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A Hard Choice for Hanna [Hardwick Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Morgan Henry

  Carter gave a wicked chuckle. “Just some lube, sweet Hanna. We got some little packages so we would always be prepared.”

  He continued to push in and out of her ass, adding another finger. At the same time he was playing with her clit, keeping her aroused and needy. Her pussy was clenching on nothing and she longed to be filled with Carter’s cock. She tried to ignore her body’s heated desire and concentrate on Kent.

  Hanna tried to increase her pace on Kent’s cock and she kept fondling his balls at the same time. She made sure to massage the big vein on the bottom of his dick with her tongue. He groaned and tugged a little on her hair.

  “Not so much, princess,” he managed to get out. “I want to last a little longer.”

  She obediently slowed down but really wanted to get Kent to come. She loved that she could give the men pleasure with her mouth. They certainly seemed to enjoy her ministrations, and they gave her so much pleasure she wanted to be sure to reciprocate.

  She heard another crinkle of plastic and this time it was followed by Carter slipping his large cock into her eager pussy. She moaned around Kent’s cock as Carter filled her with one slow thrust all the way to his balls. Hanna loved it when they took her from behind. They seemed to fill her to capacity that way and hit all the right spots in her pussy. She groaned again as he added a third finger to her ass.

  Kent held her head still as he and Carter went to work on her in earnest. As Carter thrust into her pussy, Kent pulled out of her mouth, and the fingers came almost out of her ass. Then as Carter pulled out, Kent thrust into her mouth, and the fingers in her ass went in as far as they could go. They set up a slow rhythm, holding her still between them. The sensations of all her holes being used by her men drove Hanna wild. She desperately tried to move on them, wanting more, faster.

  “I think she wants it harder, Carter,” Kent ground out.

  Hanna tried to nod, but Kent held her fast. Thank goodness they started to pick up the pace. Carter increased both his speed and his force as he thrust his cock in and out of her pussy. Hanna could feel her orgasm approaching like a freight train that she had no control over. It loomed ever closer, ever larger, but she was denied the pressure on her clit that would send her over.

  Hanna was desperate to climax. All she knew was that she needed to come like never before. She was whimpering around Kent’s cock and trying to shift herself to get some stimulation, any stimulation to send her over the edge. Finally, finally, Kent reached around and began to press her clit with his fingers.

  Once, twice, three times he pulsed against her and the freight train ran her over. The orgasm roared through her, pleasure flowing from her pussy, through her body, and all the way to her fingers and toes. She screamed and threw her head back, unable to do anything more than ride out the incredible sensation. It seemed to go on and on, wave after wave of bliss coursing through her, gradually diminishing.

  She was dimly aware of Kent’s cry as he climaxed, sending his seed onto her back. Carter’s rhythm faltered as he, too, came, but he still reached around and stimulated her clit again, sending her into a second orgasm. It wasn’t as intense as the first, but she was weakened enough that it fired through her, wreaking pleasurable havoc on her nerves.

  They all collapsed onto the pile of cushions, breathing heavily. No one spoke for several minutes, but Hanna could hear her men and they each had a hand on her, caressing her skin, making sure she knew they were there.

  Eventually Kent rose and disappeared. He came back with a warm washcloth and cleaned his semen from her back and wiped her ass and pussy as well.

  “You two always take such good care of me,” she said softly, grateful for the attention to her comfort.

  “We need to know that you’re looked after and happy, Hanna,” Carter responded, his voice soft, too. “We need to care for you as much as we need to breathe.”

  The two men tucked her between them, touching her gently. They talked quietly for a while, the movie forgotten in the closeness and peace of the moment. Eventually, each man made love to her again, slowly and tenderly, bringing her to softly swelling climaxes that still took her breath away.

  No one had the energy to make the short trip to Hanna’s bed, so they pulled a light blanket over the three of them and slept where they were. It was just as well, Hanna reflected, as the bed was only a double, and they would have been very squished together.

  Chapter 21

  Hanna awoke to a piercing shriek, followed by “What is going on here?”

  She sat bolt upright, her heart hammering, but it still took a few seconds for her eyes to focus. When they did, it was to find her mother staring at the three of them in abject horror.

  Later, when less shell-shocked Hanna could admit how bad the whole scene would have appeared to her mom. The three of them were naked on a bunch of cushions in her living room and entwined together. Clothing was strewn haphazardly around the room, including her torn panties on the chair arm. She was sure in her mother’s eyes, there may as well have been a bunch of empty liquor bottles around and loads of drug paraphernalia on the coffee table to go with the naked men.

  At the time, Hanna could only yell, “Mom, what the hell are you doing here?” as she scrambled to find something to cover herself. She managed to grab an afghan and wrap it around her body, leaving the blanket for the two men. They, too, had sat up but wisely remained silent.

  Her mother sputtered something about dropping by for breakfast as Hanna herded her out of the room. She ushered her mom into the kitchen, where she adjusted the afghan and was able to say, slightly more calmly, “Mom, I wasn’t expecting you this morning.”

  The horror on Linda’s face was rapidly being replaced by anger. She was turning an impressive shade of red, that unfortunately clashed with her pink shorts and jacket set. “I can see you weren’t expecting me,” she said with considerable venom. “Is having an orgy what you normally do on Friday nights?”

  At that point, Carter, fully dressed now, poked his head in and said, “Hanna?”

  She turned to him, desperately trying to keep some semblance of rationality in this horrible predicament. “Carter, could you and Kent please wait in the living room for me?” she asked him politely. She really needed to deal with her mother on her own, without an audience, supportive or not.

  “Well?” her mother asked, voice dripping with antagonism.

  Hanna tried to maintain some sort of composure. It took quite a bit of effort to keep her voice calm. “Mom,” she began, “I realize this wasn’t what you were expecting to walk in on—”

  “That’s the understatement of the century,” Linda interrupted her.

  “Mom, let me speak.” Hanna was surprised at the calm authority in her voice. “I have the expectation of privacy in my own home. The key I gave you was for emergencies, not to walk in on me without warning. I am a grown woman and can make my own choices when it comes to men and sex. Those two are the men I have been seeing over the past weeks.” She had to hold up her hand here as her mother opened her mouth to speak again. “I wanted to tell you and Dad before you met them, but you’ve taken that choice from me. I want you to leave, and I will visit you and Dad later this afternoon to discuss this further.”

  “How dare you speak to your mother like that? I have a right to know what goes on in my daughter’s life!” Linda shrieked.

  “To a certain degree,” Hanna agreed. “But I will discuss all this later with you, not now.”

  Hanna actually worried for a moment that her mother would have a stroke or a heart attack right there in her kitchen. But Linda finally seemed to find some control of herself and turned her back on Hanna and stalked out. Hanna heard her car start and pull out of the driveway. Hanna briefly wondered about the fact that her dad wasn’t with her mom. That was really unusual.

  The silence in the kitchen was almost soothing after that blowout. Hanna debated for a minute on getting dressed before going back to the living room, but figured it didn’t really ma
tter at this point. She slowly turned and made her way to Kent and Carter.

  They both had serious expressions on their faces when she walked into the room. She realized after a second that their faces showed concern for her. She was a little stunned, both by the whole ugly scene and by their obvious pain on her behalf.

  Kent was the first to move. He crossed the room and took her in his arms, wrapping her in warmth and caring. “I’m so sorry, princess,” he whispered. “That had to have been hard for you.”

  Carter was a second behind him and took his turn with her, too. “We shouldn’t have stayed,” he said, his voice breaking a little. “We never meant for anything like that to happen.”

  Hanna gave a little laugh that was tinged with bitterness. “No, I don’t think anyone intended for that scene to take place,” she said wryly. “It’s not your fault. Don’t ever think it was your fault. It’s not like we haven’t spent nights together before.”

  Carter tried to argue. “Yes, but—”

  “No,” Hanna said firmly. “If there is any blame to be laid, it belongs to me for not telling my parents about you sooner, and my mother for walking in uninvited and unannounced. We can play the ‘if only’ or ‘but we should have’ game all day and it won’t change anything anyway, so stop now.”

  Kent shook his head at Carter, silently telling him to stop. “Princess, we hate to see you hurt and upset, and we want to make things better. Why don’t you shower with Carter, and I’ll go out and get us some breakfast? Then we can sit down and talk when we’re clean and at least have some coffee in us.”

  Hanna was torn. Part of her wanted them to go away so she could lick her wounds in private. The other part wanted to jump into their arms and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. She guessed she would settle for the middle of the road and do a shower and breakfast. “Sounds good, Kent.”

  Carter must have sensed she needed care and support, not shower sex. He soaped her thoroughly and washed her hair. He was gentle and caring, his touch bringing solace, not arousal. After he washed himself, he dried her off and even dried and brushed her hair for her.

  He went into her room and rummaged around her bureau and found one of her few sets of pretty underwear and insisted she put it on. He picked out a green top that she thought was a bit small, but he said it flattered her, and her favorite pair of jean shorts. She had to admit, when he was done, she felt much more like herself.

  Kent started coffee before he left. He had gone to the bakery and loaded up on croissants and Danishes. All the really bad-for-you stuff to start a difficult day with. Yum. To hell with healthy. She dug right in while Kent grabbed a quick shower and Carter brought her a coffee out to the patio. Someone had fed Tink and the little cat placed herself on Hanna’s lap, sensing that her presence was needed.

  No one spoke for a while. Hanna guessed they were all still processing the screaming mother wake-up call. After her second Danish, she decided the world wasn’t going to end. “Well, my plans for the day have changed slightly,” she said, thinking she didn’t sound too bad.

  Carter smiled at her. “Really?” he enquired.

  “Yep.” Hanna tried to sound cheerful. “Guess I’ll talk to my parents today instead of tomorrow. I have a few errands to run in Port Seguin, so I’ll do them first and let Mom have some time to cool down before I stop by.”

  “Do you want company?” asked Kent. She could tell that he wanted to come.

  “No,” she said gently. “I need to do this on my own. This is my choice, and they need to understand that. I really appreciate that you have my back, though.” Hanna caressed his cheek, the stubble of his beard rough on her hand.

  “I get that you need to talk to them alone,” said Carter, “but I really wish we could talk to them, too. Let them know how much we love you.”

  “You’ll meet them eventually. Just give them time, I’m sure that’s all they’ll need,” Hanna reassured them.

  They parted ways after breakfast. It certainly wasn’t what she had planned for the lovely August day, but Hanna told herself she could handle whatever came her way.

  Chapter 22

  Hanna texted her mother and arranged to be at her parents’ home at one o’clock. She ran a few errands in the larger city. Hardwick Bay was a wonderful place, but it didn’t have everything. She had time for a quick bite to eat before heading to her parent’s house.

  When she arrived, she found her mother at the kitchen table alone. Her mother was sitting rigidly, her face stony.

  “Where’s Dad?” Hanna asked, surprised not to see him. She had a sense that not all was well with her parents lately, but she thought he would be there.

  “He’s too disgusted with you to be here,” her mother answered.

  Hanna was shocked. The bottom dropped out of her stomach and she was suddenly filled with shame. For the first time since starting to see the VanLindt men, she was actually ashamed. “Wh–what do you mean?” she asked as the light lunch she ate threatened to come up again.

  “We’re disgusted with your…relationship with two men.” Her mother poured as much scorn into the word relationship as possible.

  “I, I know it’s not conventional, but—” Hanna started to say, but her mother cut her off.

  “It’s not even legal,” spit out her mother.

  “Mom, please just listen,” Hanna begged. She was desperate to get her mother to understand. “They love me, and—”

  “I can’t possibly convey to you how much your father and I are revolted and disappointed with you. We thought we raised you better than this. To be sexually perverting yourself with two men is just beyond belief.” Her mother poured more guilt and shame onto Hanna.

  “Can’t you consider for a moment that they make me happy and care for me?” Hanna was almost in tears.

  “They can’t possibly care for you. If they did, they wouldn’t be asking you to enter into such a sick arrangement. They’re obviously just using you for their sexual exploits. You’re nothing more to them than something to brag about to their friends.” Her mother’s tone somehow managed to be both matter-of-fact and bitter at the same time.

  Hanna was reeling. She knew her dating Kent and Carter would upset her mother, but she didn’t think her mom would be this angry. She never thought her mother would think such horrible things of her daughter. And to have her dad so upset that he wouldn’t even be here to hear her side of things was more than she could bear. She had never felt so alone.

  “We have decided,” continued her mother, “that we are unable to have a relationship with a daughter who behaves in such a manner.”

  “What?” cried Hanna. “What do you mean?”

  “If you persist in dating these two men at the same time, we will no longer associate with you.”

  “You won’t associate with me? What does that mean?”

  “We won’t see you, speak to you, or have any other contact with you. We will no longer be your family.” Her mother’s words rang with a finality that Hanna had never heard before.

  “You wouldn’t be my family?” Hanna whispered.

  “We can’t. Not if you continue acting like this.”

  If Hanna thought she had never felt so alone a few seconds ago, it was nothing to what she felt now. To be cut off from her family, the two people that cared for her since she was a baby, was unfathomable.

  “I need, I need time to—” Hanna started.

  “Time for what?” spat her mother. “Time to think about whether you want parents or not? Time to think about whether you want a family? I didn’t realize we meant so little to you.”

  “No! That’s not it,” cried Hanna. “I won’t see them. I need you and dad.” Hanna couldn’t bear the thought of not talking to her father again. Why wasn’t he here? But it was hurting her equally deeply to give up Kent and Carter.

  “Fine,” said her mother, a little more calmly. “I think you should give you father some time to get over this, though. You and I can talk in a couple o
f weeks, after you’ve fully considered your actions.”

  “Okay,” Hanna agreed miserably. She gathered her purse and left the house.

  She wasn’t sure how she managed to make it home. She remembered little of the drive, except that she felt cold and numb, despite the August heat. She managed to hold off the sorrow long enough to make it inside, where she collapsed on the bed and let the tears flow.

  Chapter 23

  Hanna felt like a coward. She texted Kent and Carter, telling them things didn’t go well with her parents, and that she couldn’t see them for a while. They kept texting and calling, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t speak to them. She would only text them that she couldn’t see them right now. It was killing her, but losing her family would hurt her more. And seeing Kent and Carter, hearing their voices, would only rub salt in her wounds. She just couldn’t take any more hurt right then.

  She wasn’t sure what she did on Sunday. The day passed in a fog of melancholy. She did go to work on Monday and managed to lose herself in her job. Dr. Dunlop asked if anything was wrong, picking up on her distress, but Hanna put her off. She liked Sharon, but didn’t have a close enough relationship with her to talk about this.

  Lisa wasn’t about to be moved aside so easily though. She cornered Hanna in the office after the doors were locked for the day.

  “What is going on?” she asked point-blank. “You’re putting on a good front, but I know you’re unhappy.”

  “I really don’t think I can talk about it,” Hanna said, avoiding Lisa’s eyes.

  Lisa sighed. “I think you need to. I would guess it’s got something to do with Kent and Carter, am I right?”

  Hanna didn’t answer and wouldn’t look at Lisa. Part of her knew she should discuss the whole situation with someone, but another part of her thought discussion was pointless. She couldn’t give up her parents, end of story. They were the only family she had, and she couldn’t imagine life without a relationship with them.


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