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Desired by the Billionaire 3: Taken From Him (Lust, Love and Power Series)

Page 4

by M. G. Morgan

  "You knew about all of this..." Her voice was low and dangerous.

  She watched as Will's face grew hard. All the passion and lust of earlier completely evaporating. He was cold and unmoved as he watched her climb out of the bed.

  "You knew that coming here I would have to wear it all the time. That I would have to belong to you. It's not just something between us... It was all just a sham... A show... You never wanted me for me, you just wanted to use me as your little whore that you could parade around in front of these creeps!" Paige's voice was no longer calm as she fully realised the implications of everything that had happened. He didn't care for her. It had all been a lie. An elaborate trick to get her to play along with his plans.

  Paige shivered. She had never felt more betrayed in her entire life. Part of her had wondered would he use and discard her but she had never truly believed he would... The part that hurt the most was that he didn't seem to be denying any of it. She had given herself to him completely there was no undoing it. But he had betrayed her. He had betrayed her trust.

  "Yes I knew you would have to wear it. And yes it was important that I could gain your trust to get you to wear it. I know you, Paige. I knew without trusting me you would never do any of this..." He paused and levelled his intense gaze on her. "But you know deep down that I never wanted to just use you... That is not what all of this is about... Don't you think if it was I could have found an easier way to do it?"

  His words stung her. Part of her wanted to cling to the fact that he had said he didn't want to use her. But it was the way he was behaving. So cold and calculated.

  The doctor's words came back to haunt her. Everything is not as it seems. He does not care for you...

  "Get out!" Paige pointed to the door with a trembling hand. Will watched her for a moment with a bemused smile playing around his lips.

  "You know it is my money paying for this place? Why should I leave?" His voice held a hint of humour but Paige was in no mood for stupid games.

  "Get out, I want to be alone. And unless you want me wandering the halls with Aidan dressed in nothing but this sheet I'd suggest you leave." Paige made her voice as icy as she could. It was a struggle. She wanted to go to him. To have his arms wrap around her and hold her in the strength and safety of his embrace.

  Will's gaze became thunderous and it gave Paige a small sense of satisfaction to see that she had bothered him. He climbed out of the bed and pulled his jeans from the floor. He tugged them on and quickly pulled his shirt on over his muscled chest. As he moved Paige caught sight of the scar on his torso and it made her wonder what exactly could have happened to give him that type of mark?

  Now she wouldn't even have the opportunity to ask him. With the ways things were between them she would be lucky if she could ever ask him anything ever again. It was strange the way things changed in the blink of an eye. One moment they were happy and Paige was certain that progress was being made. And the next moment everything was cold again.

  Will stalked past her and to the door. With his hand on the handle he spoke. "Don't ever let me see you with Aidan. He doesn't care for you the way I do. With some things I trust him but not with you... Never with you..."

  Will pulled the door open and stalked out into the hall, slamming the door closed behind him. Paige jumped as the door banged shut. What did he mean about Aidan? Yes she could see for herself that he didn't like her. And Will had to know that what she had said was merely to get him to leave. There was nothing about Aidan that appealed to her. In fact it was quite the opposite. He intrigued her but he also frightened her and that was enough to make her keep her distance.

  With a sigh she wandered around the room. Her surroundings were truly stunning. But all of it meant nothing if Will didn't care for her the way she hoped... Opening a large dark panelled door she stepped into the en-suite bathroom. The shower was enormous, certainly large enough for two people... Perhaps even more.

  The room was tiled with a warm golden hued colour, plush cream carpets dotted the floor. She moved to the large Jacuzzi bath that sat in the corner and peered into it. If things were different perhaps she could have shared a bath with Will in it.

  She flipped her blonde hair back over her shoulder and dropped the sheet. Stepping into the shower she fiddled with the dials until the water came pouring down on top of her. She struggled to find the perfect temperature one minute freezing and the next scalding herself. When she finally got it to the right level she stood underneath the flow of the water. It cascaded down over her shoulders and down over her body.

  The wound on her arm stung painfully and the water seemed to make it ache even more. But Paige was glad for the pain. At least with a physical pain she could use it to take her mind off her thoughts about Will. He filled her head and she was left with not a moments peace.

  Paige wasn't looking for a big commitment... Or was she? Was that the problem? Perhaps if she had just gone along with everything there wouldn't be an issue. Perhaps if she hadn't been putting constraints on their relationship then maybe everything would be different? Or would it?

  A large part of her doubted it. Will had made her think that there was a chance of a future. He was the one who said he loved her... That he hadn't stopped loving her... Surely then when faced with that she wasn't wrong to hope for more than betrayal? How could she be wrong to hope that what he told her was the truth?

  Frustrated she beat her fist against the wall. If he had just left her alone. If he hadn't come back into her life then she could have carried on... Existing...

  The thought hit her like a sledge hammer to the chest. Is that all she had been doing all her life? Existing? Sure there had been others. Will wasn't the only guy she had ever dated. But with the others there had been a difference. Not once had she ever fallen for them. In fact she was always the cold one. On more than one occasion she had been accused of being the ice queen. More in love with her career than anything else...

  Her last boyfriend had left more than a year before and there hadn't been anyone since... Not until Will.

  Everything with Will had been different. From the moment he had set foot back in her life Paige had felt the undeniable pull and attraction for him. She couldn't control herself where he was concerned. And that wasn't like her at all. She argued more with him than any other man who had shared her bed. Her emotions were constantly confused and tangled. She wanted him but it was the control that she struggled to relinquish.

  Today Will had taken that from her and she had very willing given it up to him. But did she really regret it the way she thought she did? After their conversation Paige was almost certain she did. But if given a choice would she do the same thing over again?

  She lathered the shampoo into her hair and waited until the water had run clear once more. The conditioner smoothed out the tangles from her tumble in the bed with Will. If only there was a conditioner that she could smooth over her life and remove the tangled emotions, Paige thought to herself. Stepping from the shower she made her way back into the bedroom. A large suitcase sat on the bed and right on top of it was the collar.

  Paige's stomach rolled in anger. How dare he. After everything. After the argument they had just had. He had the audacity to come back in here and leave that thing sitting there waiting for her...

  Fury bubbled in Paige's veins as she tossed the collar onto the bed and tugged the suitcase open. The outfits inside were all items that she wouldn't chose for herself. But at least she wasn't surprised. She tugged a small summery style dress from its plastic packet and tugged it on over her head. She contemplated putting on a bra but quickly dismissed the idea. It was far too warm and the dress had a built in support that lifted her breasts and held them barely in check.

  If Will wanted her to dress to attract attention then that was exactly what she was going to do. She pulled the dainty sandals from the bag and turned to leave the room with her collar clasped tightly in her fist.

  Aidan stood in the door. Paige froze, a f
eeling of revulsion crawling down over her skin... Had he watched her dress?

  "You don't need to panic I didn't see anything... Unless you count putting your sandals on as something scandalous?"

  Paige let out a deep sigh of relief. Her cheeks were red hot and she could imagine the red blush but she didn't care.

  Aidan moved further into the room and shut the door slowly behind him. Paige felt the nervous jitters start up in her stomach. She clenched the collar tighter in her hands in an attempt to hide the tremors that ran up and down her arms.

  He moved towards her slowly, almost as though he was stalking her. She coughed nervously.

  "Is there something you wanted?" She asked. Her voice betraying her fear and nervousness in his presence.

  He laughed a deep rumbling sound but it was nothing like Will's laugh. His laugh was cold and it made Paige take a small step backwards.

  "There are plenty of things I 'want' Paige. You women are all the same. With you it's always what a want or a need. You don't really feel. You all just want what you can get and you don't care what happens to those who get in your way..."

  He didn't seem to be talking to Paige anymore. Not directly anyway. She watched the faraway look in his eyes harden. He was hurt... Someone had wounded him deeply to the point that he now viewed women as all the same.

  He returned his gaze to Paige's face. His eyes searching hers. Something stirred deep inside him and it made Paige both terrified and sad all at the same time. Whoever had hurt him he still loved them. Whoever that woman was, was both incredibly lucky and utterly doomed. Paige had a feeling that if he found the object of his affections once more he wouldn't know whether to kiss or kill them.

  Aidan moved closer and Paige stepped back until her legs were pressed against the mattress. He moved faster than she expected and grabbed her arm. His gaze falling on the long jagged cut that ran from her wrist to her elbow. She winced as he held her arm in his hands. She was prepared for him to hurt her. There had to be a reason she felt so much fear where he was concerned. He was like violence barely contained and all that violence seemed to be squarely focused on her.

  "Are you afraid of me?" His voice was soft, as though he was trying to be soothing.

  Paige nodded before she found the strength in her voice. "Yes..."

  The word hung between them. Paige didn't breathe. She was afraid that any slight movement might set him off. He was so volatile. In her mind she was begging for Will to come back... For anyone to accidentally push open the door and disturb Aidan.

  She thought about calling out. Screaming for Will. But what if he wasn't even in the house anymore? She lifted her gaze and caught Aidan's eyes studying her. It was as though he read her mind. She could see the taunt reflected in his eyes. Daring her to cry out. Daring her to call Will to her aid.

  "What do you see in him? Do you really love him or is it... Something else..."

  Paige's eyes widened as Aidan tightened his grip ever so slightly on her arm. Not enough to really hurt her but enough to let her know that he could... And he still might.

  "I really do love him..." She spoke equally as soft as he had. Every fibre in her body told her to run. To escape his grip and get away from him.

  "I think you're lying..." His eyes narrowed and Paige found herself swallowing hard.

  "I'm not. I do love him. But I'm not sure that he loves me..."

  Aidan started to laugh and that startled Paige. She wasn't sure anymore if that was a good thing or not.

  "You don't love him. You love his money. You love yourself but not him... If you did you'd have remembered by now..."

  "Remembered what?" Tears gathered in Paige's eyes. Fear made her heart rate speed up. Aidan drew her in closer, his grip tightening to the point of pain. Paige's tears rolled down her cheeks. They tasted salty on her lips as they dripped past her lips.

  "You were supposed to remember one thing. One simple thing. The only thing that would crack this case wide open and you can't even do that. You claim you love Will but you can't remember the one thing that might save him." Aidan's voice had dropped to a growl. With his free hand he grabbed Paige by the hair. His fingers knotting into the scalp as he drew her face towards his.

  The kiss shocked Paige. She pushed against his chest with her hands in an attempt to shake him free but Aidan was much stronger than she was. He tightened his grip and the tears fell faster from Paige's eyes. His lips were rough against hers, bruising. Not in the same way Will had kissed her. Their passion had been equally matched. But this with Aidan was not what Paige wanted.

  He drew back slightly and it gave Paige the advantage she needed. With the collar gripped tightly in her hand she drew back and hit Aidan square into the jaw. He released her suddenly his hands automatically going to his lip and the blood that trickled slowly down his chin.

  "You'll pay for that." He lunged for her but Paige dodged out of his grip. In her haste to escape the collar dropped from her hands and fell on the floor. Aidan chased her as she scrambled to the door and practically flung herself down the stairs.

  "Paige!" He shouted after her as she ran to the front door of the condo. She slipped on the shiny tile floor, landing painfully on her back. Panic flared through her as she heard Aidan gaining on her. Making it to her feet she pulled open the front door and escaped out into the afternoon sun.

  The heat was unbearable as she ran along the road. Every few minutes she glanced over her shoulder to see if Aidan was following. When she was finally satisfied that he wasn't she slowed down. Up ahead she could see what looked to be a much larger version of the condo they were staying in. Scantily clad women hung on the arms of the men who wandered in the gardens.

  As inconspicuously as she could Paige attempted to blend in. But it seemed to be impossible. All of the women were accompanied by a man and what was worse every single one of them wore a collar.

  Added to the fact that Paige knew she was dishevelled mess there wasn't a chance that she could blend in properly. As she walked through the gardens on her way to the back of the large house the women stared at her. Many of them wore a look of shock as though what she was doing was truly wrong. Every man that caught sight of her and her lack of collar leered at her and Paige couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable.

  What she needed was to find Will and have him take her away from all of this. What would he do when she told him about Aidan? Could she even tell him about Aidan? Will would be furious of that Paige was certain. He had already warned her away from him. And now for this to happen.

  Paige walked through the back of the gardens and out into what appeared to be a walled and secluded exotic rose garden. From what she could tell there was no one else here and she was grateful when she found an empty seat to sit on.

  Her arm throbbed and she glanced down to find Aidan's angry fingerprints appearing in little purple bruises. Closing her eyes she tried to relax and allow the warmth from the sun to calm her excited nerves.

  Her body felt heavy, lethargic and Paige could imagine that it was exactly what a cat felt when the lay in the sun. The sound of footsteps crunching over the gravel drew her attention.

  Opening her eyes she stared at the stranger from the condo earlier who had welcomed Will to the island. His expression was grim as he strode towards her with two burly men bringing up the rear.

  A knot of fear appeared in Paige's stomach. Her hands automatically to the place where her collar should be. Her neck was empty and exposed. Vulnerable like she was.

  She plastered a smile on her face as the man drew to a halt in front of her. His shadow blocked out the sun and Paige felt a chill settle in her bones.

  "It's this one. Take it to the holding room for him."

  Paige lifted her arms in protest as the two men approached her and attempted to grab her under the arms. She struggled in their strong grip but they were much bigger than her and every movement she made seemed to only tighten their grip on her.

  "You can't do this! I'm a huma
n being I'm not a slave."

  When her pleas fell on deaf ears Paige decided to change tactic.

  "Just give me a collar and I'll put it on. I promise I'll wear it."

  The stranger walking ahead halted and turned back to her. Paige felt her heart soar. Perhaps everything would be alright after all. They had to be rational human beings.

  "You just don't get it do you? The collar is worn for a reason. It is given to you by your Master as a sign of what you mean to him. Without that you are nothing. You are not a woman. You are not even human. Until your Master puts his collar on you, you are a nothing."

  Paige stared at him in shock. How could he possibly think that way? How could anyone view a woman as nothing, as less than human?

  "But I'll wear the collar just give me one and I'll put it on."

  The stranger smiled at her. "We're taking you to the holding room where you will wait for your Master to come and either chose to collar you or set you free... That will be up to him..."

  Will would come for her. He would put the collar on her and everything would be alright again.

  "Fine, but Will is going to be pissed that you manhandled me."

  The stranger smiled, it was basically a barring of his teeth and it made Paige uneasy.

  "I'm sure your Master will be more angry at you for going out without a collar. For directly disobeying an order. I look forward to the punishment he will bestow upon you. The last thing that did as you have..." The stranger got a faraway look in his eyes and the tone of his voice turned dreamy. "Well her Master allowed me to stay and watch... She screamed and cried for forgiveness so sweetly... And the blood... Well that was a mess that took quite some time to clean up. Luckily her Master wasn't alone for very long, he chose one of our girls and the boys here got to play with the left-overs..."

  Paige felt bile crawling up her throat. He had to be lying. It wasn't possible. What he had just told her didn't happen... Or did it? She was here with Will for a reason. Aidan wanted to arrest Chris for a reason... One of those reasons had been the trafficking of women... But murder? That was something even Paige wasn't prepared for...


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