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Covered by Bubbles

Page 12

by Gracie Meadows

  “That should be easy, we go in guns blazing,” Dylan commented.

  “That would normally work, but they would kill her before we even made it through the door.”

  “Okay so you are the brains, what do you think we should do?” he asked, feeling the need to run and do the Alpha male thing and get his woman back.

  “I have an idea, and it requires all of us to work together. Let me ask you men, do you know how to swim?”

  Brandie woke in a foggy, hungover state, once again coming out from being drugged. She was really starting to hate these bastards for doing that to her. She went to move but found she was tied to a chair. Seriously, do these guys have any original thoughts? She moved her hands to find she had some play, but not enough to get out. Her middle was also tied to the chair, as well as her feet. She wasn't going anywhere, and she suddenly felt like she was living in a spy flick. Wondering if the guys knew she was missing, she squinted and tried to clear her head to get a better feel of her surroundings. Closing her eyes, she tried to listen and heard to small sound of sloshing and the smell of saltwater filled her noise. She must be some place by the docks. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see she was in what looked like a boathouse, but it had been converted. Several large crates lay on the other side of the room and she noticed that several men were off to the side talking in hushed tones.

  “Well, I’m happy to see you finally woke. I was worried we would have to start this party before you resurfaced.” She looked and saw the prick from the first night was talking to her. “You see we have a couple questions for you before we can play. If you answer right away, we will kill you quickly, lie and stall, and we will make this painful for you and pleasurable for us. So think about this before we bring in our special guest.”

  She wanted to tell him to go fuck a skunk because she wasn’t telling them shit, when they brought in Trent. He looked slightly out of it. He had several bruises and marks on his face and blood dripped from his mouth.

  “Now, Bubbles, that’s your name, right? Do you know this man?” The prick went and threw Trent down in a chair as another suited goon tied him up.

  She didn’t say anything, just looked the prick, not going to give him the answer he wanted and blowing Trent’s cover.

  “I asked you a question. Tell me, do you know him?” This time he pulled a knife out from a small tool chest and flashed it before her. She wasn’t sure what he was going to do, but she remained tight-lipped. The prick went and slid the knife between her breasts before lowering it down her body to the bottom of her shirt to the hem. Once he was there he slid the knife under her shirt so the cold metal touched her skin and she sucked in a breath as with one quick moment the prick sliced right through her shirt leaving her exposed in her bra. Again she said nothing.

  He set the knife down and looked at her again. “I asked if you have seen him before?” When she didn’t respond, he backhanded her across her face and she felt her lip split in the process before he smacked the other side. When she didn’t respond from the slaps, he gripped her head, tilting it back, making her look at him. “Fucking answer me now.” She thought quickly for an answer, but only came up with one.


  “Very good, now where have you seen him?” he asked her another question.

  “At the bar, where I met you,” she responded, because it was the truth, she was there and so was Trent, so she wasn’t lying then.

  “Good, you are answering. So you see how this works now. So now it's time to come clean. Who do you work for?” Fuck, this wasn’t going to go well. When she didn’t answer, she expected him to smack her again, but what shocked her was the fact he pulled out a hammer. Her heart started to pound as he walked over to Trent, was he going to hit him with that? She watched trying to figure out what the fucker was going to do next.

  “Saint, tell me who does she work for.”

  “Go to hell you prick, I'm not tell you shit,” Trent spit out, it seemed he was coming out of his trance.

  “Very well.” But instead of going over to him, he walked over to her, before she could register what he was going to do, she saw the hammer lift and came down on her right hand. She screamed as the bone broke instantly. This fucker was off his meds! Trying to stay focused, she didn’t scream more than once and kept her mouth shut so she wouldn’t throw up.

  “Again, who do you work for?”

  This time she answered him. “I work for a lawyer collecting information on cheating husbands.” It was the truth, she just did more, and had more training.

  “Very good.” He reached out and started to caress her breast but she shifted to avoid his touch. She could handle a lot, but him touching her was not something she would allow.

  “Keep your hands off me, you sick fuck!” she spat at him. He smirked at her and nodded to his friend who came behind her and gripped her hair making her jerk backwards.

  “You see, I am the one in control, you will answer my questions or I will continue, but either way I will do what I want. Now tell me, who does he work for?” He pointed to Trent in the chair across her.

  “Doesn’t he work for you?” she asked, trying to act confused.

  The prick smiled, “Nope, sorry, sweetheart, wrong answer,” and before she could say anything he brought the hammer down on Trent’s kneecap making his leg go a funny direction. Trent let out a yell, but just like her, he closed his mouth and said nothing. This game went on for a couple more rounds, leaving her with a broken hand, and two broken fingers, Trent had lost his knee as the prick took pride in smashing it over and over. Soon he set the hammer down and grabbed something that looked like a small generator attached to small cables. It reminded her of something you start a car with. Suddenly the severity of what was going to happen next was going to be unpleasant and would definitely make her scream more than she wanted.

  “You see, this is not getting us anywhere, so it’s time to shock the truth out of you. It seems that I get more answers when I play with you, so I say you stay there, him well, he will watch and then I will slit his throat. Easy and simple.”

  He connected the wires, they were attached to some type of sticky medical tab. He smiled as he placed one on each of her breasts. Brandie closed her eyes trying not to think about what was going to happen next.

  “Now tell me, which agency does he work for,” he said as he smiled. She looked over at Trent who had his head hung, then he lifted his head and their eyes locked, she knew then she couldn’t say anything.

  “Go screw yourself, asshole,” she managed to get out before the prick smiled and clicked on the machine. Last thing she remembered was a jolt running through her and someone screaming, the sound piercing her ears.

  “We can cause a distraction with the outside guards, while you guys go in and get her. The guns were made to work underwater, just remember you are blind once you’re in. We will do our best to go in, but we don’t know how many are in there. So you have one shot to get this right and get our girl out.” Dylan nodded and so did Chance, but he was hesitant. He would have loved to have more information, but the truth was he needed to get her back and quick. Trent too. He couldn’t leave his brother. Putting on their scuba suits, they suited up and were handed the guns Rainbow had secured for them. He had to admit the woman knew her guns. Sneaking around the side, he needed the girls to get them past the guard at the gates and they would be good. The two girls, Rainbow and Smokey Eyes, went about fixing their clothes and started walking with a small limp to the front gate. He watched as the women worked the guards over.

  “Sir, oh thank goodness you are here. Our car broke down about three miles or so up the road and we kept walking hoping to find someone, and got nothing. I can’t get cell service and don't know what to do. Can you help us?”

  “We would be forever in your debt. You see we were on our way to take a cruise, and it seems that we missed it, but it’s so hot and we are so tired. Please say you can help us.”

  “Maybe some water... Ca
n we have some water, please?”

  He listened to the women lay it on thick for these two boneheads and soon they were leading the girls off to the side to a small guard shack or something, but it gave them enough time to sneak by them to get into the water. Soon they were in the fridged water and he allowed his body to adjust to the temperature for just a minute before he pulled his mask on and sunk under the water.

  It only took about ten minutes to find their way under the boathouse and saw an opening. Wanting to see something, and hated going in blind, they found a small boat and came in near the back. Lifting his head out of the water, he heard a male talking to someone. They were explaining something, and suddenly he knew things were going to go bad. Both he and Chance waded through the water, moving silently, looking on the outside, and no one was there. Then he was able to finally make out the words being said.

  “Now tell me which agency does he work for,” the male said. He was only able to see his back. As soon as he moved to the side he saw Brandie was tied to a chair and blood was dripping from her lip and her eye was swollen shut. Son of a bitch. Her shirt was ripped open exposing her bra, which was stained with sweat and blood now. But there was another person in a chair across from her. Instantly he knew the situation he was in. It was Trent and he needed to act quickly because it seemed that his cover was blown and it was going to cost him his life. Just as he went to raise his gun, he heard Brandie speak.

  “Go screw yourself, asshole.” As much as he wanted to cheer her on and wait to find a better opportunity, it was cut short by her screaming. A quick look had him noticing the male was next to a machine and those wires were attached to Brandie. Gaining all the strength he had, he kicked his legs as hard as he could and started shooting. It seemed Chance was on the same wavelength and together bullets filled the air from both of them, but Brandie continued to scream. Chance covered him enough for him to get out of the water before the door busted open and two more bullets went flying, but into the machine that was shocking Brandie. The fucker who had turned on the machine stood behind her holding a gun to her head as he squatted down to shield his body with hers. But what made matters worse is that someone had grabbed Trent during the shootout and now had him on the ground with a gun pointing to his chest.

  “Ah, it seems you are in a no win situation here, officer. I have your brother, and your woman. Now the question is, which one do you save. You can’t have both.” The fucker smiled as he twitched, pushing the gun further into Brandie's temple. She was slightly slumped in her chair, her breathing was ragged, but at least she was breathing. He couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not. Taking a quick scan around the room, Chance was out of the water, and Rainbow and Smokey Eyes were now inside the boathouse. A few bodies now lay on the ground as blood started to drip into the water. He looked at the girls, and they too were locked with indecision. Either way he looked at it, he would need to save one of them. If he did this wrong, he would lose both his brother and his girl. Nether felt right.

  “I see you have weighed your options. Now the question is, which one. I know I’m going to die, but I am taking one if not both of them with me.” And within a split second it was like watching a slow motion movie.

  “I don’t think so you fuck nut.” Brandie brought her head up and snapped it back against the fucker's head behind her, hitting him square in the nose, making a sick thud, and then both girls got off a shot, hitting both of them in the head before they could even pull a trigger. Running as quickly as he could, he went down and looked at her. Her eyes were hazy and she was starting to fade out of it. In the background he heard one of the girls calling an ambulance and then a coroner, while one went to check on his brother.

  “Baby, oh God, baby, talk to me.” He ran his fingers over her cheek as he watched a single tear roll down her face. “The ambulance is on its way, don’t move. Tell me what I can do, talk to me please.” Both Chance and he were cutting the ropes from her body and noticed her hand was bleeding and it seemed to be broken. He was glad the fucker was dead because if not he would be ripping out his throat for what he did to his girl.

  “Please,” was all she said.

  “Please what, baby, tell us,” he said.

  “Please, I really need to pee!” she said a little louder but chuckled. She would be okay, physically hurt, but he would help her with everything. He nodded and soon the place was swamped with people and she was whisked away to the hospital.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three months later…

  Chance watched as Bubbles took another drink of her wine during their dinner. She was recovered for the most part, but still went to physical therapy for her hand. The cast was off, and she didn’t need the pain pills anymore, not that she took them when she should have anyway. She had since moved in with him and Dylan and she had only worked on smaller cases she could do with a cast.

  Heels for Hire, Inc. had been given the credit for the bust and finding the information, they, however, got an ear full from the DEA and the chief for being stupid and jeopardizing the whole operation. But in the end Bubbles was safe and Trent was recovering. The fuckers had smashed his kneecap so much he now sported a false knee cap and wouldn't be able to do field work anymore. When they told him, he immediately retired and Zach scooped him up, no sooner than the ink was dry on his paperwork, employing him with Heels for Hire, Inc., as a male perspective of the world. It seemed like a good fit and it kept him busy during his recovery.

  The drugs, well that was interesting to say the least. They found car parts and still had no idea where the drugs were until they realized the parts were from different areas in the vehicles frames. They found sections inside the car doors where parts where removed, leaving small spots to store the drugs. They found the computer component of a vehicle and once they made the make of car it came out of, they checked the vehicle, removing the dash. Sure enough, drugs lay where the components should have been. He was amazed by the creativity these men put forth, but they didn’t catch the one responsible for it all. The DEA blamed them and Bubbles for stepping in something bigger than them, but it was Trent who came forth and said his cover was blown by someone on the inside. They thought at first it was a punk kid who saw him and Bubbles together, but it wasn’t. So now the DEA had its own problems to worry about. Right now the only thing he was focusing on was sitting across from him at the table. He looked to the right and saw that Dylan was on the same page. They hadn’t really made love to her the way they wanted to, keeping it sweet and one on one because of her injuries. But his little hell cat wanted them together and asked for it several times, and each time they found a way to avoid the subject. They had gotten the all clear from the doctor that she was okay now and she would be experiencing something new.

  “What has you thinking so hard over there, Chance?” he snapped out of his daydream as Bubbles spoke to him.

  “You,” he said without hesitation.

  “Me, what about me?” she asked, cocking a small grin.

  “I was thinking how good you would feel riding my cock while Dylan claims your sexy ass.” He watched as her eyes grew wide, but not from fear, from the thought of getting what she wanted, but he was going to call the shots.

  “You mean like together?” She didn’t break eye contact with him, holding his gaze. He nodded and stood walking around to her. She swallowed watching him get closer to her. He reached down and ran the pad of his thumb along her lower lip. Her lips parted slightly and he pushed his thumb inside her mouth. The little vixen started to suck him and instantly his cock went from semi-conscious to ready to take on a charging bull.

  “I think you need it, baby, I think you need us both inside your hot little body. I think you want it more than you can think.” Chance watched as Dylan moved closer to Bubbles running his hand up and down her leg.

  “I bet your pretty little pussy is soaking wet with the idea, and your tiny puckered hole is clenching with anticipation knowing my cock is going to be shoved deep inside
it. Am I right, baby?” She released his thumb and closed her eyes as he bent and ran his hand over her breast, pinching and pulling her nipple that pebbled at his words.

  “Yes you do, don’t you. You’re a naughty, dirty girl who likes it when your men spank and fuck you until you can’t think straight. You crave it.” He looked at Dylan and nodded and as quickly as she was lost in sensation she was picked up by Dylan and they went into the new master bedroom. They had it redone when she was recovering in the hospital. Simple colors and a new king size bed that was custom made. With the help of the girls, they had made it feel like home for them and her. Her clothes now littered the floor and he laughed because it made Dylan mad when he did it, but it didn’t bother the big guy when she did it. He even got a kick out of it when she left her bras hanging in the shower.

  Chance watched as Dylan placed Bubbles on the bed. Without her saying a word, he and Dylan removed her sweatpants and simple t-shirt. When she was working at home, she didn’t wear anything other than a t-shirt and sweats and he liked that best about her, but today she took him by surprised and he saw she had no panties on.

  “Oh, sweetheart, no panties and no bra. Oh, you make me so happy. You earned a little punishment.”

  “Punishment,” she asked.

  “Oh yes, baby, one, you hid your hot little pussy from us as it ran free underneath your sweats. Two, you went and got yourself hurt, almost taking you away from us. Three, you need to know that we love you and will do anything and everything to keep you with us. Now be a good girl and let’s do this right.” He realized what he had said about love as her eyes opened wide. He had told her he loved her, but Dylan hadn’t said the words outright yet.

  Dylan knew what Chance had done, they were a trio and though he had not said how he felt about Brandie, he knew she knew it. Not giving her a chance to speak, he flipped her over and she fell on her belly. He was amazed at how hot she was at this moment. Chance had removed his clothes already and moved her so her body was splayed across his lap now. Her bare ass turned up and he watched as Chance ran his hand along the smooth round globes. She tensed as Chance stopped petting her and brought his hand down on her pretty little globes with a resounding smack. Her small cry was music to his ears. She watched as he removed his clothes and grabbed the lube. Chance smacked her again on the other cheek and a pretty shade of pink made its way across her skin. Chance looked up at him, and he took the moment to smack her ass. He was so mad and scared when she pulled her stupid stunt. He was used to being in control of his emotions and all situations, and with her, he was all over the place. She pushed his buttons, made him want to wrap her up in silk, yet fuck the shit out of her. She was everything he wanted in a woman and then some. Soon the spankings ended with her moaning as the pain started to morph into something hot and erotic. He knew his girl loved a touch of pain. Bending down, he played with her globes and spread them wide. Her tight little hole stood out and he couldn’t help but bend and lick the little puckered hole. She gasped at him and he did it again before he popped the lube and squirted some onto his finger. He nodded to Chance who once again moved Brandie more up the bed making her shift so she was on her hand and knees.


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