Juicing the Game

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Juicing the Game Page 57

by Howard Bryant

  “Larry Lucchino: It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This,” by Jonathan T. Weisberg, Yale Law Report, Winter 2003.

  “Sledge Becomes Second to Test Positive for a Steroid,” by Will Kimmey, Baseball America, January 14, 2003.

  ESPN.com, “Figuring Out the QuesTec System,” http://espn.go.com/mlb/questec.html, June 13, 2003.

  The Guardian Profile: “Victor Conte,” by Duncan Campbell, The Guardian, October 24, 2003.

  “Selig Banks on the Public Trust,” by Tim Marchman, New Partisan, http://www.newpartisan.com, January 21, 2004, first published in New York Sun.

  “Ten Years After the Implementation of DSHEA: The Status of Dietary Supplements in the United States,” Senator Orrin G. Hatch, written testimony for the United States House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, Committee on Government Reform, March 24, 2004.

  “Pro Baseball Franchise Hit with Unusual State Audit,” by Bryan O’Keefe, Stateline.org, March 29, 2004.


  Jean Afterman, Sandy Alderson, Bob Alejo, Moises Alou, Harold Baines, Dusty Baker, Geoff Baker, Shooty Babbitt, Billy Beane, Don Baylor, Mark Bellhorn, Jeff Blair, Jeff Brantley, Ellis Burks, Robert Cantu, Brian Cashman, Murray Chass, Eric Chavez, Tony Clark, Tony Cloninger, Clarence Cockerell, Bob Costas, Patrick Courtney, Jack Curry, Johnny Damon, Carlos Delgado, Paul DePodesta, Rob Dibble, Annette Dickerson, David Dombrowski, Alisha Dunn, Alan Embree, Boomer Esiason, Mark Fainaru-Wada, Donald Fehr, Brad Fischer, Terry Francona, Peter Gammons, Ron Gant, Nomar Garciaparra, John Gard, Ron Gardenhire, Lee Garfinkel, Glenn Geffner, Jason Giambi, Larry Gibson, Jerry Goldman, Pedro Gomez, Mark Gonzales, Dwight Gooden, Tom Gordon, Bill Gould, Scott Grayson, Dan Graziano, Richard Griffin, Irv Grousbeck, Tony Gywnn, David Halberstam, John Harper, John Hathcock, John Henry, Jon Heyman, A. J. Hinch, John Hoberman, Art Howe, Reggie Jackson, Bill James, Scott Jensen, Bob Johnson, Richard Johnson, Diane Johnston, Deacon Jones, Roger Kahn, Steve Karsay, Lauren Kata, Kevin Kennedy, Matt Keough, George King, Bob Klapisch, Tim Kurkjian, Rich Levin, Derek Lowe, Larry Lucchino, Tim McCarver, Frank McCourt, Ken Macha, Andy MacPhail, Greg Maddux, Gail Malmgreen, Robert Manfred, Buck Martinez, Pedro Martinez, Don Mattingly, Lee Mazzilli, Leo Mazzone, Richard Melloni, Frank Menechino, Phyllis Merhige, Kevin Millar, Mickey Morabito, Joe Morgan, Mark Mulder, Mike Mussina, Jack O’Connell, Buster Olney, David Ortiz, Gene Orza, Jim Palmer, Terry Pendleton, Rick Peterson, Tony Phillips, Pamela Pitts, Monte Poole, Jorge Posada, Richard Pound, - David Prosser, Willie Randolph, Ray Ratto, Scott Reames, Pokey Reese, Harold Reynolds, J. P. Ricciardi, Mariano Rivera, Ken Rosenthal, Billy Sample, Juan Samuel, Ricardo Sandoval, Curt Schilling, Peter Schmuck, Glenn Schwarz, Mike Scioscia, Bud Selig, Gary Sheffield, Dave Sheinin, Ken Singleton, Chris Speier, Mike Stanton, Charles Steinberg, Dave Stewart, Mel Stottlemyre, Glenn Stout, Paul Sullivan, Mark Thomashow, Luis Tiant, Joe Torre, Stephanie Vardavas, Jason Varitek, Tom Verducci, Fay Vincent, Steve Vucinich, Gary Wadler, Dave Wallace, Ron Washington, Bob Watson, David Wells, Tom Werner, Rondell White, Bernie Williams, Dave Winfield, Charles Yesalis, Dmitri Young, Barry Zito.


  Aaron, Hank

  Abbott, Jim

  Adair, Robert

  adenosine triphosphate (ATP)


  baseball drug

  African American players. See black players


  Alderson, Sandy

  baseballs and

  beanballs and

  Canseco and

  Canseco’s revelations and

  character and personality of

  in commissioner’s office

  drug issue and

  Giambi and

  at House Government Reform Committee

  managers and

  McGwire and

  new ballparks and

  as nonplayer

  with Oakland Athletics

  press and

  resignation of

  strike zone and

  umpires and

  Alejo, Bob

  Alexeyev, Vasily

  All-Star Games

  Almond, Elliot

  Alomar, Roberto

  Alou, Felipe

  Alou, Moises

  Alvarez, Wilson

  Alzado, Lyle

  American League


  color barrier in

  offense statistics

  post-drug-testing statistics

  president’s office eliminated

  umpiring in

  West division

  American Stock Exchange


  Anabolic Steroid Act of 1990

  Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004

  anabolic steroid(s). See also specific steroids

  androstenedione as

  BALCO investigation

  brain, effects on

  children and teenagers, effect on

  discovery of

  effects of

  House Government Reform Committee and. See House Government Reform Committee

  inevitability of use of

  lack of research on

  legality of

  legislation on

  Miller on

  offensive surge, role in

  pitchers’ opinion on

  providers of

  side effects of

  testing for. See drug and steroid testing

  undetectable use of. See drug and steroid use

  veterinary grade

  women, effects on

  Anabolic Steroids in Sport and Exercise (Yesalis)

  Anaheim Angels

  Anderson, Brady

  Anderson, Garret

  Anderson, Greg

  Andrews, James



  Andujar, Joaquin

  Angell, Roger

  Angelos, Peter

  Anson, Cap

  antidoping forces . See also specific people

  antitrust exemption, baseball’s

  Aparicio, Luis


  Arizona Diamondbacks

  Arizona Republic

  Arizona State

  Arnold, Patrick

  Artest, Ron

  Ashby, Andy

  Ashcroft, John

  Ashford, Evelyn

  Associated Press

  Atlanta Braves

  ATP. See adenosine triphosphate (ATP) attendance

  Autry, Jackie

  Avery, Steve

  awards. See also specific awards

  Baines, Harold

  Baker, Dusty

  Baker, Geoff

  Baker, Merle

  BALCO. See Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO)

  Ball Four (Bouton)

  Ballpark (Arlington)

  ballparks, new

  Baltimore Orioles

  Baltimore Sun

  Banks, Ernie

  Barnicle, Mike

  Barry, Sam

  Bartholomay, Bill

  baseball. See also specific baseball topics

  failure as part of

  grueling nature of

  home run race, effect on

  marketing of

  new ideas not accepted by

  other sports compared with

  past, importance to

  pressure in


  strike (1994), effect on,


  Baseball Abstracts ( James)


  Baseball Tonight

  Baseball Writers Association of America (BBWAA)


  Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO)

  Baylor, Don


  Beane, Billy

  Beard, Daniel

  Bechler, Steve

  Beeston, Paul

  Belanger, Mark

  Belcher, Tim

  Bell, George

  Bell, Kimberly

  Belle, Albert

z, Armando

  Berra, Dale

  Berry, Halle

  Berthold, Arnold

  Biagini, Greg

  Biden, Joe

  Blackman, Frank

  black players

  Black Sox scandal

  Blair, Jayson

  Blass, Steve

  Blue, Vida

  Boddicker, Mike

  Bodley, Hal


  Boggs, Wade

  Bonds, Barry

  BALCO and

  Canseco and

  character and personality of

  drug use by

  early life and career of

  fans and

  father and

  free agency of

  Giambi and

  as greatest player

  injuries of

  intentional walks to

  other players and

  personal trainers used by

  physical change in

  with Pittsburgh Pirates

  press and

  records and

  with San Francisco Giants

  Bonds (cont.) statements about drug use workouts of

  Bonds, Bobby

  Bonds, Pat

  Bonds, Shikari

  Bonilla, Bobby

  Boone, Aaron

  Boone, Bob

  Boras, Steve

  Boston Globe

  Boston Herald

  Boston Red Sox

  Boswell, Thomas

  Bouton, Jim

  Boyd, Dennis “Oil Can,” 57

  Brady, Tom

  Bragg, Rick

  brain, effects of steroids on

  Brand, Stanley

  Brantley, Jeff

  Brennan, Christine

  Brett, George

  Brinkman, Joe

  British Columbia Securities Commission

  Brock, Lou

  Bronstein, Phil

  Brooklyn Dodgers

  Brown, Kevin

  Brown-Séquard, Charles E.

  Bunning, Jim

  Burks, Ellis

  Burlingame, California

  Busch Stadium

  Bush, David

  Bush, George W.

  Business Week

  Butler, Brett


  Cabell, Enos

  cable television

  Cafardo, Nick

  California Angels. See Anaheim Angels

  Callahan, Tom

  Camden Yards

  Caminiti, Ken

  Candiotti, Tom

  Cannon, Judge Robert

  Canseco, Esther

  Canseco, Jose

  admits drug use

  Alderson and

  Bonds and

  book by

  character and personality of

  decline of

  drug use by

  at House Government Reform Committee

  MGwire and

  with Oakland Athletics

  press and

  revelations by

  salary of

  on 60 Minutes

  Canseco, Ozzie

  Cantu, Robert

  Carew, Rod

  Carey, Peter

  Carlin, George

  Carter, Gary

  Cashman, Brian

  catchers and catching

  Cather, Mike

  Catlin, Don


  Chamberlain, Wilt

  Chambers, Dwain

  Chase, Hal

  Chass, Murray

  Chavez, Eric

  cheating. See also game fixing


  Chicago Cubs

  Chicago Sun-Times

  Chicago Tribune

  Chicago White Sox

  children and teenagers drug use by

  effects of steroids on

  growth hormone’s effect on

  views on baseball

  Cicotte, Eddie

  Cincinnati Reds

  Citizens Bank Park

  Clark, Ann

  Clark, Mark

  Clay, Lacy

  cleanup hitters

  Clemens, Roger

  Clemente, Roberto

  Cleveland Indians

  Clinton, Bill

  clubhouse access

  Cobb, Ty

  cocaine scandal

  Cockerell, Clarence

  Colangelo, Jerry

  Coleman, Vince

  college players, steroid use by

  Collins, Eddie

  Collins, Michelle



  Colorado Rockies

  Comiskey, Charlie

  Comiskey Park

  commissioner. See also specific commissioners

  creation of office

  nature of position

  owners and, relationship between

  players and, relationship between

  Congress, U.S., involvement in baseball by


  Conte, Victor

  Contra Costa Times

  Cooke, Janet

  Cooney, Terry

  Cooper, Chris

  corked bat

  cortex, cerebral


  Costas, Bob

  Council for Responsible Nutrition

  Courson, Steve

  Cox, Bobby

  Crawford, Jerry


  Cronin, Joe

  Crosley Field

  Crusaders. See antidoping forces Cummings, Elijah

  Curtis, Chad



  Cy Young award

  Damon, Johnny

  Darling, Ron

  Daulton, Darren

  Davis, Al

  Davis, Tom

  Dawson, Andre

  Dean, Dizzy


  Dedeaux, Rod

  defense, decline in importance of

  Denver Broncos

  DePodesta, Paul


  Detroit Pistons

  Detroit Tigers



  Dibble, Rob

  Dierker, Larry

  dietary supplements . See also specific supplements

  Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA)

  DiGiovanna, Mike

  DiMaggio, Joe

  disabled list

  discipline. See also drug and steroid policy

  Doby, Larry

  Dombrowski, David

  Dominican Republic

  Donnelly, Brendan

  Dotel, Octavio

  Doubleday, Nelson

  Downing, Brian

  Drabek, Doug

  Drew, Bob

  drug adviser, baseball’s

  drug and steroid policy

  backdoor provision


  lack of 1994 draft of

  in other sports



  in track and field

  weakness of

  drug and steroid testing amphetamines omitted from

  efforts to start

  in football

  government subpeona of results

  as ineffectual

  informational phase of

  minor league

  in Olympic sports

  in other sports

  Players Association and

  players’ opinion on

  positive results

  probable cause

  start of

  statistics, effect on

  studies on

  in tennis

  rug and steroid use

  by Barry Bonds

  baseball’s reaction to

  by Ben Johnson

  as cheating

  by children and teenagers

  by college players

  crusaders against. See antidoping forces

  denials of

  extent of

  in football

  by Gary Sheffield
  government action on

  hypocrisy about

  by Jason Giambi

  by Jeremy Giambi

  by Joe Klecko

  by Jose Canseco

  Jose Canseco’s revelations about

  by Ken Caminiti

  legality issues

  by Lyle Alzado

  by Mark McGwire

  by Mo Vaughn

  in Olympic sports

  in other industries

  in other sports

  “performance enabling,” 267

  “performance-enhancing,” 265-66

  by pitchers

  pitchers’ opinion on

  Players Association and

  race issues and

  revelations of

  by student athletes

  studies of effects of

  in swimming

  in tennis

  in track and field

  drug commercials

  Drugs and the Athlete (Wadler)

  DSHEA. See Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA)

  Dunston, Shawon

  DuPuy, Robert

  Durocher, Leo

  Dykstra, Lenny

  East Germans

  Ebbets Field

  Ebersol, Dick

  Eisenhart, Roy

  Elarton, Scott

  Ellis, Dock

  Embree, Alan

  Ender, Kornelia

  Enron Field

  entertainment, baseball as


  Epstein, Theo


  Esiason, Boomer


  ESPN the Magazine


  Estalella, Bobby

  Evans, Dwight

  Everson, Mark

  Fainaru, Steve

  Fainaru-Wada, Mark

  fame, coping with

  fans. See also public opinion aggression by

  Bonds and


  farm system

  Fassero, Jeff

  FDA. See Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  federal government. See Congress, U.S.

  Feeney, Chub

  Fehr, Donald

  Fehr, Steve

  Feldman, David

  Felsch, Oscar “Happy,” 400

  Fenway Park

  Ferris, Craig

  Fetzer, John

  Fielder, Cecil

  Fingers, Rollie

  Finley, Charlie

  Fisk, Carlton

  Fitzgerald, Ed

  five-tool players

  Flood, Curt

  Florida Marlins

  Floyd, Cliff

  Foli, Tim

  Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  football and football players

  Forbes Field

  Forster, Terry

  Fosse, Ray

  Foster, George

  Foster, Rube

  Fox, Nellie

  Fox TV

  Foxx, Jimmie

  Francona, Terry

  free agency

  Fregosi, Jim

  game fixing

  gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

  Gammons, Peter

  Garciaparra, Nomar

  Gard, John

  Garfinkel, Lee


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