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Divine Interventions: Nemesis of the Garden

Page 11

by Cricket Starr

  It was more than lust, but he wasn’t going to argue with her now, at least not with words. He’d let his actions carry the message to her, to tell her how he really felt about his little nymph, and when that message had been delivered, he had another one for her, one just as important, possibly more.

  She was still a few feet away in the pool. Pan moved closer to her, stalking her quietly as she watched. For a moment he thought she was going to back away, but she held firm, her face glowing in the candlelight that filtered through the mist rising from the warm water.

  Reaching her, he took hold of her shoulders and pulled her close enough to place his lips over hers, a kiss he hoped held less passion and more of the his depth of feeling for her. He put it all into that kiss, as much feeling as he could manage. Under the water his cock was hard enough to pound nails, but he kept his lips soft on hers. She’d see there was more than lust on his mind.

  She let him pull her into his arms, pressing her body against him. The familiar feel of her fired his blood. He ran his hands down her, caressing her soft breasts and toying with her already pebbled nipples. She was excited and ready for him already.

  Pan reached for the juncture of her legs to stroke her clit. Perhaps they’d make love in the water. It wouldn’t be the first time, but repeating old favorites was always fun.

  He sought the hard sensitivity of her clit, but found something else instead. Something unexpected, and something that most certainly shouldn’t be between Nina’s legs.

  Pan broke off his kiss and stared into Nina’s now wary face. He cleared his throat carefully, not sure how to ask the question in his mind. Finally he decided directness was the best approach.

  “Nina…do you by any chance have a penis attached to you?”

  Something that might have been laughter sped through her eyes. “Well, actually…yes, I do.”

  His hands wandered down the hard erect member to where it joined her body and found first one leather strap, then another. She wore a harness of some sort, probably the new cock’s support system. Pan breathed an inward sigh of relief. At least it wasn’t a permanent addition to her body.

  The corners of her mouth twitched upwards. “It’s a strap-on dildo, Pan. Something from the box of tricks I brought from my apartment.”

  Pan pulled her hand down to his erect member and guided it along his length. He liked the way her eyes lit up with desire as she felt just how big and hard he was. “Why did you think we needed an extra one, Nina? Isn’t mine enough for you?”

  She licked her lips and it was all he could do to not pounce on them.

  “This cock isn’t for me, Pan. It’s for you.”

  “For me?” Now he was surprised. “And what do you think I want with an extra…” his voice trailing off as he caught the gist of her idea. Then he remembered her concern over Aster and his jaw dropped open.

  “You thought I wanted Aster to fuck me?” He couldn’t decide if he was outraged or if he wanted to laugh. Perhaps both.

  “Well…” Nina’s voice trailed off as she caught the trace of his anger. “It’s not like you haven’t had a male lover in the past. I thought you might have missed it.”

  “Missed getting buggered, you mean? And so you were going to fuck me instead. With this.” He gave the dildo a tug and was gratified to see her pulled towards him. Well, if nothing else, it made a good handle.

  She looked completely chagrined now. “I guess it was a bad idea. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  A bad idea…that was one way to put it, Pan muttered to himself. He’d never been so insulted. He gave the false cock another caress. Imagine him having something like that inside him. Hard and long, and thick…it would fill his ass completely, probe deep inside him, caress his prostrate like a friendly finger.

  Nina would have to enter him from behind and he’d be submissive to her. She could lie against him, her breasts soft against his back. Her hands would be free to caress him, and maybe play with his cock as she stroked deep inside him…

  Pan broke off his sensual imaginings as a sharp thrill went through him. A long-ago memory rose of a man who’d been his lover for a while, a very short while. Their relationship had been iffy, he remembered, but the sex had been great while it lasted. His asshole clenched at the memory of his friend’s hard cock taking him deep and slow.

  Deep and slow. Pan closed his eyes and a further rush of excitement flooded his body. It had been rare that he’d allowed a man back there and he’d never had a woman want something like this, but he had to admit…now that he was thinking about it, getting fucked in the ass didn’t really sound all that bad. The more he thought about the better it sounded. In fact, it was sounding pretty interesting.

  And after all, Nina had gone to all the trouble to dig out her rig and get dressed up for him, fastening all those straps and everything. And she’d wanted to please him and thought of this as a way to keep him from wanting another lover.

  That was interesting in itself. Nina wanted to be any kind of lover she thought he wanted? Why shouldn’t he take advantage of something like that?

  Pan used the cock to pull her into his arms and tilted her chin up so her eyes met his. She looked as if she wished she were anywhere else.

  “I suppose you remembered to bring the lube out,” he said gently.

  It was worth it if only to see her jaw drop open. Pan withheld his laughter as Nina struggled to understand his change of attitude.

  “You mean you want to…to have me…” She gasped for a moment. “You mean that you want to try it?”

  He broke into a grin. It wasn’t often that Nina found herself lacking words but he’d managed to overcome her powers of speech this time. Not bad for a god saddled with a mouthy little wench for a lover.

  A mouthy little wench he was very much in love with.

  He leaned in to kiss her, deep and meaningfully. Nina responded with all her usual enthusiasm, plus some. Her face was flushed, her heart beating fast as she pressed herself against him. This promised to be a first for them in more ways than one.

  Pan didn’t think he’d ever seen Nina so turned on. He wasn’t far behind her either.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Did you bring the lube?”

  It was hard to tell in the candlelight but he thought she was blushing. “Of course. It’s over on the bench with my robe.”

  He gave her a little shove towards the steps. “Why don’t you get it then?”

  Pan watched as she climbed out and grabbed the familiar tube. It was water-based so they’d need to be out of the pool. With a wave of his hand, Pan transported a set of cushions next to the water, then climbed out to join Nina, now standing with an uncertain look on her face.

  The cock she wore jutted proudly out from her crotch, an odd sight given how feminine she was otherwise. Without thinking about it, Pan grabbed it and used it to pull her towards him. He grinned down at her.

  “This is coming in pretty handy. I kind of like leading you around.”

  She matched his grin and gave him a push towards the makeshift bed. “Over there, lover. Lie on your stomach.”

  Giving up control to her wasn’t easy, but it was part of the game. Even so, a little uneasy, Pan settled onto the cushions, his ass towards her.

  Nina approached from behind. She was breathing so hard he could hear every breath, and he could smell her arousal even more. His cock grew harder, a surprise as he hadn’t expected that was possible.

  There was a soft noise, the sound of the lube coming out of the tube, then Nina leaned in to spread his ass cheeks wide, her fingers playing with the tight puckered opening. She was surprisingly gentle, even more than he’d noticed before and it relaxed him somewhat. This apparently wasn’t her first time at this. That wasn’t too surprising given her previous occupation. Probably if he’d looked carefully at her photo albums he’d have found her in a similar rig. Pan tried not to give in to his jealousy at the thought of some other man getting fucked in the ass by his little

  She began whispering sweet, sexy little endearments while she probed his anus with her fingers, gently slipping them past the tight ring, coaxing it open. When her probing finger found his prostrate, the pressure became so sharp he almost climaxed. Immediately she eased off, letting him recover.

  But only for a moment, and then she was back, this time letting him feel the tip of the artificial penis in place of her fingers, sliding it back and forth along his ass crack. She stopped at his opening, pushing forward just a little, a hair, the smallest amount. The head eased his ass open a little.

  At this rate they’d be working all night. Pan swallowed hard, then pushed back and impaled himself onto Nina’s lubricated cock. Her surprised gasp was almost louder than his grunt.

  It felt…amazing. Just a little pain, only at first, then the satisfying feel of being packed full of a heavy cock, surprisingly realistic for a fake. He continued to push against her until he could feel the front of her thighs on his ass and knew he’d taken all of it into him. Then he settled forward onto the cushions, bringing her with him.

  Nina lay over him, her breasts pressed against his back, her nipples pebbling against his skin. It was a strangely erotic mixture with her breasts on his back and the hard cock inside him.

  Definitely not something to be missed.

  “Are you all right?” she whispered to him as he panted against the cushion.

  “Oh yeah.” He was better than all right. “I’d forgotten…how this felt.”

  Without seeing her face he could feel her triumphant grin. “I thought you might like it.”

  Like wasn’t the right word, but no matter now. Time to get on with it. “I’d like it even more if you’d move,” he told her.

  She started slow and easy, and he could feel her strokes deepen with every thrust. He couldn’t resist pushing against her, particularly as his cock was being buried in the cushions beneath him, the softness pressing against it, making it ache. She rubbed her chin against his back, kissing the skin, nibbling gently, then not so gently. Her teeth left small tracks of sensation on his back.

  He needed more…something…more of something. His cock throbbed from the blood pooling in his groin. Through gritted teeth he cried Nina’s name.

  “Touch me, woman.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, and her hand unerringly found his hard member. Nina stroked it, still murmuring encouragement into his ears.

  Like he needed encouragement. Pan clenched and came hard in her hand, his cock pulsing under her fingers. Nina milked him dry, her fingers sliding over him while she kept up her steady strokes into his ass.

  Reaching behind him, Pan grabbed her hips and stilled her movements. “Enough…that’s enough.” She waited for a moment, then slowly pulled the dildo out, easing her exit with the same care she’d used putting it in. Pan appreciated her efforts although they were hardly necessary. He wasn’t particularly fragile or an innocent in any of these games. Not that he’d tell her that, at least at the moment. It was too much fun having her be careful of him.

  Having her care to be careful of him. He hoped it meant she really loved him, even if she’d never said the words out loud. Actions often spoke louder than words anyway.

  As soon as she was out, Pan reared back and grabbed her, then flipped her onto the bed beneath him. In startled bemusement she stared up at him as he suspended his weight over her. Well, most of his weight, anyway. He used his pelvis and thighs to trap her beneath him.

  In spite of how hard he’d come, his cock was aroused again immediately. Funny how that was—he seemed to have a permanent hard-on when it came to Nina. No one else had ever kept his attention this long, and she certainly had his attention at the moment.

  More to the point, he had hers as well. A look of near fear crossed her face as he stared down at her.

  “So, my cock-toting lovely. You ready for me?”

  She didn’t have the chance to nod, he’d already lifted her legs high and speared deep. The strapped-on cock bobbed against his abdomen, a strange sight, but he ignored it in favor of staring at her beautiful breasts.

  Nina moaned aloud as he penetrated her, then louder as he put up a furious pace, in keeping with the intensity of what he felt at the moment. Later he’d probably ache but not now. He wanted his little nymph moaning underneath him, as loud as he’d been with her inside him.

  He wanted to blow her mind the way his was blown and he had just the cock to do the job. Pan pounded away into Nina, wringing moans, groans, and sobs from her. She cried out once, but he didn’t stop or even slow down as her orgasm made her shatter beneath him. She came again, then again, but it wasn’t until the fourth time that his own peak reached.

  Pan came like a force out of nature, his cries near deafening as he shouted her name into the air above her head. Then he collapsed on top of her, letting his weight crush her for just a few moments. Better for her to know just what she was getting in him. Pan was not a man to trifle with. He wasn’t a man like those she’d toyed with in the past, any of those who’d been in her photo album. He wasn’t someone she could leave on a whim.

  Pan was a god, a god who was bound and determined to have her with him.

  He’d use anything he had to do it, his cock, his magic, even his weight to keep her. Gravity was his friend at this point. Nina wasn’t going to be able to move until he let her move.

  She stirred beneath him and it occurred to him that she might be having trouble breathing, so he lifted enough to give her air. His own breath caught at the expression on her face, a mixture of love and joy. Her cheeks were still pink with their exertions, but her smile was pure sweetness. Whoever would have thought that Nemesis could look sweet?

  It was the face of his woman, freshly pleasured…and apparently exhausted. The lids of her eyes dipped and closed briefly as she relaxed under him. Enthralled at her beauty he watched her face clear and relax, then stared in astonishment as moments later a soft snore erupted from his beloved’s lips. Nina had fallen asleep.

  Pan couldn’t help his rueful grin. Of all the situations for a man planning on a serious chat with his lover about their future. He’d worn the poor woman out with their lovemaking and their conversation would have to wait until tomorrow.

  Something hard was poking him in the stomach. Pan sat up and realized it was Nina’s strapped-on dildo. He raised a hand to get rid of it by dissolving the straps then hesitated. She probably was fond of this toy of hers. Laboriously, but with care to avoid waking her, Pan found the small metal buckles and for once used conventional means to remove the harness from her. He laid it on the cushions before settling next to her and cuddling her close in his arms.

  What a woman. Capable, fun-loving, and a joy to be with, to live with, love with, and fuck. It had taken thousands of years to realize what she was to him, but then again maybe if he had known earlier she was the one, he’d have found a way to screw things up. As it was it had taken an arrow to drive home what she meant to him.

  He’d stepped in front of her to save her from Aphrodite’s wrath, certain that the goddess had intended on killing the nymph. In the moment he saw the bow raised, he’d envisioned an Olympus without Nemesis in it, and he hadn’t liked the look of that world.

  Pan freed her black hair from the clasp on top of her head and let it fall against the pillow. He stroked the glossy silk with a tender hand.

  So much loveliness that would have been lost to Olympus if she’d died. A beauty that he’d claimed and now kept for himself. And he intended to keep her for himself now and always.

  Around them the candlelight flickered, a sign that it was growing late. Pan waved his hands and the light went out, leaving them in a misty darkness. Standing, he gathered his sleeping nymph into his arms. The night would be too cold to sleep out here. Reluctantly, Pan headed for the bower and the comfort of their warm bed.

  A sigh erupted from him over his aborted plans. Between the mist and soft candlelight the atmosphere near the poo
l had been perfect, an excellent stage for discussing the future. A pity that things couldn’t have been settled tonight, but tomorrow morning would work just as well.

  * * * * *

  In the growing silence of the garden, the dispersing mist from the pool drifted over to the statues, briefly encompassing them and giving their solid forms the illusion of movement. Aster seemed to blink and Dawn’s lips appeared to part in the release of a soft sigh.

  Inaudible to the hearing both divine and human, the spirits trapped within the stone whispered to each other.

  “Well, what did you think about that?” Dawn said.

  A grumbling growl of approval came from Aster. “I’d have to admit…that was a nine. Maybe a nine point five. I’ve never seen anyone make love that way before.”

  A snort of annoyance came from his companion. “I wasn’t talking about their having sex, Aster.” If she could have rolled her eyes, they would be spinning in their sockets. “I can see how you might have found that the most significant thing, you being a man and all, and it was impressive, I must admit. But I was talking about they said before they made love. Nemesis doesn’t want us here after she’s finished her screenplay. From the looks of things with Pan, he’ll be happy to move us someplace else.”

  “Oh, yeah. I remember hearing her say that.” Aster’s voice grew grim. “Since she’s on the last scene, it sounds like we don’t have a lot of time left.”

  “No, we don’t.” Dawn sounded worried. “If we don’t make our move soon, we could be left as statues for a very long time. I…I wouldn’t like that. To be left like this, so close to you…” her voice trailed off.

  “…So close to you,” he finished for her. “But unable to touch, to taste, or to caress.” She could feel his frustration grow even if he was made of stone, and half expected the smooth marble to crack from the tension inside him. “I would love to put my arms around you right now, to kiss you.”

  “Aster,” she began slowly. “Even if we were in our normal forms, we could not. There is no future for us.”


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