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Training Hunter [Hard Hits 13] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 2

by Tatum Throne

  “You beckoned, sir,” Phoenix said.

  Rask shook his head at his sarcastic tone. “I need a favor.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Wolfson is going to join us in the field. I want you to get him up to speed with tactical training, special operations, and protocol,” Rask said.

  “Well, nothing’s decided yet,” Hunter said.

  Across the tower, Hunter looked like he was trying to backpedal out of a situation he wasn’t so sure he wanted to be involved with. Phoenix looked him up and down, loving the way that Hunter seemed to squirm beneath his firm stare. The fact that he broke away first told Phoenix that he was definitely a submissive one. Phoenix kept his gaze locked firmly on Hunter as he asked Rask, “Do I have final say on if he’s fit for duty?”

  “Absolutely. I want him prepared to run tactical communications in the field,” Rask said.

  There was a nervous shake to Hunter’s head that Phoenix picked up on. He loved projects. In fact, he was an excellent training instructor. The guys on SWAT and undercover often came to him for private training sessions when they were going for their yearly fitness evaluations. “Okay, then. I’ll make it happen.”

  “Whoa, wait a minute. Don’t I have a say in this?” Hunter asked.

  There was cold panic in Hunter’s eyes. What had caused it? There was something more than just the physical attraction they were feeling. Before Phoenix had a chance to figure it out, Rask took back control of the conversation.

  “You have. Now, I’m having mine. You’ll report to Lt. Drake tomorrow morning,” Rask said.

  Rask whirled around. “And you, make sure you use the stairs next time.”

  “Sure thing, Chief.”

  With that, Rask headed down the steps, muttering to himself about cocky, arrogant officers. Phoenix watched until Rask was out of earshot. He did not want his chief to hear what he was about to say to Hunter.

  Ignoring him, Hunter went back to packing up his equipment with a nervous edge that made Phoenix wonder what was going on with the guy. He didn’t know the man to ever be so nervous around him, or anyone, for that matter. The man was suddenly shy and wouldn’t meet his gaze. That had Phoenix wondering what the heck was going on. Was he pissed off?

  Trying a different approach, Phoenix said, “There’s really nothing to be afraid of. We’ll protect you in the field.”

  Hunter chuckled but he still wouldn’t meet Phoenix’s hard stare that would put most men on notice. That had Phoenix moving closer, purposely putting himself in Hunter’s field of vision as he packed his gear up off the table with a little more interest than he’d seen in the past. Most men, or women for that matter, didn’t dismiss him so easily.

  Usually, everyone gave Phoenix a second, third, or even fourth look as they got closer to him. Hunter was another story. And right then, Phoenix wanted to know what his story was. What made him so guarded that he ignored everyone around him?

  “Are you going to the party tonight?” Phoenix asked.

  “Probably not.”

  “You should.”


  Hunter lifted the corner of his lip in a cynical smile as he looked up at Phoenix for an honest answer. If an honest answer was what he wanted, then Phoenix was going to give him one. “I want you to be there.”

  A blush started at the base of Hunter’s neck and rocketed skyward so fast that it left Phoenix completely stunned. Their eyes locked and something passed deep within Hunter’s that left Phoenix feeling momentarily stunned and shocked at how quickly the moment had turned into something so sexual. He wanted to pin Hunter to the top of this tower and rip his clothes off, then fuck him until neither one could remember their names nor why they were there.

  “Sorry, but I can’t. Thanks anyway.”

  He stammered when he was embarrassed and frazzled. It was cute and unnerving. It was as though Hunter couldn’t speak to him while their eyes held. Phoenix used his body to block his way down the stairs and reached out, taking one of the cases in his hand.

  “Please, I insist.”

  Their eyes brushed again, but didn’t hold. For the first time, Phoenix noticed that Hunter’s eyes were a steel gray. His blond hair was a bit wild with curly tendrils that fell at the nape of his neck. Dark freckles skimmed across Hunter’s face, adding to his intrigue.

  Maybe it was the excitement of the day, or perhaps it had everything to do with the fact that he hadn’t been laid in a really long time, but Phoenix decided then that he wanted Hunter. He was going to break every rule in his book and go after the man. It was so wrong. They could either be fired, or investigated by Internal Affairs. And he was going to do everything in his power to have the man, if he would have him.

  “I don’t need the help, or you, for that matter.”

  His words were sharp and would have put a normal man off, but they didn’t deter Phoenix at all. In fact, Phoenix liked the chase of someone who was playing hard to get. “I wasn’t offering myself.”

  There, again. He blushed as though there was something more going on than a simple conversation between two coworkers.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. God, is your ego so big that you think every man and woman wants you?”

  Oh, it was on. Phoenix set the case he’d taken down onto the ground, blocking the staircase. He came in close, forcing Hunter to take a step back. Phoenix was taller by a few inches, but not by much. Where he was broad and muscular, Hunter was lean with tight muscles—like a runner. Hunter’s eyes went wide as Phoenix purposely used his size to keep him in place.

  “You interested in my ego?”


  Phoenix smiled, knowing before he did the effect it would have on Hunter. A blush moved over his cheeks again, but there was something more this time. There was fear. Hunter was obviously gay, and he wasn’t out. It was time to put the man he wanted at ease. Phoenix reached up, brushing his hand over his jaw gently and moving it toward his hair.

  “Hold still.”

  “What? Why?” Hunter asked.

  “You have a tick on you.”

  The breath Hunter had been holding was let out in a quiet whoosh of need and desperation. When he laughed, it lit up those gray eyes. “Thanks.”

  Hunter licked his lips and his eyes grew heavy as he regarded Phoenix as though he were his everything. No sub had ever looked at him that way. They needed to be careful. It was too easy to get caught by someone looking. Phoenix pulled abruptly away.

  “I want you to come out with the team tonight.”

  Hunter shook his head. “I shouldn’t.”

  “You should.”


  Phoenix smiled easily. “Because I want you to. Technically, Chief Rask has put me in charge of your wellbeing. That includes your mental health. I need you to come out with us tonight.”

  With that, Phoenix backed away, picking up the case. It was time to step away and give Hunter some breathing room. If he were being honest within himself, he would admit that he needed some air and some distance, too.

  As a Dom, he always had control over every situation, but when he looked at Hunter, he forgot all about the rules—guidelines he trusted not to break in the heat of the moment. Things were heating up way too fast between them when they should have been slowing down. When they were at the bottom of the tower, Hunter touched his arm. Phoenix wasn’t prepared for the physical reaction his body had at his warm touch. His arm muscles immediately tensed and his cock flooded with heat.

  “I can take the case,” Hunter said.

  He didn’t give it to him. “Where’s your car?”

  “This way.”

  They headed over the walkway to the gravel covered parking lot. Hunter drove an expensive midnight black Range Rover. Those vehicles were a cool ninety grand on a good day. They were one of his dream vehicles. How could he afford a car like that on a cop’s salary?

  “Nice car.”

  Hunter’s shoulders stiffened. “Thanks.”
  He popped the back and they put all of the equipment into the trunk. Hunter moved around the side, opening the passenger side door. “I need to take off here. Where are you guys meeting?”

  It became very clear to Phoenix that Hunter was not staying at Camp Tack for the weekend. Disappointment spiraled through his mind before he could stop it. “About seven at the Old Time Bar and Grill.”

  “Okay, I’ll try to be there.”

  “You’re here tomorrow, too, right?”

  “Just in the afternoon.”

  “Hm. Okay. See you tonight.”

  Phoenix turned away from Hunter, all the while resisting the urge to turn around and watch the man go. Instead, he listened as the Range Rover fired up, and the sound of the gravel crunch as he drove away.

  God, he really needed that shower. A hot one with another man sucking his cock off while he pounded his dick deep into that sub’s mouth. That wouldn’t be happening anytime soon—at least not while he was at work. Man, it’d been way too long for him since he’d had sex. He normally didn’t go so long between submissives, but something in him had changed. He just wanted something more.

  That had him thinking of Hunter as he crossed the courtyard to the cabins. He wanted to get laid tonight.

  Chapter Two

  Nervous energy pumped through Hunter’s blood as he stepped into the packed bar. He spotted Phoenix right away. It was hard to miss the guy. He was fucking beautiful. The kind of man who could have easily been a cover model. He was perfection in every way imaginable.

  As though he sensed someone watching, he suddenly turned and looked toward the doorway that Hunter was occupying like a possum caught in a trap. His heart started to pound wildly as Phoenix moved away from the game of darts he was playing with some of the other guys on SWAT and headed his way. Determined to play it cool, he headed for the bar, Phoenix meeting him there. He ordered a beer.

  “So, you made it.”

  “I did.”

  “One more day of tactical training. Should be a good one,” Phoenix said.

  Unable to meet his gaze, Hunter took the beer and they headed toward the game of darts where Phoenix took up his game. As he watched, TJ came in close to chat. “I heard you’re joining us in the field.”

  “Word travels fast.”

  “It does when you’re one of the best. Chief Rask is making the right call here.”

  Laughter spilled from Hunter’s nervous lips. “How can you be so sure I’m not going to fuck up your perfect situation?”

  He couldn’t help but study Phoenix as he said those words. TJ was watching him closely as he looked over at him.

  “You got the skills. We just need you to work your magic in the field.”

  An easy smile parted Hunter’s geeky lips as he looked at TJ. “Well, Phoenix has the final say in what happens. I just might not pass his training.”

  “He does, but I know you’ll make the cut.”

  TJ’s words rattled him to the core. He felt as though everything in his life was changing so fast that there was no way he could stop it from happening—that scared the hell out of him. Right now, Hunter wasn’t so sure he wanted to pass Phoenix’s training to make the cut. In fact, he was going to do his best to fail every one of his tests. It just might work to keep him at his desk job where he ultimately wanted to be. He did not want to have a panic attack in the field. He did not want the guys at work to know that he was damaged goods.

  What would Phoenix say when he found out how broken he was inside? He would run. Just like all the men in his life did. Once they discovered he was so damaged, they all ran. Always.

  From the corner of his eyes, Phoenix slid his gaze sideways, giving Hunter a long look that terrified him. Unnerved, Hunter downed his beer and headed for the restroom. He needed to get away from Phoenix and that intense stare that made him want to drop to his knees and wrap his mouth around his cock. The hallway was dimly lit. Hunter pushed open the bathroom door to find two stalls and a row of urinals. He headed for the urinal. Just as he zipped back up his fly, he caught sight of Phoenix heading toward him. His hungry stare caught him off guard and nearly floored him.

  “Hey,” Hunter said.

  “I hope you’re not thinking about leaving.”

  Uncomfortable with the close quarters, Hunter went for the sink, catching sight of Phoenix in the corroded mirror. He took a wide stance at the urinal, causing Hunter to bite his lip and wish he’d taken a little bit longer to piss. The sound of the urinal flushing snapped Hunter out of his lingering thoughts, but he wasn’t fast enough to pull his gaze away from Phoenix’s firm, tight, athletic ass. Phoenix had officially caught him staring. He focused on shutting off the water and grabbing a paper towel.

  “No, I was planning on sticking around for a while.”

  “Good. We were going to go over our night operation for tomorrow. I want you to sit in on the meeting.”

  He was serious. Hunter already had tactical plans laid out for tomorrow. Now, it sounded like Phoenix wanted him hands-on and in the field. “Sure.”


  Pain ricocheted inside of Hunter, welling up from deep inside. He took a steadying breath but it was too much to bear. It was always like that when the past slammed into the present with enough force to leave him breathless. He closed his eyes and took a breath before he opened them again. When he did, Phoenix was looking at him closely.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Just tired.”

  When he opened his eyes, Hunter realized that Phoenix had come in close. The door opened with a bang, hitting the wall with enough force to have Phoenix backing away. The moment was over before it even began. Relief moved through Hunter’s shoulders, causing him to slump against the sinks. As Phoenix headed toward the door, he glanced over his broad shoulder, giving him a long, possessive look that would have had his knees knocking together had he not been gripping the sink to keep his ass from hitting the floor.

  Phoenix held open the door. “Coming?”

  He swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

  Phoenix cut a pathway through the crowd back to their tables. A few of the guys were getting ready to head back to Camp Tack.

  “I’ve set you up in one of the cabins,” TJ said.

  “I wasn’t planning on staying the night.”

  “You are now. We need you ready for the night tactical operation tomorrow,” TJ said.

  It was settled in Phoenix and TJ’s minds. He was not getting out of staying at Camp Tack. He should have been relieved that he didn’t need to sleep in his car, but he wasn’t. When they cleared out of the bar, Hunter headed for his car. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Phoenix heading his way.

  “I rode over with TJ. Can I catch a ride back with you?” Phoenix asked.


  Phoenix slid into the passenger seat as he started up his car. “Nice ride.”


  The hard, corded muscle beneath Phoenix’s tactical pants was a huge distraction as Hunter headed down the darkened, narrowed road. He had a way of distracting Hunter like no man had ever before. He could feel Phoenix’s beautiful blue piercing eyes studying him within the shadows of the car. That had Hunter tightening his hold on the steering wheel.

  Sexual tension vibrated just beneath the surface of Phoenix’s chiseled profile. The man’s heavy-lidded gaze was too much for Hunter to deal with. His cock flooded with heat when he thought about Phoenix pounding his dick into his ass. When he pulled into the parking lot at Camp Tack, Hunter didn’t need to glace over at Phoenix to know that he was watching him closely.

  All he could think about was Phoenix pulling him in close and kissing him until he forgot about everything bad that had happened in his life. When he met Phoenix’s intense gaze, he knew that all that waited for him was a broken heart. They wouldn’t be breaking any beds together anytime soon.

  * * * *

  “It’s late. I should show you to your cabin,” Phoenix said.

p; “Thanks.”

  Hunter got out of his car and grabbed his duffle from the backseat, but not before Phoenix noticed all the other stuff in his trunk that wasn’t work related. He was on the path heading toward the cabins before Phoenix could fall into step beside him. Phoenix could tell that he was running from him.

  “Looks like you know the way.”

  “I do.”

  There was a hard edge to Hunter’s voice that set off alarm bells within Phoenix’s head. “Seeing anyone?” Phoenix asked.

  The question seemed to catch Hunter off guard. “Not right now. You?”


  Hunter stopped by the edge of the cabins. “Why not?”

  “Just haven’t been interested in anyone. I don’t like messy affairs.” There was a long pause that Phoenix hung on to as he thought about what he was going to say. “You should know that I’m gay.”

  Hunter’s mouth fell open. “You’re gay?”

  “You don’t need to be afraid of me. I won’t take advantage of you.”

  His eyes widened as though he didn’t believe him. Hunter looked visibly shocked at how open Phoenix was being with him. “I’m not afraid of you taking advantage of me. Are you out?” Hunter asked.

  Phoenix shrugged. “Not with everyone. Just some I can trust.”

  “How do you know you can trust me?” Hunter asked.

  “Because…you’re gay, too.”

  Hunter shook his head back and forth. “I don’t usually tell people. How can you tell that I’m gay?”

  Phoenix’s gaze became serious. “You look at me like you want me.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Am I?”

  “Yes. You are.”

  Phoenix grabbed him by the arm and muscled him into the shadows by the lamppost. He loved having complete control over Hunter. It felt so good to have control over a potential lover again. When they were in the darkened shadows, he came in close, closing his mouth over his and kissing him passionately.

  The impact of his mouth against Hunter’s took him off balance. Phoenix wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him in close before the impact of the kiss could send Hunter falling backward onto his ass. As Phoenix deepened the kiss, a sweet moan of pleasure vibrated from Hunter’s mouth. He swept his tongue deeper into his mouth. The hit of their tongues flexing together was too much for Phoenix to handle. Without warning, Hunter started to whimper and struggle out of Phoenix’s arms. He shoved Phoenix away.


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