Seaver, Tom
Seitz, Peter
Seles, Monica
Selig, Ben
Selig, Bud
Bechler’s death and
Canseco revelations and
career of
character and personality of
as commissioner
drug issue and
early life
at House Government Reform Committee
legacy of
management style of
McGwire’s drug use and
as owner
owners and
Players Association and
press and
60 Minutes and
Steinbrenner and
testimony before Senate
Vincent and
Selig, Jerry
Selig, Wendy
September 11, 2001, attacks
Serra High School
Shapiro, Ron
Shaughnessy, Dan
Shays, Christopher
Shea, John
Sheffield, Gary
Sheinin, Dave
Shibe Park
Shields, Harvey
Showalter, Buck
Sierra, Ruben
Simmons, Al
Singleton, Ken
60 Minutes
Sledge, Termel
slugging percentage
Smerlas, Fred
Smiley, John
Smith, Claire
Smith, Janet Marie
Smith, Lonnie
Smith, Patricia
Smith, Reggie
Smoltz, John Sorenson, Lary
Soriano, Alfonso
Sosa, Sammy
character and personality of
Chicago Cubs and
corked bat used by
decline of
early life
home run record and
at House Government Reform Committee
Latino players and
McGwire’s race with
personality of
Sotomayor, Sonia
Southern California, University of
Sparks, Steve
Speaker, Tris
Sporting News, The
Sportsco International
Sports Illustrated
sportswriters. See also press, the
stadiums, new. See ballparks, new
Stanford University
Stanton, Mike
Stargell, Willie
Starr, Larry
drug testing’s effect on
elite offensive season
loss of meaning in
Steele, David
Stein, Blake
Steinberg, Charles
Steinbrenner, George
Stejskal, Greg
Stern, David
steroid policy. See drug and steroid policy
Steroids in Baseball Hearings. See House Government Reform Committee
steroid testing. See drug and steroid testing
Stewart, Dave
Stottlemyre, Mel
Stout, Glenn
Strength Training for Baseball (Canseco and McKay)
strike, players’ (1900)
strike, players’ (1972)
strike, players’ (1976)
strike, players’ (1980)
strike, players’ (1981)
strike, players’ (1985)
strike, players’ (1994)
buildup to
end of
fans, effect on
issues of
Matt Williams, effect on
Montreal Expos, effect on
outcomes of
Yankees, effect on
strike, threat of
strikeouts, lack of shame in
strike zone
Stringer, Korey
Strong, Curtis
Stubblefield, Dana
Sullivan, Paul
superstar perks
Surhoff, B. J.
Sutcliffe, Rick
Suzuki, Ichiro
Swann, Lynn
Sweeney, John
SZL Sportsight
Tampa Bay Devil Rays
teenagers. See children and teenagers
Tejada, Miguel
Tekulve, Kent
cynicism created by
drug commercials on
pitch tracking technology for
quiz-show scandal
sports reporting on
Tellem, Arn
Tennant, Forrest
testing, drug. See drug and steroid testing
tetrahydrogestrinone (THG)
Texas, University of
Texas Rangers
Thomas, Frank
Thomashow, Mark
Thome, Jim
Thomson, John
Three Rivers Stadium
Tiant, Luis
Tiger Stadium
Toborg, Jeff
Tomko, Brett
Torborg, Jeff
Toronto Blue Jays
Toronto Star
Torre, Joe
Tour de France
Towers, Kevin
Trachsel, Steve
track and field
Tribune Company
Turnbow, Derrick
Turner, Ted
Ueberroth, Peter
Alderson and
QuesTec and
strike zone and
union. See Players Association
U.S. Open
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Upshaw, Gene
USA Today
USA Today Baseball Weekly
use, drug. See drug and steroid use
Valente, James
Valentine, Bobby
Valenzuela, Fernando
Van Doren, Charles
Van Slyke, Andy
Vaughn, Greg
Vaughn, Mo
Velarde, Randy
Verducci, Tom
Veterans Stadium
Vincent, Fay
Virdon, Bill
Volcker, Paul
Vucinich, Steve
WADA. See World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Wadler, Gary
Walker, Larry
Wallace, Mike
Washington, Claudell
Washington, Ron
Washington Nationals
Washington Post
Washington Senators
Watson, Bob
Waxman, Henry
Weber, Ben
weight training
Weiss, George
Welch, Bob
Wells, David
Wengert, Don
Werner, Tom
Wetteland, John
Whitaker, Lou
White, Bill
White, Kelli
White, Rondell
wild card race
Will, George
Williams, Bernie
Williams, Billy
Williams, Edward Bennett
Williams, Ken
Williams, Lance
Williams, Matt
Williams, Pete
Williams, Ted
Williams, Woody
Wilson, Hack
Wilstein, Steve
Winfield, Dave
winter baseball
Witt, Bobby
Wood, Kerry
Wood, Smokey Joe
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
World Series (1919)
World Series (1933)
World Series (1960)
World Series (1966)
World Series (1969)
World Series (1970)
World Series (1971)
World Series (1979)
World Series (1983)
World Series (1984)
World Series (1986)
World Series (1989)
World Series (1990)
World Series (1991)
World Series (1994), cancellation of
World Series (2001)
World Series (2002)
World Series (2003)
World Series (2004)
World Umpires Association
World Wrestling Federation
Worst Team Money Could Buy, The (Klapisch)
Wrigley Field
Yankee Stadium
Yastrzemski, Carl
Yates, Dana
Yawkey, Jean
Yawkey, Tom
Yesalis, Chuck
Young, Dick
Zito, Barry
1 Baseball is nothing if not cyclical; during the 1997 season, Steve Avery, a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, had $3.9 million coming to him had he made eighteen starts. After his seventeenth, Avery was yanked out of the starting rotation, presumably for poor performance, but really to give him the old Cicotte treatment nearly eighty years later. Eventually, Avery got his money, but not without being made to sweat bullets first.
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