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A Hard Choice for Hanna [Hardwick Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Morgan Henry

  They waved at each other as Sasha and Stephanie made their way out of the garden and to their car.

  Hanna was embarrassed at her mother’s rudeness but didn’t want to comment and start an argument right then. Her dad must have felt the same way since he didn’t say anything about her mom’s behavior either.

  Her mother apparently didn’t feel the need to comment on Sasha and Stephanie’s relationship either. She had bigger fish to fry.

  “So, Hanna, I hear you’re seeing someone,” she said archly. “Care to tell us about him?”

  Hanna was torn between sinking into the ground or searching out Simon and committing murder. It occurred to her that she could do both. “Well,” she stalled. “It’s very early. I don’t want to—”

  “Come on,” pressed her mother. “Surely you can tell us something.”

  Hanna sighed. “I just don’t know where this is going yet and I don’t want to get your hopes up. You know how you are sometimes. I just don’t need the pressure,” she pleaded.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Linda started, but Harry cut her off.

  “If Hanna isn’t ready to share yet, she doesn’t have to,” he said firmly, clearly irritated with his wife. “Linda, leave her be. She’ll introduce us when she’s ready.”

  Linda shot Hanna an annoyed look. “There’s no reason why Hanna can’t tell us a little about him. We’re not asking to bring him over this minute so we can meet him, for pity’s sake.”

  “Please, Mom, just leave it be for now. Let things evolve between us for a bit before we decide to introduce the parents, okay?” Hanna pleaded.

  “Well you must be committed if you rejected Simon for this guy,” Linda responded.

  “I blew off Simon because there is no attraction on my end for him,” Hanna said drily. “It just happened to be convenient that I’m seeing someone else.”

  “How could you not be attracted to Simon? He’s a very nice young man, and successful, and—” Linda was apparently going to list all of Simon’s stellar qualities.

  “Peace, Linda,” interrupted Harry, his voice a little sharp. “If Hanna’s not attracted to this Simon person, she’s not. You can’t force what’s not there.”

  Harry changed the subject and they finished coffee quickly, if a little awkwardly. Linda offered to help Hanna with the dishes, but she declined. Her parents set off for the bookstore and left her to tidy up on her own.

  Her dad gave her a hug as they were leaving and whispered, “Don’t worry. If he makes you happy and treats you well, I’ll love him.”

  Hanna cleaned up from lunch with her emotions in a bit of turmoil. She was so grateful for her dad’s words and acceptance, but would he really be okay with her seeing two men? And her mom, well there was another story. She seemed to be overly invested in Hanna hooking up with Simon. Okay, maybe “hooking up” wouldn’t be the right term in that particular situation, she thought with a bit of a smile. She hoped her mom would get over the whole Simon thing in a hurry, because Hanna was not going to date him, even if things with the VanLindts didn’t work out. As things stood, Linda would have to get over the fact that two wonderful men made Hanna happy and were a package deal. It might take a bit, but she was sure her mom would come around.

  The patio was cleaned, dishes done, and the kitchen spotless in short order. She put the leftovers away to enjoy for dinner later in the week and went back outside. It was still too early to leave for Kent and Carter’s so she busied herself with a bit of work in the flowerbeds, which was always a good antidote to stewing over her mother.

  Later in the afternoon, Carter texted her to say they were back. She replied she would be there after she got cleaned up and hurried into the house.

  Hanna took pains to make sure she was scrubbed, exfoliated, shaved, and lotioned for her date with the men. She put on her most flattering pair of jeans and low-cut top that emphasized her breasts and made her waist look smaller. She had on one of her few pairs of matching panty and bra sets, this one in a bright green color. It made her feel bold and sexy. She packed a bag with work clothes so she could stay if they asked her to.

  She had already arranged for Stephanie to feed Tink if she wasn’t home. Thank God that Stephanie hadn’t said anything at lunch. She could just imagine what a can of worms that would have opened with her mother. She didn’t think her mom’s new value set included overnight stays with boyfriends.

  Chapter 11

  Carter was feeling particularly cheery. They’d had a great time at his parents for Father’s Day. His sister, Jen, had brought her boyfriend, Tim, and announced they were engaged. His parents were delighted as Tim was a great guy who treated his sister well. They all then enjoyed a massive lunch together. Kent and Carter brought their famous ribs, Jen made their dad’s favorite birthday cake, and their mom did the rest. Their dad loved the reciprocating saw Mary had picked up on Carter and Kent’s behalf.

  They spent part of the afternoon trying out the saw while Mary and Jen talked wedding details. Jen and Tim didn’t want a huge fuss for a wedding. They were thinking of inviting only about fifty people for the ceremony and having a barbeque afterward. Much to Carter and Kent’s surprise, she asked if they would be willing to host it in their backyard.

  “Why would you want it at our place?” Kent asked, obviously taken aback.

  “It’s a beautiful setting in the woods, you have lots of space, and people could park easily. It’s big enough that we can have a tent, so if the weather’s not great we’ll be protected,” Jen had responded.

  “Well I’m fine with it,” Carter said. He grinned. “After all, it’s a blank slate out there. No pesky flowerbeds to get in your way, nothing to clash with you color scheme.”

  Kent started to tease Jen. “I don’t know, Carter. She probably expects us to landscape the entire backyard, including a pond, bridge, gazebo, and marble fountain.”

  Jen smacked Kent on the shoulder. “No! Leave it as it is, we’ll bring in some pots of flowers and other decorations. You won’t have to do anything. Well, not that much, anyway,” she amended.

  Cliff laughed heartily. “We all know what ‘not that much’ means, don’t we?”

  “Oh come on, I’m serious!” Jen rolled her eyes. “We really don’t want a lot of fuss, do we, Tim?”

  “Oh believe me, I’m all for the low fuss wedding,” he agreed. “I just think you and Mary’s idea of low fuss doesn’t quite match with what a guy’s idea of low fuss is.” He pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes. “But I will do whatever you would like to make this wedding what you want it to be.”

  Carter smiled as he remembered the look Jen gave Tim. She loved him dearly and he loved her back. Carter knew Tim was willing to do whatever Jen wanted for their wedding, but he was glad Jen was a practical woman who didn’t need a million dollar blowout to make her happy.

  Now, he and Kent looked forward to spending some time with their beautiful girl, the other reason for Carter to be cheerful. It had been two weeks since they had been together and he couldn’t wait to see Hanna. Though they had been in contact by phone over the two weeks, he had still missed her. He hoped they would be able to convince her to stay the night with them.

  Kent was certainly optimistic. He had gone downstairs to put fresh sheets on the master bed and give the room a quick dusting. Carter was upstairs, putting together a light dinner for the three of them. Both he and Kent had eaten well at lunch and he knew that Hanna made lunch for her parents, so she wasn’t likely to want a huge meal.

  Mary had mentioned that she and Hanna had a visit while her sons were away. Carter wished that Hanna had come with them and met Cliff, Jen, and Tim, but he knew her parents were important to her. He also knew she was especially close to her dad and wouldn’t want to change her plans with him. But, for now, he was content that she and his mom had met and liked each other. Mary was definitely enthusiastic about their choice of woman for their ménage.

  Hanna had confided her near miss with
his mom and her hot tub nudity. He and Kent had laughed at her amusing description of the scene, but they had also found it quite arousing. They were impressed that their conservative little Hanna went out to the tub naked. She was certainly shedding some of her inhibitions with them. He intended to ask for a repeat performance that evening from her. Possibly complete with the mad dash to the bedroom, but hopefully for a different reason.

  Carter heard the crunch of gravel on the drive as Hanna arrived. Kent must have heard it, too, because he came upstairs in a rush.

  “Eager, are we?” Carter teased.

  “Like you aren’t,” Kent retorted as he opened the door.

  Hanna got out of her little car and smiled at them. Carter was blown away at how lovely she looked. He figured Kent felt the same way by the sharp inhalation he heard from him.

  Hanna looked shyly at them and bent over to grab something out of the car. Carter just about moaned at the fine view of her ass that gave them. She emerged with a small bag. “I was planning on staying the night, if you two are okay with that?” she asked nervously.

  Carter was the first to recover. “I am more than okay with that. You look absolutely beautiful, my sweet Hanna.” She was a vision in those jeans that molded perfectly to her body, and the top that made her breasts look like sumptuous offerings. His cock was already standing at attention for her.

  “I’m speechless,” Kent managed. “It was almost worth being away from you so long, if this is the way you welcome us home,” he added softly.

  Hanna smiled at their praise. Kent was the first to greet her as she walked up the porch to them. He pulled the bag from her hand and dropped it on the stone. His arms wrapped around her waist and he dipped her back for a scorching kiss. Carter could see the blush on Hanna’s face as Kent ravaged her mouth and ground against her pelvis. He pulled away from her mouth after a minute or two, leaving her gasping for air. Kent had to hold her steady as she recovered. It made Carter even hotter to see the two of them together.

  Carter grabbed Hanna away from Kent and spun her around to lean against the stone of the house. He grabbed her hands and held them on either side of her head, stilling her as he pressed his body against hers. He felt her body soften against him and he took her lips lightly at first. He relished the feel of their soft fullness against his own rougher lips. He gradually deepened the kiss, coaxing her to open for him, then entwined their tongues. When he had her squirming against his body, he started to rub his hard cock against her jean-clad pussy until she was whimpering in his arms. His cock was throbbing as he released her. It was all he could do not to throw her down on the grass and fuck her for all they were worth.

  “Oh my,” Hanna breathed when he released her. “If that’s how you greet me when you return, you can go away more often.”

  “That’s just the start, sweet Hanna,” Carter promised. He loved the way her lips were a bit swollen and her hair just a little mussed from being held against the wall.

  Kent had picked up Hanna’s bag. “Come on, you two,” he said, ushering them into the house. “The mosquitoes will eat us alive if we stay out here much longer.”

  Chapter 12

  The three of them were lounging in the great room after a light dinner, all enjoying a glass of wine. Kent and Carter had been telling Hanna about their trip, and she was filling them in on the local events over the past couple of weeks.

  Though it would have looked casual at first glance, there was a heavy sexual tension in the room. Hanna was sure the men were conspiring to drive her crazy with lust. They had been sure to touch her all night. There didn’t seem to be a moment when one or the other didn’t have his hands on her body somewhere. Nothing overtly sexual, just always caressing her somewhere. It had driven her to a point where she was just about ready to rip their clothes off. Probably what they had in mind, she thought wryly.

  She decided to try to turn the tables on them. Her wild inner woman was emerging again. It still amazed her how comfortable she was with her men. Hmmm, her men. There she was thinking rather possessively again. She should just admit that she was smitten with them.

  She started to play with her hair a bit. Then, when she had a little more of their attention, she stroked her neck and changed her position. She had been sitting on the floor near the fireplace with her legs curled under her. She uncurled them and leaned back against the hearth with her feet flat on the floor and her knees bent, legs wide open. She thought she heard a little groan from Carter. She looked at Kent and licked her lips then she looked at Carter and adjusted her top a little, exposing the swell of her breasts more. She could see the heat in their eyes and was pleased.

  “Princess, are you looking for trouble?” Kent asked with a smile on his face.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Hanna was all innocence.

  Both men chuckled. “Yeah, right,” said Carter. “I think she’s trying to get our attention, Kent.”

  “I believe you are correct,” Kent said as he got off his chair and started to stalk her.

  Hanna swallowed nervously as he crawled toward her, like a large cat about to pounce on a mouse. He looked so sexy in his tight T-shirt, jeans, and bare feet. He settled between her knees and his arms caged her in as he put his hands on the hearth and leaned in. She heard Carter chuckle in the background.

  “Was this what you were looking for?” Kent asked in a deep, husky voice. His blue eyes had her pinned in place.

  “Yep,” Hanna breathed. The space between his body and the hearth seemed suddenly very small.

  Carter had appeared at her side while she was concentrating on Kent’s actions. “Are you ready for us to take you to bed?” he asked, his voice serious, not with the usual laidback humor.

  “Yep,” Hanna managed to get out. Was it possible for her voice to get any more breathless? She wanted them both so much right now, she could barely speak.

  Carter leaned over and put his hand on her chin, tilting her toward him for a carnal kiss. She heard Kent rumble in approval. As Carter let her go, Kent stood smoothly, capturing her wrists in his hands and hauling her to her feet. She wobbled a little at the suddenness of the movement and the effortless way he handled her. She grinned, happy that her silly flirting had gotten the response she wanted.

  Carter slipped in behind to steady her. He put his hands on her waist and held her as Kent claimed his own kiss, Kent’s hands still shackling her wrists. Hanna thought she might have fallen over had it not been for their physical support. Why did arousal like this turn her knees to jelly?

  Kent finished his leisurely exploration of her lips and turned to head down the stairs. Carter hadn’t moved his hands from her waist and he ensured she followed Kent. Down the stairs to the master suite they went, each step seeming to heighten Hanna’s lust. She was breathing heavily when they reached the door to the suite.

  Kent had gone in and lit one of the bedside lamps. It cast a gentle puddle of light on the table and a slight glow toward the bed. The last rays of the setting sun filtered through the edge of the French doors, adding a beautiful reddish cast to what little light streamed in. She watched him flip down the duvet and top sheet on the bed. It almost seemed like slow motion, dreamlike. Then, he began to strip beside the bed, illuminated by those last beams of sunlight.

  Carter’s nibble on her neck where it met her shoulder pulled her back to reality. His lips and teeth felt wonderful, as did the strong arm he settled around her waist, holding her up. She moaned a little and her eyes closed. Then she remembered Kent and snapped them open so she could watch him undress, admiring the muscles on his torso as he pulled off his shirt. When he unzipped his jeans, she looked down at his bare feet. Why did she find it so sexy that he had no socks or shoes on with his jeans?

  He kicked off the pants and she pulled her eyes back up and stopped at the mouthwatering view of his cock. Long and thick, she remembered the taste of him in her mouth, licking her lips unconsciously. He grinned at her, like he knew what she was thinking. She gr
inned back and waggled her tongue at him.

  “Mine now,” he said and held his arms out.

  Carter gave a little grumble as he ceased feasting on her neck and shoulders. He released her and once he was sure she could stand, pushed her toward Kent.

  She made it over to Kent, who pulled her into his arms and turned her around so she could watch Carter. Kent mirrored Carter’s actions. When Carter pulled off his shirt, Kent removed Hanna’s shirt and bra. When Carter toed off his shoes, Kent helped Hanna out of her sandals. Carter removed his jeans and Hanna’s slid down to the floor, too. Carter had gone commando, but Hanna still had the lacy green high-cut briefs on.

  Hanna could feel Kent’s large erection pressing into her back, and she could see Carter’s hard-on in front of her. Her lacy panties were embarrassingly damp with her arousal. They had been damp for a while actually.

  Carter had his usual big grin on his face, but his eyes held a heat that Hanna had only seen for her. “Well now, I like those panties,” he said, his voice low and husky. He walked over to her, his eyes roving over her body admiringly. “But they have to go.”

  Kent had his arm around Hanna’s waist and had pulled her hair to the side with his other. He peppered kisses down her jaw slowly. Carter arrived and knelt in front of Hanna. He hooked a finger of each hand into the waist of the panties and slowly drew them down, revealing her pussy a little at a time. He stuck his nose into the apex of her thighs and inhaled.

  “Smells like our sweet Hanna is plenty aroused,” he said as he finished removing the panties from her legs.

  “Why don’t you check and make sure?” Kent asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

  Carter slid his palms up her legs and parted her thighs. Hanna’s head fell back against Kent’s shoulder and a sigh escaped her lips. Their touches felt so good. Carter slid a finger through her soaked folds and brushed her swollen clit. She jerked and both men gave a little laugh.


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