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Lucky Devil

Page 12

by Cat Miller

  “Yes. Yes. Everybody knows you’re the king around here.” She was smiling again.

  “You know what, Everly? I’m gonna fuck the smile right off your pretty face. Then we’ll see if you want to follow Farmer Bill home.”

  She wasn’t smiling anymore. “I will always follow him, Luc. He’s not a farmer. He’s a rancher. That cowboy is my brother, Mills, and I love him very much. He did come to drag me home. Like any good brother would.”

  “Your brother?”

  Luc thought back to the way Mills had wrapped an arm around Everly. It wasn’t possession. It was protection. Mills had come upon a man forcing himself on his sister and lost his temper. It was a reasonable reaction and Luc found the disruption to his day more palatable now. He was her brother, not a lover. She didn’t prefer the cowboy. That was ridiculous. The man would be allowed to live.

  He had no idea what any brother, good or bad, would do. He didn’t have any siblings. But the cowboy’s presence made sense now. Of course, Mills came to check on her. He needed to be sure she was keeping up her end of the wager so he would retail his portion of the ranch. Luc still hadn’t figured out what Everly was getting out of all of this. For now he didn’t care. Everly stood before him looking delicious and he wanted a nice long taste. He would do just as he’d threatened. He’d fuck her long and hard.

  * * *

  Everly plopped back into the chaise lounge Luc had backed her into when he put one finger between her breasts and gave her a little push. The look in Luc’s eyes was downright feral. He was an alpha stalking pray and Everly had been his catch.

  “Who do you serve, Everly?” He loosened his tie and tossed it on a nearby chair.

  She watched him unbuttoning his shirt and pondered the correct answer. She knew the answer he wanted to hear. He’d made it clear the other night when he spanked her that she was his . . . and only his. She wished the idea of being his wasn’t quite so appealing. She wouldn’t be his for long.

  Everly swallowed hard. It was difficult for her to admit aloud that she was his slave, but that’s what she was, and saying the words made it more real for her. If she didn’t say it out loud she could pretend this was a relationship of sorts. One where she was just taking time off from ranch life. One where she was having a vacation romance. One that would allow her to keep some sliver of her dignity.

  Luc devoured her with his eyes while he waited for his answer and continued to undress. She was naked already, her nipples beading in the cool air. Well, if she was going to be watched, she should put on a good show. Everly leaned back against the cushioned backrest and let her legs fall apart. Luc’s movement stuttered when his eyes fell to her exposed pussy. He licked his lips.

  “I serve you, Luc,” she answered his question quietly. “Only you,” she added, because he seemed to like to hear it. He’d actually been jealous. More than jealous. He was like a raging bull when he entered her room. Luc Christianson had stormed into her suite in a fit of actual jealousy . . . over her brother. The idea was almost funny. Until she realized how much she liked the idea of him feeling possessive of her. If he didn’t like her, even just a little, he wouldn’t care if she had a boyfriend at home. Would he? Sure, he wouldn’t want her sleeping around while they were together, but why did her short-term “owner” care if there was a man waiting for her back in Colorado?

  He shook himself and shucked the rest of his clothes quickly. “That’s right. Only me.”

  Luc lowered himself to the chaise, straddling her legs. Everly had to catch her breath. She felt so small and feminine beneath this broad, muscular man. It was easy to forget how ripped he was when he was buttoned up in his tailored suits.

  “Are you going to give me what I need, Everly?” His eyes searched hers. What he needs, not wants? She couldn’t imagine this beautiful man would need anything from her, but she would give him anything when he looked at her that way.

  “Yes, Luc, whatever you need.”

  She tried to remember he didn’t really want her. This was a punishment of sorts. Her brother had just reminded her of that, hadn’t he? Mills was racked with guilt because his little sister was paying a huge price in defense of the family. But these moments with Luc didn’t feel like punishment. They felt like the beginning of something big. But Luc would leave when he was done using her body and that would bring her back down to earth. She had this one month with Luc. Only three more weeks now. Then she’d never see him again. The sooner that all sunk in, the better for her.

  Why would he want to be with her? She was dreaming. He was Luc. Gorgeous, dapper, successful Luc Christianson. She was a country girl. Everly wore jeans and boots most days. Her perfume was eau de horse. She hadn’t even finished college. Her mom had died, and Everly had become a mom to her sister and the lady of Parker Ridge. She was attractive, sure, but Luc had stunningly beautiful women falling at his feet. She was . . . nobody. But when Luc touched her, she became somebody. She became his.

  Luc’s hands started a lazy tour of her body. He began with her face, brushing gentle fingers over her eyebrows then down to her neck. He traced her shoulders and collarbone before cupping her heavy breasts in his large, warm hands. She hissed when he tweaked her nipples, making them stiffen to the point of near pain. It amazed her that a little pain could feel so good. She thought of the spanking she’d received with a thrill. She was hot and ready for him already.

  Luc was so focused on exploring her curves that Everly had the opportunity to look her fill at the sharp angles of his perfect face, the warm tones of his tan skin, and the masculine lines of his body. He was breathtaking. Everly reached out slowly to touch the warm skin of his muscled chest and trace the ridges of his abs. His eyes met hers and he gave her a wicked grin before lowering his head to lick the valley between her breasts.

  Luc moved slowly, methodically licking a damp trail down her belly. His intentions were clear, and Everly was a little shocked. She hadn’t expected him to give her pleasure. Oh, he’d made her cum like a train before and more than once each time, but this was different. She just didn’t think he would do something so intimate. She was the slave, he the master. She should be taking care of him.

  His hot breath on her lower abdomen raised goose bumps and made Everly squirm. He nibbled at her hip bone, dipping lower to nuzzle her bare pussy. Luc took a deep breath, smelling her arousal. Luc knelt on the floor and went about arranging her legs, spreading them wide and resting her feet on the edge of the chaise. He hummed with pleasure when he found her wet and eager for his mouth.

  She blushed, but her embarrassment didn’t last long when he began to lick her pussy in long languorous swipes of his tongue. Everly’s hips jerked when the flat of his tongue stroked a slow trail from her entrance to her clit over and over. He sucked her labia into his mouth and nibbled delicately.

  Everly couldn’t hold back the moans of desire and need. He suckled her clit, pulling strongly at the bud until she felt the edge of orgasm creep up her spine. In that moment, he truly owned her. He dominated her body until she pleaded for release, her head thrashing on the cushion, her fingers digging into Luc’s hair.

  Luc pulled on her clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. Two thick fingers were thrust into her aching pussy. She screamed as she came once, but he didn’t let up on her. She called his name as she reached her climax for the second time, arching her back and gasping for air.

  He surrounded her then. She was still riding the waves of orgasm when Luc gathered her up in his arms. He found a home between her thighs and filled her completely. Luc claimed her body in one hard thrust. The thick column of his cock pounded into her willing heat. He fucked her steadily and with purpose. Everly lost all sense of time. It went on and on. Luc moved her around, positioning her body for his pleasure and she took it. He made her come again and again. He demanded she tell him repeatedly who was giving her so much pleasure. It was Luc giving her pleasure. Luc was fucking her. Luc made climax. Luc. Only Luc.


  Everly stared at the ceiling over the bed. It was morning. Soft light crept into the room. She wanted to sleep, but her stupid internal clock wouldn’t allow it. Back home on the ranch, it was time to start the day. No one slept in on a ranch. After years of running the household, her body knew when it was time to get going. So she was wide awake.

  After a long night of trying to satisfy a man who seemed to be insatiable, Everly didn’t think she could move. She was tender, and she’d been sure it would be weeks before she was ready to go at it again. That was until Luc rolled over all hot and hard and began to tease her again. He’d brought her to orgasm several times before letting himself climax.

  She drifted off for a while after that, but she was awake again, and her brain was churning. Luc was holding her and she felt safe. Probably more so than was good for her. So she asked the question that had been burning her ass since the day she’d met Luc in his office.

  “Why did you call me a Fury? I know my hair was a mess, but damn,” she griped.

  He grinned against her forehead. “I was referring to your righteous indignation over my lack of moral character, not your appearance. Which, by the way, was lovely enough to entice me into risking a tremendous windfall I’d very recently made.”

  Everly’s heart tripped. Something between them had shifted. Luc was open and warm after their long night and morning of loving. Loving. Well, it wasn’t love, but it felt closer to affection growing rather than a simple fuck. She didn’t feel like a convenient bed partner at the moment.

  “You and your brother both have very unusual names,” he mused aloud. “Are they family names?”

  She smiled up at him from her position on his broad chest. He was taking interest in her and her family. This was a change. Dare she hope she wasn’t the only one getting attached? She tried to tamp down those thoughts, but it was hard to do when he was being so open and affectionate.

  “Yes, they’re family names. Literally. It’s a tradition in many southern families to give the children the grandmother’s maiden name. That way that family’s history isn’t lost. My mother was from Tennessee.”

  Luc rubbed her back languorously. “That’s nice, but I can imagine it might suck for some people.” He chuckled and the vibration rumbled through her body. She loved being so close to him.

  “It’s a lovely tradition, but it can be disastrous,” she agreed. “My siblings and I were lucky. It could have been far worse. I have a cousin named Rutledge. They’ve called him Rutty his whole life.” She burst out laughing when Luc wrinkled his nose in distaste for the name. “Poor guy.”

  “You said siblings, as in multiple. I thought it was just you and Mills.”

  “There are three of us. I have a little sister.” She smiled at the thought of her sister she missed so much. She really needed to put more effort into planning Kennedy’s graduation party.

  “Dare I ask this mystery sister’s name? How old is she?”

  “I think her name is really lovely. It’s Kennedy, and she’s seventeen.”

  Luc rolled to his side and Everly rolled with him. He brushed the hair back out of her face and kissed her before resting his head again. “Kennedy? I like it. Any relation to Camelot?”

  “Not that I know of.” She giggled.

  Everly had him talking. She hated to ruin his wonderful mood, but while they were on the subject of names she had the perfect opening to ask him about his notorious name. He might get angry. She hoped he wouldn’t, because she really wanted to know how he’d been cursed with such a name.

  “Speaking of names . . .” She would just float it out there. Luc would either answer her or ignore it. Or get angry and leave.

  He sighed deeply. “I’ve been waiting for that question.”

  “I know there must be a story there. You don’t have to tell me, of course, but I’d like to know.” She rubbed soothing circles on his back. He was very stiff now.

  “You want the story? Fine.” He rolled to his back and stared up at the ceiling. He was annoyed that she’d asked.

  “Never mind.” She didn’t want the intimacy between them to end so soon. It had been stupid to ask.

  “No, you should hear this story.” He took a deep breath and began his tale.

  “My grandfather was a drunk with a gambling addiction. He abandoned my grandmother and their daughter with nothing. Every penny went to support his habits. One day he ended up here, at The Inferno, and he got himself into quite a bit of trouble at the tables. He had loan sharks dogging his heels and he was desperate. So desperate, in fact, that he wagered with the only thing of value he had left.”

  Luc drove both of his hands into his hair. He sat up and turned away from Everly. She wanted to touch him, but she was sure he’d reject the comfort. She knew whatever he said next would be devastating, not to her, but to Luc. This was the story the pastor had refused to repeat, because it was Luc’s story to tell.

  “He wagered the use of his daughter, Madeline. His sweet, virginal twenty-year old daughter, in a winner takes all game of poker. He lost.” Luc left the bed and crossed the room to retrieve his pants from the chaise.

  Everly said nothing. She sat up against the headboard and waited. This was an awful story but it wasn’t over. This didn’t explain the fact that he was named after the ultimate fallen angel. Luc went into the master bath and closed the door. She listened to the toilet flush and water running. When he came back to the bed his hair was brushed and the scent of toothpaste reached her when he blew out a long breath through pursed lips.

  “So my grandfather enlisted a buddy to help him snatch his own daughter off the street. He brought her here to fulfill his end of the wager. The owner of this hotel and casino took my mother to bed. He only had her for one night, but that was enough. She got pregnant.”

  Everly couldn’t stand it anymore. She moved into his space. After their closeness, she hated the distance between them now. Luc had put up a wall. He was protecting himself. He probably thought she would be disgusted. As the story went on, she could see how Luc would be comparing what happened to his mother to what was happening between him and Everly. The two situations were nothing alike, with the exception of the drunken father with a gambling problem. They did have that in common. Luc had made a huge effort to avoid her. She could see why now. She was sure he felt like he was following in his father’s footsteps.

  “Go on,” she told him softly and threaded her fingers through his on his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and waited. Luc accepted her touches. He stared at the opposite wall as if he could see the story playing out there like a movie.

  “My grandfather told Madeline he would be killed and so would her mother if she didn’t cooperate with Charlie Christianson, my father-to-be, when he took her to bed. He wasn’t lying. So she allowed it. She didn’t fight him. It was rape, plain and simple, but she didn’t see it that way because she hadn’t fought back. She was just a girl and the weight of both of her parent’s lives was placed squarely on her shoulders.” He shook his head sadly.

  Everly’s heart ached for the young woman. She and Everly were very much alike. They’d both made sacrifices for their families. Only Everly’s sacrifice had been of her own choosing. Madeline’s had been thrust upon her.

  “My mother and grandmother were both very religious women. My mother was so ashamed of what had happened to her that she ran away. She was homeless for the entirety of her pregnancy. My grandmother searched for her constantly. She never gave up until the night the police came to her door. My mother was delirious when another homeless woman got her help. She’d gone into labor six weeks early. She was hemorrhaging. Placenta previa they said was the reason for the hemorrhage.”

  Placenta previa was an uncommon condition in pregnant woman. Everly had learned about it when a friend back home suffered from the same condition. The placenta would attach partially or completely over the cervix or low in the uterus. It was diagnosed during sonograms and monitored. In many cases a caesarean wo
uld be performed preterm to ensure the safety of mother and baby.

  Luc’s fingers tightened on hers. The answer to her question was clear and it would be a tough pill for a person to swallow in his position. Everly remained quiet, fearing he’d stop talking. She had the feeling he needed to get this out. She wondered if he’d ever confided in anyone before.

  “I was born shortly after Madeline reached the hospital. As I said, she was delirious. And she was dying. They asked her if she had a name for me.”

  There was a long pause. Everly rubbed the top of his hand soothingly with her thumb. She would wait as long as he needed. So much about Luc made perfect sense to her now.

  “Lucifer was her last word. She passed away and my birth certificate was filed before they were able to find my grandmother. It was actually my father they found first. She’d given the hospital the name of the baby’s father when they asked. So I was cursed twice when I was named after the father of demons and then given the last name of my mother’s personal demon. I was in the NICU for a couple of weeks and then in foster care for a few weeks while they located my grandmother and she was cleared for adoption. Naturally, my father wanted nothing to do with a newborn.”

  “So you were raised by your maternal grandmother?”

  Everly wanted to change the subject. She knew he loved the woman who raised him. Her conversation with the pastor left her the impression that Luc had changed after the passing of his grandmother.

  Luc’s detached visage morphed into an expression of pure love and adoration. A wealth of warm emotion replaced the darkness. Everly’s heart skipped. She wished thoughts of her could bring that look to his handsome face.

  “Gran was a wonderful woman. She was also a no nonsense lady.” He chuckled. “I was such a little shit, but she never lost her patience with me. At least, she never let me know if she did. Raising a baby at her age couldn’t have been easy, but she kept us fed and clothed. Our home many not have been fancy,” he paused to look around their plush surroundings, “but it was always neat as pin. More than that, it was full of love. My grandmother could have passed me off to foster care. She could have washed her hands of the whole mess, but she didn’t. She never resented me for taking her daughter from her, and she never made me feel unwanted. She was my mother from the day she found out I was born.” Luc looked down at Everly with glistening eyes. “I miss her every day. Gran was a blessing. She was my own guardian angel. I miss her more every day. They say time heals all wounds, but the last seven years have done nothing to lessen the ache of her loss.”


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