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Lucky Devil

Page 25

by Cat Miller

  What now? What was he supposed to do? How do you do a good job of loving another person? He would have to talk to Rourke. Rourke was a happily married man. A very happily married man. A married man. That was it.

  The smile left Luc’s face. Everly’s smile faded as well. She was searching his face, clearly unsure of what to do or say next. She was as lost as Luc was but he was working on a new plan.

  He loved Everly. She loved him. There was only one thing left to do. And Luc would see it done before she had a chance to realize what a bad deal she was getting in Lucifer Christianson. She would not leave him. He wouldn’t have it. Not now. Not Ever.

  * * *

  Luc’s expression had gone from astonished and exultant to intense and thoughtful in the blink of an eye. He was up to something. She knew that determined look in his eyes. It was his business face.

  “You aren’t leaving me. I won’t allow it. You’re mine now, Everly. That’s something you’ll just have to learn to live with. It’s your own fault. You shouldn’t have stolen from me.” He nodded to add emphasis to his blatant lie.

  “I never stole from you!” Everly gasped, offended.

  “You did.” He kissed her softly, slowly.

  Everly was too bewildered to argue with him when he was kissing her like that.

  Luc pulled back looking completely serious into her eyes. He took her hand and placed her palm over the center of his chest.

  “You stole my heart. I can’t live without it, baby. You’re just going to have to stay with me now.” He quickly kissed her again.

  Everly was blown away. He loved her and wanted her to stay. This was more than she could ever have hoped for. Maybe they really did have a chance at a real relationship.

  The look on Everly’s face must not have pleased Luc. He was still glaring at her. He rolled so that she was under him and reached for the phone on the bedside table. He dialed and waited for an answer. Everly studied his beautiful, stern face while he spoke. She was still replaying his words in her head. He loved her. He’d said it more than once.

  “Rourke, it’s Luc. Yes, I know I’m calling from Everly’s suite. Don’t act like you’re surprised. I need you to get a preacher and meet me at the chapel. Yes. I do know that’s it’s three in the morning.” He listened again. “No, not Pastor Davis. He won’t come, and he’d ask too many questions if he did.”

  What is he doing? Why did he need a preacher at three in the morning? Was he drunk? She didn’t think so.

  “I don’t care what you have to do get a preacher here, just do it and make sure they bring a marriage license.”

  Everly’s head was spinning. Is he serious? Luc looked down at her as he finished his conversation with Rourke.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Don’t try to talk me out of it, old friend. I love her. I’m not letting her walk away.”

  A broad smile split Luc’s face. “Thank you. You’re right. She is the perfect woman for me. I’m glad you approve. Meet me at the chapel in thirty minutes.”

  Luc hung up and rolled off of the bed pulling Everly with him. He pushed her in the direction of her closet and smacked her ass.

  “Get dressed, woman! We’re getting married!”


  Did he say they were getting married?

  Everly stood in the walk-in closet blinking with incredulity. She stuck her head back out into the bedroom. Luc was already dressed in the clothes he’d had on earlier. They were in her suite, so that was all he had.

  “You aren’t going to change?” she asked.

  He looked over his shoulder at her while he tugged on his shoes.

  “No, I’m not letting you out of my sight. Get some clothes on, woman.” Luc’s eyes roamed over her body. She was still naked, and he appreciated the view. He was getting hard again while she watched.

  “Everly, stop looking at me like that, or we’ll be late for our own wedding. I’m sure that’s bad manners,” he teased and pressed a hand over his man parts to block her view.

  “Was that supposed to be a proposal or something?”

  “No, it was a direction. Put on some clothes or I’ll carry you to the chapel naked.”

  “I don’t get a proposal?” She was pretty sure all weddings came with one of those.

  “No, you don’t get a proposal. I believe in stacking the deck in my favor if at all possible, Everly. Why would I take the chance that you might say ‘no’?”

  His expression was a comical mix of happiness and wariness. He really wanted to do this, and he was anxious that Everly would refuse him.

  “You said you love me, right?”

  “Yes, I do, I love you very much. I’ve known it for a while. I just couldn’t tell you. You weren’t ready to hear it yet,” she admitted.

  “You, see? You already know me so well.” His smile could light up the rest of her life. “We’re in love. Let’s get married. Why wait?”

  She supposed she did know him pretty well now. She’d felt he was getting closer to admitting his feelings for her. She’d hoped and prayed he would. It had taken him long enough, the jerk. She’d nearly given up hope. She had her bags mentally packed and was preparing for the broken heart she didn’t think she’d ever get over before Luc had gotten his head on straight.

  To be honest, though, Everly wasn’t sure his current behavior was a sign of a man who had thought things through. But he did look like a man who was in love and wanted to claim his bride immediately. How could she say no to that? This was what she wanted. She’d been giving him all the time she could to accept a more long-term relationship. Marriage was as long-term as it got.

  Everly needed a few minutes alone. She stepped into the master bath to freshen up and tidy her wild mass of red hair. She stared at her reflection while her disorderly thoughts began to rearrange themselves to fit this new reality. Luc wanted to marry her now. Right now. And she couldn’t find a single reason to say no to the man she loved.

  She was still standing there pondering this turn of fate when Luc appeared to hustle her out of the bathroom and back into the huge closet. He opened the drawers until he found her pretty new underwear and retrieved a bra and a pair of panties. He dressed Everly with a little help from her.

  He stopped to place kisses on the upper curves of her breasts in the white lace bra. Then, more kisses were scattered over her belly and the tops of her thighs when he knelt to help her into a pair of panties.

  “Which dress?” he asked, looking around at the sparse selection. “Woman, we need to do some more shopping.”

  Everly pointed to the dress she wanted. Luc pulled it from the hanger. She held up her arms and tugged it on over her head and down her body. Her hands were a little shaky as she worked on the buttons while Luc found a pair of flats to slide onto her feet.

  Getting married in a slightly wrinkled dress after being denied the right of refusal was not how Everly had always imagined her wedding day. The dress wasn’t the lacy confection of a gown she’d always hoped for either. She wore a simple sundress, but it was the only white dress she owned. Not that she was virginal. She just wanted to wear white like every other first time bride. So it would have to do.

  She’d always assumed she’d be married during the day, too. Though she supposed four AM was technically day time. If you were an early riser. No sooner than she was clothed, Luc herded her down the hall and out of her suite. They were in the elevator holding hands and kissing in no time. She had the feeling he was trying to keep her from thinking too much.

  They reached the chapel first, which made Luc curse and pace the floor. The man was determined to make her his wife before the sun came up over Las Vegas.

  “Are you sure about this? I love you. I’m not going anywhere. We can plan a small wedding on the ranch or we can bring my family here for a small ceremony in a few days or a week.”

  “No.” Luc stopped his marching to give her a glare and a kiss.

  Luc wouldn’t hear anything she had to say about having a wedding at ho
me in Colorado or waiting until she could get her family there to witness the vows. He wanted her to be his wife now. Before another day passed.

  It wasn’t ideal, and it wasn’t what she’d always hoped for, but she had to admit it was romantic. He loved her so much he had to make her his immediately. It was a very Luc thing to do. He took what he considered his with no questions asked. He had informed her that she was his and that was that. She’d have to learn to live with it.

  Yes, she supposed she could learn to live with it, if it meant they would be together. The big wedding with the dress and all the trimmings wasn’t what mattered in the end. The marriage was the important part. It lasted so much longer than the wedding after all. Too many women got married because they wanted a wedding. That magical, fairytale day would come and go though. Then what? It was a good question even for her and Luc. What’s next?

  Everly decided to worry about how to explain things to her family later. She would need to figure out how to run the family business and be a good wife to Luc later too. For now she was a happy bride about to walk down the aisle toward an intensely satisfied looking groom. He was getting his way. Nothing made Luc happier.

  Rourke and Jennifer arrived next. Rourke looked simply perplexed as they approached. Luc had said that Rourke approved of the match. He, of course, did what any friend would do and tried to talk him down off the ledge. She wasn’t offended. She would have done the same for her friends. She’d even tried to slow Luc down. Good luck once he made a discussion.

  “Let’s go inside and talk before the preacher arrives,” he said to Luc. Luc went reluctantly. The two men moved into the chapel. She was sure Rourke would try to talk to him again.

  Jennifer gave Everly a big congratulatory hug.

  “Oh, girl, don’t wrinkle my fancy wedding dress,” Everly joked, and they both laughed aloud.

  Jennifer promised to drag all the details of how she’d rustled Luc into marriage as soon as possible. Jennifer and Dolce would want a full report after the honeymoon.

  Honeymoon? Would there be a honeymoon? She had no idea. Everly tried to tell her this was all Luc’s doing, but Jennifer’s smirk was disbelieving.

  A man wearing formal preacher’s vestments exited the elevator and went straight into the church. He was a young man. Everly was surprised, but really, how many holy men would be available to preside over a wedding on thirty minutes notice. Everly would have to ask Jennifer how Rourke pulled that one off. It had to have been expensive.

  Rourke saw the man coming and cut off his conversation with Luc. They gave each other a brotherly half-hug, and Rourke left Luc to deal with the details of the ceremony.

  Jennifer went into the chapel to meet her husband who already occupied the front pew on the right.

  Dolce popped out of the elevator. She must have either been on duty or she hadn’t been home yet to change out of her usual pit boss uniform of black slacks, super high heels, and tailored sport jacket. She gave a big toothy smile on her way by Everly.

  “Things sure have been interesting since you came to town, Everly. I really can’t wait to see what happens next.” Dolce shook her head in astonishment.

  Dolce rushed to take a seat across from Rourke and Jennifer on the left side of the chapel. There went another one who wouldn’t believe Everly hadn’t seen a day of trouble in her life before she met Luc. She sighed.

  Everly caught the incredulous look that passed between the two people who had grown up with her groom. Yeah, she understood their confusion. Everly didn’t know how this had happened either. All she knew was she loved the man smiling at her from the other end of the aisle and he loved her. It was a leap of faith she was willing to take.

  Under an hour ago she’d been snuggling Luc in bed. She hadn’t even been allowed to take a shower and she was about to be married. She felt lucky he had let her tidy up and brush her hair. She didn’t even have flowers. She walked down the aisle empty-handed with no one to give her away.

  Everly approached Luc at the altar, and he grasped her hand. They smiled and gazed into each other’s eyes as they stepped up to meet the preacher whose name she didn’t even know. He loved her and she loved him. Nothing else mattered. That was what she told herself over and over. She didn’t need all of the trimmings. She only needed Luc. Her husband.

  The ceremony was fast and to the point. When the preacher asked for the rings, Everly flinched. Did you have to have rings for the wedding to be official? She didn’t know.

  Luc gave Dolce a significant look over Everly’s shoulder.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Dolce leapt up from her seat, still looking like she was in shock at the proceedings. Dolce produced a jewelry box that had clearly come from the Inferno gift shop.

  Dolce opened the box and handed the rings to Luc. He quickly examined them and looked back at Dolce. He didn’t seem pleased by the simple gold bands.

  “It was all they had. I had like two seconds to find rings. Be happy if they fit. I had to guess at sizes since people are in such an all fired hurry at four in the morning,” she huffed and went back to her seat.

  Everly couldn’t help giggling at poor Dolce’s disgruntlement. Luc smiled then. He saw the humor in it too. He had them all jumping through hoops on a moment’s notice, but he’d gotten his wish, as always.

  Luc handed one of the plain gold bands to Everly. She smiled. He winked at her. The rings still had the little, white stickers with the price on them. They were such a mess, but she was happier than she could ever remember being.

  The ceremony ended with a blessing from the preacher and prayer. They both signed the wedding certificate. Rourke and Dolce signed as witnesses, and it was over. She and Luc were man and wife.

  Rourke discreetly handled paying the preacher while Everly and Luc were hugged and congratulated by Dolce and Jennifer. Rourke returned to shake Luc’s hand and give him a hearty congratulatory thumping on the back the way men did when they loved each other but they weren’t the touchy-feely types.

  Luc held Everly close and kissed her with heat before they left the chapel. It seemed like it was time for her wedding night. Or wedding morning.

  Under an hour had passed since Luc first told Everly that he loved her. It had been under an hour since she’d confessed her love for him. Life could change on a dime. Usually when it happened that fast, it was for the worse. But not today. No, today it was a blessing. Everly entered the private elevator holding her husband’s hand. Today was a new beginning. With a contented sigh, Everly looked forward to a life with Luc as her husband.

  * * *

  Everly was sleeping soundly in the giant bed after a long sleepless night. She and Luc had returned to Luc’s suite after their impromptu wedding in the wee hours of the morning, but neither of them had gotten much sleep.

  By the time they reached the penthouse level, the sexual tension between them had built to an explosive level when Luc began kissing Everly and calling her Mrs. Christianson in the elevator. It was a thrill just to hear him say the name. The kiss quickly escalated from playful smooching to downright making out. They couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.

  Once inside his home, they ripped off each other’s clothes. Luc pinned her to the wall just inside his door. She wrapped herself around him. Her arms clutched his shoulders. Her legs locked behind his fine ass. She held on tight for good reason. It was an uninhabited and wild ride to a fierce, throbbing completion.

  As soon as Luc caught his breath, he carried her to his room, where he proceeded to make unhurried, sweet love to Everly in his new bed. He nibbled and licked every inch of her body. He spread her out on the bed and took his time giving her as much pleasure as she could handle. Eventually they both collapsed into an exhausted sleep.

  A strange whirring sound followed by a thump had pulled Everly from her blissful dreams of the future.

  Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump.

  What the hell was that sound. Everly lifted her head and looked around the room. She
was in bed alone. That was the first thing she noticed. Then she saw Luc sitting in a chair he’d pulled up next to the bed. He was watching her with an oddly disconnected blankness in his eyes.

  Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump.

  Everly sat up in bed and pulled the covers up over her bare breasts. Something was very wrong. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at Luc more closely. He was angry. Furious, judging by the scowl he leveled on her. What was that about? She couldn’t have done anything to piss him off. She’d been sleeping. In his bed. With him.

  Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump. Whir. Thump.

  The sound drew her attention again. Luc was spinning his wedding ring like a top on the bedside table. He’d taken the price tag off of it at some point. Everly looked down at her own left hand where the little white tag still dangled from her ring.

  Luc would spin the ring and let it go round and round for a few seconds before slapping his hand on the table to stop it. She watched him do it a few times at a loss for words. This could not be good. Why wasn’t he wearing his wedding ring?

  He continued the methodical spinning and pounding as he finally spoke.

  “I couldn’t figure out what your game was. I knew there was something, some ulterior motive. I just couldn’t find it. Not even my best P.I. could find anything even remotely dirty on you. You’re practically a saint.”

  The cold, flatness of his voice terrified Everly. This wasn’t the business voice or even the dismissive tone he used on people he was finished dealing with. That indifferent quality was the one he’d used on her the day she met him in his office and he was trying to blow her off.

  No, this was something new, and she was afraid of what it meant for her. She certainly wasn’t getting breakfast in bed today.

  “What are you talking about, Luc.”

  She didn’t have any ulterior motives. Ulterior motives for doing what, she’d like to know.

  He continued in the same tenor but he stopped spinning the ring to lean his forearms on his knees and glare her down.


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