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Covered by Bubbles

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by Gracie Meadows

  Covered by Bubbles

  Heels for Hire, Inc.

  Book One

  by Gracie Meadows

  © Copyright February 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.


  All cover art and logo © Copyright February 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  I want to thank all my readers out there who have stuck by me and shown me support with each and every book. You are the reason I push and write every day!

  A special thank you to Willow Brooke, Jess Buffett, and Lynn Ray Lewis for being the inspiration behind this series. Without your corky words and actions, I wouldn’t have characters that jump off the page the way they do! Love you! J

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Books by Gracie Meadows

  JK Publishing, Inc.

  Excerpt from Till My Last Breath

  Chapter One

  “Damn it, Bubbles, I told you to just stay put. We are supposed to keep a low profile and not draw any attention to ourselves. Then you go for frickin' cupcakes and come back with three different numbers. Way to frickin' go.”

  Bubbles knew Smokey Eyes and Rainbow were getting annoyed with her, but hell, even Coffee had to admit that when it came to the job, she was always on the top of her game.

  “Just chill out, will ya. I promised to wear the damn wig, and this outfit makes my boobs look huge. If you guys remember, I am trying to gain attention. That’s what a high-end escort does in this area. But I must say, seriously, brown is not very flattering with my lighter skin. I look like Snow fuckin' White. Well at least this is what she would look like in hooker heels, and a skintight dress.” She knew she was bitching, but it was so not fair that she had to do this again. She needed a better way to avoid being the decoy than rock-paper-scissors.

  She heard a small crackling in her ear as she walked past another table, “You are getting close to the target. Keep your eye on the prize, snap some pictures and we are good to go.” Coffee had taped wires in places she didn’t even want to talk about to help get her the evidence she needed for Mr. Meroony’s wife. As she approached the table he was sitting at, she made a beeline to sit directly across from him. She had a camera in her purse, and a mic attached to her necklace. Between the two, they should be able to get some strong evidence that was needed to catch a cheating husband. It was a simple job to do, but for this location they needed to look the part, which resulted in her wearing her hooker clothes from Halloween, but the brown wig was all Smokey Eyes' idea, and she had to say, she could never go dark. She was a natural blonde and proud of it.

  As she took a seat, she was able to get a clear shot of Mr. Meroony and was pleased to see he was indeed out with another woman, one she had to say was three times younger than him. Old man balls, eww, gross. She didn’t know how people slept with someone so old, they are all wrinkly, and this one was extremely overweight too. It made her wonder if he could even see his equipment. The waiter came over and since she had to be there and listen, she ordered a coffee. The whole assignment was starting to get a tad bit annoying, but it was quick and easy cash for them. The old man started kissing and feeling up the chick, Bubbles about threw up in her mouth. She had a touchy gag reflex, and this dude was hitting it. Puke-a-roma. She hated this area because a lot of women in this area were known for being on the loose side. The one good thing was the coffee shop and bakery. She may only be a size four, but she could eat a whole pizza in one sitting. She had a crazy metabolism and for times like this, it worked in her favor. She thanked the waiter for the coffee and sipped the bitter brew as she tried not to look at the nasty bastard cheating on his ill wife.

  Heels for Hire had taken off on the upscale women who wanted to get proof of their husband’s illustrious affairs for one reason or another. They helped with certain cases by gathering evidence for attorneys, and they were good at it as well. The spunky team was made up of four women. The blonde bombshell, with a spunky personality was Brandie Anderson, also known as Bubbles. Smokey Eyes, or Jess Cooper, was their hard as nails leader who kept them all together, and normally would get the best price on equipment and weapons. Next there was the smokin' hot Joye England, or Rainbow, who could either blend in with high society people, or mesh with people on the street. Lastly, the one person they could never live without, Coffee, or Colleen Train, she made up the computer and intelligence section of their team. So far, they hadn't had a case they couldn’t get in and out of without messing up their make-up.

  Bubbles watched until the man went to leave with the chick, well if you
want to call her that, she looked more like a hooker gone wrong with scissors. Her outfit was more or less scraps of material just covering the parts of her body so she didn’t get arrested. The old man adjusted himself, and once again, she had to regain control of her gag reflex, she was trying not to be noticed. She wanted people to see her, because then she would blend into the surroundings. Most of the high-end escorts came here, but some of them, just looking at the one Mr. Meroony was with, were more on the lower end. She just wished she could have worn tennis shoes with the outfit. She knew that Rainbow's boots looked better, but damn, she had issues running in these things. She still couldn’t understand how Rainbow did it. She could pull off heels just like the rest of the women, but in the end, she was the fun flirty kind with her flip flops and tennis shoes.

  Taking her bag with her, she followed the couple to a hotel, she didn’t need to do any investigating to tell what was going to happen. She found a bench and pulled up the paper and tried to look like she was busy doing something. The old man hadn’t been in there but a half an hour before he walked out the door zipping up his fly. Talk about in and out, but seriously, he couldn’t have done that in the room, yuck! He walked back to his car across from the small restaurant he met his friend at. Following right behind, she pulled on her sunglasses and put her phone up to her ear, trying to act as if she was doing her own thing.

  Staying on the opposite side of the road, she spoke to the girls, “You guys got enough. I think the wife would be happy. Can I come back to home base now, I really need to pee, and I am so not going in this place. They don’t even have soap in the bathrooms.” She knew she was whining, but there was no need for her to stay on the case any longer. They had the evidence she needed to hand over to the wife, and in turn her attorney.

  “Roger that, Bubbles, come on back. We will get this package wrapped and delivered for Christmas.” Smokey Eyes spoke back to her, and in the background she heard the click, which indicated they had stopped the recorder. Bubbles agreed and started heading over to her car, which was parked a few blocks over. It wasn’t much, but she loved her small Toyota Echo. Her friends said it matched her since it looked like a little bubble on wheels. As she pulled her key out of her purse, someone grabbed her arm, covering her mouth at the same time.

  “Don’t scream, if you do I will slit your fucking throat. We are going to have a little fun, you and I.” She wasn’t able to turn, but she could see the man through the reflection on her car window, and the knife sparkled from the light of the sun. Bubbles didn’t panic, but now she wished she hadn’t disconnected the mic to the girls. She stumbled back with the man as he started to pull her to a side alley that was blocked by the sun, creating a dark deserted area, perfect for assholes like this one to take unsuspecting women. There was one thing this asshole didn’t know—she was not some helpless woman. She was raised with all men after her mother died in a car accident. Her father was military and she had three older brothers, who right now were in various locations. Needless to say, she learned to shoot and fight better than most men. She just needed the perfect opportunity, and unfortunately next to her car was not one. Looking around, she saw the ground was uneven. Thank you, Rainbow, for the heels, and I promise to buy you a new pair. She found a small crack and dug her heel in, making him jerk when she couldn’t move. He let go of her to grab her boot and lift it out of the hole, and that is when she made her move.

  Bubbles brought her other knee to the man’s nose, making him cry out as blood started to spray her shoes. Bringing her hands together, she struck him in the middle of his back, bringing him down to the ground with a thud. The guy dropped the knife, and she quickly kicked it away, then grabbed hold of his arms and twisted them behind his back. The man yelled in pain as Bubbles pushed her knee into his back trying to keep him in place. The man started yelling numerous curse words that she could almost guarantee he couldn’t spell. She reached over and tried to grab her purse to call the girls, and to call the police, but at the same time the man kicked back, bucking her off and she slipped off him. Fucking dress. She couldn’t move in the damn thing.

  Tumbling back, she scrambled to the ground trying once again to reach her purse, which had her phone and gun. She never left home without both of them. The man jumped and reached for his knife, coming at her just as she reached for her gun. He froze when he saw her shiny Glock pointed right at his dick. Yeah, asshole, move and I will blow your pencil dick into a million pieces, it would only make this day a whole lot better. Keeping her eyes on his, he moved and she kept pace with him with her gun as she twisted and turned on her ass to try to stay with him. She could feel her ass getting scrapped up from the cement, but it was nothing compared to knowing the asshole would have no issues putting a knife in her. Keeping her eyes right on him, she steadied herself.

  “Looks like we are at an impasse, asshole. I say put down the knife before you hurt yourself or I put a bullet in your dick.” She thought maybe rationalizing with him would help, but nope, he seemed a little desperate at that point. Blood still poured out of his nose, which was obviously broken.

  “I don’t think so, bitch. You fucking broke my nose, and now I’m gonna fuckin' gut you.” Just then he lunged and she fired. She was comfortable with her gun, but even the blowback pushed her a little on the ground and the asshat fell to the ground screaming as he dropped the knife and held on to his now blown off dick.

  Scrambling to her feet, she pulled her phone out while she kept the gun pointed at the asshole, but before she could punch the number, another gun pointed at her.

  “Freeze, police, drop the gun.” Fuck, this is all she needed. Putting her hands up, she turned to see two cops with their guns drawn on her. Do they really think I am the bad guy?

  “My name is Brandie Anderson, I’m a private detective for Heel’s for Hire, Inc. My license is in my bag, along with my ID. This asshole attacked me, I warned him, but he lunged with the knife.” She kept her back to them as she explained everything and lowered her gun to the ground. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but she stayed put. One of the cops grabbed both her arms and cuffed them, as the other called for an ambulance. Why the hell don’t they believe me? Bubbles looked down and instantly knew. They think I’m a fucking hooker. She laughed at herself, of all the things and places, she either did or went, and she gets in trouble for being undercover.

  The man still laid screaming on the ground and she wanted to laugh so hard at him. He asked for it. The dipshit had a hard-on for raping women, well she just helped him with his problem by shooting his dick off. It was a win-win for the community if you asked her. However, these cops seemed to be a little more pissed off than normal. She was still leaning against the damn wall in cuffs when another squad car pulled up, followed by an ambulance. She watched as two other officers, ones who were much better to look at, came walking up to the overweight—looking as if they were just waiting for retirement to roll around—older cops. Hmm, maybe they could cuff me—well to a bed. Letting her mind wonder, she really hoped the girls noticed she wasn’t back yet. The one that had lighter sandy-colored hair came over to her, as he held a phone to his ear.

  “You Ms. Anderson?” he asked her as he closed his phone looking her over. She had to admit, she looked like shit, her wig was probably hanging off her head, exposing her blonde hair, her make-up running from sweat, and her dress, well what was left of it, was dirty and tattered. She really needed a bubble bath.

  “Yup, that would be me. You think you can get me out of these, there kinda tight.” She normally didn’t complain, but the asshat who put them on her made sure to get them very snug, and she could almost guarantee she was going to have a bruise in the morning.

  “Yes, ma’am, we got a call from one Colleen Train that you hadn't checked in from your assignment, and your phone wasn’t connecting. She confirmed who you are, but we still need to get you checked out, and file some paperwork. You understand since you did shoot someone.”

was never so relieved to have Coffee in her corner as he unhooked the cuffs. Bringing her arm around, she rubbed her wrists were the cuffs had been. She took a closer look at the cop who helped her. He was a good six foot three, strong build, with wide shoulders. His blue eyes sparkled down at her when he spoke.

  “Are you okay, do you need to go to the hospital?” She shook her head no, and he motioned to his car. She knew there would be paperwork and an investigation because she shot the dickwad were he deserved it, but still, one bullet means paperwork. Growling to herself, she picked up her purse and pulled the phone out. She looked at the messages and all it said was “Bubbles, please tell me you didn’t kill anyone this time.” She smiled, proud of herself. Her anger management classes had helped. She'd only maimed now—not killed.

  Chapter Two

  Officer Chance Peters wasn't sure what to expect when he got out of his cruiser. He had received a call from Chad, another officer, stating he had a GSW to a lower appendage, and suspect was in custody. However, when he said the name of the suspect, Chad didn’t expect it to be a woman. That is when a call came in from a small detective agency claiming that one of their agents hadn't returned. Gathering all the information, he half expected a frumpy looking woman with dark glasses and a bad wig. Instead he found a woman who was wearing a wig, but her honey blonde hair was sticking out of it. Her slender body was hugged by her skintight dress that left nothing to the imagination. Her long legs went on for days, but were scratched and covered in dirt. What caught is attention were her sandy colored eyes. The brown eclipsed into various shades, making him think of warm sandy beaches and chocolate. She looked a bit pissed off and amused at the situation. If he hadn’t had the information from her agent, he might have thought the same thing.


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