tell Cassidy? And what am I going to tell my boss? I’m sure Priscilla would be thrilled to hear that I can’t control my client enough to even make it on the airplane.
As I’m about to call Mandy for advice, I hear a scream…a teen girl-sounding scream. I turn my head and see him -- Mr. Self-Centered himself.
Austin strolls through the doors flanked by security. His sex appeal oozes through his snug-fitting dark jeans, white v-neck tee and black zip-up hoodie. To top off the look, he’s wearing aviator sunglasses and a grey beanie over his unkempt, wavy hair.
I rush over to meet him. “You need to check in and go through security right now.”
“Good morning to you too.”
I glare back at him. I’m stressed beyond belief, but relieved that he made it. The airport staff checks him and his team in, and takes us to a special security line.
“Cassidy’s been here for an hour already,” I say, taking off my sandals.
“Good for her.” He slips out of his Converse and puts them in the bin.
“Please try and be considerate of other people’s time. That’s all I’m asking.”
He takes off his sunglasses, places them in the bin, and stares down at me. “You’re asking for a lot more than that.”
I purse my lips, thinking of something to say, but he’s right.
“You don’t technically have to do this,” I whisper.
His eyes widen. “If I choose not to then my career would be ruined. I didn’t come this far for nothing.”
He saunters through the metal detector and quickly grabs his belongings on the other side, not waiting for me to go through. I run down to the gate and find Cassidy and Austin bickering in line. The plane already started boarding; she must have been freaking out as much as I was.
I approach them slowly. “Guys, we’re in public. Play nice and board the plane, k?”
They shut their mouths and turn away from each other as we walk on. I’ve never sat in first class before. The seats are so big and comfortable, and there’s a bottle of water already waiting for me. I could get used to this.
I booked Cassidy and Austin’s seats next to each other to keep up appearances. I’m sitting next to Austin’s manager. Cassidy’s mother and manager are sitting behind me, and the security guards are in back of the two celebrities.
We take off and I fall asleep listening to my iPod. I’m woken suddenly by a tap on my shoulder. Opening my eyes, I’m surprised to see Austin sitting next to me. Am I dreaming? Oh God I hope I wasn’t drooling or mumbling his name in my sleep. I lift my headphones off my ears.
“I can’t stand sitting next to Cass for another four hours,” he says.
“Okay.” I slip my headphones back on. I’m still upset about his arrogant behavior this morning.
He tugs them back off my head. “I’m sorry about before. I guess I lost track of time.”
I sigh, debating whether to accept his apology or not. It did sound pretty sincere.
“The only reason I was freaking out is because my job is very important to me, and part of my job is making sure all of this goes smoothly.”
“My job’s important to me too,” he says. “This is all new to me, and I’m still getting used to it, you know? The attention, the free stuff, the access to have anything and anyone I want at any time. I may have been getting a little out of hand lately, but I do want to change. I really do.”
“Good. For your sake and mine, I hope you’re able to put your past behind you and focus on doing your job this week.”
“I think I’m in good hands.” He smiles his toothy grin and slips my headphones back on. He knows how to charm a girl, that’s for sure.
The next thing I know, the announcement’s being made that we’re landing soon. I open my eyes and realize that my head is resting on Austin’s shoulder. How embarrassing! I quickly sit up straight and push my seat back up. “I’m so sorry.”
He laughs. “It’s fine. I didn’t mind.”
I know my face is turning red and quickly look away. I pack my iPod back in my purse and pull out the itinerary. “You and Cassidy will be escorted to the property and I’ll be with the rest of the team behind you guys. Remember to hold her hand when you exit and put a lei around her neck when they hand one to you at the hotel.”
He chuckles.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I said lei. Haha, very funny.”
“Oh, I like sarcastic boss lady.”
I roll my eyes. “Just follow the plan, please?”
“Yes Miss Olivia, anything you say.” He smirks.
He gets under my skin in the most irritating way, yet it sort of turns me on. What’s wrong with me?
We exit the plane and Austin pulls Cassidy close, whispering something in her ear. She nods and they act like they’re under a magic love spell. His hands rub her back, and his lips kiss her cheek, then her forehead, and finally her lips. As the photographers hover outside, her fingers intertwine with his and she looks up at him, mesmerized. I wonder if she ever had or still has feelings for him. I can’t figure out why they don’t get along. On paper they should be the perfect couple. She doesn’t seem like a bitch, but maybe she’s just a good actress.
The scene at the resort is similar and the photographers get all the shots they need. Priscilla will be happy. The staff checks us in and takes our luggage to the rooms. The time change is a little jarring; I feel like I’m starting the day all over again.
The hotel’s General Manager gives us a quick tour of the property. It’s absolutely beautiful, with any amenity available that you could dream of. I especially like the idea of a 24-hour ice cream parlor with a giant make-your-own shaved ice option. We grab a quick lunch and head to the rooms to unwind.
Austin laughs as I take my keycard out to unlock the room next to his. “Priscilla wasn’t kidding when she said you were babysitting me.”
“That’s right. If I hear any people in your room that shouldn’t be there, then I have the right to bust in and stop the pa
“What if I invite you to the party?” He leans his long body against the door. His aviators hang from the middle of his v-neck collar, pulling the shirt down ever so slightly to reveal a little skin. I have to mentally stop myself from checking him out.
“No parties,” I reply.
He laughs again and enters his room.
I unlock my door and find a room the size of my whole apartment with a gorgeous view of the ocean. This is the life! Unfortunately, I need to set up my laptop and check my email; it is a work trip after all.
After wrapping up my duties for the day, I lie down on the king-sized bed and close my eyes. The sound of the ocean outside my window lulls me to sleep, but I wake up in time to get ready for tonight’s activity. Cassidy and Austin have reservations for a private dinner on the beach, and I’ll be with the rest of the team at a table close by.
There’s a knock on the door…the adjoining door. I glance in the mirror to make sure I look presentable. Hair’s in place, makeup is good, dress is a little wrinkly, but it will do.
“Who is it?” I joke, opening the door.
“Does this look alright? I’m having a hard time without my stylist here.” He stands in front of me waiting for my opinion on his loose khaki pants, white button-down shirt and brown leather sandals. His wavy locks are perfectly tousled and his five o’clock shadow is beginning to show. He actually looks like he just stepped out of a J. Crew catalogue.
“You look great,” I manage to sputter out.
I twirl my hair around my finger, trying to think of something else to say. “Have a nice dinner.”
“I’ll try.” He grabs the door handle. “See you later.”
During dinner I count the number of beers that Austin consumes. Only three, thank goodness. After they finish with their meal, he stops by our table. “Anyone up for a drink at the Tiki bar?”
“Austin, that’s not a good idea. Let’s just call it a night,” I say.
“Well, I’m going to the bar.” He stalks off before anyone else can respond.
I follow him through the restaurant to the pool area and grab the seat next to him. “Fine, one drink.”