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Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 2)

Page 6

by Crystal Perkins

  “Stop looking at them. You’re showing too much. Kiss me.”

  I look away from them and give her a peck on the cheek. That’s all I can give. Even though Faith has apparently gotten over me already—totally my fault, and I know it—I’m far from over her. And I refuse to do any more with Elizabeth than what’s necessary.

  Fate, or in this case, my mother, takes pity on me before anything else happens. She calls us in to dinner. I go to take my seat, only to realize that Mr. Tall, Dark, and Scary is seated next to me. This is going to be just great. I already want to stab the bastard with my steak knife, and now he’s seated next to me. I clutch the knife which makes him chuckle.

  “Don’t even think about it. I’d take you down before you even raised it from the table. You fucked up, and now you have to see the consequences. I mean, seriously, you picked her over Faith?” he motions across the table to Elizabeth and shakes his head.

  “It’s none of your damn business.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. Faith is my business, and I take my work very seriously.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” I ask, louder than I had intended. All other conversation at the table stops.

  “Gavin, that is enough. Nathan is Faith’s friend who surprised her by coming for a visit today. If you can’t be civil, you should leave.”

  “Me? I’m getting kicked out while some random guy Faith’s fucking is allowed to stay? The bed’s not even cold, and yet, I’m the only bad guy here?”

  The danger I sense from this Nate guy is real. He lifts me off the floor by my neck before I even see him leave his seat. I claw at his hands, but it does nothing. He’s too strong.

  “Let him go, Nate.”

  “Not until he apologizes to you. You said he broke up with you to get back together with his ex. He has no right to talk about you like you’re some whore. I won’t stand for it.”

  “I-I’m sorry. Really, I am,” I manage to squeak out.

  He drops me back into my seat, but stays standing. “Are you ready to go, Faith?”

  “Yeah. I am. I’m sorry we caused a scene, Susan.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. I hope that my son’s behavior won’t stop you from coming back to work tomorrow.”

  “Oh. I can’t work in that kitchen with Gavin. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  “Then work for me. You’re intelligent and talented. We can use all the help we can get with the changes I’m making.”

  “I’d like that. Thank you.”

  My mom goes around the table to hug her. “Nothing to thank me for. Even though I’ve only known you a short while, you’ve become something like a daughter to me.”

  “This night just gets better and better.”

  “Gavin, I am not going to tell you again to be quiet.”

  She looks me in the eye, and I know she means it. The fury in her eyes stokes my own rage. I’m more determined than ever to see this through. Faith is going down hard, and I’m going to be smiling the entire time.

  Chapter 5


  “Well, that was fun. You actually slept with that asswipe?” Nate asks me as we drive back to my place.

  “He wasn’t like that when we were together. I don’t know what happened today, but something changed for him.”

  “It can’t be that chick. She was a little too desperate for my taste, and you know I’m not too picky. If I wasn’t interested in hitting that, I can’t imagine your chef would.”

  “Yeah. He told her repeatedly that he didn’t want her, but now he’s with her again. I know something’s going on.”

  “She wants him, that much I could tell. He, on the other hand, was much more interested in watching me put my mouth on you. And when I touched your hair, I thought he was going to try and come for me. ‘Try’ being the operative word, of course.”

  “Of course,” I tell him with a smile.

  Gavin wouldn’t have stood a chance. And since Nate’s really pissed on my behalf, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have held back. It would’ve gotten really ugly if Gavin hadn’t backed down. At least he has a few brain cells left.

  “She looks familiar, too.”

  “Who? Elizabeth?”

  “Yeah. I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere before. I just can’t place her.”

  “Ainsley ran her picture through all the recognition software, but she didn’t find any match with our missions or anything.”

  “Maybe it’ll come to me.”

  “Or maybe you’re just obsessed with her and want her for yourself.”

  “That would be a big ‘no’. You know I’m not a one woman guy.”

  “You could be.”

  “You offering, Faith? I know I’m a good kisser and all.”

  “No. I am definitely not offering. You do have kissing skills, but I was thinking of someone else.”

  “All you women want to play matchmaker. Reina and Matt. And now me and…?”

  “You know Reina and Matt belong together. And you also know who I’m talking about, so don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look on you. Too stereotypical.”

  He laughs. A booming, full belly laugh. We both know his IQ’s off the charts. “You’re the best, Faith. Never let some asshole tell you different.”

  “Nice try on re-directing our conversation.”

  “Fine, Dr. Faith. I want Jade. Doesn’t mean I’m going to ever have her since she’s made no move that she sees me that way. But I want her.”

  “For more than sex?”

  He sighs heavily. “Yes. For more. I want to put a ring on her finger. There, I said it. Are you happy now?”

  “Oh yeah. Extremely.”

  “Don’t plan the wedding yet. I told you she hasn’t shown any interest.”

  “Be ready when she does.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears.”

  “He’s always listening. You’ve just gotta have—“

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, or I’m going to burst out laughing again. I’m trying to pay attention to the road.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I smile.

  At least one couple might end up happy. It may not be Gavin and I, but I’ve learned the hard way to take whatever you can get in life. I’m not making lemonade with the lemons being lobbed at me, but I am going to move on. I have to.

  * * *


  I’m not watching for Faith. Nope. I’m just looking outside to see if there’s anything interesting going on.

  “I think it would be best if you were in the kitchen when Faith gets here.”

  “So now I can’t even be where I want in the house that I own?”

  “Gavin, I don’t know what’s gotten into you in these past 24 hours, but we all know you’re in love with Faith.”

  “She’s not what she seems.”

  “What are you talking about? She’s one of the most straightforward people I’ve ever met. Aside from bringing that young man to dinner in order to make you jealous, everything she’s said and done has been on the up and up. She’s also been thoroughly vetted. I wouldn’t ask her to work with me if she wasn’t cleared.”

  “Whatever. I’m going to start on lunch if that’s okay with you.”

  She grabs my arm as I turn away. “I love you, Gav. I know I didn’t show it properly for many years, but I do. I want to see you happy. We both know that won’t happen with Elizabeth. Whatever’s going on with Faith, fix it. You don’t want to live your life regretting the fact that you drove the person you love away.”

  “We’re not you and dad. What Faith and I had was no great love.”

  “Obviously not.”

  I was too involved in the conversation with my mom to sense Faith enter the room. She’s in a black sleeveless dress with a white pattern all over it. It’s got a high neck, but a short hemline. One side dips down lower, making it almost work appropriate. Almost. The strappy heels on her feet make me think about very bad things, but I keep my eyes cold, my voice even colder

  “You should be in a suit,” I tell her with a sneer.

  Her smile falters. Damn it. Why does that make me feel like I’ve been stabbed in the heart? “I-I didn’t know. Should I go change, Susan?”

  “No. Of course not. You’re not part of my senatorial staff, and they’re all dressed down here anyway. Unless we’re entertaining, you can feel free to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Whatever you’re comfortable in.”

  “Thanks. I think I’ll do dresses. It’s a nice change from my chef’s coat.”

  “Works for me. Let’s get you settled at your new desk.”

  They have to walk by me, so I reach for Faith’s hair, using it to pull her to me—and not in the way I want. “I’m watching you.”

  She steps on the part of my foot that’s exposed in my clog with her spiked heel, causing me to let her go. “Touch my hair again, and you’ll be watching me kick your ass.”

  Before I can respond, my mom calls out to us. “Leave her alone, Gavin. I’m really over having to tell you that.”

  “Yes, mother,” I bite out.

  I’m just loving how my mom is so taken in by the woman who’s trying to take her down. And I have to stand by and watch until I can expose Faith for the villain that she is. Selene said it’s going to take her a couple more weeks to put everything together. I can be civil for two weeks. Hell, I can do anything in two weeks. Including fall in love with the wrong woman. No one ever said protecting your family was easy, and I’m finding out just how hard it can be.

  I manage to make lunch for everyone without over-analyzing the fucked up situation I’ve made myself a part of. I set everything out on the tables in the great room. My mom wants everything casual from now on, unless we’re entertaining donors. That’s fine by me. I’m happy to make sliders, sandwiches, fries, and potato salad. Everyone files in and immediately starts filling their plates. Everyone except for Faith, that is.

  She pulls a lunch container out of her purse and sets it on her lap. I walk over with murder on my mind.

  “My food’s not good enough for you, chef?”

  “I didn’t want to take the chance that you’d poison me.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I don’t think enough of you to even waste that kind of time.”

  “Why are you over here hassling me about my lunch if you don’t care?”

  I have no answer for that, so I just fume silently while I see what she’s got. She made her own sandwich—roast beef with pickles and mayo on a pretzel roll, homemade potato chips, and a Pepsi. My mouth is watering just looking at the food while she takes it out. If Faith made it, it has to be good. She sees me looking and sighs.

  “Would you like some of my lunch, Gavin?”

  “Yes,” I say before I can think to stop myself.

  “No. Of course he doesn’t,” Elizabeth says at the same time.

  I whip my head around. “What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting later.”

  “It’s a girlfriend’s job to keep her boyfriend guessing and surprise him often.”

  “Of course it is.”

  God help me, but I want to strangle her right now. But I realize that she actually saved me, so now I just want to strangle myself. What was I thinking? I was going to eat with the enemy. I already slept with her, but sharing food would’ve been so much more intimate. I can’t fall into that trap again.

  “C’mon, sweetheart. Let’s eat some of the food I’ve been cooking all morning. I can’t wait for you to try my potato salad.”


  Faith rolls her eyes, but I see the hurt in them, too. Good. I was going for a direct hit and got one. I can’t wait for the kill shot.

  * * *


  Why did I ever think I was in love with Gavin? Oh yeah, because I am. I know he feels something for me, too. He nearly went insane when Nate was kissing me last night. And I know he wanted to share my lunch. I just wish I knew what was going on with him.

  I push those thoughts aside as one of the other staffers, Judy, comes to sit with me. “Hi, Faith. It’s so great to have you joining the team.”

  “Thanks. I’m looking forward to working with everyone.”

  “Last night was pretty wild. I mean, Gavin and your friend almost came to blows over you.”

  “Boys will be boys.”

  I’m not liking where this is going. I know they’re all curious, and I’ve been asked lots of questions today. No one else has been this combative, though.

  “I’m sorry. I’m probably coming across as a bitch or a crazy person. Or both. We just don’t usually have so much excitement around here. I mean, sure, there are fights on the Hill, but normally things are quiet when Senate’s not in session. I wasn’t meaning to pry.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not used to so much excitement, either.”

  At least not when it’s centered on me. I’m usually the one getting the girl out while the guys are fighting. No one’s ever fought over me before. I know on Nate’s side it was just his big brother mentality towards me, but for Gavin, it was more. Which makes this whole thing with Elizabeth all the more frustrating. Hopefully the girls will find something—or not—soon.

  After lunch, Susan shows me more stuff I can help her with. Thanks to my foundation training, I know every computer system known to man. I mean, I’m no Ainsley, but I’m more knowledgeable than probably 90% of the population. So this is all a piece of cake. She’s basically tasking me with her scheduling. She said it will free up Judy to start hunting down new backers. Truthfully, this is better than the kitchen as far as the mission—and my heart—are concerned. Ainsley could’ve easily cracked the computers, but now I can give her the passwords allowing her more time to focus on more important things.

  I’m packing up for the night when Judy stops by my desk. She invites me out to dinner and drinks with some of the other staffers. I agree because I know I should. I really just want to go home and take a long bath while drinking a glass of wine, but I know I need to try and fit in. All through dinner I play my part. I laugh when I should, flirt back when some of the guys playfully hit on me, and just basically make them think I’m carefree and fun. By the time we leave the restaurant, Judy tells me I’ve won everyone over, and they think of me as one of them now.

  This goes on for the next two weeks. During the week, I play the part of scheduler during the day and fun-loving co-worker at night. On the weekends, I work with Ainsley and Tegan to try and figure this mess out. Following the timeline from before I started working on this case, some new information is set to be sold any day now. Despite all our efforts, we’re still at a complete loss as to who the leak is.

  I’m at my desk, going through emails and popping things into the calendar when Judy stops by. “You’re going out with us tonight, right?”

  “Of course,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Are you going to bring that hottie of yours, or are you still keeping him all to yourself?”

  They’ve been bugging me to bring Nate with us, but he’s been on a mission providing back-up to Audrey. Although Matt, Nate, and Aiden aren’t officially part of the Society, they help us out when we need it. Matt is CEO of Corrigan & Co. while the other guys head up the security team for the company. They can come and go when we need help, which makes things easier for all of us. Nate just got back last night, so I might call him to shut everyone up.

  “He just got back into town, but I’ll call and ask him.”

  She appears to be waiting for me to do it right now, so I get out my phone and call him. He agrees, and I give him the details about where to meet us. I tell him I love him before hanging up. I do love him. Like a brother.

  “Elizabeth and I would love to join everyone tonight, too.”

  “Oh, Gavin. Umm…sure. I mean, are you okay with that Faith?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

  Maybe because they’ve been taking every opportunity possible to show us all how happy they are together. Kissing, and gro
ping, and just…ugh. I’ve handled it here because I had to. I know everyone’s been looking at me to see how I react to their PDA. So I have to maintain a professional persona while I’m here. I don’t know how well that will hold up at a restaurant, especially with Nate there. He’s going to PDA the hell out of the situation, and I’ll have to play along. And apologize to Jade. Again.

  Before any of us can say anything else, we hear the front door burst open and footsteps echo down the hall. I automatically reach for my bag, but before I can grab my gun, men are in the room with guns pointed at me.

  “Faith Porter, you are under arrest for treason and crimes against the United States. You have the right to remain silent…”

  Chapter 6


  What the fuck just happened? Faith was just arrested and led out in handcuffs. For treason? That means state secrets really were being sold. There’s no way she did it. I mean, she couldn’t have. Could she? Did she make an error when trying to blackmail my mom and accidentally incriminate herself? Or did Elizabeth and Selene lie to me all along? I need to talk to them, or someone else who can help me figure out this mess.

  “Gavin, what happened?”

  “Faith was just arrested for treason.”

  “What? No. She couldn’t have done it.”

  Something is off, though. I know my mom, and she’s not acting as surprised as she should be. She’s also not looking me in the eye. Oh my God. What if she wasn’t being framed? No, that’s not possible. My mom can’t be involved in this. I’m just all messed up right now. I drop into the nearest chair and put my head in my hands.

  “This is so fucked up. Faith wouldn’t do this.”

  “I just said that. We’ll get her a lawyer. Let me go find Judy.”

  She leaves the room, and I know who I need to contact. I can’t call her because my phone is bugged, just like this whole house. I need to do this in person. I toss my phone onto the desk before I leave.

  Because I know my car is probably bugged and being tracked, I drive to Fremont St. and park in the garage. I walk over to the Golden Nugget to rent a car. My credit card may be tracked, but they won’t have enough time to track the car. At least, I hope not.


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