Moscow, December 25, 1991
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and Gorbachev
and organized crime
and shock therapy
and Yeltsin
See also Perestroika
Economic union
Esalen Institute
Esalen Soviet American Exchange Program
Estonia. See also Baltic republics
Falin, Valentin
Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (FSB)
Five-hundred-day plan. See also Economic reform
Flags, switching of
Fokin, Vladimir
Food donations
Food shortages. See also Shortages
Free market economy. See also Economic reform
Friedman, Milton
FSB. See also Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti
Fuel shortages. See also Shortages
Fukuyama, Francis
Fyodorov, Nikolay
Gaidar, Yegor
and economic reform
and Belovezh agreement
Garrison, Jim
Gates, Robert
Genieva, Ekaterina
Gerashchenko, Vitaly
Gerasimov, Gennady
Ghitis, Frida
Giblin, Viktor
Gorbachev, Mikhail
achievements of
attempts to discredit
and August coup
and Baltic republics
books by
and Bush
and Bush, and August coup
and Bush, friendship between
and Bush, and power loss
and Bush, praise by
and Bush, and resignation speech
and Bush, and United States as Cold War victor
childhood of
and Cold War
and Communist Party conference speech (1988)
and Communist Party leaders, criminality of
as Communist party member
and Congress of People’s Deputies
and conspiracies/coups (see also August coup)
and corruption
and demonstrations
and displaced staff, employment for
disrespect toward
documentary about
and economic reform
education of
at eighty years old
family of
farewell letters of
farewell reception for
final duties of
as first party secretary of Stavropol
and five-hundred-day plan (see also Economic reform)
and flags, switching of
and foundation (see Gorbachev Foundation)
as general secretary of Communist Party
as general secretary of Communist Party, resignation of
and glasnost
hardliners surrounding
and immunity from prosecution
and Israel
and KGB surveillance
and Koppel
at Kremlin
and Major
marriage of
as model for advertising agencies
money-raising power of
and new union treaty
and new world order
and Nobel Peace Prize
and nuclear suitcase
and nuclear weapons
and party privilege
and perestroika (see also Economic reform)
personal attire of
personality traits of
physical appearance of
as Politburo member
and politics, return to
and power, loss of
praise for
presidential reelection campaign (1996) of
and RAND-type company
and reform program(see also Economic reform)
residences of
residences of, eviction from
and resignation decree, signing of
resignation of
resignation speech of
and retirement
and retirement/compensation
sixtieth birthday of
and Soviet republics
sympathy and appreciation for
and three-state union
and transfer of power
and transfer of power, aftermath of
and transfer of power agreement
and Twenty-seventh Party Congress
and United States, visit to
wealth of
and wife, death of
and Yeltsin
and Yeltsin, alliance between
and Yeltsin, conflict between
and Yeltsin, difference between
and Yeltsin, and economic reform
and Yeltsin, expulsion from presidential office by
and Yeltsin, first meeting between
and Yeltsin, harassment by
and Yeltsin, hiring of
and Yeltsin, at Middle East conference
and Yeltsin, and power loss
and Yeltsin, and resignation from Politburo
and Yeltsin, and resignation speech
and Yeltsin, and Soviet republics
and Yeltsin, suicide attempt of
and Yeltsin, television interviews between
and Yeltsin, and town hall meeting
and Yeltsin, and transfer of power
Gorbachev Foundation (The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies)
Gorbacheva, Raisa
admiration for
and August coup
and Bush
death of
disrespect toward
harassment of
health of
and KGB surveillance
marriage of
and news media
physical appearance of
political influence of
resentment toward
residences of
residences of, eviction from
and retirement
and “secret speech,”
and women, plight of
Grachev, Andrey
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
and Gorbachev, documentary about
and Gorbachev, farewell letters of
and Gorbachev, reception for,
and Gorbachev resignation speech
and nuclear suitcase, handover of
and Belovezh agreement
and transfer of power
and Yeltsin, humiliation of
Grachev, Pavel
Grishin, Viktor
Gusenkov, Vitaly
Honecker, Erich
Hurd, Douglas
Hurst, Steve. See also News media
Ilyushin, Viktor
International charity
The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies. See Gorbachev Foundation
Ioganson, Boris
Iron Curtain
Isakov, Vladimir
Jaruzelski, Wojciech
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson, Tom
and Gorbachev, resignation speech of
and Mont Blanc pen
and resignation decree, signing of
See also News Media
Joint Measures Regarding Nuclear Arms
Kaplan, Rick. See also News media
Kazannik, Alexey
Kerbel, Lev
Kerensky, Alexander
disbanding of
Khasbulatov, Ruslan
Khodzhaev, Usman
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kohl, Helmut
Kohl, Hannelore
Komplektov, Viktor
Koppel, Ted
and Gorbachev, documentary about
and nuclear suitcase, handover of
See also News media
Korotich, Vitaly
Korzhakov, Alexander
and August coup
and Gorbachev
a, harassment of
and Belovezh agreement
and Yeltsin, suicide attempt of
Kozyrev, Andrey
Kravchenko, Leonid
Kravchuk, Leonid
and Belovezh agreement
Kruchina, Nikolay
Kryuchkov, Vladimir
and August coup
Kunayev, Dinmukhamed
Kuznetsov, Alexander
Latvia. See also Baltic republics
criminality of
spouses of
Lebed, Alexander
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich
Leontiyev, Alexander
Ligachev, Yegor
and Yeltsin
and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo
Lithuania. See also Baltic republics
Liu Heung Shing
Loory, Stuart. See also News media
Lukashenko, Alexander
Lukyanov, Anatoly
Luzhkov, Yury
Major, John
Matlock, Jack
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Media. See News media
Medunov, Sergey
Medvedev, Dmitry
Mikhailovich, Tsar Alexey
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Money shortages. See also Shortages
Murashev, Arkady
Nazarbayev, Nursultan
Nechayev, Andrey
Nechayev, Dmitry
Nenashev, Mikhail
New union treaty
and Gorbachev
and KGB surveillance
and Novo-Ogarevo meeting
and signing ceremony
and tax issue
See also Belovezh agreement
News media
and August coup
censorship of
and flags, switching of
and Gorbacheva
and nuclear suitcase, handover of
and Yeltsin, as president
See also ABC; CNN; Hurst; Johnson; Kaplan; Koppel; Loory; Newspapers; Shipman; Television; Turner
ban on foreign
censorship of
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
and Gorbachev, farewell reception for
and Gorbachev, in retirement, interview with
and Gorbachev, sympathy and appreciation for
See also News media
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Peace Prize
Novo-Ogarevo meeting. See also New union treaty
Nuclear alert
Nuclear button
Nuclear suitcase
and August coup
and transfer of power
and Yeltsin
Nuclear weapons
and transfer of power
Oil industry
Organized crime
Palazchenko, Pavel
and Gorbachev, consiracy against
and nuclear suitcase
Party privilege. See also Corruption
Pateychuk, Evgeniya
Pavlov, Valentin
and August coup
Pavlovna, Lyudmila
Perestroika. See also Economic Reform
Pérez de Cuéllar y de la Guerra, Javier
Pestov, Valery
Petrushenko, Nikolay
Plekhanov, Yury
and Yeltsin, resignation from
Polozkov, Ivan
Poltoranin, Mikhail
and “secret speech,”
Polyakov, Vladimir
Popov, Gavriil
Powell, Colin
Power, transfer of. See Transfer of power
Pozner, Vladimir
Price liberalization. See also Economic reform
Privatization. See also Economic reform
Privilege. See Party privilege
Prokofyev, Yury
Pugo, Boris
Pushkin, Alexander
Putin, Vladimir
and August coup
Quayle, Dan
Rasputin, Valentin
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Red Square
Redkoborody Vladimir
Reed, John
Rice, Condoleezza
Roh Tae-woo
and name change
and Ukraine
and Union Treaty of
and United States
Russian Federation
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Russian White House
storming of
Rutskoy Alexander
and economic reform
Ryabov, Yakov
Ryzhkov, Nikolay
Safire, William
Sakharov, Andrey
Samarin, Vladimir
Scowcroft, Brent
Secret information department
“Secret speech” of Yeltsin
Shakhnazarov, Georgy
Shakhrai, Sergey
Shamir, Yitzhak
Shaposhnikov, Yevgeny
and transfer of power
Shatalin, Stanislav
Shchelokov, Nikolay
Shenin, Oleg
Shevardnadze, Eduard
and August coup
on death list
ejection of
eviction of, from foreign ministry
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
resignation of
and transfer of power
and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo
Shidlovsky Eduard
Shipman, Claire. See also News media
Shock therapy. See also Economic reform
Shushkevich, Stanislau
and Belovezh Agreement
Silayev, Ivan
Sobchak, Anatoly
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander
Somov, Yury
Soviet ambassadors
Soviet embassies
Soviet republics
and central authority, rejection of
and commonwealth (see Commonwealth of Independent States)
and confederative union state
democratic elections in
and economic union
fate of
and military intervention
and nuclear strike
and sovereignty, declaration of
and union state vs. union of states
and Union Treaty of
and union treaty (see New union treaty)
See also Baltic republics; Commonwealth of Independent States; individual republics
Soviet Union
birth of
collapse of
collapse of, moment of
dissolution of
as totalitarian society
Stalin, Josef
at Kremlin
legacy of
Stalin Archives (aka Archives of the General Secretary)
State property, transfer of
State subsidies. See also Economic reform
Strategic Rocket Forces
Strauss, Robert
Sukhanov, Lev
Sununu, John
Supreme Soviet, Russian
Supreme Soviet, USSR
final session of
Surveillance. See KGB
Suslov, Mikhail
Table of Ranks
Television. See also ABC; CNN; News media
Thatcher, Margaret
Thieves World (Vorovskoy Mir )
Transfer of power
aftermath of
and criminality, secret documents of
and flags, switching of
and military
and nuclear suitcase
and nuclear weapons
terms of
Turner, Ted. See also News media
/> and nuclear strike
and Russia
UN General Assembly
UN Security Council
Union Treaty of
See also New union treaty
United States
and August coup
as Cold War victor
and food donations
and Gorbachev
and Russia
and Yeltsin
USSR State Bank
Varennikov, Valentin
Vlasov, Alexander
Vodka, shortage of. See also Shortages
Vorontsov, Yury
Vorovskoy Mir (Thieves World)
Weapons arsenal. See also Nuclear weapons
Worner, Manfred
Yakovlev, Alexander
and August coup
and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit
and Gorbachev, resignation speech of
resignation of
and Stalin Archives
and transfer of power
Yakovlev, Yegor
and Gorbachev documentary
and Yeltsin, newspaper interview by
Yanayev, Gennady
and August coup
Yaroshenko, Viktor
Yavlinsky, Grigory
Yazov, Dmitry
and August coup
Yeltsin, Boris
achievements of
and alcoholism
and August coup
and Baker
and Baltic republics
and bodyguards/militia men
books by
and Bush
and Bush, and August coup
and Bush, praise by
and Bush (Barbara)
and capitalism
as chairman of Russian parliament
and Chechnya
childhood of
and Clinton
and Commonwealth of Independent States, creation of
and Communist Party
and Communist Party conference speech (1988)
and Congress of People’s Deputies
as Congress of People’s Deputies candidate
and constitution, change in
as construction department supervisor
and corruption
death of
and demonstrations
and disloyalty, suspicions of
and economic reform
education of
as engineer
family of
as first deputy chairman of state committee for construction
as first secretary of Moscow
as first secretary of Moscow, dismissal of
as first secretary of Sverdlovsk
and glasnost
and Gorbachev
and Gorbachev, alliance between
and Gorbachev, and economic reform
and Gorbachev, conflict between
and Gorbachev, difference between
and Gorbachev, expulsion from presidential office of
and Gorbachev, first meeting between
and Gorbachev, harassment of
and Gorbachev, hiring by
and Gorbachev, at Middle East conference
and Gorbachev, power loss of
and Gorbachev, and resignation from Politburo
and Gorbachev, resignation speech of
and Gorbachev, and Soviet republics