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Sold (Alien Space Pirates 2) (SciFi Romance)

Page 7

by Mara Frost

  He grunts as his pace quickens. Apparently the manic twitching and convulsing around his cock was too much for him, and with just a few more thrusts I feel an explosion of heat inside me as a strangled sound of pleasure escapes past his lips. And then a blinding light of blue consumes our bodies.

  I can’t help but close my eyes as I feel an almost calming heat spill into me as I swim in the afterglow of my own orgasm. And then something else happens…

  I open my eyes and cock my head to the side as I try to identify what I’m feeling. It actually feels like his cock is moving inside me, but…that couldn’t be because his body is very much sitting still on top of me.


  With the heat of his seed still spilling into me, I can feel his thickness moving independently of his body, slowly pulsating and pumping his release into my pussy. His cock isn’t as hard or as overwhelmingly huge as it was before, but…it definitely isn’t an…awful feeling.

  In fact, the slow rhythmic pumping of his cock is massaging against my walls in the most delicious way. I can feel my own heat begin to add his as my pussy tightens around him. My cheeks flush as a familiar feeling of pressure begins to build in my core.

  After only a few short seconds, my body writhes in explosive pleasure as his amazing alien cock draws another orgasm out of me. And he wasn’t even trying that time!

  “Oh my God!” I cry out as my body is barraged with another round of pleasure. I dig my nails into his beautiful blue back and whimper into his shoulder. Minutes go by in complete silence as we both attempt to catch our breath and recover.

  After enough time has passed and I feel like I have enough energy to do more than just moan unintelligibly, I lazily look up at through heavy eyelids.

  “Well, that was different,” I say with a smile.

  He looks down at me and actually manages to look a little smug. Feeling more alert, my eyes widen a bit. “Feeling a little proud, are we? It’s good to see that being self-congratulating can be found in all the corners of the universe.”

  This brings out another one of his full smiles. I bite my cheek and try to stop the stupid butterflies from swooping down into my stomach.

  “Did you find pleasure?” he asks matter-of-factly.

  “Well, yeah…”

  “Then why is there a problem to feel self-congratulatory when my desire was to make you feel pleasure?”

  This catches me off guard for a moment. His blunt logic throws me off.

  “Well, I suppose that could make a little bit of sense, but you risk coming off as cocky if –“

  Unfortunately, my attempt to school him in the subtleties of humble pride is abruptly cut short with a loud explosion of sound quickly followed by the entire ship shaking.

  “What the fuck was that?!”

  Confusion hits me before anything else. Since I began my little space adventure, I haven’t really experienced real fear while traveling through space since I felt so safe in Maxaya. So my first reaction is confusion. But I only feel confusion for about 1.3 seconds, then panic and overwhelming terror kicks in pretty quickly.

  Without saying a word Big Blue is off of me like a bullet and runs to the pilot seat in the cockpit. I’m so freaked out by the shaking shuttle that I barely even notice the quick jerk of his cock exiting my body.

  While everything is shaking around me, I scramble to collect my clothes. There’s not much else I can do, so I might as well be clothed while we go down like a fiery ball in Hell.

  Another blast hits us and I fall to the floor as I put my legs into my suit.

  “What’s going on?!” I scream out loud, but he doesn’t say anything. He’s quietly and quickly punching at the controls, looking focused and unbothered by everything else around him.

  I run over to him and buckle into the seat next to him and look out the cockpit window, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

  “We’re under attack,” he says evenly, not tearing his eyes away from what he’s doing.

  And then there’s another blast, but he must be doing some strategic maneuvering because it wasn’t a full hit and it only clipped us. I nod quietly and then gaze out the window. I see a menacing looking ship pointing right at us.

  “Why?” I ask, afraid to move and with my back pressed against the chair.

  “I imagine it might have something to do with me stealing you away from one of the Empire’s High Lords.”

  Oh THAT? Heh, fuck.

  “That is an Imperial Fighter and it seems to want our attention.”

  Another blast hits and the shuttle proceeds to shake so hard that my brain feels like an air hockey puck bouncing in my skull. I dig into the arm of the chair and squeeze my eyes shut.

  “They have our attention!! Tell them THEY HAVE OUR ATTENTION!”

  There’s another jerk of the shuttle and I’m thrown to the side as he dodges another blast. Okay, so they don’t just want our attention. They just want us dead. Wonderful.

  “Transport Shuttle Class 24A, you are suspected of acts of aggression towards a high ranking officer of the Imperial Order and theft. Identify yourself to the Imperial Command,” a voice says through the general communicator.

  Big Blue doesn’t say anything and just manically enters codes into the controls.

  The voice continues, undeterred. “Transport Shuttle Class 24A, visual communication is requested or else appropriate action will follow.”

  I glance nervously at Big Blue and then at the big ship and then back at him, silently hoping that he’s going to do something so that we’re not going to see the “appropriate action”.

  “Uhm…are you going to…do…anything?” I sing nervously, trying to cover the utter terror in my voice.

  He doesn’t say anything. He acts as if I’m not even there. Which is fine I guess…he’s a little busy. As long as he keeps us alive I won’t complain.

  Just then an image of the lecherous fat General pops onto the screen and I jump with a start. That was a face I was hoping to never see again and seeing a giant version of it as we’re being shot at is just taking my anxiety to a whole new level.

  “General Xuraan, you’re looking well. Better than the last time we met at least,” Big Blue says evenly while he continues to work the flight controls.

  “Dakhar, I will have your head for this. No amount of Imperial favor from the High Council can protect you now. You are mine and you are dead,” the General screams, his fat shaking with anger while his face turns all sorts of different colors.

  Dakhar says nothing to the General. I watch uneasily as he continues to punch at the controls and then curse under his breath. It looks like he’s trying to do something with the computer, but he keeps getting an error. The growing frustration on his face starts to become more and more visible.

  Apparently even to the General.

  “An attempt at escape is futile. We incapacitated your shuttle. Give up the girl, Dakhar, and I will allow your death to be not so gruesome or excruciatingly painful.”

  “You will have to forgive me, General,” Big Blue says as he presses the controls and the computer fails again. He punches the console and screams something that I don’t understand, which must mean that there’s no English translation, and then the computer activates like magic.

  He looks up at the General. “But I’m going to have to decline your offer.”

  Something in the shuttle engages and it almost feels the engines are firing up or something, which is a little scary since the shuttle appears to be falling apart. I look over at Big Blue nervously as I practically rip holes into the armrests with my nails.

  “What’s happening?” I cry out, the surging energy making the whole shuttle shake.

  The General’s eyes widen as he realizes that the shuttle isn’t as “incapacitated” as he thought.

  “What…” the General’s voice trails before he shouts out the command, “Fire! Fire full torpedoes now!”

  “Oh shit fuck!!!” I scream out and cover my eyes
with my hands as I try to ready myself to be blown up.

  “Hold on,” I hear Big Blue yells.

  I want to scream back “what’s the point!?! We’re going to explode”, but instead I grip onto my seat and do exactly that. I hold on. With my eyes closed, I feel the shuttle rock and shake uncontrollably for several seconds. My screaming gets louder. Why is it taking so long to be blown up?

  After a few more seconds, my brain almost feels numb, like I’m drunk or something. I finally dare myself to open my eyes and rather than seeing the giant Imperial ship in front of us, I see a blur of light, twisting and sliding around us.

  “W-w-w-hat….i-ssss….happpp-eninggg?” I scream, the sound of my own voice freaking me out. It sounds warped and about 10 octaves lower than it’s supposed to. Big Blue doesn’t respond to me though. He just sits quietly, his jaw clenched and his eyes on the computer readings.

  It’s just as well. I feel so weird and out of my body that nothing makes sense to me. I don’t know what’s going on and it feels like my outsides are being ripped apart from my insides. I don’t even know how much time has passed. It feels like years, it feels like seconds, it feels like nothing.

  And then it all stops.

  The severe shaking of the shuttle lessens and then the blurry bendy light that surrounded us disappears. And then suddenly there’s space in front of us again. Big beautiful space – space that doesn’t have any Imperial Fighters anywhere around, which is my favorite kind of space.

  Well, there’s space and a giant looming planet. A giant planet that we seem to be racing towards at an uncomfortably fast velocity.

  “Uhm…there’s a planet,” I say unsteadily, knowing full well that he sees it too.

  “Yes,” he replies through gritted teeth.

  The planet starts to draw closer and closer as we race faster and faster towards it.

  “Wha-what? Well, pull up!! Pull up!! We’re falling towards that planet!” I cry out. I clearly win the Captain Obvious award on this side of the universe.

  Big Blue says nothing as he tries to regain control of the shuttle, but nothing seems to be working. We keep plummeting further and further down, breaching the planet’s atmosphere. In fact, I can now see the lush green alien landscape right below us. It looks nice actually and it’s really unfortunate that I’m about to be a permanent part of it.

  And then he says the three words that I’ve been dreading to hear since I first started training in the space program.

  “Brace for impact.”

  Fuck, I hate space.

  To be continued…

  Alien Space Pirates Book 3:


  About the Author

  Mara Frost is a small town girl living in the big city where she spends most of her time either daydreaming about sexy aliens or just writing about them. When she’s not doing that then she’s fighting evil or buying yarn and knitting ugly scarves. She also likes to refer to herself in the third person. She’d love to hear from you! You can reach her at or at her facebook page:

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