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Chasing the Dragon

Page 12

by T. K. Leigh

  “And just think how much fun you can have trying again.” Brayden nudged Jenna playfully, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Speaking of which,” Jenna began. “Mackenzie accepted an indecent proposal from Tyler.”

  “What?” His eyes grew wide and he snapped his head to look at me. I bit my bottom lip, feeling like I was caught with my hand in a candy jar… A very attractive and masculine candy jar.

  “What is she talking about?” he asked me.

  “Nothing,” I replied nonchalantly, striding to the corner of my office and grabbing a bottle of whiskey. I poured the liquid into three tumblers and passed them around before lowering myself onto the couch, trying to avoid the two sets of glaring eyes that were fixed on me.

  “I don’t think so, girlfriend,” Brayden said, sitting next to me. “I need details, and I need them now. Start at the beginning. You’ve been leaving both of us in the dark about this whole Tyler thing, singing the typical Mack song. ‘I have a plan. It’s not in my schedule’,” he said, doing his best imitation of me. “Which we all know is a lame excuse so you don’t have to put yourself out there.”

  I opened my mouth to protest before Brayden hushed me, pressing his finger onto my lips.

  “So… Tyler…?” He smirked, his face exuding a young and vibrant excitement that mirrored how I felt.

  “Tyler…,” I repeated, unable to stop smiling as his name rolled off my tongue. “Tyler Joseph.” I fell back into the couch, clutching my hands over my heart.

  “Oh, Mack,” Jenna exhaled, sitting on the other side of me. “He’s done a number on you, hasn’t he? I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  “He’s weaseled his way in. I have no idea how he’s done it, guys. I honestly don’t. Friday, at girls’ night, no matter how rude I was to him, he brushed it off. It didn’t intimidate him. It didn’t scare him. He was completely unfazed by it. Then he showed up at opening night and danced one song with me before he left.”

  “What song?” Brayden asked.

  “Does it matter? I can’t remember what it was anyway,” I lied, avoiding their eyes, not wanting them to find out I had downloaded the song onto my iPod the second I had gotten back to my place Saturday night and listened to it an obsessive number of times since then. Each time I heard the great Ella Fitzgerald’s voice croon the same words Tyler had sung low and soft in my ear, an addicting high spread through me.

  Everything about the past several days had been exactly what he had told me they would be. Unexpected. But the most unexpected part of all was how eager I was to toss all the rules I had set up out the window in an instant, all for a man I hardly knew. Something about him made me think he was worth the risk.

  “Of course, it matters!” Brayden exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the couch.

  I sipped my drink and looked at my two best friends as they sat on either side of me. Brayden had his eyebrows raised as if he knew I was lying, and Jenna simply had her usual eager expression, the one she had whenever we were talking about me and a member of the opposite sex. I paused, continuing to stare at the two of them, trying to remain the put-together and professional woman I aimed to be.

  Knowing it was no use, I broke down and confessed. “It was Every Time We Say Goodbye!” I exclaimed, every cell in my body springing to life at the thought of what awaited me at the end of the week. Closing my eyes, my imagination went wild with Tyler’s seduction. A sensual, hypnotic movie played in my mind as he stalked toward me. His eyes were intense, powerful, dark, wanting. I had no clue how he was planning to seduce me, but I knew this was simply the final act. His seduction of me began during our first meeting.

  “Play it!” Jenna shouted. “I want to hear it.”

  “No! You were there Saturday night. You heard it then.”

  “Well,” Brayden interrupted, “I wasn’t. I need to hear it.”

  “Please,” I countered, rolling my eyes. “You love Ella. Every time you invite us over for game night, she’s playing in the background. So there’s really no need to play it.”

  “I got this,” Brayden said, jumping up from the couch and running toward my desk. I tried to wrestle him away from my MacBook, but it was useless. I finally admitted defeat as he opened my music library and, almost immediately, the sound of Ella’s voice filled the office.

  Smiling at me, a satisfied look on his face, Brayden bowed in an exaggerated fashion in front of me. “May I have this dance, mi amor?”

  I glowered at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. “Oh, darling, I’m all danced out after last night.”

  “Pu-pu-please, Miss Scarlet,” he mocked, batting his thick eyelashes at me.

  “You know I can’t say no when you go all Gone with the Wind on me.”

  “It’s your weakness. Always has been.” He placed his hand on my waist and we sauntered around my small office. It reminded me of all those nights when we were roommates and he would blare jazz standards, encouraging me to dance with him. We would dance together for hours, him teaching me how to ballroom dance, and me teaching him how to swing and flamenco.

  “Always will be, too, I’m sure,” he crooned in my ear.

  “Why do you like that movie so much, Mack?” Jenna asked, lying down on my couch. Her voice was flat and I could tell she was trying to hide her emotions about losing the baby.

  I glanced at her and saw that she was simply staring at the ceiling, her hand resting over her stomach. Trying to cheer her up, I said, “Because I have a serious girl boner for Rhett Butler. He can throw me over his shoulder and haul me up to his bedroom to have his way with me anytime he wants.”

  “I’d sign up for that role,” Brayden said.

  “I’d third that,” Jenna piped in, her tone becoming more animated.

  “So… Tyler…,” Brayden started again. “What’s the real deal, Mack?”

  “Nothing,” I replied as he elegantly led me through a few more complex moves, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm.

  “She sold herself to him for a night,” Jenna explained.

  “Really?” He turned his eyes to me. “You harlot!”

  I giggled. “It’s not like that. I’m giving him one night to convince me he’s someone worth breaking my rules and taking a risk for.”

  “And what’s the verdict so far?” he asked, leading me in a promenade step before pulling me back into his body, continuing our simple swaying motion.

  “Bray…,” Jenna began.

  “Hush, J-bird,” he interrupted quickly, glaring at her. “You can dance with me next.” He turned his attention back to me. “Now. Verdict on Mr. Sexy, Tyler Burnham.”

  “No verdict yet. We’re in deliberations.”

  “Not even going to give me a hint of what you’re thinking?”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know what I’m thinking. His words, his body, his mesmerizing eyes… They have me completely dumbfounded. But I’ll tell you this much. If the way he kisses is any indication of what I can expect on Friday, I have a feeling I’ll want him to be my Rhett Butler, minus him walking out on me, of course.”

  “Of course.” Brayden winked, dipping me dramatically as the song came to an end.

  As he held me and supported my back, I closed my eyes briefly, letting the final note ring out in my office. When Brayden didn’t immediately lift me back up, I opened my eyes, my heart dropping to my stomach when I spied an upside down figure standing in the doorway.

  “Mackenzie.” Tyler nodded, smirking at me as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  My jaw dropped and I had no idea what to even say to him, speechless in his presence once more.

  “Hi,” I whispered, feeling the wind knocked out of me. I swallowed hard. “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough.”

  “That’s what I was afraid of.” I strained my neck toward Brayden. “Hey, want to help me up, boo?”

  “Oops, sorry,” he replied. “I was lost in his mesmerizing eyes. You were

  My face flamed red as he raised me and I had no idea how I was going to talk my way out of what he had just overheard. “Well, if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, now it officially is.”

  “We’ll give you some privacy,” Jenna said, getting up from the couch and grabbing Brayden’s hand, pulling him from the office.

  “You don’t have to,” I said in protest.

  “Yes, we do,” Brayden countered. “We really, really do. Have fun, kids. And try to keep it down. Or not. It’ll give me something to fantasize about tonight.”

  I playfully punched him in the arm.

  “Nice to see you again, Tyler,” Jenna said.

  “You, too, Jenna. Brayden.” He stepped aside to allow them to exit before turning his attention to me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked quickly before he could say anything.

  His formerly confident demeanor shifted as he ran his hand through his hair and looked down at his feet, shuffling them. “I was worried about you. You drank a bit at lunch and I was concerned about you driving home.”

  “So… What? You stopped to see if you could have your man drive me home again?”

  “No, Mackenzie,” he said, returning to the dominating man I was accustomed to. It was almost as if he had a switch he flipped on once in a while, almost like he was remembering he needed to act a certain way around me.

  “I stopped by to see if I could drive you home.” He stalked toward me and, instead of retreating, I remained locked in place.

  “And what if I need to stay and work?”

  He curved his arm around me, pulling me into his embrace. I sighed into him, his nearness creating a calm in my life that was completely unexpected.

  “Then I’ll come back later and drive you.” He leaned down, whispering kisses across my collarbone, his lips on my skin a direct link to the thousands of shivers running through me.

  “But I’ll be sober then and I’d hate to pull you away from your own club on a Monday night during Spring Break,” I countered, my voice soft as I lost myself in the sensation of Tyler’s tongue and lips continuing to explore my flesh. “You’re going to have to miss work Friday as it is. I’d be an irresponsible colleague if I allowed that.” I arched my neck, giving him better access.

  “I’m only an owner on paper,” he responded, his voice low. “Not so much in practice. Would you like a ride home?”

  “I can drive,” I insisted weakly, melting into him as he continued nipping on my neck. My words were in direct contradiction to the demands I gave him with my body.

  “Let me take you.” He pulled his mouth from my skin and an instant chill set where his lips once were. He grabbed my cheeks in his strong hands and gazed at me with a look that was deep and absorbing.

  “I couldn’t focus all afternoon, Mackenzie,” he murmured against my mouth. “All I could think about was how delicious your lips taste. I want more of them…of you.”

  He gripped my hair, forcing my head back. I stared at him, surprised by his sudden movement. He licked his lips and instantly pressed them firmly against mine, invading my mouth in an urgent, yet provocative manner. His actions were demanding, not allowing me anytime to protest. He stole each one of my kisses, and I was only too eager for him to keep taking.

  Slamming the door shut, he lifted me up and carried me over to the desk, our lips still locked. He carefully placed me on the surface, his hips grinding into mine. I could feel how much he wanted me.

  I tore out of the kiss and pulled on his t-shirt in an attempt to rip it over his head. I was more aroused than I could remember, the tension that had been building between my legs since meeting Tyler at an insufferable level. I desperately needed some release. I didn’t care that we were in my office at work surrounded by thin walls, Jenna and Brayden most likely able to overhear every moan and sigh. I was done waiting. I’d always been a woman who got exactly what she wanted, when she wanted. And I wanted Tyler…now.

  “Mackenzie,” he whispered, grabbing my arms and pinning them above my head to prevent me from removing his shirt. “Friday,” he panted. “Friday. Fuck. Is it Friday yet?”

  “Let’s just pretend,” I begged, locking my legs around his midsection. “I need…” I stopped short, not wanting to admit the words that were about to flow so casually from my mouth. It had been years since I allowed myself to admit my feelings to someone and, in that instant, I felt exposed. Raw. Vulnerable. A side of me I swore I would never show again.

  “You need…what?” He tilted his head at me, waiting for my response.


  He shook his head. “No. It wasn’t nothing. Say it, Mackenzie.” He placed my arms around his neck. “Please. I want to know what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling.” He grabbed my chin, forcing me to stare into those eyes. He leaned toward me, his lips a whisper on my mouth. “Tell me.”

  “I need you,” I admitted quietly. “I need you, Tyler.”

  “And you’ll have me…Friday.”

  “Why do we have to wait for Friday?” I whined, breaking the intensity before it became too much. “Do you have any idea how horny I am?” I joked.

  A brilliant smile crossed his face. “I have a pretty good idea. But Friday it is, and Friday it will remain. I’m not done finessing you, Mackenzie. It’s too soon. I can’t risk you walking away from me.” He ran his hand down my neckline, his touch leaving a trail of flames in its wake. “After Friday, I’m fairly certain you’ll be ready to relinquish total control of your body…”

  Pressing his hand against my chest, his eyes flashed to mine. “Your heart is racing.”

  I nodded.


  “It always beats faster when you’re around. I can’t control it. You do.”

  “No, I don’t. I’ll only control it when you finally let me in. We’re not there yet.” Brushing his lips affectionately on my forehead, he retreated toward the door. “Ready to go home, or shall I return at a later time?”

  “She’s ready!” a deep voice shouted from beyond the wall.

  Tyler’s eyes flung to mine and I lowered my legs to the floor, taking a second to stabilize myself. “Jenna’s office is right next to mine, and the walls are pretty thin.” I grimaced. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry!” Brayden shouted from beyond the wall. “You’ve just given me a week’s worth of fantasies!”

  It was silent for a moment before we both burst out laughing. I had seen the softer side of Tyler today, but as we both clutched our stomachs from the nerves that were probably flowing through us, our laughter echoing through the office, I saw what I thought was the real Tyler. His smile was wide and it touched his eyes. He was beautiful and real. And what I was beginning to feel for him was real. I just hoped it was for him, as well.

  “Me, too,” I admitted. Placing my MacBook into my laptop bag, I found the rest of my things and opened the door, hearing a commotion from the office adjacent to mine. Peeking my head in, I saw Jenna and Brayden falling on top of each other as they tried to scramble off the couch.

  “Did you two have your ears against the wall?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

  “I’d like a lawyer before I answer any of your questions,” Brayden responded.

  “Boo, you are a lawyer.”

  “Shit. Thanks for the reminder. I should probably actually go work or something.” He raised himself up and proceeded out the door past Tyler and me.

  “Oh, and by the way,” he said, spinning around. “Good job on making her wait for it, Tyler. Make her beg.” He winked and disappeared down the stairs, but he couldn’t resist one parting shot. “She usually gets her way, so this is good for her.”

  Rolling my eyes, I grabbed Tyler’s hand in mine and pulled him away. “Jenna, I’ll be gone tomorrow and Wednesday. You’ll be okay, right?”

  “Of course. Now get out of here!”

  “Okay! Love ya, Jenna!”

  “Love you more, Mack! ‘Bye, Tyler!” she shou
ted from the office.

  Leading him down the stairs and out the back door, I started across the parking lot, keys in hand.

  “I’ll take those.” Tyler tore them out of my grasp.

  “I’m fine to drive. Really.” Stopping next to my car, I glared at him.

  “Let me take care of you,” he replied, facing me and placing his hands on my arms, the gesture placating me. “Please. I know you’re probably fine and the thought of anyone driving your car goes against everything you stand for, but let me do this for you. We drank a lot of wine at lunch. And when I walked into your office, I saw the tumblers of scotch or whiskey or something. So, please. All I want is to take care of you, Mackenzie. Don’t deprive me of that.”

  My mouth dropped slightly in response to his plea, the compassion and grace in which he spoke carving out another piece of my heart for him to possess.


  I snapped back to the present, readjusting my doe-eyed expression into one slightly more hardened.

  “Fine. You can drive. At least I know you can drive a stick.” He pressed the unlock button on my key fob and opened the door to my silver Mercedes convertible.

  “You drive a stick, Mackenzie?”

  Hoisting myself onto my toes, I breathed into his ear, “I know how to handle a stick, Tyler.”

  I ducked into the passenger seat of the car. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed his jaw clench as he tightened his grip on the handle before closing the door.

  “Good job, Mackenzie,” I said to myself as I looked into the rearview mirror to see Tyler, rather flustered, walking around the back of the car and toward the driver’s side. He hesitated just outside and then opened the door, getting behind the wheel. Keeping his eyes trained forward, he cranked the engine and put the car in reverse, pulling out of the parking lot.

  The drive home was painfully silent and I could tell Tyler was still reeling from my last comment. He appeared to be as much on edge as I was, perhaps even more so. While I had dated men in the past, albeit rather casually, none of them had made their hunger and eagerness known like Tyler had. It was new, exhilarating, and terrifying all at the same time. He was everything I had ever imagined my perfect match would be…passionate, sexy, ardent, wanton, his thirst for me evident in his every movement and word.


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