The Native American Experience
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A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | R | S | T
U | V | W | Y
Absaraka, 75
Absaraka; Home of the Crows, 225-226
Adair, John, 25, 35, 53, 57-59, 68-69, 97, 108-109, 111, 126, 132, 143, 148, 155
Alder Gulch, Mont., 134
Almstedt, Henry, 63, 148, 152
Amusements, 99-100, 145, 151
Arapaho Indians, 13-15, 18, 51, 109-110, 117, 121-122, 127, 135, 148-149, 170-173, 178, 206, 217, 224
Arms and ammunition, 18, 20, 23, 47, 62-63, 73, 87-88, 113, 115, 118-119, 128, 135-136, 141, 147, 157, 171, 174-175, 180, 186-187, 191, 197, 223-224
Army and Navy Journal, 99, 104, 154, 215-217, 222
Arnold, Wilbur F., 159, 165, 168, 190
Arrison, Henry, 54, 68, 78
Augur, Christopher C, 209, 224
Bailey, George M., 56-57
Bailey, William, 117, 119, 194, 201, 216
Band, Regimental, see Eighteenth Infantry Regiment, Regimental band
Barnes, John H., 36, 140-141
Baxter Springs, Kans., 134
Beauvais, G. P., 216
Beauvais Ranche, Nebr., 28
Beckwourth, James P., 50, 97-98, 149
Berger, W. H., 130
Big Horn Mts., 13, 15, 26, 40, 54, 57, 64, 66, 89, 91, 93, 107, 117, 140, 160, 206
Big Horn River, 63, 95, 97, 221
Big Nose, 178
Big Piney, 66-67, 69-71, 73, 76-77, 93, 98, 114-115, 117, 119, 129, 140, 145, 151-152, 160, 170-171, 173, 174, 176, 184-186, 219-220, 224
Bingham, Horatio S., 147, 157-165, 167-168, 206, 217
Bingham, Stella, 167
Bisbee, Eugene, 65, 168
Bisbee, William H., 20-21, 25, 27, 29, 34, 45-53, 65-78, 97, 100, 111, 114-115, 129-130, 132, 150, 153-156, 167-168, 226
Bisbee, Mrs., 65, 74, 100, 156, 168
Bissell, Ephraim C., 125
Black Hills, 15, 224
Black Horse, 68-69, 72-77, 79, 82-83, 126
Black Shield, 172, 178
Bogy, Lewis V., 214
Borsman, Alphonse, 204
Bowers, G. R., 164-165, 167-168, 206, 217
Bozeman, John, 13
Bozeman, Mont., 221
Bozeman Road, see Montana Road
Bradford, Daniel, 128
Bradley, James H., 84-86, 105, 133, 139, 155
Brannan, James J., 50, 65, 67, 105, 139
Bratt, John, 110, 146-147
Bridger, James, 13, 26-27, 35-36, 44, 46, 48-50, 53-55, 64-67, 69-70, 73, 82, 90, 97-98, 109, 117-118, 127, 148-149, 151-152, 166, 197, 205, 216-217, 222
Bridger’s Ferry, 48, 50, 59, 84, 108, 155
Brooks, William H., 108
Brough, John C, 194-195
Brown, Frederick H., 21, 25, 37, 41, 51, 63-64, 67, 92-93, 96, 102-103, 107-108, 111-113, 115, 122, 125-126, 131-132, 50, 153-154, 157, 163, 167, 170-171, 175, 181, 189, 193, 199, 204
Brulé Indians, 38-40, 43, 224
Buelon, Surgeon, 25
Buffalo Tongue, 127
Buffaloes, 66, 85, 111, 210-211
Buford, N. B., 216
Bullock, W. G., 41-42
Burke, Thomas, 152
Burnett, Finn, 197-198, 200, 219
Burrowes, Thomas B., 25, 82-83, 90-91, 97
Caldwell, A., 107-108
California Crossing, 28
Camp Douglas, Utah, 33
Camp Mitchell, Nebr., 35
Carmichael, Sarah F., 141
Carrington, Frances Grummond, 115-116, 118-119, 140, 143, 145, 151-152, 156, 165-166, 175, 186, 190, 192, 196, 199-201, 207, 209-211, 225-226, 228
Carrington, Harry, 26, 140
Carrington, Henry Beebe, early life, 16-17; at Ft. Kearney, 17-20, 22, 24, 27; en route to Ft. Phil Kearny, 26-28; 32-33, 35, 37, 48-50, 53-54, 64-66; at Ft. Sedgwick, 29-30; at Ft. Laramie, 38-48, 212-213; at Ft. Reno, 55-64; selects fort site, 67-69; builds Ft. Phil Kearny, 70-83, 90-139; assumes command of post, 132; at Ft. Phil Kearny, 12, 13, 146-157, 166-206; celebrates completion of fort, 139-145; pursues Indians, 157-158, 160-166; relieved of command, 206-209; march to Ft. Casper, 209-211; transferred to Ft. McPherson, 212-213; blamed for disaster, 213-214; absolved from blame, 218; at Ft. McPherson, 11, 27, 216, 226; retires to Wabash College, 225-226; weds Frances Grummond, 226; returns for celebration, 227-229
Carrington, James, 24, 26, 65, 100, 140, 175, 191, 199
Carrington, Margaret I., 17, 22-24, 32-33, 35-36, 41, 43-44, 47, 50, 54-56, 65, 67, 72, 74, 100, 125, 140-141, 145, 192, 196, 209-210, 225-226
Carter, Leviticus, 110-111, 119, 130
Cavalry, see Second Cavalry Regt.
Cheyenne Indians, 13, 15, 18, 28, 47-48, 51, 68-69, 72-77, 79, 83, 91, 126-127, 130, 149, 171-173, 178-189, 206, 217, 224
Chimney Rock, 34
Civil War, 16, 19, 24, 34, 39, 44, 56, 80-81, 84, 86, 100, 115, 133, 147, 150-151, 154, 164, 166-167, 177, 179, 191, 226
Clark, Sgt., 205
Clear Fork, 65, 82-83
Cloud Peak, 67
Colorado Terr., 18, 30, 39
Connor, Patrick E., 14-15, 18, 26, 50,
Cooke, Philip St. George, 19-20, 71, 94-95-103-104, 109, 116-118, 123, 133, 134, 148, 154, 156-157, 192-193, 201, 206-209, 218, 226-227
Court House Rock, 34
Crazy Horse, 172, 178
Crazy Woman’s Creek, 64-65, 75-76, 210-211; fight at, 85-90, 93, 228
Crow Indians, 18, 50-51, 75-76, 98, 117, 127, 148-149, 151-152, 171, 198, 220, 225
Curry, Samuel, 23, 73, 91, 100, 110
Custer, George A., 74, 105
Custer Battlefield, 201
Custer Massacre, 11, 183, 226
Daley, William, 140-141, 143, 227-228
Damme, Peter, 110, 119
Dandy, George B., 204-205, 219, 224
Daniels, Napoleon H., 84-86, 88, 90, 94, 228
Dennison, William, 17
Dillon, George, 194, 201
Dillon, Thomas, 82, 93
D’Isay, Isaac, 25, 35
Donaldson, Joe, 68-69, 72, 78
Donovan, John, 78, 165
Dow, George, 137
Dull Knife, 74, 79, 178
Dye, William, 222
Eighteenth Infantry Regiment, 16-17, 24, 77, 133, 147, 153, 204, 207, 212, 221
1st battalion, 16, 29, 33, 35, 39, 104, 150, 204, 208
2nd battalion, 15, 18, 23, 25, 33, 37, 45, 48, 54, 57, 60, 63, 68, 76, 80, 83, 90-91, 97, 105, 121, 132, 142, 150, 204
3rd battalion, 23, 30, 33, 155
Regimental band, 20, 23, 25, 28, 48, 73, 98-99, 110, 119, 174, 207, 219
Fessenden, Frank, 30, 83, 88-92, 100, 110, 112-113, 121, 165, 190-191, 219-220
Fessenden, Mrs., 83, 89, 91
Fetterman, William J., 11-13, 30, 83, 147-148, 150-153, 155-157, 160-163, 165-168, 170-181, 184-190, 193, 205, 217-218, 221, 223-224, 226
Fetterman Massacre, 13, 20, 49, 97, 100-102, 139, 171, 178-203, 205-207, 212-213, 215-218, 222, 224, 226-227
Fisher, Isaac, 103, 175, 179-181, 192, 199
Fleet Foot, 40, 48
Food supplies, 23, 41, 59, 80-82, 100-101, 107-108, 218-221
Fort Benton, 13, 139
Fort Bridger, 26
Fort C. F. Smith, 97, 103-105, 109, 117, 122, 132-133, 135, 139, 148, 152, 158, 207, 217, 221, 223-224
Fort Casper, 152, 204, 206-207, 209, 211
Fort Connor, see Fort Reno
Fort Hall, 13
Fort Kearney, 17, 20-25, 27, 30, 35, 66, 70, 72, 94, 128, 216
Fort Laramie, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 30, 35-48, 50, 79-80, 83, 94, 97-98, 103-104, 108, 115-116, 118, 132-133, 135-136, 146-149, 151, 155-156, 159, 169-170, 192-194, 200-203, 206-208, 212-213, 215-216, 218-221, 224-225
Fort Leavenworth, 22-23, 134
Fort McPherson, 11, 27, 34, 57, 212-213, 216, 221, 226
Fort Reno, 14-16, 18, 44, 49, 51-64, 68, 74-75, 80-84, 89-91, 95, 103, 105,
108, 127, 130, 132-133, 135-136, 148, 155, 158, 204, 206-209, 211, 217-219, 224-225
Fort Sedgwick, 28-30, 83
Fort Worth, Tex., 134
Fox, George W., 98-99
Friend, John, 193, 201
Fuller, Pvt., 88
“Galvanized Yankees,” 14, 56-57
Garrett, Sgt., 152
Gazzous, Louis, 54, 68, 72, 78-79, 100
Gazzous, Mrs., 78-79
Gibson, Samuel, 223, 227-228
Gilchrist, Allando, 113
Glover, Ridgway, 46, 83, 87, 91, 106,
Goose Creek, 66-67, 107, 110, 121
Gordon, David, 202-203, 208, 220
Grant, Ulysses S., 117, 192-193, 201, 208, 215, 222
Grasshoppers, 72
Gregg, Thomas J., 204
Gregory, J. B., 72, 92, 102, 193
Gros Ventres, 149
Grummond, Frances, see Carrington, Frances Grummond
Grummond,George W., 115-116, 141, 150-151, 153, 157, 160-169, 174-180, 192-193, 195, 199-200, 209, 228
Guthrie, John, 164, 189, 197-199
Haas, Herman, 202
Harman, D., 161
Hayfield Fight, 223-224
Haymond, Henry, 25, 53, 58-59, 63-64, 76-80, 94, 96-97
Hazen, William B., 104-106, log, 130, 133, 139
Helena, Mont., 198
Henning, James, 130
High Back Bone, 178
Hill, James, 77, 130
Hines, C. M., 84, 86, 153, 176, 183-185, 188-189, 218
Holladay, Ben, 105
Horseshoe Station, 49, 193-194, 201, 203
Horton, Samuel M., 25, 30, 33, 49, 100, 110, 136, 169, 201
Horton, Mrs., 54, 65, 74, 100
Hudson’s Bay Co., 105, 217
Hugas, John, 79
Hughes, Robert P., 35
Hunkpapas, 148-149
Hunton, John, 42, 193
Indian Bureau, see U.S. Indian Affairs, Office of
Indians, Plains, 17-18, 20, 24, 36, 38-39, 41-46, 74, 80, 116, 119, 130, 157, 183, 186-188, 195-196, 217; see also by tribes
Infantry, see Eighteenth Infantry; Twenty-seventh Infantry
Irving, Washington, 17
Johnson, Andrew, 159
Johnson, Peter, 113-114
Julesburg, Colo., 28, 30
Kansas, 134
Kearney City, Nebr., 25
Kearney Herald, 27
Kearny, Philip, 17, 92
Kearny, Stephen W., 17
Kinney, Jefferson T., 100-101, 140-141, 216
Kinney, Nathaniel C, 25, 63, 83, 97
Kirkendall, Hugh, 83, 93
Kirtland, Thaddeus, 25, 35, 63, 90, 103, 105, 130
Kountz, Herman, 130
Lake De Smet, 66, 107, 113
Lang, Augustus, 81, 180, 199
Laramie River, 39, 48
Legrow, Corp., 173
Leighton, A. C, 58-59, 109
Lincoln, Abraham, 15, 100
Little Chief, 171
Little Piney, 66-67, 69-72, 76-77, 93, 98, 102, 114-115, 119, 125-126, 128-129, 171, 204
Little Wolf, 178, 225
Lodge Trail Ridge, 12, 71, 160-161, 163, 165, 169, 174-177, 184, 187, 189
Lodgepole Canyon, 33
Lodgepole Creek, Nebr., 32
Lone Tree, Nebr., 129
Louis Ranche, Nebr., 32-33
McCleary, Surgeon, 25, 139
McClellan, George B., 19
McGuire, James, 162
McLaren, Robert N., 40
Maddeon, Thomas, 97, 174-175
Mahan, Dennis H., 70
Makhpia-sha, see Red Cloud
Marr, Capt., 83, 87, 89
Massacre Hill, 182
Mathews, Surgeon, 25
Matson, Winfield Scott, 120-122, 185, 196
Maynadier, Henry E., 39-40, 44
Medical supplies, 136-137
Medicine Man, 171
Merriam, H., 98
Metzger, Adolf, 161, 182, 198-199
Miniconjous, 39, 172, 179-180, 182, 224
Minnesota, 18, 167
Missouri River, 13
Mitchell Pass, 34-35
Montana Road, 12-15, 18, 38, 42, 46, 48, 54, 68, 71, 78, 84, 95, 98, 102-103, 117, 130-131, 135, 138, 145, 161, 173, 176-179, 183-187, 190, 197, 206, 218, 224-225
Montana Terr., 13-16, 22, 56, 60, 68, 78, 98, 117, 134-135, 137-139, 142, 146, 148, 155, 198, 221
Mountain District, Dept. of the Platte, 18-19, 22, 48, 51, 58, 63, 69, 75-76, 80, 97, 104, 108, 131-132, 206; abolition of, 133-134
Mud Springs, Nebr., 33-34
Murphy, William, 23, 29-30, 34, 45, 53, 57, 59, 62, 64, 70, 77-79, 81, 141, 155, 184-185, 187-188, 200, 219-220, 227-228
Mutilations by Indians, 78, 90, 183, 188-191, 193, 198-199
Nebraska Terr., 32-34, 72, 103, 128-129, 131, 135
Nine-Mile Ranche, 49
Niobrara River, 14
Norris, Charles, 29
North, Bob, 121-122, 127
Oberly, Christian, 131
O’Fallon’s Bluffs, Nebr., 27
Oglalas, 39-40, 43, 75, 148, 171-172, 178, 180, 183, 198, 224
Old Little Dog, 28
Omaha, Nebr., 40, 44, 47, 63, 67, 71, 91, 94, 130, 133, 149, 155, 158, 168-169, 192, 203, 207, 209, 216
Order of Indian Wars, 226
Oregon Trail, 26, 30, 135
Ostrander, Alson, 80
Ould, Surgeon, 185, 196
Overland Mail, 33, 105
Palmer, Innis N., 202-203, 207-208
Parker, E. S., 216
Pawnee Indians, 22, 24, 26, 149
Peale, James, 219
Pegaleshka, see Spotted Tail
Peno Creek, 12, 16, 71, 77-79, 164, 166, 172-173, 177-179, 181, 183-185, 187-188, 199, 206
Peno Head, 160
Peters, S. S., 84, 86-87, 89, 227, 228
Philadelphia Photographer, 46, 91, 106
Phillips, George, 101-102
Phillips, John (Portugee), 103, 192; his ride, 193-194, 201-203, 207
Phisterer, Frederick, 25, 34-35, 37, 49, 50-51, 67, 76-77, 80, 91, 94, 97
Photography on the frontier, 46-47, 84, 87, 91, 106, 113-115
Pilot Hill, 70-71, 102, 110, 116, 124-125, 160, 167, 169, 173, 176, 206
Piney Island, 92, 100-102, 124, 131-133, 155, 170, 184
Platte, Dept. of the, 19, 62, 91, 104, 133, 169, 209; see also Mountain District, Dept. of the Platte
Platte River, 25, 28-32, 35-37, 39, 42, 48-50, 53-54, 72, 84-92, 94, 142, 224
Plum Creek, Nebr., 26
Pope, John, 15, 57
Powder River, 13, 15, 18, 22, 26, 28, 38, 40, 45-46, 49, 55, 57-60, 69, 74-75, 79, 91, 103, 127, 171, 206, 217 223-225
Powell, James W., 148, 153-155, 165, 167-169, 172-174, 196-197, 222-223
Prairie Dog Creek, see Peno Creek
Proctor, J. L., 23, 25, 63, 84, 130, 158
Pumpkin Buttes, 55, 59
Ranches, Road, 28, 32-33, 49
Red Cloud, 15, 39, 43-45, 50, 74-75, 77-80, 82, 93, 98, 118, 124, 127, 135, 149 166, 171-172, 178, 183, 198, 200, 205, 222-225
Red Leaf, 178
Reid, Edwin, 126
Roman Nose, 171
Rover, Pvt., see Bissell, Ephraim C.
Ryan, John, 57, 78, 113-115
Sage Creek, 212
St. Geiger, Dominic, 97
Sample, Archibald, 97, 133, 185-187, 216
Sanborn, J. B., 216-218
Sand Creek Massacre, 18
Sawmills, 27, 34-35, 72, 92, 97, 102, 170
Sawyer, James A., 14
Scotts Bluff, Nebr., 34-35, 72, 92
Scurvy, 124, 220-221
Second Cavalry Regt., 29, 103, 105, 107-108, 145, 202, 208, 217, 219
Co. C, 147, 152, 157, 160-165, 168, 174, 177-182, 186, 189, 197, 204, 227
Shanks, John T., 108
Sheridan, Wyo., 227
Sherman, William T., 24, 116, 118, 126, 147, 215, 225, 227
Shoshoni Indians, 64
p; Sioux City, Iowa, 14
Sioux Indians, 13-15, 18-19, 26, 38, 43, 47-49, 51, 54-55, 64, 74-77, 79-80, 82-83, 85-90, 93, 98, 101-102, 106, 108-110, 117, 121, 126-127, 130, 135, 148, 151, 160-166, 172-173, 178-189, 206, 222-224
Sissetons, 148
Skinner, Prescott M., 84, 86-87
Smith, Alexander, 102
Smith, Patrick, 124-126
Smith, W. B. C, 109, 149
Sorrel Horse, 171-172
Spotted Tail, 39-40, 44-45, 48
Square, F. M., 130
Standing Elk, 38-39, 42, 45
Stanton, Edwin M., 215
Stead, Jack, 26, 38, 67-69, 72-74, 77
Stone’s River, Battle of, 16
Story, Nelson, 134-138
Story, Wyo., 92
Stuart, J. E. B., 19
Sullivant, Margaret I., see Carrington, Margaret I.
Sullivant Hills, 71, 101, 145, 160, 175-176, 184
Sally, Alfred, 216
Sutlers’ stores, 41-42, 58, 135, 151
Tanner, Milo B., 56
Taylor, E. B., 40, 42-43, 45, 47
Templeton, George M., 83-86, 228
Ten Eyck, Tenodor, 12-13, 28-29, 57, 59, 63, 65, 67, 70-71, 96, 99, 101, 111-112, 118, 127, 131-132, 147-148, 153, 184-190, 195-196, 221-222
Texas, 134
Tongue River, 56, 65-67, 70, 72, 79, 98, 117, 126-127, 145, 148-149, 166, 170-172, 178, 183, 205-206, 217
Trails, 13-14, 26, 30, 54, 135
Treaties, 15, 18, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 149, 217, 224-225
Twenty-seventh Infantry Regt., 150, 204, 221-222
Two Moons, 74, 126
U.S. Indian Affairs, Office of, 40, 218, 213-215
U.S. Interior Department, 213, 215, 218, 226
U.S. Volunteers, see “Galvanized Yankees”
U.S. War Department, 15, 117, 201, 209, 211, 213-215
Van Kirk, Horace, 97
Van Voast, James, 29, 39, 208
Virginia City, Mont., 13-15, 46, 91, 94, 117, 138
Wabash College, 225-226
Wagon Box Fight, 222-223, 228