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Divine Interventions: Nemesis of the Garden

Page 9

by Cricket Starr

  She was happy to say no. Nina spared a glance at the former statues, the pair watching her with intent expressions. “Not now. They’ve had enough exercise today. I think it’s time to return our actors to their normal state for now.”

  A look of relief crossed his face then he gestured to Aster and Dawn to rise. They obeyed although Dawn did so reluctantly and Aster wore a mutinous expression as he took his position on the lawn.

  Standing behind them, Pan waved his hand. “Flesh to stone as you were before, until we need you living once more.”

  Pink and brown skin paled to the same color of marble, and the pair were frozen in place again. Belatedly Nina realized that Dawn was still wearing the thin robe Pan had made for Scheherazade’s costume, but she decided it didn’t look so bad. In fact, having Dawn’s beauty covered seemed a lot better than having it available for Pan to lust over.

  “Maybe I should have given him a robe too,” Pan muttered.

  Nina turned to him. “What?”

  The god drew her slowly into his arms. “Nothing. Just thinking aloud.” He nuzzled her neck and ran a line of delicious kisses down her throat, his beard tickling the sensitive skin. “Now, what did you want from me?”

  * * * * *

  In Titanous, Hyperion entered his throne room, only to find Helios sitting on the all-seeing throne, a pensive smile on his face. The smile disappeared when Hyperion caught his attention. “Father. What mischief have you been up to?” He waved his hand at the image of Olympus far below them. “And what plans do you have that require my sister to put herself in danger?”

  “A statue in a garden? She’s hardly in danger.”

  “She’s wasn’t a statue a moment ago.” The pensive smile was back on Helios’ face and he even chuckled a little. “I will admit she wasn’t exactly suffering from the experience.”

  “Aphrodite turned them human already? Let me see!” Hyperion gestured to his son to exit his throne and the younger Titan stood, reluctantly giving up the seat. The Titan king frowned as he saw the two figures turned to stone.

  “Pan changed them, not Aphrodite.” Helios crossed his arms and frowned. “You are planning to do something to the goddess of love?”

  Hyperion returned his son’s glare with a look laced with malicious mischief. “I’m planning on getting us free, one way or another.”

  “I’ve told you that Hephaestus has offered to help us win our freedom—”

  With an imperious wave, Hyperion interrupted him. “I know what you said, boy. I’m not about to negotiate with the Olympians. It’s always been war between us and it always will be.”

  “After five thousand years, I’m scarcely a boy, Father!” Helios scowled. “And things have changed. The Olympians don’t spend all their time making war any more than the humans do. Clinging to old ways won’t help us.” He shook his golden head in frustration. “If you would only listen—”

  “So long as I’m king of the Titans we’ll do things my way, and that’s the old way!”

  For a long moment, the two Titans exchanged glares, then the younger one clenched his jaw and bowed his head into a shallow nod. “Very well, Father. We’ll do it your way…until someone forces you to see reason.” He turned and exited the room, leaving Hyperion to glower after him.

  Chapter Seven

  Back on Olympus, Nina reached for and cupped Pan’s bulging loincloth. “Oh, I don’t know,” she said, massaging his balls gently. “What comes to mind?”

  A short whoosh of air left Pan’s throat. “Well,” he said through gritted teeth. “We could go over my notes.”

  With her hand caressing his engorged cock, Nina had lost track of their conversation. “Notes? What notes?”

  “The ones I had for the statues. I wasn’t all that impressed with the way that scene went. With the lovemaking.”

  They’d done a fine job as far as Nina was concerned, but who was she to argue with an expert. Besides exploring his “notes” had real potential. “So, why don’t we go through the scene ourselves and you can show me what they should have done?”

  Pan seemed happy to oblige her. “To start with I think perhaps the sultan’s bride might need a little persuasion to be placed in his bed. After all, she knows it’s her death he’s got planned.”

  Nina grinned at him. Now this had real potential. “Persuasion?”

  He loomed over her, letting his size speak for him. Nina felt the intensity of his attention, his overwhelming masculinity, as the force it was. If nothing else, Pan was pure male sensuality on the hoof. Literally in his case, she thought, staring down at his cloven feet.

  Pan grabbed her hands and held them effortlessly with one hand. Scooping up one of Dawn’s dropped silken veils, he wrapped it around Nina’s wrists, securing them together. She barely had a chance to bleat before he picked her up and deposited her on the cushions that had recently been the “sultan” bed. With one quick motion he secured her bound wrists to the edge of the bed above her head, then used another pair of veils to tie her feet loosely to the bottom edge.

  Nina didn’t remember there being hooks in those locations on the makeshift bed, but with Pan’s magic in his garden he could easily add what he wanted, where he wanted it. There were some advantages to making love to a god.

  He stood over her, eyeing her still clothed body with thinly veiled delight. “And now, little nymph, I’ll show you how a real man of power makes love to a woman.”

  She couldn’t help an anticipatory giggle. Secured to the bed Nina wriggled her hips in delight. “Oh, please, my lord. Be gentle with me.”

  Pan ran his hands along her side, speaking a set of short sentences, obviously some kind of spell. The seams of her top separated and the garment fell off her in pieces. With one hand he collected each piece and pulled it from her, letting some of the silken fabric drag across her skin. Now nude from the waist up, Nina’s nipples peaked under the combination of cool garden air and his hot, sensuous assault.

  Pan stared at her breasts, his breaths coming short. “So beautiful. I can never get over how lovely your breasts are, Nina.” His hands cupped their fullness, his fingers stroking the soft skin.

  Arching her back, she pushed them deeper into his hands. “Is this the way a sultan torments his captive bride, by playing her breasts? Surely you can come up with something more inventive than that.”

  A grin took over his face even as he shook his head in mock dismay. “You are still the mouthiest little wench I ever met. I think I’ll give you something to occupy that tongue of yours.” His loincloth flew to one side, and he lifted Nina’s head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Accepting it eagerly, she sucked on it and ran her tongue along the head. Straddling her chest, Pan rubbed his ass along her breasts, catching her nipples with every stroke.

  Nina moaned around his cock, already rock-hard and filling her mouth to the brim. She’d never been able to take all of him in, no matter how much she’d tried, and from this angle it was even harder to attempt. Either not caring or not understanding her inadequacies, Pan held her head and urged her to take more of him, the gentleness in his hands belying the harshness in his voice as he threatened dire consequences should she fail to please him.

  “Take me, wench, or I’ll…” Pan’s voice trailed off in a gasp as she delved her tongue deep under his glans and swirled it around the head of his cock. “Oh, yeah…” he said appreciatively. “Do that again.”

  So she did and then did some other things with her tongue she hadn’t gotten around to doing before. Thirty years in the adult entertainment trade taught a girl a few tricks, and for the first time Nina used every one she’d learned. By the time she’d run out of new ways to tease his cock with her tongue, Pan’s eyes were glazed.

  Pulling out of her mouth, he gave her the most intense glare she’d ever received. “Woman, I will get you for holding out on me like that.”

  She grinned up at him impudently and wiggled her bound fingers. “Imagine if I had my hands free.”

sp; “Oh, no. I’ve got you where I want you and that’s that.” With an impatient gesture, he waved his hands and the seams of her slacks suffered the same fate as her blouse. He pulled the now disconnected pieces away from her, revealing pink satin underwear with an enticing panel of sheer lace covering her woman’s mound.

  At least it should have been enticing, but Pan merely growled. “Underwear…why do you inconvenience me this way? That’s another thing you’ll have to pay for,” he told her meaningfully.

  The thought of what kinds of “punishment” Pan was promising made Nina’s knees weaken and her pussy flood with anticipatory dampness. The garden air cooled the wet satin covering her crotch and it was almost a relief when he tore them off her. She couldn’t resist a small sigh of regret when her underwear once again fell in pieces to the ground. She’d liked those panties.

  It was a darn shame that Pan had this problem with underwear. At this rate, she’d have to buy up a lingerie store to keep outfitted unless she could get Pan to use his magic to make her some new ones. Not likely, since he proclaimed women’s underwear to be a nefarious plot invented merely to get in his way. It was clear she needed to educate him on the joys of fancy underclothing.

  Of course that would take longer than a few months. Briefly Nina wondered how much longer they would have together and if she’d get the opportunity to teach Pan about how fancy packaging could entice a man’s attention.

  Not that she was having any trouble getting his attention. Now that they both were naked, Pan stretched out and covered Nina’s bound body with his own, rubbing his heavy cock against her soft curls. She felt his strength and desire and the control he had over her. He could do whatever he wanted and she could do nothing to stop him. It was thrilling but not frightening. Both of them knew that she was in no danger from him. Pan wouldn’t really hurt her.

  On the other hand, he would have some fun with her and that’s what he was doing now. Stretched out on top of her, he rubbed his cock against the cleft between her legs, stimulating her clit into awareness. It was already throbbing, but Pan’s strokes brought it to full alert and she moaned in response.

  She tried to draw her knees up, to open wider and give him further access, but the soft silk veils tied around her ankles kept them fixed to the bed. Pan’s face appeared near devilish as she writhed beneath him, desperate for relief from his too-teasing touch.

  “Is there something you want, my captive? Something I could do for you?”

  She wriggled her fingers and strained against her bonds. She needed someone to stroke her nipples and caress her breasts. She needed someone’s hand between her legs, taking care of the ache in her clit. Bound as she was, it couldn’t be her hand.

  Nina was truly at his mercy. “Please, Pan. Touch me.”

  Pan planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’ll do better than that, my little captive.” He moved slowly down her body, inch by inch, using his tongue and lips on each part of her. He took his time. The length of her neck alone took him several minutes to traverse. Pan kissed and licked until she was ready to scream with frustration. He spent some quality time on her nipples, laving each with his special suckling before moving further down her body. On reaching the tender expanse of her belly, he took care in using the soft beard on his chin to tickle her belly button.

  Finally he arrived at her most sensitive places, her clit and her pussy. Pan raised his head to stare at her face. Nina moaned when all he did for a few moments was blow puffs of air against the aching, swollen bud of her clit. The soft pressure from his warm breath provoked her. She wanted more than hot air from him.

  “Please, Pan. I don’t know how much more I can take.” She sounded desperate and felt every bit of it.

  “Oh, you’ll take all of it, little one, eventually,” he responded with a wicked grin, rising up to show her how big his swollen cock had gotten. Even after all this time, Nina’s mouth gaped at the sheer size of him.

  “For now I’ll give you something a lot smaller but just as satisfying to think about.”

  He wiggled his long sensuous tongue at her, and then closed his mouth around her swollen nub, letting that talented organ go to work on her. If Nina could have broken her bonds, she’d have lifted off the bed at the intense pleasure of the sensation. Instead, helpless, she lay quivering under him, panting as he licked and laved her, giving her all of the benefit of three thousand years of practice. If Nina had thought herself an expert on oral sex, Pan was at least her equal.

  In some ways, she had to admit, he was a whole lot better. For one thing, he never seemed to need to come up for air. Probably one of those other benefits of being a god, being able to control whether or not you had to breathe.

  Certainly he was divinely good at this.

  Nina whimpered as she felt an Olympian-sized orgasm begin like the first shivers of the land during an earthquake, then screamed her throat raw when it arrived. She shook and quaked like California during a 7.2, her mind collapsing like a building of un-reinforced bricks.

  She was still trembling and barely conscious when Pan sat up and fitted his cock to the opening of her pussy. He waited, though, to drive home and only after she’d recovered a little did she realize that he too seemed to shiver with anticipation.

  He smiled down at her, his brown eyes possessive. “And now, my lady, you belong to me.” With one stroke he entered, filling her to her womb with his cock. Nina groaned at the sweetness of his heated entrance.

  “So, good,” Pan said, his voice a harsh whisper. “You feel so hot and wet. You are mine. Nina, tell me you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Yours. Anything you want is yours.” She’d give him anything if he’d just stay inside her for a little longer.

  Pan stared down at her. “Mine.” He said the word slowly then moved, a single stroke in and out that pulled on her pussy muscles, clenching tight around his cock.

  She wanted that too. “Yes, Pan. Like that.”

  “Like that?” He grinned at her. Repeating the action, he took up a pattern of strokes, some long, some short, some fast, some slow. It was hard to predict what he’d do next and she loved the anticipation of meeting his cock with what limited movement she had. She couldn’t direct him, was being held immobile beneath him. It was infuriating, exhilarating, and absolutely wonderful being under his mastery.

  Nina wasn’t used to giving up control to a lover. She’d rarely been the one tied up in the bondage scenes she’d played before. With Pan it was different. It was liberating letting him take charge. She loved how he took control of their lovemaking, of her body, and of her. Nothing could be better sensually than this, nothing she could think of.

  Not that she was able to form much in the way of coherent thought at the moment. All she could do was react to the pounding of his cock into her, her body twisting underneath him. Around his cock her pussy contracted and she felt the swell of another massive climax coming. It came closer, closer…

  “PAN!” Nina screamed, then moaned as he froze above her, his face triumphant. She shuddered, moaned again, and gave in to the miniature death, the only kind of oblivion an immortal was likely to feel.

  Her pussy clutched tighter and Pan’s triumphant expression slipped, replaced by a look she knew well, his look of impending orgasm. When he came his cry was nearly as loud as hers, echoing through the garden. Finally he collapsed on top of her.

  It was several moments before either of them could lift their heads. When Nina opened her eyes, it was to see Pan watching her through half-closed lids, his expression fiercely possessive.

  Not certain she was actually reading him correctly Nina stared at him in return. “Pan, is something wrong?”

  He shook his head and the look in his eyes faded. “No, not really.” His usual grin returned. “Just getting carried away.” With a single jerk, he freed her arms from the bed then untied her ankles, and allowed her to sit up. “It’s always been a fantasy of mine to get you under my complete power,” he continued,
carefully not meeting her gaze.

  Rubbing her wrists, Nina considered his words carefully. “I’m not used to someone having control over me. It can be…stimulating.”

  “Stimulating. An interesting way to put it.” He drew her into his arms. “Perhaps we should explore this some more. “

  “No more tying me up tonight.” Nina showed the red marks on her skin. “Perhaps we can play another game instead.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  Nina pulled out of his arms and danced away from him. She struck a coquettish pose a few feet away. “Chase me to the bedroom, and I’ll show you.”

  She didn’t make it more than halfway there before Pan ran her down and threw her over his shoulder. Carrying her, he slowed down and strode purposefully to the bower.

  “I prefer to save my energy for sex if you don’t mind, little nymph.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind,” she told him as he ducked to enter the doorway to their bedroom. “Really I don’t.”

  * * * * *

  Once they were gone, the garden returned to its normal quiet, the only sounds the nighttime noises of the animals and birds living in the nearby bushes. In a few moments the soft chirps and squeaks were joined by more soft groans and moans coming from the bower.

  In the silence around the stone figures, inaudible to all but the most sensitive of immortal ears, two voices began talking, one male and the other female.

  The female spoke first. “So, what did you think of that?”

  “That?” the male answered, his tone scornful. “On a scale of one to ten, I’d give it a seven point five.”

  “A score of seven point five out of ten?” She sounded amused. “Doesn’t that seem a little low to you? After all, there was bondage and oral sex. Even we didn’t get that far.”

  “Hmph. I gave them the point five for tying her up, but otherwise it would have been straight sex, hardly that inspiring. And he had the nerve to give me ‘notes’ on my performance,” he grumbled.


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