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Delayed Penalty (The Dartmouth Cobras #5)

Page 23

by Bianca Sommerland

  “You want details?” Carter let out a nervous laugh. “He played with the piercings every time he kissed me. Every time he—”

  “We got it, Carter.” Vanek ducked his head. “Chicklet . . . didn’t seem to mind. She didn’t get mad or anything.”

  Demyan snorted. “My money’s on them both biding their time. Glad I’m not a sub. Becky and Zach let me do what I want.”

  “Let you?” Carter smirked. “Yeah, you’re a free man.”

  “Fuck off, you know what I mean.” Demyan’s gaze shot to the door as it opened. A soft smile spread across his lips as Becky came in, closely followed by Pearce. As they stepped aside, Ramos and Chicklet entered, Chicklet shutting the door firmly behind her, her eyes on Vanek.

  Who seemed to be trying to become one with his chair.

  “Gentlemen, this will seem a little unorthodox, but none of us in this room really knows the meaning of the word, so it’s irrelevant.” Tim sat forward, folding his hands on his desk. “You’re fortunate that Ford won’t allow the press in his bar—I’m assuming there’s no need to discuss why he’s strict with that policy?” He glanced over at Demyan, who nodded. “The fact remains, your actions were irresponsible.” He held up his hand when Max frowned. “Perron, I understand your intentions, and I have no issues with you doing whatever was necessary to fix things with you and the boys.” He gave Max a level look. “But can we agree that it went a bit too far?”

  Good question. Max thought about the table dancing and Vanek half passed out on the bar. But the ends justified everything, far as he was concerned. So he shrugged. “No harm done.”

  “Are you joking?” Chicklet stepped up to Vanek’s side, curving her hand around the back of his neck in a way that seemed both possessive and comforting. “Would you feel that way if I took Oriana out and let her get that out of control?”

  Max took a deep breath, reminding himself that Chicklet was Sloan’s friend. And a very strict Domme. So he chose his words with care. “Oriana and I don’t have the same kind of relationship you and Vanek do. I made sure he was safe, which is no more than I would expect if you—”

  “Safe?” Chicklet made a rough sound in her throat. “You let someone put fucking holes in his body while he was drunk. In a goddamn bar!”

  “The needles were clean.” Carter cringed when Ramos gave him a dark look. He sank a little lower in his chair. “Well, they were.”

  “My body, Luke.” Ramos approached Carter at a slow, ominous pace, sliding his hand around the side of Carter’s neck, tipping his chin up with his fingers as he loomed over him. “You do not allow others to mark it. Least of all in such a reckless way.”

  “You two gonna give me shit, too?” Demyan scowled at Becky’s sigh. Then jutted his chin at Pearce. “If Becky wanted to get a tattoo, and you came down on her, I’d clock you.”

  “Scott, do you have any idea how upset Casey was when you weren’t there for breakfast?” Becky’s face crumpled as she turned her head, as though she couldn’t face Demyan anymore, either because of his attitude or what she had to say next. “You don’t have to be there at all, but—”

  “I want to!” Demyan shot out of his chair and pulled Becky into his arms, speaking softly. “Why didn’t you say something before? You’ve been so quiet—”

  “I asked them not to say anything.” Tim stood and came around the desk, then braced his hands behind him against it. “This wasn’t a private thing. The three of you had issues that were affecting the team. And your own lives. One thing that I love about you guys is how devoted you are to the team. You all have people in your lives who understand that, but there needs to be some kind of balance.” He held out his hands as to include everyone in the room. “What happens on the ice means nothing if you’re not okay. These people trust me to make sure you are. I couldn’t bring you along on the road trip without letting them know you will be.”

  “I appreciate that, Tim.” Chicklet chewed at her bottom lip, shaking her head. “But I have my own ways to deal with things like this. Carter and Demyan have their men on the road with them, but I have to know Tyler feels me with him, even when I’m not.”

  Tim nodded slowly. “The thing is, Chicklet, I can’t have Tyler hampered by your kind of discipline. Not while we’re still fighting our way out of the bottom rankings. I need you to trust me to give him the control he needs. He’ll be rooming with Mason.”

  Chicklet’s expression lightened considerably. “Oh, that’ll work.”

  “No, it won’t!” Vanek shot a pleading look at Chicklet. “Last time me and Laura were ‘bickering’—” he made quotations with his fingers in the air “—at the club, you let him put me in the stocks and use a tawse on me!”

  “I used the tawse on her. In the stocks beside you.” Chicklet arched a brow. “I don’t see a problem there.”

  “He has your permission to punish me!”

  “He does.” She slid her hands down Vanek’s chest, pressing hard enough over his nipples to make him cringe. “And he’s creative enough not to let it ruin your game.”

  The situation seemed to have been handled, quite efficiently, but Max suspected his presence was part of Tim’s plan to assure all present that a lesson had been learned. At the very least, he owed them all the courtesy of an apology. He looked from Pearce and Becky, to Ramos, then finally, to Chicklet.

  “I might could’ve done a little better with the boys.” Max bit back a grin at Demyan’s eye roll. He was only a year or so older than the man, but sometimes it felt like a decade. “It won’t happen again.”

  “I do not expect you to keep Luke in line.” Ramos tightened his grip on Luke’s throat in a way that had the young man’s eyes glazing over, his breath catching as a dark flush spread across his cheeks. “As Chicklet mentioned, I will be there to do so myself. But I appreciate that you will not stand by and allow this again.”

  “A call next time, Perron.” Pearce had one hand on Becky’s shoulder, the other on Demyan’s, as he met Max’s eyes. “That’s all I ask.”

  “I should have called you,” Demyan said quietly, turning his face to nuzzle Pearce’s throat. “I’m sorry.”

  Pearce slapped Demyan’s arm and chuckled as he cursed. “You will be.”

  Chicklet did nothing but incline her head in acceptance of Max’s words as she crouched down in front of Vanek, holding his face in her hands. The touching scenes made Max’s heart ache for Oriana. He’d said goodbye to her early that morning before she went to resume her internship with a sports doctor connected to the farm team.

  If they’d stayed in Calgary, he would have seen her even on the road while she was training with the team’s doctors. The decision to return meant more time apart, but she was happy. The tension in her from being away from her sister was gone. She’d even managed to see her father, which had done wonders for her even though she’d admitted he didn’t know who she was. Through the whole visit, he’d called her Adona—the name of an aunt Oriana had loved and lost during her teens.

  All that seemed to matter was that he hadn’t sent her away.

  “So, are we all good?” Tim went around the room, lightly tapping the men’s shoulders and hugging the women. “I can personally guarantee there will be no further body modifications on my watch.”

  Carter drew in a sharp inhale as Ramos whispered something to him. He cleared his throat. “And no more drinking.”

  “For a while.” Demyan kissed Becky. Then laughed and kissed Pearce. “Damn it, I fucked up. I get it. I’m a daddy now and I need to do better.”

  Becky’s eyes glistened. “You are. And she’s going to miss you so much.”

  “I’ll call every day. And write. I know she likes the letters me and Zach send.” Demyan lowered his voice, but not enough that every person in the room couldn’t hear him clearly. “Gotta admit, I get a little teared up whenever I get one from her. Tell her every goal I get is for her.” He kissed Becky again, speaking against her lips. “And you.”

  “I will
.” Becky blinked fast and took a big step back. “I better get to work. Get ready for the winning streak.” She took a deep breath. “This is always hard, but it makes me feel a bit better to know Zach is with you in case—” She cut herself off and shook her head. “Just in case.”

  “I’m better, Becky.” Demyan caressed Becky’s cheek, something in his eyes so open and honest Max had to look away. From the rumors he’d heard, Demyan being better meant a lot. He’d changed, despite his actions of the other night.

  Vanek seemed enfolded in his Domme, looking like he never wanted her to let him go. But sturdier now that she was there. Now that they’d gotten past his slipup in one piece. She was disappointed, but made her love so very clear.

  A soft knock at the door had them all looking up. Jami slipped into the room, then went straight over to her uncle, leaning into him as though all her strength had been taken from her.

  “My mom called. She’s pregnant again.” A tight, bitter laugh escaped her. “I said all the right things. And I’m okay. Just sorry I’m late.”

  The scent of hard liquor came off her in waves as she rested against her uncle’s side and looked over at Carter. Her gaze had seemed unfocused and her stance unstable, as though Tim was the only reason she was still standing.

  “Damn it, Jami.” Carter rose from his chair, reaching for her. “I’m a selfish jerk. I didn’t know—”

  “I said I’m okay.” Jami’s bottom lip trembled as she went to him, but her whole body shook until Ramos put his hand on her shoulder, lending her his strength, his expression troubled. “You . . . you need to be careful. I know what your dad said got to you. Don’t do anything stupid, and I promise I won’t either.”

  Carter straightened and gave a hard nod. “I swear I won’t. But . . . why don’t you come with us?” He looked over at Tim. “Can’t she? Wives come sometimes. It won’t be no different.”

  Tim stroked Jami’s arm, then kissed her cheek. “You’re more than welcome.”

  “I need to work.” Jami rested her head on Tim’s chest. “But I’ll come if you want me to.”

  “I do.” Tim kissed the top of her head. “Find someone to cover your shift.” He laughed at Jami’s hesitant stare. “Get going!”

  Jami glanced up at Ramos, who hadn’t shifted from his solid stance behind her. “Sir?”

  “There’s nothing I want more than to have you with me.” Ramos patted her cheek, whispering something for her alone before kissing the tip of her nose. “You can help me keep our boy out of trouble.”

  “Yeah, like that’ll happen.” Jami stuck her tongue out at Carter, then dashed out of the room.

  Carter slipped an arm around Ramos’s waist, resting his head on the man’s shoulder, clearly comfortable enough with those present not to hold back. “I’ll do better. For her. She needs us both.”

  Max didn’t hear Ramos’s reply. His thoughts went back to Oriana. And Sloan. Both of whom he’d be leaving behind. All that the meeting had proved was how much he was missing without them by his side. At least he’d see Oriana soon. With the whole issue of his handling other’s subs poorly, he needed Sloan here. Telling him he hadn’t fucked up too badly.

  Sloan would have told Chicklet her boy was still becoming a man. Told Ramos his boy needed to live his own life. He probably wouldn’t have had much to say to Becky and Pearce, though he may have shown some longing when Becky mentioned her daughter.

  Oriana had gone off birth control. The three of them wanted a child. The only person who knew they were trying was Tim. Oriana spoke to him almost every day. She’d told him about her one miscarriage.

  Which explained why Tim held Max back once the others left.

  “We’re in the same place, Perron. Max.” Tim laughed when Max blinked at him. It was rare that the coach used a player’s first name. “That’s why I got us all together. I know where you’re coming from. You love the team. But you love them too—Oriana. And Sloan. You’re torn in two and that’s where I’m at.” Tim cocked his head and shrugged. “This would have been an issue if I hadn’t made them all put it out there. Now you’ve just got to worry about the game.” He took a deep breath. “And the people you love. Which is no small thing.”

  “They both put the game first, Tim.” Max leveled his gaze with Tim’s. “You know that.”

  “I do.” Tim shrugged and placed his hands on Max’s shoulders with a bit of pressure. “But that’s not how it should be. And I’ve known you long enough to say you know that.”

  Max pressed his tongue to his teeth. He’d never admitted this to anyone. Never even brought it up to Sloan after months of trying. But Tim was the one person who might understand. “After Oriana lost the first child, I wanted to believe it was somehow my fault—that just stepping aside would make it all work out. The doctor knows everything and he said . . . he said it’s not me. Or Sloan. Nothing with the chromosomes. Oriana may never be able to carry to term. I’d rather it be my fault. I hate seeing her blame herself. The game isn’t first anymore.”

  “It’s no one’s fault, Perron.” Tim’s eyes were haunted, and Max wished he’d kept this to himself. The coach had enough of his own problems to deal with. But, as always, Tim made him feel foolish for even thinking that. “Madeline and I want a child more than anything. And physically, it is my fault. But the team is our baby. When I come home, she asks me about you all as though you’re all our children. The team has a bond that will last beyond the next season. We give our all, or we don’t bother. And when it comes to the personal stuff, we give no less. Always.”

  “I agree.” Max forgot how Jami would be with her men. How Oriana wouldn’t be with him. How Sloan was so far away. But the three of them still had everything. Because they had one another and that would never change. “Thanks for making me see that. Oriana doesn’t need to feel my doubts. And Sloan . . . after Dominik, I think he’s worried that he’s expendable. And he’s not.”

  “If anyone can prove it, you can.” Tim moved behind his desk. “I did try to work out a way that Oriana could be one of the medical staff on the trip, but the sports doc said she has some tests to pass before she’s licensed to work. Bringing her along would delay the process.”

  “I refuse to do that. I’ll be just as good out there knowing she’s watching.”

  “I know you will. But I wanted to have her there for you.” Tim gave a rueful shake of his head. “There’s been all kinds of reactions about you being back. Mine is this. I’m grateful. We need you.”

  “I aim to be all you need.” Max stepped up to his coach, hugging him as tight as he had when he’d been drunk. Because the tie between them was just as real as it had been in a liquor haze. “But thank you. For believing in me. Makes it all just that much easier.”

  “That’s how it is for us.” Tim cocked his head, grinning. “Life can be easy compared to the game, depending how you look at it. In life, you can make mistakes and earn forgiveness, come back from behind. That doesn’t always happen on the ice.”

  * * * *

  Dean held his arms out as Landon finished covering Amia’s face with kisses, laughing as Amia’s eyes widened and her attention immediately went to his steel-gray tie. She settled in Dean’s arms and brought the end of the tie to her mouth.

  Silver went to Landon and wrapped her arms around his neck. Not much had been discussed about how she’d found Landon and Dean in the bedroom, but she seemed much less insecure since they’d reassured her she had nothing to worry about. She’d spent most of the day with Landon, going out for brunch, then a matinee movie. Things were much more relaxed between the two, and Dean was happy to see the warmth in Landon’s eyes as he looked down at her.

  But he blinked at Landon’s next words, not sure he’d heard right.

  “What?” Silver stared at Landon. Apparently she wasn’t sure either.

  Landon went down on one knee. “Marry me. I know we’re already engaged, but the wedding’s been put off so often . . . I love you. Between you and Dean and Amia,
I have everything I could ever want, but I need to see you walking down the aisle while Dean stands at my side as my best man. To know the vows we exchange include all three of us.”

  “They will, but . . .” Silver made a frustrated sound and pulled at Landon’s hand until he stood, his expression a little hurt. “Landon, I love you too. But I don’t think getting married will fix anything. Let’s make a date for this summer and see what happens.”

  “What do you think’s going to happen? Do you think I’ll change my mind about spending the rest of my life with you both?”

  “No. I just . . . ugh, why did you have to bring this up right before leaving?” Silver folded her arms over her stomach. “Now I feel bad.”

  “I didn’t ask to make you feel bad.” Landon’s tone was hard. He took a step back and grabbed his suitcase. “I thought this was something you wanted. A big, elaborate wedding. We can’t plan that overnight.”

  “Damn it, then forget the big wedding. Why don’t we do like your sister and have a quick wedding.” Silver’s lips thinned. “Maybe things would be better if I did everything nice and efficient like she does.”

  “Do you have to bring my sister up every time things don’t go your way?”

  So much for things going better. Dean shook his head and rubbed Silver’s arm, Amia braced carefully against his hip. “The two of you need to stop this. Silver, why don’t you just tell him how much you’ll miss him and kiss him and say goodbye. Landon, we’ll make a date for this summer. You’re right, nothing will happen between now and then to change anything, so take her roundabout answer as a yes.”

  It took a few moments for both to stop glaring, but then Silver nodded and laughed and Landon grinned. Silver put her head on Dean’s shoulder and caressed Landon’s cheek with her fingertips.

  “It was a yes. I guess I’m a little afraid to make plans.” She pulled Landon closer and rose up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Something always comes up.”

  “Not this time.” Landon dropped his suitcase and drew her up against him, making a low, hungry sound in his throat as he sucked at her bottom lip. “Unless Dean or I manage to make Amia a little brother or sister. But you can waddle down the aisle if you have to. You’ll still be the most beautiful woman in the world.”


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