Juicing the Game

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by Howard Bryant

  Garibaldi, Denise

  Garibaldi, Rob

  Garner, Phil

  Gaston, Cito


  Gehrig, Lou

  Giamatti, Bart

  Giambi, Jason

  BALCO and

  drug use by

  House Government Reform Committee and

  with New York Yankees

  with Oakland Athletics


  statements about drug use

  Giambi, Jeremy

  Giambi, John

  Gibson, Bob

  Gibson, Josh

  Gibson, Larry

  Girardi, Joe

  Glass, Stephen

  Glavine, Tom

  Goldman, Jerry

  Gomez, Pedro

  Gonzales, Mark

  Gonzalez, Jeremi

  Gonzalez, Juan

  Gonzalez, Luis

  Gooden, Dwight

  Gopnik, Adam

  Gordon, Tom

  Goren, Ed

  Gould, Bill


  Grayson, Scott


  Green, Pumpsie

  Green, Shawn

  Green Bay Packers

  Greenies. See amphetamines

  Gregg, Eric

  Gretzky, Wayne

  Grieve, Ben

  Griffey, Ken, Jr.

  Griffin, Richard

  Griffith, Clark

  Grissom, Marquis

  Gross, Kevin

  Grousbeck, Irving

  Guerrero, Pedro

  Gwynn, Tony

  Haas, Walter

  Haas family

  Hadden, Sandy

  Hairston, Jerry, Jr.

  Halberstam, David

  Hall of Fame

  Hamlin, John


  Harrington, John

  Harvard study

  Hatch, Orrin

  Hayes, Charlie

  Hayes, Neil

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hebner, Richie

  Henderson, Dave

  Henderson, Leslie

  Henderson, Rickey

  Henry, John

  Hernandez, Keith

  Hernandez, Livan

  Hernandez, Orlando

  Hernandez, Ramon


  Hershiser, Orel

  Heydler, John

  Heyman, Jon

  hGH. See human growth hormone (hGH)

  high fastball

  Hill, David

  Hill, Ken

  Himes, Larry

  Hinch, A. J.

  Hinch, Erin

  Hirschbeck, John

  hitters and hitting. See also offense Hriniak approach

  intentionally pitching at


  pitchers and, relationship between

  plate controlled by

  protection of

  protective clothing for

  technology used by

  Hoberman, John

  Hoffberger, Jerry

  Hoffman, Trevor

  Hoiles, Chris

  Holland, Al

  Hollins, Dave

  home run(s)

  decreasing interest in

  increase in numbers of

  marketability of

  race to Maris’s record


  Hooton, Donald

  Hooton, Taylor

  Horwitz, Jay

  House Government Reform Committee

  Houston Astrodome

  Houston Astros

  Houston Colt .45s

  Howe, Art

  Howe, Steve

  Hriniak, Walt

  Hudgens, Dave

  human growth hormone (hGH)

  Hunter, Catfish

  Hunter. J.


  I Ain’t an Athlete, Lady (Kruk)

  Incaviglia, Pete

  Indiana Pacers

  injuries, steroid use and

  interleague play

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

  International Olympic Committee (IOC)

  Jackson, Bo

  Jackson, Reggie

  Jackson, Shoeless Joe

  Jacobs, Dick

  Jacobs Field

  James, Bill

  Jeffries, Gregg

  Jeter, Derek

  Jocketty, Walt

  Johnson, Ben

  Johnson, Randy

  Johnson, Walter

  Jones, Marion

  Jordan, Michael

  Joyner, Al

  Joyner-Kersee, Jackie

  Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ’Roids, Smash Hits and How Baseball Got Big (Canseco)

  Justice, David

  Kaat, Jim

  Kansas City

  Kansas City Royals

  Kansas City Star

  Kapler, Gabe

  Kaufman, Frank

  Kennedy, Kevin

  Kent, Jeff

  Keough, Matt

  Kettmann, Steve

  Killebrew, Harmon

  Kindred, Dave

  Kiner, Ralph

  King, George

  Kingman, Dave

  Kittle, Ron

  Klapisch, Bob

  Klecko, Joe

  Klein, Chuck

  Klimkowski, Ron

  Kluszewski, Ted

  Kochakian, Charles

  Kohl, Herb

  Kohler, Wisconsin, owners’ meeting

  Korchemny, Remy

  Kotsay, Mark

  Krieger, Heidi

  Kroc, Ray


  Kruk, John

  Kuhn, Bowie

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kurkijian, Tim

  Lacy, Lee

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain

  Langston, Mark

  Lankford, Frank

  Larkin, Barry

  LaRussa, Tony

  Latino players

  Lau, Charlie

  Lawn, Jack leadoff hitters

  League Players’ Protective Association

  Lee, Bill

  Leiter, Al

  Leonard, Jeff

  Levin, Rich

  Leyland, Jim

  Lieberthal, Mike

  Lincicome, Bernie

  Little, Grady

  LL Cool J

  Long Beach State

  Los Angeles

  Los Angeles Dodgers

  Los Angeles Raiders

  Los Angeles Times

  Lowe and Partners

  Lucchino, Larry

  Ludwick, Eric

  Lupica, Mike

  luxury tax

  Lynch, Jessica

  Lynch, Stephen

  Lynn, Fred

  McCain, John

  McClelland, Mark

  McCovey, Willie

  McDonald, Ben

  Macfarlane, Mike

  McGinnis, Marilyn

  McGraw, John

  McGriff, Fred

  McGwire, Dan

  McGwire, Kathy

  McGwire, Mark

  Alderson and

  Canseco’s revelations and

  with Cardinals

  drug use by

  early life

  Giambi and

  Hall of Fame and

  home run record and

  at House Government Reform Committee

  injury and retirement of

  LaRussa and

  with Oakland

  personality of

  physical change in

  press coverage of

  record broken

  Sosa compared with

  Sosa’s race with

  Macha, Ken

  McKay, Dave

  McKeon, Jack

  McNally, Dave

  McNamee, Brian

  MacPhail, Andy

  MacPhail, Larry

  MacPhail, Lee

  Madden, Bill

  Maddux, Greg

  Madlock, Bill


  Magowan, Peter

  Mahomes, Pat

  Major League Umpires A
ssociation (MLUA)

  Malone, Kevin


  Manchester United

  Manfred, Rob

  Manrique, Fred

  Mantle, Mickey

  Marichal, Juan

  Mariotti, Jay

  Maris, Roger

  Martin, Billy

  Martinez, Edgar

  Martinez, Pedro

  Martinez, Ramon

  Martinez, Tino


  Mathews, Eddie

  Mathews, T. J.

  Mathewson, Christy

  Mays, Willie

  Mazeroski, Bill

  Mazzone, Leo

  medical establishment

  Medwick, Joe

  Melloni, Richard

  Memorial Stadium

  Menechino, Frank

  Messersmith, Andy



  Michael, Gene

  Miller, Marvin

  Miller, Terry

  Millwood, Kevin


  Milwaukee Braves

  Milwaukee Brewers

  Minaya, Omar

  Minnesota Twins

  Minnesota Vikings

  minor leagues, steroid-testing policy

  Minoso, Minnie

  Mitchell, George

  MLB Advanced Media



  MLUA. See Major League Umpires Association (MLUA)

  Moffett, Ken

  Molitor, Paul

  Montgomery, David

  Montgomery, Tim


  Montreal Expos

  Moores, John

  Morabito, Mickey

  Morgan, Joe

  Morris, Garrett

  Moseley, Sugar Shane

  Moss, Dick

  Most Valuable Player award

  Moyer, Jamie


  Municipal Stadium (Cleveland)

  Murray, Eddie

  Muscle & Fitness

  Musial, Stan

  Mussina, Mike


  National Basketball Association (NBA)

  National Football League (NFL)

  National Hockey League (NHL)

  National Institutes of Health

  National Labor Relations Board

  National League


  batting average

  color barrier in

  East division

  post-drug-testing statistics

  president’s office eliminated

  umpiring in


  Negro Leagues

  Nelson, Ralph

  Neuharth, Al

  Newark Bears

  New Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract ( James)

  New Republic


  newspapers. See press, the; specific papers Newsweek

  New York

  New York Daily News

  New York Giants

  New York Jets

  New York Mets

  New York Post

  New York Times

  New York Yankees


  Bonds family and

  drug use by

  financial advantages of

  Giambi and

  1998 season


  QuesTec deal and

  sportswriters and

  strike (1994), effect on

  night games


  Nintendo norbolethone

  Oakland Athletics

  under Alderson


  under Beane

  Canseco and

  creatine use by

  drug use by

  financial challenges of

  Giambi and

  McGwire and


  weight training by

  Oakland Raiders

  Oakland Tribune

  Oates, Johnny

  O’Connell, Jack


  elite season statistics

  emphasis on

  power surge. See offensive surge

  offensive surge

  conspiracy behind

  owners and

  reasons for . See also specific reasons

  television, effect on

  Oliver, Al

  Oliver, Darren

  Olney, Buster

  Olympic Games

  O’Malley, Peter

  on-base percentage

  O’Neill Estate

  Ordonez, Rey

  Orr, Bobby

  Ortiz, David

  Ortiz, Lino

  Orza, Gene

  Ott, Mel

  outside corner pitches


  collusion by

  commissioner and, relationship between

  divisions between

  owners (cont.)

  Kohler, Wisconsin, meeting of

  lineage of

  offensive surge and

  players and, power struggles between

  power of

  Selig and

  Vincent and

  Pacific Bell Park

  Paige, Satchel

  Palmeiro, Rafael

  Palmer, Jim

  Parker, Dave

  Parrish, Lance

  patella tendinitis

  Patera, Ken

  Patterson, Ken

  Pavano, Carl

  Pavlik, Roger


  Pellman, Elliot

  Pendleton, Terry

  pension benefits

  Pentland, Jeff

  Percival, Troy

  perfect pitch

  “performance enabler,” 267

  “performance-enhancing drugs,” 265-66

  Perry, Gaylord

  personal trainers

  Philadelphia Phillies

  Phillips, Richie

  Phillips, Tony

  Piazza, Mike


  Piniella, Lou

  pitchers and pitching . See also strike zone

  Atlanta Braves’

  drug issue and

  framing pitches

  high fastball

  hitters and, relationship between

  inside pitch, loss of

  intentionally hitting batters

  Oakland Athletics’

  outside pitches

  perfect pitch

  tracking technology. See also specific technologies

  Pittsburgh Pirates

  Player Relations Committee


  black. See black players

  clubhouse access to

  college, steroid use by

  commissioner and, relationship between

  drug testing, opinion on


  football. See football and football players

  health and size of

  Latino. See Latino players as nonathletes

  owners and, power struggles between

  size and health of

  strikes by. See strike, players’

  union of. See Players Association

  Players Association

  drug issue and

  drug testing and

  growth in power of

  Selig and

  strikes of. See strike, players’

  Players Choice awards

  Plumacher, Ed

  Plunk, Eric

  PNC Park

  Pohlad, Carl

  policy, drug. See drug and steroid policy

  Polo Grounds

  Ponce de Léon

  Poole, Monte

  Posada, Jorge

  Pound, Richard

  Povich, Shirley

  press, the

  Alderson’s relationship with

  baseball and, relationship between

  Bonds and

  Canseco and

  drug issue and

  home run surge and

  McGwire and

  race issues an

  in San Francisco

  scandals in

  Selig and

  Prior, Mark


  probable cause drug testing


  protective wear, batters’

  protein powder

  public opinion

  Puckett, Kirby

  Pujols, Albert


  quiz-show scandal

  race issues

  Raines, Tim

  Ramirez, Manny

  Randolph, Willie

  Ratto, Ray

  Ravitch, Richard

  Reams, Leroy

  records. See also statistics consecutive games 40-40

  home run

  slugging percentage

  tarnishing of

  triple crown

  Reese, Pee Wee

  Reinsdorf, Jerry

  reporters. See press, the

  reserve clause

  Reuschel, Rick


  revenue sharing

  Reynolds, Harold

  rib cage strains

  Ricciardi, J. P.

  Rice, Jerry

  Rice, Jim

  Richards, Paul

  Rickey, Branch

  Riggleman, Jim

  Rios, Armando

  Ripkin, Cal, Jr.

  Ripkin, Cal, Sr.

  Rivera, Geraldo

  Rivera, Mariano

  Robbins, Barret

  Robinson, Bill

  Robinson, Brooks

  Robinson, Frank

  Robinson, Jackie

  Robinson, Kerry

  Robinson, Rachel

  Rodriguez, Alex

  Rodriguez, Ivan

  Rodriguez, Wilfredo

  Rogers, Kenny

  Rogers, Phil

  Rogers Communications

  Romanowski, Bill

  Rookie of the Year award

  Rose, Pete

  Rosen, Al

  Rosenthal, Ken

  Roy, Alan

  Royals Stadium

  Rozelle, Pete

  Rudi, Joe

  Rueter, Kirk

  Russell, Jeff

  Ruth, Babe

  Sabean, Brian

  Sacramento Bee

  Safeco Field

  St. Louis Browns

  St. Louis Cardinals


  Alex Rodriguez’s

  Bernie Williams’s

  Brady Anderson’s

  cap on

  Derek Jeter’s

  Jason Giambi’s

  Jose Canseco’s

  Manny Ramirez’s

  Sample, Billy

  Sanchez, Alex

  Sandberg, Ryne

  Sanders, Bernie

  San Diego Chargers

  San Diego Padres

  San Diego Union-Tribune

  Sandoval, Ricardo

  San Francisco Bay Area

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco earthquake

  San Francisco Examiner

  San Francisco Giants

  Sanguillen, Manny

  San Jose

  San Jose Mercury News

  San Mateo Daily Journal

  San Pedro de Macoris

  Santiago, Benito

  Santo, Ron

  Schaefer, Donald

  Schilling, Curt

  Schmidt, Mike

  Schmoke, Curt

  Schmuck, Peter

  Schott, Marge

  Schott, Steve

  Schuerholz, John

  Schulman, Henry

  Schwarz, Glenn

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Seattle Mariners Seattle Pilots


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