Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 2)

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Devouring the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 2) Page 10

by Crystal Perkins

  “Well this is all action,” I tell her as I lift her onto the island and push her onto her back. “Stay here.”

  I know where she keeps everything from the times I was here and cooked in the kitchen. I grab what I need, filling a spray bottle with some of it, and mixing a few things before bringing everything over to her. Faith tries to look, but I stop her. I distract her further by kissing her as I grab the bottle. While I deepen the kiss, I start to spray her all over. She stiffens, but then relaxes when she realizes I’m not doing anything too weird. I force myself to pull away and grab the cinnamon sugar mix I made. I drizzle handfuls all over her body, letting the coconut oil I sprayed on absorb it. Then I stand back and lick my lips before taking my first taste.

  I start at her feet and lick them clean. As I work my way up, Faith starts to move. I move one hand up to place on her stomach and anchor her. When I get to her thighs, she starts to buck against my hand.


  “I told you I was going to worship your body. You have no idea how good it tastes to mix these flavors with the taste of you. I’m almost where we both want me to be, so try to be patient,” I tell her as I nibble and lick on her hips and stomach.

  I look into her eyes before I dip my head. I give her one long lick and get weak in the knees. If I thought the rest of her was perfection mixed with the sweetness, it’s nothing compared to the taste of that mixed with it. I’ve had my mouth on her before, and loved every minute of it. This is like a religious experience, though. Seriously. I’m ready to come all over the floor as I lick her again and again.

  I want to play with her tits, but not until I can lick them, too. It would take a nuclear bomb to get me to leave the place I’m at right now, so I take her hands and move them up before moving mine back down. I put two fingers from one hand inside of her while I use my other one to rub her hip and ass.

  I can feel her getting close as she starts squeezing my fingers from the inside and there’s more wetness for me to lick up. I bite down a little on her clit and get another scream as she holds my head again and fucks my face. I can’t take it anymore. I’m about to come myself. I wrap one hand around my shaft and pump up and down as I lick her down from her orgasm. Once she’s limp, I move up her body as I work myself over.

  I take a nipple into my mouth while pinching her other one. That gets her notice and she looks up, her eyes widening as she sees what I’m doing. “You’re getting yourself off.”

  “Mmm,” I moan around her nipple.

  “Stop it.”

  I shake my head no. She doesn’t like my answer and pulls away. Not for long, though. She’s at the end of the island when she grabs my cock and pulls me into her. I try to pull away, but she’s got my ass and she’s not letting go.

  “Condom, Faith.”

  “I’m on the pill, and we’re both clean.”

  Alright then. I’m gentler than the couch because I really did want to be sweeter this time around. I can’t completely slow down, though. I’m just too far gone, especially with Faith’s legs wrapped around me while she sucks on my neck and chest. She makes sure not to leave any marks because there’s a chance I’ll have to take off my shirt in front of Elizabeth sometime, or she’ll walk in on me unannounced.

  I’m a little pissed about that. Okay, a lot. I want my girl to be able to mark me. I know she’s not officially my girl, but she is as far as I’m concerned. And I’d love to have bite and suck marks from her. I remind myself that once Faith’s name is cleared, she can mark me all she wants. They’ll take down Selene and we can be free to show whatever we want.

  “Where’d you go, Gav? You’re not moving,” she whispers in my ear.

  “Huh? Oh yeah, I’m not. I got lost in thought,” I tell her as I begin to move again.

  “Come in me first. Then you can tell me your thoughts out loud.”

  She looks worried, and I don’t want that. “It was nothing bad about you. So stop worrying.”

  I force myself to concentrate on what I’m doing. I’d be happy to stay inside her all day, but I know we’re running out of time. I start moving faster and she digs her heels into my ass to urge me on. A few more thrusts and I’m yelling, and cussing, and just, yeah.

  I pull her tight into me and kiss her hard. “That was amazing. I loved not having anything between us.”

  “Yet something was bothering you.”

  “Not bothering me, just making me angry.”

  “What did I do? I made sure not to mark you.”

  “That’s the problem. I wanted to be marked by you. To be claimed as yours.”

  “Are you mine, though?”

  “You know I am.”

  “So, we’re going steady or something like that?”

  “I have to ask.”

  I step back and look around before grabbing a handful of whisks and holding them out to her like a bouquet. She takes them with a laugh.

  “You’re such a dork.”

  “You took my bouquet, though. So does that mean you’ll be my girl?”

  “Hmm, that’s a hard question. Can you tell me the benefits of dating you in secret?”

  “Hard is part of the answer so I like that you used that word.”

  She whacks me over the head with one of the whisks. “Serious answers only.”

  “Well I should just leave then because I like to be fun with you.”

  “Gav, please.”

  She’s so cute when she’s worried or nervous. “Being serious, I would love to have you be mine because I’m already yours. As often as your friends can sneak me around, I’ll be here with you. I want to sit on the couch and talk to you. Watch movies and bad reality TV with you, and, of course, cook beside you. I think I might want to drizzle something savory on you next time I have you on this island.”

  “Nope. I get to play next time.”

  “Okay, well the time after that. I also want to hold you and be inside of you. I can’t lie about that.”

  “Please don’t.”

  “Can I be less serious now?”

  “You had the perfect answers, so yes.”

  “I want to laugh with you and prank you. I know you can’t leave this apartment, but I’m sure I can come up with some things to make you do.”

  “Unless I make you do them first.”

  “You think you can win?”

  “I’m ahead.”

  “No, we’re tied.”

  “Are you sure? I thought I was ahead.”

  “When would you have gotten ahead?”

  “When I made you lick all that yummy stuff off of me.”

  “That was my idea.”

  “Was it?”

  “Yes. It definitely was. You can’t take credit for my awesome idea.”

  “Can I steal it?”

  “I guess, but I was hoping you’d be inspired to come up with something on your own.”

  “I will. I just think the coconut, cinnamon, and sugar must have been great together.”

  “Hold that thought,” I tell her as I lick her neck and then motion for her to kiss me.

  As our tongues tangle, she moans. I know it’s not completely from the treat so I smile against her lips. She smacks my arm and glares at me as she leans back.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I wasn’t laughing, I was smiling. Because you make me happy.” She really does. I wish I could tell the world, but I need to make sure she knows it at least.

  “I’m happy right now, too.”

  Before I can say anything else, an intercom comes on in the apartment. It’s Aiden.

  “Hey lovebirds, I need to come and retrieve Gavin. I’m guessing that neither of you are wearing clothes at the moment, so I wanted to give you a heads up. I’ll give you five minutes.”

  “Thanks Aiden.”

  “Yeah. Thanks man. For everything.”

  “Anything for Faith.”

  I know he said that to let me know that I’m not completely accepted yet, but I’m taking it another
way. I know they’ll do everything they can for her, and it makes me happy to know that so many people love her and are looking out for her. I can’t wait to prove myself and be one of them.

  Chapter 9


  Gavin and I have been meeting secretly for a week now. It’s still only a couple of hours a day, but that’s better than nothing. I spend the rest of the time helping clear my name. Ainsley’s asked us all to meet today, so the girls should be here soon. She sounds more and more stressed every time I talk to her, so I know it’s bad. Even Zack has called me because he’s worried.

  When she walks into my apartment, I understand why. They are canyons under her eyes, her hair’s messier than usual, and I can tell that she’s been crying. The other girls’ expressions look strained, and I know then that everyone’s worried about her. And that they’ve kept their worry from me.

  “Ainsley, honey, it’s that bad?”

  She starts sniffling again and bursts into full-fledged sobs as she nods. “It is.” It takes her a moment to pull herself together before she looks around at everyone. “It’s Jake. The mole is Jake.”

  “What? No,” Stella says. “He worships you. He’d never betray you.”

  “He did, though. I’ve checked and re-checked. It’s him.”


  “We’re about to find out,” Reina says. “Matt just texted that they’re here.”

  “You’re interrogating him in my apartment?”

  “Since you can’t leave, yes.”

  There’s a knock at the door. I get up and let Matt and Jake in. I let Jake hug me because we’ll all play nice. For now.

  “Thanks for inviting me over for movie night.”

  “We didn’t.”


  “Why did you do it, Jake?”

  He jumps up and turns for the door, stopping when he sees Matt leaning against it. He swivels around realizing that there’s no way out. He drops back down into his chair.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You’re going to tell us, Jake. Whether you leave here with all your body parts intact is up to you,” Reina tells him in her cold as ice work voice.

  “The ice queen is going to use her toys on me, huh? Go ahead and try your best, bitch.”

  He’s on the floor clutching his mouth within seconds. “Nice kick, Little Mouse,” Matt tells Ainsley as she stands over Jake.

  “You’re going to tell us why you betrayed everyone. Why you betrayed me. And then you’re going to help us bring your boss down.”

  “I stopped taking orders from you when you started fucking Mr. Football God.”

  “This is about Zack? Why?”

  “Because Jake’s in love with you.”

  “What? No, Matt.”

  “Because I’m not good enough for the great Ainsley, right?”

  “I never said that.”

  “But you were always thinking it.”

  “No. I wasn’t. I always thought I wasn’t good enough for anyone until Zack made me feel special.”

  “Oh, come on. You knew we all wanted you. You were just a little cock tease.”

  “You should shut your mouth now, unless it’s to tell us everything you know about how Faith was framed.”

  I didn’t even see Scott enter the apartment, but there’s no way to miss him now. The anger radiating off him is palpable. I understand why. Jake is someone he went to school with and trusted enough to help bring onto Ainsley’s team.

  “I’m not telling any of you jack shit. Torture me, kill me, whatever. Your precious Foundation is about to crumble, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  “You’re willing to die because I didn’t know you wanted to go on a date with me? Seriously?”

  “You knew, dammit.”

  “She didn’t. Taylor told me she thought none of us ever saw her as a girl. I talked to her last month and told her we did notice her. She was shocked, man.”

  “I-I thought you were mocking me.”

  “I wasn’t. I honestly thought no one saw me, or wanted me.”


  “Yes, seriously. And I thought you were my friend. I thought I could trust you.”

  “Oh God. What did I do?”

  “Some very bad things. And I don’t mean that in a good way,” Tegan tells him.

  “I can tell you everything, but it won’t do any good. It’s gone too far. We’ve gone too far.”

  “We’ll be the judge of that.”

  Ainsley and Scott take seats at my dining room table and pull out their tablets. As Jake explains what he did, they work to undo it. There are a few times when they make him give them a code or password. The first time he said no, Reina clamped his finger and was about to cut it off, but he gave in. After that, he didn’t even try to fight. It’s still crazy stressful and two hours later, I don’t feel much better than I did to start with. Yeah, we now know just how far he went for Selene, but while we can undo everything, none of it clears me because the Feds aren’t going to go backwards. They printed out the “evidence” against me, so I’m still screwed.

  Once he’s done, Matt grabs Jake and pulls him to the door. Reina goes with him as the other girls start to file out. It’s just me, Ainsley, and Scott left in the apartment when Zack bursts in.

  “Ains. What is it babe?”

  She jumps to her feet and runs into his arms. He picks her up and carries her back to the table, sitting in her chair. She’s still wrapped around him, holding on tight.

  “It’s my fault.”

  “What’s your fault?”

  “Jake did all this because he was angry that we’re together.”

  “Because he’s in love with you?”

  “You knew?” she asks, punching him in the arm.

  “I suspected. I mean, they guy practically fell at your feet every time you entered the same room as him.”

  “I thought he was just impressed by my brain.”

  “Which is pretty damn sexy.”

  “Please don’t start making out in front of us,” Scott says.

  “Says the guy who got caught getting it on with his wife in the conference room last month,” I remind him.

  “We have a toddler. You have to make use of whatever time you have. And how many times do I have to tell you, we didn’t know there was a meeting scheduled.”

  “You have access to every computer program we use, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. But I have my own job, and life. I don’t have time to check on all that shit.”

  “Now you will.”

  “Well, yeah. I can’t have any of the guys walking in on us. Yas is all mine to look at.”

  “She did have a baby. People saw her.”

  “That’s different. They’re professionals.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  “I never thought you were mean, Faith. I’m not sure I like this side of you.”

  “I’m just messing with you.”

  We both seem to realize at the same time that Ainsley and Zack haven’t been participating in our conversation. We look over to see Zack whispering in her ear as she silently cries.

  “Why are you crying?” I ask, dropping to my knees next to their chair so I can hold her hand.

  “You got arrested and might still go to jail. Because of me.”

  “You didn’t make Jake do this. He can say he turned on us because you didn’t return his feelings, but that’s bullshit. He wouldn’t have turned unless he wanted to. You have to know that. I mean, you’re definitely amazing, but this is all on him. And Selene.”

  “You really don’t blame me?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I told you, babe.”

  “He’s smarter than you for once. Embrace that, Ainsley.”

  “You really are on a roll tonight, Faith,” Zack says with a smile.

  “Being in jail does that to you. But I know I’ve been bitchy. It’s just me trying to let go
of some of this frustration I feel about my life at the moment.”

  “It’s cool. I get it. So does everyone else. They’re going to keep you out of jail.”

  “Or you’ll help break me out, right?”

  It’s not often that Zack blushes, so the fact that his cheeks have turned rosy pink makes me chuckle a little. “They told you about that?”

  “Yes. And I really, really appreciate it. I appreciate everyone.”

  “We love you. We’re not giving you up without a fight,” Ainsley tells me.

  “Well then, the least I can do is make something to eat for all of you.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Any requests, Zack?”

  “Nope. Anything you make is going to be better than what I could think of.”

  “Ditto. Let me call Yas and tell her I’ll be home late tonight.”

  “You can go.”

  “I’m staying, Faith. There’s something we’re missing. I know we’ve looked over everything, but we have to go over it again. Because I know something’s there that will clear you.”

  “I’ll help you with dinner since I’m of no use to these two,” Zack tells me.

  “You’re always helpful.”

  “It’s okay, Ains. I know my limitations. And I love that you’re smarter than me. I’m going to get out of your hair so the geniusing can commence.”

  “You know that’s not a real word, right?”

  “I’m creating my own language.”

  “Come on Mr. Linguist, let’s make dinner,” I tell him.


  I lead him into the kitchen and put him to work. He’s actually pretty good in the kitchen. I make a simple pasta dish with veggies and garlic bread. Ainsley and Scott take a break to eat with us. After, Zack and I clean up and then hang out in the living room. I let him put on a sports show, and it doesn’t take long before the stress of everything wears hard on me and I fall asleep on the couch.

  * * *


  I can’t stand being away from Faith, and tonight I came close to breaking. After begging—like literally on my knees begging—Aiden agreed to sneak me out for the whole night. Since the only cameras on the grounds are ours, no one should know I’m gone. There’s still someone on my mom’s team who’s working with Selene, but the focus has to be on clearing Faith’s name and keeping her out of jail. After that, I’ll help them do whatever we have to.


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