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Unsuspecting Trouble (The Inscrutable Paris Beaufont Book 3)

Page 17

by Sarah Noffke

  “Your modesty is simply inspiring,” Paris joked.

  “I’ve been told,” Ren stated. “Anyway, you have to make a promise, and if you go back on it, I will hunt you down, haunt you from my dimension—which will no doubt make you look like a loon—and within a few short months, I’ll break your sanity.”

  “What’s this promise?” Paris stated.

  “I’m going to give you what you need,” Ren stated. “You’ll give it to your magitech guy to fix the vortex opener. Then you’re to destroy the instructions and after your mission, demolish the vortex opener. Papa Creola knows what opening a vortex to another dimension will do to the fabric of time and apparently believes it’s worth the risk in this case. However, if you do it again, you risk creating all sorts of problems here, in my realm, and thousands of others. They’re all connected but separate, and that’s for an important reason. Doors aren’t supposed to be open between them. Each time it happens, we run the risk of everything crashing down for all of us.”

  Paris soaked this all in, the magnitude of what she had to do to get her parents back really settling in. They must have been incredible people for Papa Creola to take such a risk. What Ren was asking made sense. It was smart, and she was happy to comply. “Yes, I’ll destroy everything.”

  Ren nodded and pulled a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “That’s written on special paper with special ink, meaning that the information can’t become the property of the Great Library. I enjoy this place more than anyone, but some things don’t need to be on these shelves.”

  Paris took the piece of paper and opened it to find it filled with equations and information that didn’t make sense to her, but she guessed that Uncle John, Subner, and Papa Creola would be able to figure it out. “Thanks for this.”

  “Destroy it and the device when you finish,” Ren warned. “I’ll know if you don’t. I’ll feel the vortex when you open it and if another one opens, then remember…”

  “The haunting,” Paris filled in his words. “I get it. My sanity is at stake. I’ll do as you wish.”

  “Good.” Ren backed away. “I’d say good luck on your mission, but it seems as though you’re going to need a lot more than that. It sounds like you’re going to need a bloody miracle, but unfortunately, all you have is magic and your bad attitude. I hope that’s enough.”

  Paris gulped and nodded. “Me too.”

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  It was strange to exit a door at the front of the Great Library and step through the stone wall into the Serenity Garden at Happily Ever After College. Paris turned to find only a small seam that indicated the door to the library. Otherwise, it was hardly noticeable.

  The Serenity Garden appeared totally different than the last time Paris was there, after the magitech AI ruckus. Hemingway must have been busy getting the space cleaned up so the students had access to it again.

  Paris’ belly rumbled when she strode into the mansion, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten in…well, she couldn’t remember how long. She stopped off at the kitchen, hoping to grab a snack since it was a while until Chef Ash would serve a meal. She found him in there, as usual, several pots and pans simmering and stirring themselves—the many aromas instantly intoxicating.

  “Can I steal a sandwich?” Paris pointed at a tray of cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches sitting on the closest workstation.

  Chef Ash turned, a surprised smile springing to his face. “There you are. Yes, you can have all the sandwiches. Do you want me to whip you up something hot? I can make lentil soup or chicken curry or just about anything you’d like. I bet you’re hungry after all your adventures and pulling off those disguising spells.”

  Paris nodded and sat on the barstool she often occupied when visiting with Chef Ash. “I’m starving, but sandwiches are perfect. Thank you. How is the escape room coming along?”

  “Oh, it’s great.” His face transformed with excitement. “I have it almost done thanks to some help from Hemingway.”

  “Great news,” Paris said. “Then we’ll be ready to move to the next phase of the plan.”

  “I’d say,” Chef Ash chirped. “Christine was brilliant at breaking up Grayson and Tee.”

  “She did it!” Paris exclaimed. She’d had to rush off to Roya Lane, then to the Great Library straight after the meeting at McGregor Technologies, and hadn’t gotten a proper update.

  He nodded proudly. “She’s brilliant in the field and owned the role as Colt. I think that made Grayson fester with resentment and on top of everything else, it seemed to push him over the edge.”

  “That’s great news,” Paris said.

  “Yeah and when I was there today working on the escape room, Grayson mentioned that something I’d said made him rethink the engagement.”

  “Oh?” Paris questioned. “Was it another one of your wise quotes on building and architecture?”

  “Well, I did quote John Ruskin, saying, ‘When we build, let us think that we build forever.’”

  “I can see how that would make someone rethink marrying a train wreck like Tee.” Paris laughed.

  “Yeah, that was the idea,” Chef Ash agreed. “However, it was something else I said.”

  “Which was?” Paris questioned.

  “Well, when Tee yelled at me for the third time for the noise the power tools were making, I said to Grayson that I’d rather hear the racket from an electric saw for the rest of my life than her nagging.”

  A laugh burst out of her mouth. “That’s simply brilliant.”

  Chef Ash beamed. “Thanks. It’s fun working in the field. I’ve never done it before, always just teaching and cooking. As a bonus, I’ve gotten to flex my carpentry skills—all thanks to you.”

  Paris blushed and ate a bite of her sandwich. “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying, and it seems we’re on track. We’ve destroyed two companies, one relationship, and now we have one more to go.”

  He chuckled. “I never thought that taking down companies and ruining relationships would make me feel proud.”

  She nodded, feeling a little demented for relishing it. “Think of all the good that’s going to come from this. Now all we have to do is break up Amelia and Bryce, and we’ll be ready for the last part of the plan.”

  Chef Ash flashed a proud grin while retrieving something from the refrigerator. “I had an idea about that and thought I’d get it ready. I know you’re so busy with the Deathly Shadow business, I wanted to take some of the stress off you.”

  “Thanks.” Paris tried to look over his shoulder as he pulled something from the industrial-size cooler.

  Chef Ash turned, presenting a large white box. He set it down in front of Paris. On the top was a card addressed to Amelia Rose. She opened it and read:

  Ms. Amelia Rose,

  I wanted the chance to apologize for the feud that’s gone on too long between us. Will you please meet me tonight in the basement of McGregor Technologies? I hope that we can finally come to a truce. I really think that if we start working together, we’d both be more successful and I’d much rather have someone as talented as you on my side than against me.


  Grayson McGregor

  Paris opened the box to find decadent chocolate-covered strawberries, which instantly made her mouth water. She jerked her head up, her mouth wide open.

  “Wow, this is perfect,” Paris said in awe of her friend. “Bryce is going to flip when Amelia gets this. He was already so jealous of Grayson when we spied before.”

  Chef Ash nodded. “Then Amelia, too curious not to, will show up where Grayson will be working on puzzles and planning in the escape room. He was excited when I left earlier and said he was going to work on it all night.”

  Paris beamed. “At that point, we’ve done all we can, and the rest is up to fate.”

  “I don’t believe that fate has much to do with two people falling in love,” Chef Ash related. “Two people who are meant for one another need to be given the opp
ortunity for the spark to ignite. Those two, with the obstacles removed from their lives, will fall headfirst.”

  “I really hope you’re right.” Paris’ phone stole her attention. She retrieved it and gobbled down the rest of her sandwich. Not only was the Amelia and Grayson mission coming to a head, but so was her mission.

  The message was from Rory. He was done with the container for the Deathly Shadow, meaning that she was one step closer to bringing her parents back.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  It was strange to see so many people inside the Fantastical Armory. Paris hadn’t spent a lot of time in the shop, but every time she’d been in there, the large space was mostly empty. Now there was a giant, two elves, a fae, the assassin baker, and her Uncle John.

  “You’re late,” Papa Creola called when Paris strode into the shop.

  “I literally just got the message from Rory.” Paris was still wiping cream cheese from the corner of her mouth.

  King Rudolf gave her a commiserating look. “Don’t you know that when Papa requests a meeting with you, you’re supposed to time travel to five minutes before and show up promptly?”

  “Time travel is illegal, Rudolf Sweetwater,” Papa Creola scolded. “If I catch you doing it again, I’ll have all your assets frozen.”

  The fae let out a high-pitched scream of panic. “No, without money, I’ll be like a commoner and have to drive a used Tesla.”

  “Commoners don’t drive Teslas,” Lee corrected.

  “Or drive,” Rory added.

  “And why would you drive when you have portal magic?” Uncle John asked, his brow scrunched up as he worked on the device in front of him.

  “Driving around makes me sleepy,” Rudolf stated. “That’s how I get ready for bed at night, taking a late drive until my eyes nearly shut.”

  “Sounds safe,” Lee snarked.

  “Let’s be glad Teslas can drive themselves,” Uncle John added.

  “They can?” King Rudolf questioned. “Oh, that makes so much sense now. I thought I was controlling the car with my mind.”

  Papa Creola shook his head and refocused on Paris. “Did you meet with Ren Lewis?”

  “Yeah, that guy is a piece of work,” Paris answered.

  “You didn’t make him mad as I warned?” Papa Creola asked. “He’s very temperamental.”

  Paris laughed. “You can say that again. No, but he insulted me a few times.” She retrieved the piece of paper that Ren had given her and handed it to Uncle John, who was still tinkering with the vortex opener.

  “Does that make sense to you?” Paris watched as he scanned the page.

  His eyes widened, and his mouth popped open. “Of course. That’s exactly what I was missing.”

  He showed it to Subner, and the elf nodded. “That should do the trick. I should have realized that it was a decimal issue.”

  “Isn’t it always?” Lee asked, earning a contemptuous glare from Subner.

  Rory held up a small silver container made from metal that had to be enchanted. It looked like a clamshell with hinges on one side and opened in the middle on a seam. “The container for the Deathly Shadow is ready.”

  “Do you think he’ll fit in there?” King Rudolf asked. “I heard he used to be a chunkster when he had a body.”

  “He doesn’t have a body anymore,” Papa Creola stated tersely. “He’s just energy and space won’t matter. We only need something that will hold him.”

  “The vortex opener will fit around that?” Paris’ nerves built in her chest again.

  “It should,” Uncle John answered. “I just need a bit longer to do the reconfiguration on it, and with the new formula, it ought to work.”

  “Okay, and you two are ready to go after Captain Morgan when I set off?” Paris asked King Rudolf and Lee.

  “Yeah, but I think I’d rather face the Deathly Shadow than my daughter,” the fae related. “After missing her tanning appointment and her ten facial treatments a day, she’s going to be a raving mess.”

  “Paris is the only one who can face the Deathly Shadow,” Papa Creola said matter-of-factly.

  “About that,” Paris began, her tone wavering. “I have the container to put the creep in. I have the magitech to open the vortex. But I’m confused on one tiny, little bitty thing.”

  “What?” Papa Creola asked simply.

  “That whole overpowering him to put the Deathly Shadow in the container,” Paris answered.

  Everyone looked at Father Time, awaiting his answer.

  “You’re going to have to figure that out on your own,” he stated to her disappointment. “We can’t do everything for you.”

  “Right.” She drew out the word.

  “I’ve secured a location for the showdown,” Papa Creola continued. “The ideal place will be Death Valley in California.”

  “Because of the name?” Paris remembered what Cat had said about names of locations and significance, which was why the Deathly Shadow had picked Paris, France, to hold Captain Morgan.

  “That’s right,” Papa Creola answered. “Now we have everything that we need to proceed. Tomorrow morning, you’ll portal to Death Valley, remove your protective charm, and wait. Remember that you have to do this alone, Paris. Whatever happens when you face the Deathly Shadow will affect everyone on this planet. Everything for the last twenty years has been building up to this moment.”

  The room was silent for a long moment.

  “You can do this.” Uncle John offered Paris a look of encouragement.

  “If anyone can, it’s you,” King Rudolf chimed.

  “But if you think you’re going to fail,” Subner began. “Consider offing yourself before the Deathly Shadow overpowers you.”

  “Whatever happens, there will be no stopping it.” Papa Creola’s voice suddenly sounded heavy. “The events that will come to pass tomorrow have been coming for a long time. There’s no stopping them at this point. We just have to hope that this story ends in our favor.”

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Amelia Rose was shaking when she stormed into McGregor Technologies that night. She didn’t know what Grayson was up to. Maybe he did want a truce after sending the chocolate-covered strawberries, but it wasn’t a gift that went over well with Bryce.

  Things had been tough with Bryce for a while…well, from the beginning, if Amelia was honest with herself. She’d always thought of him as a friend. Then he wanted more, and she told herself that he loved her so much, she’d be stupid not to reciprocate. However, she’d never been in love with him, as much as she’d pretended—trying to force the feelings.

  Amelia had convinced herself that she was supposed to love someone if they were madly in love with her. That’s why she’d accepted his proposal. When things started to fail with Rose Industries, her relationship with Bryce also deteriorated more. Now she reasoned that when there wasn’t a foundation of true love, there was nothing to keep things strong when life got hard. She and Bryce had a foundation built on conveniences and his obsession with her. That wasn’t enough.

  That afternoon Amelia had decided to disband her company, unable to recover from the harmful accusations about working conditions in Rose Industries’ facilities. She didn’t understand where all of this had come from or why it felt impossible to fight no matter how much she tried. It was almost as if magic was at work, although she wasn’t sure she believed in such things.

  After the heavy afternoon of feeling like a failure, Amelia had gotten the note and gift from Grayson, requesting the meeting at McGregor Technologies. That hadn’t gone well with Bryce. It was as though he’d been looking for a reason to explode at her. Then he’d issued his ultimatum, and that was the last of it for her.

  “If you go and meet with that corrupt businessman, we’re over,” Bryce had said an hour before.

  Amelia didn’t respond well to threats. Grayson’s company had failed too. Maybe he did want to resolve things. No matter what, Amelia knew that she needed to meet with Grayson and figure thing
s out. Closure after everything was what she needed most. So she pulled off the gaudy engagement ring Bryce had given her and left it on his desk before storming out.

  McGregor Technologies was quiet when Amelia descended to the basement. There was no security, as she would have expected, but the company was about to declare bankruptcy. A meeting in the basement was strange, but maybe that’s where Grayson’s office was.

  As she strode out of the elevator, Amelia got the impression the space had recently been under construction. The smell of paint and new carpet was heavy in the air.

  Unsure where to go, Amelia strode one way down the long hallway, then the other. There was only one door. She paused in front of it, reading the sign: “Only the pure of heart should enter, ready to be lost and found.”

  Amelia blinked at the weird message but shook off her confusion. She turned the knob and pushed the door open. After sticking her head through, she glanced back and forth and saw a small room that looked like a study with bookshelves and lounge chairs. One of the built-in bookshelves at the back of the room wasn’t completely flush with the wall. Looking around and not seeing any other rooms to look for Grayson, Amelia cautiously moved over to the bookcase.

  She grabbed the side and pulled back the hidden door to reveal another room. This one resembled a billiards hall with several pool tables and all the balls scattered as if someone had been playing a game.

  She glanced around, wondering why Grayson would want to meet down here and also wondering what all this was.

  At the back of the hall was another door. Sitting in front of it was the black and white eight ball used in a billiard game. Her curiosity piqued, Amelia bent and retrieved the eight ball, wondering why it was sitting beside the door. She tried the handle, but it was locked.

  Amelia sighed, feeling like this was a waste of her time, but also intrigued and reluctant to abandon this. She really did want to find out what Grayson wished to say to her. If she was honest with herself, Amelia hadn’t been able to quit thinking about him since that meeting on the Underground. Maybe it was because that first interaction had been so volatile, but it felt like there was more to it than that.


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