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Hannah's Blessing

Page 20

by Collette Scott

  “As much as I’d love to eat dinner with you dressed that way, I can’t think of a place that wouldn’t frown. How about we have a family-style dinner? Something low key.”

  Before Diana could get a word in edgewise, Devlan had spun on his heel and climbed into the waiting car. She remained in the driveway, a frown marring her face. There would be much to discuss with him when she got the chance – and to Hannah as well.


  Devlan sat back in his seat and breathed a sigh of relief. The day was beautiful and cool, but he felt downright hot underneath the collar of his suit. In addition, his palms were still moist even though she was gone. As they drove farther away from the house and Diana, he was able to breathe easier. That had been a close call. He had almost blurted out his plans when she bristled about the car. It was painfully clear that he still had not won her over completely yet. No, she made no qualms about resenting his desire to bestow frequent gifts on her. He would have to tread carefully and see how the night went.

  Sighing in frustration, Devlan glanced down at his laptop without actually viewing the screen. He had not realized just how important it was to him to discuss his plans with Diana on this special day for her. He wanted to come clean, and he wanted more than anything to hear what she had to say about it. Yes, he wanted to see the look on her face when he told her that he wanted her in his life permanently.

  What she did not know yet was that Thomas was right. He was ready to snatch her up before someone else did. Devlan Doyle, confirmed bachelor, had finally met the right woman and wanted to settle down.

  Doyle Enterprises was bustling with activity when he entered the downtown skyscraper. Other than a cursory “Hello, Mr. Doyle, glad you’re back,” no one seemed to notice his presence. He liked that. It reminded him how well his people worked under him, and why he had such a low turnover rate. Everybody knew their jobs, and everybody did their jobs. And that meant everybody got paid.

  Making his way up to the top floor where his office awaited, he was finally surrounded by employees with questions and problems which all needed immediate attention. Kathy appeared with flushed cheeks and her hair in mild disarray, and Devlan grimaced as she approached.

  “You have to help me with this woman, Mr. Doyle. She’s called at least ten times this morning, just in the last two hours. She wanted to make sure you remembered the charity dinner tonight. It’s eight o’clock in Beverly Hills. She said you promised to pick her up at seven. Please call her back.”

  Devlan stopped in his tracks and signed the paper thrust before him by another desperate employee. Couldn’t anyone live without his present for a couple of weeks?

  “Who are you talking about?” he asked Kathy irritably. “Diana called?”

  Kathy frowned and put her hands on her hips. Her foot was tapping rapidly on the carpeting below, muffling the furious sound. “No. Mrs. Somerset would never be so rude. I’m talking about Roxanne Lemieux.”

  “Roxanne?” Devlan frowned. “I have no plans with Roxanne tonight. I’m having dinner with Diana and Hannah. It’s Diana’s birthday.”

  “You bought tickets to a Hollywood charity dinner a couple of months ago. You’re escorting Roxanne. Lots of press. It was supposed to be good for her career.”

  “Yeah, and bad for mine,” Devlan muttered. “Damn it all, I forgot. Kath, do me a favor?”

  “Oh, no,” she said, backing away. “I’ll not do your dirty work, Mr. Doyle. You call her, here’s her number.”

  Kathy thrust the sticky note into his hand and stomped away, her stiff posture reminding Devlan how difficult Roxanne could be. With uncustomary briskness, he waved away the others pressing around him and stormed into his office, shutting the door behind him with a solid thump.

  His briefcase was tossed on his desk before he threw himself into his plush leather chair. Oh yes, he was in for it now. Tonight would be one of the biggest battles he had yet to fight. And as he dialed her number he could not shake the feeling that he would not be the victor this time either way.

  “Roxanne? It’s Devlan.”

  “It’s about time, honey. Where have you been? I’ve been calling for ages.”

  “I’ve been in New York, Roxanne. I’ve been working.”

  “Yes, I heard about your vacation with your sister-in-law. The tabloids love it. She’s prettier than I thought.”

  Devlan gritted his teeth. Her catty tone was not missed.

  “Why didn’t you visit when you were in the city? I was doing a show and the tabloids noticed that I was there and you weren’t.”

  “I told you, I’ve been very busy. It was a business trip in New York, not pleasure.”

  “Yes, you had that already, didn’t you? A cozy little vacation on the yacht in Hawaii with your sexy new lover.”

  “That’s enough.”

  She sighed and calmed her tone a little. “I’m sorry, hon, but I feel a little left out. Ever since she came into the picture you’ve been neglecting me. I’m ready to move on a little. I want to go deeper.”

  Devlan drew his hand over his face and leaned forward in his chair. He truly did not wish to hear this now. “I can’t think about that, Roxanne. The reason I’m calling is that something’s come up and I can’t – ”

  “You have to! Oh, Dev, you can’t miss this. It’s for children’s cancer research. You’re one of their greatest patrons. Every network is going to be there. It would hurt you and them if you didn’t show up.”

  “What if you go for me?”

  “Show up alone! No, I’m not doing that again.”

  Devlan scurried around his desk looking for the name of a few bachelors in his company. Roxanne heard him and started laughing.

  “There’s no way you’re sticking me with one of the suits in your company. You change your plans, Dev. You can’t get out of this one.”

  Devlan cursed under his breath. “I’ll see what I can do. Kathy or I will get back to you later.”

  “Fine, don’t disappoint me on this one, Devlan. Don’t you do it. It means too much to you and to me to blow this off.”

  He slammed the phone down and put his head in his hands. What a mess he had made. The question now was whether Diana would forgive him or not.

  He pressed the button to the intercom and Kathy responded sharply. “Yes, Mr. Doyle.”

  “Call my house and let them know I have to cancel dinner. Tell them that I’ll make it up to them.”

  “You’re going out with her tonight?” Kathy asked angrily. “Are you serious?”

  “I tried, Kathy.” His scowl was fierce, and he was sure Kathy could sense it. “Just do it.”

  “But -”

  “No buts,” he snapped. “If this morning is any indication, it’s going to be a helluva day. I don’t need you on my case too.”

  Ending the conversation, Devlan sighed heavily. There was much work to be done and many people to talk to throughout the day, so Devlan was busy. However, many of his people were rolling their eyes at him as he answered their questions distractedly or not at all. In the back of his mind for the entire day was his blown evening. All in all, he was very unproductive and it was not until he was dressing in his tuxedo that he remembered he had not spoken to Kathy about Diana’s reaction. Racing across his office, he reached for the door and yanked it open. Fortunately, she was still there and glanced up startled when he hurried out.

  “Oh, good. You’re still here,” he said.

  “I’m still angry at you.” She gave him a once over, her eyes taking him in appreciatively. “Straighten your vest.”

  He glanced down and gave it a tug. Her mouth twisted and then broke into a smile, and she reached forward to do it for him.

  “You need a good woman to take care of you,” she said pointedly.

  “I know. Will you marry me, Kathy?”

  She laughed aloud. “Be careful, Mr. Doyle. People love to talk.”

  “Is Wills here with the Bentley?”

  “He’s downstairs.”

  “Did you call my house?”

  “They’re not pleased. I could hear Hannah in the background asking why.”

  He could not hide his disappointment. “It figures. I’ll make it up to them. Any ideas?”

  “An engagement ring?” she offered impishly.

  Devlan stopped short and glanced down at his perky secretary. “What?”

  Kathy shrugged. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you, and you adore Hannah. I’ve never seen you so happy... or such a pest. Do you know how many people I had to calm down today? Just ask her and be done with it.”

  Devlan shook his head as he strode away. “You women are all out to get me today, aren’t you? Is this some sort of conspiracy?”

  Kathy just laughed.

  Chapter 15

  It was a mild evening, and Devlan felt stuffy in his well-fitted tux. The bright lights of the photographer’s flashes were blinding, but Devlan knew he had to go through the paces with his customary smile in tow. In addition to the press there were paparazzi, and he dodged the shouted questions as best as he could. If there was one good thing about his presence at the charity dinner with Roxanne, it would certainly take some of the heat off of Diana.

  For her part, Roxanne looked stunning and happy, dressed in a slinky black evening gown and a wide smile. It clung to her long, thin curves, and not one touch of her professionally applied make-up was out of sorts or smudged. If he were any other man, he realized, he would be proud to escort her around. But tonight his mind was fixated on the loving single mother, sitting home alone on her birthday. He was left feeling tense, resentful, and in no mood to be in the spotlight.

  “Mr. Doyle! Where’s that pretty relative of yours?”

  Devlan gritted his teeth and ignored the question, but his grip inevitably tightened around Roxanne’s arm. She stopped, turning to the photographer, and put on her best smiling pose.

  “His sister is home watching us on TV,” she quipped.

  “Roxanne,” Devlan muttered under his breath. “Move on now, or I’m leaving. Imagine what the press would do about that.”

  Roxanne hesitated for a moment, and Devlan imagined that he could see her brain working, digesting his threat. Then she smiled brightly again and waved before wrapping her hand possessively around his arm and leading him away. No one noticed her mouth move beneath the smile, but Devlan heard her words quite clearly.

  “You’re hiding something there, aren’t you?”

  Those were the last civil words she exchanged with him until the end of the meal. Their actions were automatic with the appropriate laughs and applause, but Roxanne was obviously stirring something in her mind. He took the time to allow his thoughts free rein, and as soon as it was appropriate to do so he politely insisted on being among the first to leave.

  “Really, Dev, it’s so early. Can’t we stay for a little while longer?”

  Devlan was struck at how phony she appeared. Her pout was perfectly staged, and he felt she could outdo some of the best actresses in the room. “Careful, someone might find you and put you in a movie.”

  “Would that be so terrible?” she asked, batting her eyes.

  Devlan sighed. “If it’s that big of a deal, I’m sure I could find you a ride home.”

  Roxanne hastily put her napkin on the table and took one last sip of her wine. “No, no, I’ll go with you. Maybe on the ride home I can talk you into stopping at a club for a while.”

  “I’m too old for clubs,” he said wearily.

  “That wasn’t true six months ago.”

  Turning to the others at their table, Devlan bowed. “Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for a pleasant evening.”

  They smiled and said their good-byes. One boisterous Los Angeles trial lawyer grinned lewdly. “Can’t wait to get her home, eh, Doyle?”

  Devlan shot him a cold stare before turning to the others. “Would you believe I’m the one with the headache?”

  Without another word, he turned and escorted Roxanne out of the hotel and into the car. All the while he ignored her furious stare. Mike slipped in the front seat as usual, leaving Devlan alone with her. For once Devlan really longed to have his friend’s company with him, for no sooner had they pulled away from the curb than Roxanne was in his seat and pressing against him.

  “Let’s go to my apartment and make love, Devlan.”

  Her mouth pressed against his neck, her warm lips closing over his pulse there. Devlan’s nostrils flared with the scent of her heavily perfumed body, the smell of which bothered him. He wanted a natural beauty, and the one he was envisioning did not need to apply strong perfumes and a lot of make-up to capture his interest.

  He wanted Diana.

  Once again he was reminded of how much she had changed him. Gone were the days that he enjoyed being associated with the top beauties in the country. Right now he wanted to curl up with Diana and watch a movie, just like all those pleasant evenings they shared on the yacht. He wished more than ever that he was back there at that moment.

  “Roxanne, no. I can’t do this.”

  He pulled away from her nibbling teeth. As she straightened, he turned to face her, knowing instinctively that she was tensing for a fight.

  “What’s with you?” she snapped.

  “I have jet lag, and I haven’t slept very well.”

  “Is this because of your house guests?”

  “No Roxanne, I’m just not interested in you that way.”

  She smoothed down her dress, her long, painted fingernails nearly snagging the fine material. “I don’t know why I waste my time with you, Devlan. Do you have any idea how many propositions I get a week? People are dying to date me.”

  He tried to hide his growing frustration, but his sarcasm did not escape her finely tuned ears. “Then maybe you should experiment with them.”

  She frowned at him, her beautiful face contorting with anger. “I don’t want to, Devlan. I think that we have a future here. I think that you should go home thinking about that. It’s time to make a decision as to where you think we’re going. I’m tired of going out as friends. I want more.”

  With a weary sigh and an almost imperceptible shake of his head, Devlan answered her ultimatum. “I’m not prepared to go further with you, Roxanne. If you think that we can’t be together as friends then you should move on. You’re a lovely, vibrant, beautiful and fun-loving young woman. I wouldn’t blame you in the least.”

  “Go home and think about that before you come to a decision, Devlan. You’re telling me now that you want to break it off, and I’m not sure you’re ready to make that decision.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She slid back into her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, but Devlan barely noticed. They were fast approaching her apartment, and his heart began to quicken. Soon, soon he would be home.

  “I’m going back to New York Friday for ten days. I’ll be back here until the holidays are over. Then after Christmas I fly to Italy to shoot a commercial. Try to work this out with me before then, okay?”

  With a sympathetic smile, Devlan nodded his head. He was not a cruel man, and he was certain that once Roxanne came to terms with his lack of interest she would set her sights on someone else. The lights of the passing cars caught his attention, and he glanced out the window to help pass the time. The action effectively ended any further conversations for the remainder of the ride.

  Ever the gentleman, Devlan escorted Roxanne up to her apartment, but as soon as she was safely within her apartment walls he dashed back to the waiting Bentley. No sooner had he closed the door behind him than he was urging Wills to hurry home. Wills was apparently the only one at present feeling sympathetic and did as he was asked, managing to get them home in record time. But the house was dark when they pulled into the drive. The fountain was brightly lit, and it was the only light as far as he could see. The dark interior and lack of outdoor lighting spoke volumes. He was in trouble here.

  The three men stared at the house in

  “Uh oh,” Wills said meaningfully.

  “Just go to bed,” he said.

  With bated breath, he made his way through the front door and up the winding staircase to Diana’s room. It too was dark, and she did not answer his knock. Unwilling to give up, Devlan opened the door and slipped into the room. The urge to see her and touch her was overwhelming. Too many days had passed since he had made love to her, and he needed to be with her again.


  Only silence answered his soft call, and to his dismay he saw that her bed was still neatly made and untouched. She had not retired yet. Where was she?

  Stepping out onto her balcony, he looked down at the pool. The night had grown slightly chilly, but it was still comfortable enough to swim in. Although the whole house was dark, there were security lights illuminating the patio and the beach below indicating that someone had been out there. It took him a moment for his eyes to grow accustomed to the darkness.

  Then he saw her.

  A woman was running gracefully along the surf, her steps sure and methodical. The thick mass of blond hair was pushed away from her face by a black headband, yet the rest hung down her back in long blond waves. She was dressed in tight black shorts and an old gray zipper sweatshirt that was zipped halfway. Naturally, she did not wear anything he had purchased.

  Devlan’s breath caught at the sight, and suddenly he was reminded of the song that he had heard through Diana’s headphones that morning. There were waves and soft sand all around her in the darkness, yet there she was enjoying herself and the night. It was a sight that burned itself into his memory, one that he would forever hold dear. He did not just want to continue their relationship, he wanted more. A lot more. All of her. Forever. The longed for discussion would not just be about a permanent relationship. It would encompass so much more, like a life together, children, family pets, and retirement.

  Yes, he was in love with her. He loved the way she laughed and the way she smiled. He even loved it when she argued with him over his generosity. He loved her mothering skills, and he loved his niece. He needed her by him always. She was the one.


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