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Survival is Never Free (The Death Prophecies Book 5)

Page 3

by Saxon Andrew

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “So you just came up with your solution while sitting in front of us?” Cam nodded. Amy looked at Steve, “It’s your call.”

  “I want your input, Admiral.”

  “My sons aren’t going to like it but I have to say that the computer is right about his tactical understanding at an innate level. None of the others saw it as clearly.”

  “I agree.”

  Cam sat up straight, “What is my Ship’s Commander not going to like?”

  Steve looked at him, “That you’re going to outrank him.”


  “Come with me, Admiral. I want to show you your new warship.”

  Chapter Two

  The Builder Leader looked at the hologram of the giant gathering of black colored warships and didn’t like what he was seeing. He took a breath, slowly blew it out, and activated his brain link, “They’re still just holding position outside that galaxy. The last arrivals appeared more than four months ago and they’re still holding position. Do you have any idea as to why they’re delaying their attack?”

  “Leader, they’re either still provisioning their vessels or…”

  “Or what?”

  “They’re waiting for more to arrive.”

  The Leader made a mental inquiry and saw the answer appear in his mind, “There are 8,235 of the large war vessels.” The Leader opened the channel again to his Leader of Scouts, “Which do you believe it is?”

  “I’ve sent some of my war vessels out to search the approach routes the other large vessels came in on and haven’t received a response yet.”

  Suddenly, they both heard, “Leader, I’ve found another large group of the enemy vessels moving toward that galaxy?”

  The Leader immediately asked, “How many of the large vessels are in the group you’ve found?”

  “Two thousand eight hundred, Leader.”

  “Leader, I have also found another large group moving on a different course than the one just communicated.”

  “How many large vessels?”

  “Twenty one hundred plus.”

  The Scout Leader activated his link to his fleet of scouts and said, “Continue scouting and tell me if you find any others moving toward that galaxy.”

  The Builder Supreme Leader sat down in his chair and stared at the two holograms of the approaching fleets. The Scout Leader reopened the link, “Leader, the tankers from the large ship gathering are leaving and moving toward those two incoming groups.”

  The Supreme Leader nodded and watched in his mind as the planet’s main computers processed the new data. After three seconds he said, “Recall your scouts.”

  “Why recall them now?”

  “The computers have computed that they are sending out the tankers because those two are the last to arrive. Once they join the main group, I believe they will open hostilities.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Ten thousand of those large War Vessels will cause a large loss of our defensive line. They may break through it and then we’ll have to use our populated worlds to enter the attack. I am calling a council with the Elders to decide what our next step is going to be.”

  “I will recall the Scouts.”

  The Supreme Leader sent out a thought and scheduled the meeting to commence in two hours as he pulled up the hologram of the giant ship gathering and heard the analysis of expected losses start entering his mind. He absently listened to it as he already knew the probable outcome. He stood up and stretched his two foot six inch body. His thin arms and legs hurt for an instant before his brain link sent enzymes flooding into his system. He walked over to the large window looking out on the sprawling city on the surface of the world they had built long ago. The Populated Worlds had never been forced to fight against an enemy. This time, things looked different. What were the Elders going to order? He looked to his right at the hologram that followed him to the window and he shut it off. They had not originally evolved in this galaxy but had moved here from another. Perhaps it was time to move again.

  • • •

  Cam looked at Admiral Connor and Admiral Hart and his eyes narrowed, “I mean no disrespect, Sir, but there are thirty officers on the Crystal River that currently have a higher rank than I do. Using that ratio for the entire fleet, there are thirty thousand that outrank me. I suspect they aren’t going to like a Squadron Commander being promoted over them, especially one that hasn’t been proven in combat.”

  Amy turned and looked at Cam, “Name an officer that has proven themselves in Combat.”

  Cam struggled for a moment and started saying, “Admirals Eagle, Osborn, Heinrik, and both of you.”

  Steve smiled, “Nice try. All of the ones you just mentioned will be commanding three hundred of our Essay Class Battleships. You avoided answering the real question, how many of the officers currently serving on one of our battleships have combat experience.”

  Cam blew out a quick breath, “We deliberately avoided combat so none have combat experience.”

  Steve stared at Cam and said, “Sit back down, Admiral.” Cam shook his head at the title but sat back down in his chair. Amy looked at Steve and wondered what he was doing. “Admiral, you’re on a playground in elementary school and three bullies walk up and prepare to beat you senseless. What do you think most of the ship commanders in our fleet would do?”

  “I’m not sure, Sir.”

  “What would you do?”

  Cam thought a moment and asked, “Are they bigger than me?”

  Steve nodded, “All three of them are.”

  Cam thought another moment and said, “I’d kick off my boots and grab them by the strings. I’d run to the nearest wall and wait for them. I would hope they would then back off.”

  Amy’s eyes narrowed, “Taking off boots would take some time.”

  Cam shrugged, “I always wore my boots with the strings loosened in school, Sir. It made it easy to take them off when I got home.”

  Amy tilted her head to the side and smiled as Steve said, “They’re not backing off, what would you do?”

  “I’d wait for them to move in and hit the closest one in the shin with the hard heel on the left boot. I’d then move down the wall and wait for the other two. If they came after me, I’d swing the boot in my right hand at the closest bully’s head. Even if he raised a hand to block it, it would take that arm out of commission. I’d then move further down the wall and wait for the third. By that time, someone in the school should be arriving to break it up.”

  “And if they don’t?”

  “I start spinning the boots around my head daring the third bully to get closer.”

  Steve smiled, “You must have thought about this when you were in elementary school.”

  “I saw some kids being picked on and decided that is how I’d handle the situation.”

  “Do you know what nearly all of our warship commanders would do?” Cam shook his head.”

  “They would punch the closest bully in the face and then attempt to kick one of the other two. They would attack the bullies directly and never even consider another strategy. Our new vessel requires a different strategy than a direct attack. Finding the officers with the right temperament to do that is proving to be one of the most difficult tasks we’ve ever faced. You meet the profile we’re looking for and I could care less if anyone doesn’t agree with my decision on this issue. You got that!” Steve and Amy stood up and he followed them out of the room. He arrived outside and saw a Fleet Attack Ship parked next to his Hawk Fighter. Steve looked over his shoulder; “You can follow us in your fighter.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Cam entered the port and looked up still reeling from what just happened and wondered how this had gotten out of hand so quickly, “Activate all systems.”

  “What’s going on? I just got back from being serviced. Is that Fleet Admiral Connor and Admiral Hart getting in the ship next to us?”

  “It is and you were right. Follow them.”

  “Right about what?”

  “They had a reason for having me report here. I don’t know if you’re going to like it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m being given command of a new class of warship.”

  “Well just kick me in the hard drive. This is not something I like at all.”

  “I’ll see if I can get you moved on board the new vessel.”

  “That would be greatly appreciated. What do you know about this new ship?”


  “Why am I not surprised?” Cam shrugged and lifted the Hawk off the tarmac and followed the Fleet Attackship into the atmosphere.

  He flew the ship above the planet and heard over the communicator, “I’m linking your stardrive to my panel. Sit back and enjoy the flight, Admiral.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Did he just call you Admiral?”

  “You noticed that?”

  “Do you consider that good or bad news?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  • • •

  Gabriel Eagle looked at his wife and smiled, “Are you sure about this, Janell.”

  Janell smiled and took Gabe’s hand in hers, “Admiral Dillon McCagg once asked me if he were to ask me to leave the service and go with him to have a family, would I do it.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him that without the certainty that we would make it as a couple, we should stay in the service and explore how we would work out. I never considered leaving the service to have a family.”

  Gabe pulled her into his arms, “And now?”

  “Now that I have a family with three beautiful children, I no longer desire to leave them. This is where I belong.” Gabe looked into her eyes and sighed. Janell burrowed her head into his chest, “Gabe, the Navy can do fine without me but you are needed to defend us against what’s coming. I don’t possess your talents nor your brilliance; you have to do this.”

  “It’s been a long time since I’ve commanded a ship.”

  Janell lifted her head, “It’s like riding a bicycle, you’ll remember without trying. Besides, you have kept up to date on all the technology, I haven’t.”

  “I’m forty five years old, Janell. I’m not the young pup I once was.”

  “Amy and Steve are in their late fifties and they are still better than all of the others. Heck, I think Steve is in his sixties. They need you.”

  Gabe pulled her tight again, “And what if I don’t make it back?”

  “Then I’ll weep for a long time and make sure our children know what an incredible father and warrior their father is. If we don’t stop the forces coming to destroy us now, our children will be in deeper danger one day.”

  “I love you, Janell.”

  “I know. And I love you so much it hurts to see you leaving but you are a warrior and you’d go crazy if you weren’t involved in the war.”

  Gabe held her tight as he said, “You know me better than I know myself.”

  “Come home as soon as you can. I’m going to miss you terribly.”

  “Count on it.” Gabe stood up, went to the closet and pulled out his uniform. He sucked in a deep breath and put it on. He released the breath and shaking his head in disbelief, smiled, “It still fits.”

  Janell smiled, “I’m not surprised but this much I know. A bigger man is wearing it now.” Gabe went back to her and hugged her tightly. He was due to report in twenty-four hours. He intended to make them count.

  • • •

  Cam sat in his command chair and heard Doc say, “It appears we’re headed toward Massachusetts.”

  Cam nodded, “I have always found it odd that the twelve planets we colonized were named after one of the original English Colonies in the new world.”

  “Try to think of twelve names that all related to something in common.”

  “They could have named them months or zodiac signs, there’s twelve of them.”

  “Oh sure, let’s go to Aquarius or let’s go to November. Now those would be names to be proud of.”

  “Come on, Doc. Sarcasm doesn’t become you. ”

  “Come on yourself. You know those original colonies fought for independence from another country. We’re fighting for independence from the Darkness. There are other examples of countries that fought for their freedom but finding twelve that all had something in common is next to impossible.”

  “What about continents?”

  “Only six of them.”

  “How about oceans?”

  “Only five and if you throw in seas, there’s too many.”

  “What about the Twelve Christian Disciples?”

  “There’s more religions on Earth than Christianity.”

  “Doc, you act like a know-it-all.”

  “Hey, I take after you.”

  “Now that hurt.”

  “Cam, get real. I’ve developed my interactions with the universe from observing you. The fact you’re challenging the colonies’ names only confirms it.”

  Cam rolled his eyes as he felt the fighter emerge into normal space out of its stardrive. He looked out of the front viewport and heard Doc say, “Holy Guacamole!” They were approaching a vessel that dwarfed the new Essay Class Warships. It had to be more than twice as long and three times wider. Doc said, “This is the vessel you’re going to command?” Cam was shaking his head but then nodded. “Are you sure they didn’t make a mistake in choosing you? I don’t mean any disrespect but…just look at that thing.”

  Cam’s eyes couldn’t get any wider, “I really think I should be offended by that comment but I’m forced to agree with you. What is this thing?”

  “Whatever it is, it has to be a very dangerous ship.” Cam could only nod in silence. The Communicator activated and he heard, “Admiral Holiday, land your ship in the landing bay located amidships.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Cam stared at the Leviathan and said, “Doc, you better do the honors, I’m too shaky to pull it off.” The Hawk Fighter followed the Admiral’s vessel into the landing bay and Doc said, “Cam, those ships in the launch rails are different from me.”

  Cam looked out of the viewport and saw Doc was right. They were larger and had a large support structure on each side of the ship. Hanging below them was three huge missile pods. Cam looked up, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.”

  “Admiral Connor has requested your presence on the deck.”

  Cam stood up and headed to the giant landing bay. He stepped out of the port and Admiral Connor walked up and removed his Squadron Commander Circles from his collar and pinned a single star in its place. “The crew needs to see their new commander.”

  “How many crewmen are on this vessel?”

  “More than fifty eight thousand. Most of them handle flight operations and the others man the ship’s defensive arrays.” There are a thousand that operate the various systems that make the vessel operational.”

  Cam was almost in a state of shock and Steve could see his astonishment. “Come with me to your conference room and I’ll give you a quick description of the ship. After that, we’ll meet your senior commanders.”


  “I know, you’re out of your league. But you’ll get up to speed fast enough. You’re going to need to learn quickly, we have a war coming at us.”

  Cam followed the two highest Ranking Admiral out of the landing bay and saw the crew standing at attention and all were staring at them. He determined rather quickly that most of them were staring at him. He forced his face to be neutral and followed Admiral Connor to the tubes. He moved into one beside the two admirals and felt a more powerful acceleration than he experienced on the Crystal River. He realized the tubes had to operate faster; this ship was more than twice as long.

  • • •

  They arrived at the bow of the giant ship and Cam exited the tube behind the two Admirals. Steve headed out of the tube center and Cam followed closely behind him. Cam turned a corner and walked fifty y
ards up a wide corridor and saw crewmen going to attention. Admiral Connor ignored them and spoke with Admiral Hart as they moved toward the front of the vessel. Cam looked at the walls as he passed and knew they were approaching the bridge. He saw the guardrails lining each side were spotless. He sighed and knew the crew must be expecting his arrival. They arrived outside a large portal and Cam saw a tall woman waiting for them to arrive. She had the reddest hair he had ever seen and it hung to her shoulders. He looked closer and saw she had a Commodore’s insignia on her collar and the Starship and Galaxy pinned on her other collar, she was the ship’s commander. “Welcome aboard, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Commodore. We’ll speak with you after I finish briefing Admiral Holiday.”

  The woman looked at Cam and it didn’t take a genius to see that she was definitely not one of his fans. “Welcome aboard, Sir.”

  Cam nodded, “I want you and the Senior Commanders to be prepared to meet with me with a readiness report on their units. I also want the latest scores from any maneuvers they’ve conducted.”

  The Commodore stared into Cam’s eyes and didn’t see him blink. “Yes, Sir.” Cam turned and followed Admiral Connor into the conference room.

  Steve looked at him, “It didn’t take you long to figure out Commodore O’Hara.”

  “She thinks she should be in overall command of the ship.”

  “Yes, she does. Perhaps if you work with her she might merit her own ship later.”

  “Sir, are you sure about this?”

  “I am, Admiral. Now sit down and I’ll start the tutorial on this vessel. I want your opinions afterwards.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Cam quickly said, “Sir, would it be possible to move my ship’s computer into this vessel?”

  “The current computer is a temporary, your computer is being moved as we speak. The engineers were waiting for our arrival and the installation will be completed within the hour. It will undergo a rather large change when the other processors are connected to it. It might require some time to get organized.”

  “Has this ship conducted any maneuvers?”

  “As a matter of fact, it has not. The crew was waiting for the Commander to arrive.” Cam stared at Steve and Steve sighed, “There appears to be some resentment at your promotion and they’ve decided to sit back and wait until you’ve issued orders.”


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