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The Last Shot

Page 15

by Sara Hubbard

  “Yeah, until he wasn't.”

  “I'd ask Ethan what happened before you jump to conclusions. He deserves that, doesn't he?”

  I close my eyes and sigh. Yes. He does, but not tonight. I need to calm down first or I'll say something I can't take back. It’s better we avoid each other when we're angry. Like Ethan, I have a temper. I just keep it to myself.

  We drive in silence. I feel Manny's eyes on me, but he doesn't speak and I don't start a conversation either. He only opens his mouth after I pass his driveway.

  “Annie, you just passed my house.”

  “I know.”

  “ where are we going?”

  “My house.”

  “I'm confused.”

  “Don't argue with me, Manny. I don't have the patience for it right now. You're staying with me. I can't think of you staying with your dad. He's not well and you need someone who can watch out for you while you're recovering.”


  “Don't even,” I say, with a growl-like quality. “You're staying. Ethan might have given you a choice to stay or go. I'm not. You're staying at my place and I don't care if you like it not.”

  He laughs quietly. “Okay.”

  “Really?” I turn to him, surprised he doesn’t put up more of a fight. That’s not the Michaels boy I know from my teens.

  He shrugs. “I'm not going to argue with you. Besides, a pretty girl invites me to stay at her house? It's not like I'm going to turn her down.”

  I look over at him and though I want to stay mad, I find myself softening, then softening some more, until I start laughing.

  He nudges my arm with his. “See...there's a smile. I never thought we'd get there.”

  “I’m sorry, Manny. I just...he promised me he wouldn't touch him.”

  “Not sure he did, doll.”

  “Then who?”

  Manny shrugs. “I don't know. I just don't think Ethan is that stupid. He just got you back, he's not about to ruin it by doing something impulsive.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe he thought I wouldn't find out.”

  “You saw the guy's face, right? Pretty sure you were going to find out.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Besides, how did Ethan seem when he came by? Nervous? Apologetic? You’re like an Ethan-lie-detector. He couldn’t keep something like that in. He would have told you.”

  “But why would Charlie…?”

  Manny gives me a 'are you serious?' kind of expression. “The guy is in love with you. Desperate people do desperate things.”

  “Not this guy. He's a stand up guy. Nice. Kind.”

  “Maybe...or maybe not.”

  I frown at Manny. I know he wants to support his brother and defend him, especially when he knows how upset I am with him. But it'll be hard for him to explain this away. Everyone loves Charlie. He has no enemies. Ethan is the only one I know who hates him. And he does.

  We pull in the driveway and I unlock the door. I show Manny his room, the spare bedroom my Nan used to keep for her cousin before she died. It hasn't been used since then.

  Manny takes a shower and when I go up to check on him, he's passed out on top of his bed. I pull a comforter up over his boxers and tuck it in around his neck. Other than his boxers, he's nude. He snores loudly, to the point where it echoes through the room. I shut the door quietly and tiptoe to the stairs.

  Nothing is on the television and I flick through the channels, eventually settling on a baking show. I'm not much of a baker, but I like to watch these shows. Maybe one day I’ll manage to get a recipe right. Nan was an amazing cook and baker. Unfortunately, none of that talent got passed on to me. I can't even cook instant pancakes and all you have to add to them is water.

  The doorbell rings and I go to the picture window and look in the driveway to see Charlie's Beamer. I sigh; I really didn't want to see him again tonight. Why is he here? Why is he pushing me? I care about him, sure. But he doesn't need to keep visiting me. He was a friend before we dated, but I don't see us getting close now that we've broken up, and him being here only makes me uncomfortable.

  I slide the chain across and unlock the door before opening it.

  “Hey,” I say, my confusion evident.

  “ looked upset and I needed to make sure you're okay.”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Um...I just really want to be alone right now.”

  He sighs and just stands there, refusing to take the hint or the instruction. I don't want to be rude, but I don't want him to stay.

  “So you're alone then?” He peeks his head in and looks around.

  I once thought this guy was perfect. Now, he’s just plain pushy and it’s really starting to get on my nerves. He knows how much I like my privacy and space and he just doesn’t seem to care about that anymore. “Charlie, why are you here?”

  “I told you, I wanted to make sure you're okay.”

  “I'm sorry. I feel like I might have led you on. I care about you. I really do, but you can't keep showing up here. We can't be close. We're colleagues and it's really not a good idea for us to be anything more.

  “Because of Ethan?”

  “Even if he wasn't in the picture, things wouldn't be different.”

  “So he is in the picture.”

  “Charlie,” I say, shaking my head. “Don't do this. I'm sorry I hurt you, but you need to go, okay? We can talk at work.”

  He pushes by me and walks into the living room. I take a step, confused by what is happening. “Charlie, I asked you to leave.”

  “Don't you understand? He's not good for you. You deserve better.”

  “Leave. Please.”

  He shakes his head and holds firm.

  “Please,” I say again, starting to worry about what I should do if he continues to ignore my requests.

  “Hey, asshole.” Manny is on the steps in his boxers, his side still colored with bruises and stitches. His face is set to rage, not unlike the hateful face his brother gives before losing his mind. “The lady asked you to leave.”

  Charlie’s eyes go wide as they walk up and down Manny's half-naked body.

  “This is not what it looks like,” I say with a sigh, but then I wonder why I’m bothering to care what he thinks.

  “Don't give him an explanation,” Manny says to me. “Walk out of this house now, Doctor, or I’ll throw you out.”

  Charlie's face twitches and so do his hands. He stalks out of the room, brushing by me, a cold wind following in his wake and I'm left stunned. Who was this person who just walked out? He certainly isn't the Charlie I know.

  “I don’t understand what just happened.”

  “Guy’s a dick. You okay?” Manny walks down the rest of the stairs and pulls me into a hug that I gladly accept. He pulls me in tight and I close my eyes. He smells like Ethan and it makes me miss him more. “Thanks Manny. I should call Ethan.”

  “You do that. If that idiot comes back, wake me up and don't open the door.”

  “Manny, I did this to him. I hurt him. He’s not acting like himself at all.”

  “Fuck that. He needs to learn when a lady says no, to listen and to walk away.”

  “I think he would have.” Because I can’t think about what would have happened if he didn’t.

  “I’m serious, Annie. He comes back, wake me.”

  I agree and then search through my purse for my phone, dialing Ethan's number, hoping he's already landed.



  The flight is smooth—not a lick of turbulence. Richard is to my left, chatting on his phone to the owners and I can hear them patting his back for getting me back to Philly. I’ll let him have his fake victory. I would have come back for the game, regardless. I need to be here for my team.

  My phone rings and I glance at the number, my stomach dancing at the sight of Annie's name. Her ring tone is original, one of my favorites, Wild Horses. It reminds me of Annie
every time I hear it. It was the song on the radio the first time I stole a kiss from her. It was, coincidentally, the song playing on the radio the first time she told me she loved me. Can't beat those memories. And all I need is a few lines in a verse to bring me back to those moments.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey. Where are you?” Her voice is small, distracted, and a little on edge.

  “Just touched down. You sound funny. Is something wrong?” I close my eyes and pray her busy mind hasn't convinced her to bail on me now that I'm gone. It wouldn't be beyond her. In fact, it would be just like her. And I will turn this plane around and force her to see reason. Even if Richard gives me a million and one reasons why I shouldn't.

  “Um...maybe,” she says. “No. I don't know.”

  “You're not doing much to reassure me here, babe.”

  “Did you talk to Charlie today?”

  Charlie. His name makes my eyelids twitch. “Why?”

  “Just answer me, please.”

  “For a minute. In Manny’s room.”

  “He said you attacked him.”

  Motherfucker. I flex my fingers in my free hand into a tight fist and scowl, biting my lips to stop myself from telling Annie what I think of that little bastard. “I never touched him.”

  “His face is badly bruised. He looks like someone gave it to him good.”

  “And he said it was me?”


  “Fucking dick. If I see that asshole again...”

  “You'll what?”

  “I'll make sure I get the satisfaction of doing what he's giving me credit for.” The phone goes quiet as I heave a sigh. “You believe him, don’t you?” The thought cuts me, because I tried my best to behave in Rawdon—for her. When nothing would have given me more satisfaction than pounding on his face.

  “ have to admit it wouldn't have been surprising if you’d done it.”

  “Forever the asshole, right?”

  “That's not what I said. I'm asking you. I trust you, and you know how hard that is for me. You said you didn't do it and I believe you. I just don't know why he'd lie about it.”

  He's in fucking love, that’s why. She’s done with him and he knows it. Guy is feeling a little desperate. Fucker probably did it to himself just to give her something to chew on, hoping she’d turn from me and run back to him. “Stay away from him, Annie. I don't know what game he's playing, but there's something not right about him. I mean, who makes shit like that up?”

  “This is just so out of character for him.”

  “He lied, Annie. That's on him, not you. So don't feel guilty about hurting his feelings anymore. Just stay away from him.”


  “I can come back if he's bothering you. It would be my pleasure.”

  Richard's head jerks over in my direction and his face is panicked. I wave him off. Relax, buddy.

  “No, I'm fine. Besides, Manny is staying with me.”

  “What? Why is my brother there?”

  “I told him he was staying here while he recovers. He didn't argue.”

  “I'll bet. He always had a crush on you, the little prick.”

  She laughs out loud, putting the cheesiest smile on my face.

  “I hope you're joking.”


  I run my hand through my hair. Annie. She pisses me off, she makes me smile. Nothing new here. And then she goes and insists my brother stay with her so she can help him out. I've only seen her for a few days and I'm right back to where I was years ago. “I fucking love you,” I whisper.

  “Good. Keep saying it.”

  “As much as you need, babe. And I'll say it more when you get your ass down here with me.”

  “I'm working on it.”

  “Did you get some time off?”

  “I did better than that.”

  I sit up a little straighter. “What do you mean?”

  “I resigned.”

  “You what?”

  “I resigned.”

  “I know. I heard what you said.” I run my thumb across my chin. “Annie, is this really what you want? Please don’t do it if it isn’t.”

  “You’re what I want. I might have needed a little push, though, to realize it.”


  “No, Nan.” Her voice quiets. “I might have read her letter. She knew all along how I felt, what I really wanted, even before I knew it myself.”

  “Sounds like some letter.”

  “You’re not mad.”

  “You quit your job and you’re coming here to stay? No. Not mad at all.”

  “Do you want me to read it to you now?” she asks.

  “No. In person. Let me get this game over with and I’ll get Richard to book a charter to come and get you.”

  “Not just yet. I have to give notice.”

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “And I can fly coach.”

  “Not my girl.”

  “Ethan, I'm paying for the flight and I'm going commercial. You want me there, then that's how I'm coming,” she says, firm.

  “Can't argue with that. Fuck, I missed you fighting with me.”

  “Careful what you wish for, Mr. Michaels.”

  No. I’m never careful. I charge head first toward whatever I want. I wouldn’t even know how to be careful with Annie.



  “Put my brother on,” Ethan says before I let him go. I trudge up the stairs and search for Manny. He’s in his room, by the window, peering out the glass like he’s on guard.

  “Phone's for you.”

  “Thanks,” he says, taking the phone from me. I linger a moment, but Manny lowers his voice and turns his back to me and I get the feeling he wants me to leave. I don’t want to because I know what they’re talking about and I’m positive the call will end with Manny being tasked to keep an eye on me. Like I can’t keep an eye out for myself. But Ethan is protective, sometimes to a fault. Still makes me feel cared for though, and I like the way that feels.

  The next two weeks crawl by so slowly I swear my last shift can’t come soon enough. While I’m on one of my days off, I get a call early in the day asking me to pick up a shift. I really don't want to.

  “We've had three sick calls, Annie,” my manager says. “So if you can do a full shift or even an eight I would be so grateful.”

  Although I hesitate, I can't say no. My conscience won't let me. I don't want the girls on the floor to be overburdened. I've been there on shifts where we're understaffed and you don't even get a chance to pee, let alone take a break.

  “I'll be there at three,” I say.

  Manny cooks me breakfast. It’s not great, but he got up and made the effort so I eat every last bite. “Do you have plans today?” I ask him while we're drinking our tea at the kitchen island.

  “I’m going to go down to the rink and see how the rest of the renovation is coming.”

  “That’s awesome you’re helping with that.”

  “It’s a good thing Ethan’s doing. And he pays well.” Manny smirks. He doesn’t want handouts from his brother, but he didn’t have a problem negotiating a salary when he agreed to take over Ethan’s pet project.

  Manny takes some Advil off the top of the fridge and pops a couple of his mouth, chasing them down with his coffee.

  “Is your side still bothering you?”

  He shrugs. “Nah, not much anymore. It’s kind of a dull ache now.”

  Manny is almost back to his normal self, which means I see the occasional girl here some nights. I swear to God I should burn his sheets. He hasn’t changed them since he moved in. But then, this is his home now, isn’t it? He’s going to keep this place going for me while I’m with Ethan. And it’s nice not having to sell it to someone. Manny will be paying for the upkeep since it’s paid off and I don’t need rent. Of course, he wanted to pay me rent, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  “What about you?” Manny asks, as h
e takes a seat beside me. “You have plans today?”

  “I picked up a shift.”

  “What if I need a nurse?” he tries to look serious, and I toss my napkin at him, leaving him to laugh at me as I stand and put my cup in the sink.

  “Make sure you rest today,” I tell him.


  “Don't argue.”

  “I wouldn't dream of it.”

  I leave for work a little early, picking up some Drunken Noodles on Main Street. I don't even have to order when I get there. They see me and tell me it'll be ready in fifteen. I get the same thing every time I come here.

  At work, the girls are running around and I know tonight will be long. I start when I get there and I don't stop until a little after ten. With my patients settled, I take my charts to the nurse’s station and finish up. The other girls are sitting there unwinding.

  I hear little bits and pieces of their conversation. Julie is dating one of the respiratory therapists downstairs. “I don't know,” she says. “How do I know if he's cheating?”

  “If you think he is, then he probably is.”

  “I like him a lot. I just don't want to end it if I'm just being paranoid.”

  “Yeah, that's understandable,” says Claire.

  “I should hire someone to spy on him.”

  I have to get involved now. I can't help myself. “If you feel you have to spy on him to make sure he's honest then you probably shouldn't be with him,” I say, trying to keep my tone as gentle as I can.

  “You're probably right,” she says. “I just wish he wasn't so damn cute.”

  The other girls agree. I can't really place his face, so I don't have an opinion.

  “What about you, Annie? Are you dating anyone?” Claire is smirking at me, like she knows my life story. I don't like to get personal at work, especially when I know things get passed around here more than a whore in heat.

  “Not really.”

  “Not what I heard,” says Amy.

  I sigh and wait for her to continue. She won't leave it at that. Amy is the kind of girl that makes it her business to know everyone else's business.

  “I heard you only quit because you’re moving to the States to be with Ethan Michaels.”


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