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Sergeant at Arms

Page 5

by Crystal Dawn

  “We’re together, I mean we are together, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, but I want you in a permanent way. I want you to be mine forever. I don’t just want to warm your bed until you tire of me.”

  “I can’t imagine ever tiring of you, Jarel. It gets better every time we’re together.”

  Jarel felt better, at least her feelings were close to his, but he needed her to agree to mate with him. He couldn’t settle for less than everything. He wasn’t sure what she’d say, but he wanted to form the final bind now.

  “I want us to join, right now. We’ll be mated forever so you need to be sure,” he said.

  “You make me happy. You’re the first man that’s ever tried to take care of me,” she said with a chuckle. “I’ve never felt what I feel for you.”

  “I should tell you something first,” he began but she jumped on him and he grabbed her ass as her legs wrapped around him.

  “Later,” she said.

  “But,” he began.

  “Later, I know you’re an alien, nothing else can be that important,” she said before her lips pressed against his. She knew just how to shut a male up and even though he knew he’d pay for it later, he was overcome by passion.

  They kissed as if their lives depended upon it passion washing over them both in giant waves. She sucked in his lower lip, raking it between her teeth gently. Her hands stroked his skin making his desire flame even higher. He moved slowly and carefully toward the closed door that held the bed he needed to complete the bond with his mate. He backed into the door and felt around for the knob. He turned it and pushed against the door desperate to put Davy on the bed so he could pull off his clothing and set his trapped cock free before it ripped its way out of his pants.

  He made it into the room and to the bed, depositing his precious load before practically tearing his clothes off. Finally naked, he saw his mate wasn’t bare yet. He leaned down to help her and then slid on the bed next to her. His mouth went straight to one of her rosy nipples and he tugged hard on it as his hand cupped the other one. He switched his mouth to the other nipple giving it equal attention before moving down her body desperate to shove his face between her legs. The need to scent and taste her was overwhelming and the first part of joining as mates.

  He drew in the musky sweet scent letting it fill his lungs. It was so appealing that he flicked out his tongue unable to wait a second longer for taste. Mm, goddess, she tasted marvelous. She was sweet and tangy, it gave him thoughts of home. She would be his home once they merged. He began to lick and slid a finger into her channel. He wanted to bring her to fruition like this first before he sank his cock deep inside her. His shaft jerked with need, soon he would sink inside her.

  As he finger fucked her, he licked at her clit. He added another finger stretching her for his possession. He sucked in her clit and she moaned long and deep. She was close and she responded to his every touch. He nipped at her clit as he picked up his speed pounding his fingers in and out as her legs spread further apart and she arched up against him. He sucked her clit into his mouth hard and she came apart. She thrashed and bucked against him as pleasure rolled over her in wave after wave.

  Not waiting for her to calm, he slid up her body impaling her on his rigid shaft. He sank in balls deep and groaned in delight at the bliss he felt. He hesitated a moment and then he began to hammer into her unable to hold back another second. Her body squeezed him almost painfully but he was a glutton for punishment and he just wanted more. He was fighting to last longer but it was a losing battle.

  He was on the edge of bliss about to fall into the depths and he latched onto her neck sinking his dragon fangs deep inside her flesh. He tasted her blood, sweet and fresh, as he injected his dragon mating venom hoping against hope that she’d be the one on four that would change completely. It was something they should have discussed first but his passion had pushed him to lose his mind.

  They both fell into ecstasy together their bodied clutching at each other as pure pleasure consumed them. After a few moments they calmed. “Davy, I must explain you may go through a change and it might be painful,” he said but her body seized and he knew she was already on the grips of whatever change she would go through.

  She screamed in agony and fear began to run through him. What if humans couldn’t change? He’d not asked the most important question about the failed matings, had any of them gone through a complete joining? If he killed her, he would die himself. He loved this woman and as he held her, he wished he could take this excruciating pain away from her. He’d rather feel it himself than have her suffer it. He held her, there was nothing else he could do and her whimpers tore at his heart.

  Eventually, she calmed but he could say how much time had passed and she lay in his arms trembling. He just held her tighter and whispered his love and devotion to her until exhaustion took her and she slept. He tried to stay awake to watch her but at some point he slept too. His dreams were worried and fragmented as every possibility played out and he woke with a single tear spilling from the corner of his eye. His first waking thought was to check on his mate. He could feel the connection between them sharp and strong.

  Her breathing was deep and he felt she her sleep was recuperative. Her color was like it normally was and he saw no signs of pain. He felt her face and her temperature was slightly warm for a human but that was to be expected from a mating. He hoped with all she’d gone through she would get the ability to fully shift. His people were shifters and only males were born on his planet, but about one in four of the mates they chose could fully shift into a much smaller dragon form once the change was complete but so far none could fly. If it was a partial shift, she would derive some benefits such as a longer life, better healing, and she’d be tougher. It was still a valuable gift, but he wanted to be able to fly with her at his side. That would be the perfect gift.

  Chapter 5

  Completing the Plan

  Every part of her body ached making her wonder if she’d been in an accident or caught a deadly illness. She tried to think what had happened to her lately but the last thing she remembered was being in Jarel’s arms and exploding in ecstasy. She normally felt wonderful and only a tad achy after he pleasured her so perfectly. This wasn’t the same feeling at all. She opened her eyes and she knew he’d have his arms wrapped around her for their warmth gave her what little comfort she had from the throbbing pain she felt everywhere.

  His eyes were closed and his breathing deep and even telling her he was lost in dream land. She hoped when he woke he felt better than she did. She couldn’t remember them falling out of bed, but if they had and he’d fallen on top of her, that just might explain how she felt. Well it would if he got up a couple times and fell back on her. She shivered and wasn’t sure why. Now that she’d woke up, she just wanted to go back to sleep in the hope that she’d feel better next time she woke. What the hell, she’d give it a shot and she was sure Jarel would wake her once he was awake himself. It was a plan and she closed her eyes hoping to put it into effect.

  She woke up again, she felt slightly better, and more ready to start her day. She knew they would be setting her plan in motion, they may have already spoke to Joe’s dad if Jarel gave them the proof and her notes. It was funny that all she wanted to do was escape this world with Jarel. She’d miss her family, but she hoped to visit once things died down. Jarel’s people would keep a presence here for many years if not forever because of their need for mates.

  Jarel wasn’t next to her, but as she got out of bed she could smell coffee. She went to take a shower which always seemed to make her feel better and today was no exception. She dressed and headed out to the kitchen. Jarel sat there talking to Ranger.

  He got up and rushed to her pulling her into his arms. He kissed her as if they’d been apart for a hundred years and gazed deep into her eyes. “I’m so happy you’re up. Do you remember much about last night?”

  “No, but I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been r
un over by a truck. You’ll have to take it easier on me tonight,” she teased with a grin. He didn’t smile back which alerted her that he was upset about something.

  “We completed our bind last night,” he whispered. “It was very hard on you.”

  “I vaguely remember you telling me something about that,” she said.

  “I feared for your well-being so I called a doctor. He said you needed rest and when you woke you would be very hungry,” he explained.

  She hadn’t thought about food at all until he mentioned it and then her stomach growled. She laughed and rubbed her tummy. “It sounds like you’re right. I’d better feed the beast.”

  The two men exchanged a look that made her feel suspicious. “Is there something I should know?” she asked as she trailed after Jarel. She sat at the table with Ranger while Jarel went to the stove to cook for her.

  “That’s best discussed between mates. I’ll give you two some privacy,” Ranger said as he got up and hurried out like his pants were on fire. It would have made her laugh if it hadn’t indicated she was about to be told something she might not like. “Okay, give it up.”

  “Give what up?” Jarel asked.

  “Whatever you’re keeping from me. Tell me now,” she directed.

  “I just need to tell you about the changes your body may be going through since you don’t remember anything,” he said. “It’s good that you remember we bonded, but I must tell you what that means. You will get some or even possibly all of my traits. You will have a much longer life, better healing, you’ll be stronger, faster, and improved in other ways.”

  “So far that sounds pretty good,” she said hesitantly.

  “There’s more.”

  “There always is.”

  “We are dragon shifters and you may be able to become a dragon.”

  She chuckled. “Very funny, Jarel. Now that you’ve had a laugh at my expense, tell me the truth.”

  He finished putting the food on the plates moving them to the table. He looked at her his face set, no signs of humor at all. “I am telling you the truth and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “Seeing is believing,” she said.

  He held his arm out in front of her. She watched as his hand slowly sprouted claws. Massive claws tipped in red like blood. She felt dizzy, this was not happening. She was still asleep and this was a dream. She pinched herself and it hurt. “Damn it!”

  “You’re not dreaming. Is it so bad to be mated to a dragon?”

  No, it really wasn’t so bad. A big guy like the one she’d seen could protect his mate and his family from anything. “It was you? The dragon I saw was you?”

  He just nodded, a man or rather dragon of few words. It was a big thing to adjust to but she’d already adjusted to his people being aliens and dragons existing so was space alien dragon shifters such a big leap? Yeah, it was still a big bite to chew. She sat down before she fell down. Jarel pushed her plate closer to her. “You must eat. The bonding takes a lot of energy.”

  Yeah, she just bet it did. “Does that mean I’ll be a dragon too?”

  “It is possible but unlikely. Only one out of four mates takes on real dragon characteristics. Out of those only a few can even glide the on the air. We’ve never had a complete change among mates. It would be wonderful because I would love to fly with you by my side. You can’t imagine how wonderful it is,” he said his eyes seemed to be looking off into the distance, a soft smile was on his face, and he looked relaxed, almost dreamy.

  “Well thanks for telling me how wonderful it is and then that I’ll never be able to.”

  “You will be able to in a way. You can ride me, Sweetheart.”

  “Well I’ll admit sometimes you make me feel like I’m flying,” she said.

  He frowned. “I meant in dragon form,” he explained.

  “I knew that, I was joking. You guys are so literal.”

  “We don’t always get your human humor,” he admitted.

  “Tell me what is going on with my plan,” she demanded as she continued to eat.

  “Ranger met with the daddy. He assured Ranger his son would be prevented from going on with any plans he had. He even thanked him for telling him. It seems it’s dealt with but Ranger doesn’t trust this person at all.”

  “It’s not smart to trust someone like him. He’s not a nice man,” she admitted.

  “Ranger also contacted the FBI female and she is due to meet with us soon. She insists on speaking to you also.”

  “I expected that.”

  “I know you did, but we hoped to avoid drawing you in a further.”

  “I’m in this up to my neck. It’s all or nothing and I want to see Joe punished for the people he’s hurt. He can’t be allowed to continue on.”

  “I admire your sense of honor, but you are my mate. I will protect you even from your own ideals if necessary.”

  This wasn’t the Jarel she was used to. This man pure alpha, what was worse was she liked it. She still wasn’t going to let him push her around, but it might be fun to watch him try. “You may be my mate, Jarel, but never forget the women here have the right to make their own choices.”

  He stiffened and his face showed its hard lines. “You will be a citizen of Draconis, mate. There females listen to their mates when they try to protect them.”

  She stood up and so did he. “We’re not on Draconis right now. We’re in the good ole U.S. of A!”

  He took a step closer and then another until they were nearly touching. “Is that so? You think to do as you will without taking your mate’s feelings into consideration?”

  Well when he said it that way, it sounded selfish. “I never said I wouldn’t consider you opinions, I just said you wouldn’t force them on me.”

  “I would never force you.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her breathless. Damn the man had a way about him. Her mind was no longer on their differing opinions and only on the one thing they always seemed to agree on. He lifted her up into his arms and carried her back to bed.

  She didn’t mind going back to bed with the promise of his lips on hers. He carried her back to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. He flipped her over to her stomach and lifter her to all fours. Her thighs were dripping with anticipation and he didn’t make her wait. Maybe he could smell her need but no matter why he lined up his cockhead to her needy channel and sank into her until he could go no further. A cry of pleasure was wrung from her as she pressed back making sure she had all of him. She did and she’d never felt so full in all her life.

  He made low growling noises that made her stomach clench with need that spiraled further south. She wanted him to lose control and pound into her until they both blew like volcanoes. She wasn’t familiar with this rougher, wilder side of herself. Was it new because of the joining or had it simply broke free from way down deep inside her? No matter, she intended to give it full rein. She slammed back as he pounded forward and she heard his grunt of approval. This was no tender, gentle joining. Their beasts, the one he’d said he had and the one she’d never known she did, wanted to enjoy this time with no human interference.

  They came together so hard her teeth jarred but pleasure washed over her. More! She wanted more and just like this. His hand felt for her clit and she purred as he stroked it. That was a sound she’d never made before. He continued worrying her little nubbin until her body froze and then began thrashing out her release. She bucked and he worked hard to stay inside her while her body clutched and squeezed until he too came violently. She could feel the hot spray of his seed and she welcomed it. One day, maybe this day, their passion would make a lovely baby dragon.

  They collapsed on the bed and she didn’t even notice his weight on her right away. She was so carried away with pleasure and trying to catch her breath and slow her heart. She wiggled under him to get out from under. “You already want more?” he asked.

  She groaned. Was he kidding? She wanted to catch her breath first. “Can’t breathe,” she

  “Sorry,” he said as he rolled to the side but he gathered her back into his arms. She wasn’t used to the loving way he treated her but she certainly wanted to get used to it.

  He was everything she had dreamed a man could be and he was hers. She’d even liked his dragon and she would be happy to get to know him better as well. There was a knock at the door. What time had he said Agent Anderson would be there? She hopped up and ran to the bathroom leaving Jarel to throw on something and answer the door. By the time she cleaned up, dressed, and joined them; Jarel. Ranger and Agent Anderson were sitting at the table drinking coffee and talking.

  “I’m sorry you had to wait,” she said. She’d tried to come up with an excuse, but there just wasn’t a good one.

  “It wasn’t long,” Agent Anderson said. “I’m glad to see you in good health. Joe senior would have had you taken care of by now if he’d known. Good thing junior was hiding this whole thing from him.”

  “I’m certainly glad he was. He’s just a big spoiled baby who thinks he’s a grown up,” she agreed. “So what do you need to know from me?”

  Agent Anderson pulled out a recorder and switched it on. “Just start from the beginning and tell me everything.”

  “I started working for Joe Maggio Sr. right out of college. They made me an excellent offer and I had no idea about the other businesses I later found out he ran.” Davy went in to great detail describing the business and what her duties were. “A few months in, I was sent to do a job at one of the small businesses his son was in charge of. It was a payday loans business. I know some are scams, but some are needed for people who have emergencies between paychecks and have no credit. He hit on me and he was persistent. I was there for two weeks and by the end of it, I’d agreed to go on a date.”

  “Were you involved in his business in any other way?” Agent Anderson asked.

  “No, I just set up surveillance, an alarm system, and put security on the computer systems. It was routine. We went out on the date and he was clearly trying to impress me which was flattering. I saw no signs of the shallow personality I saw later. He hid all his bad habits, his violent side, and selfishness from me completely. I never would have dated someone like that had I known.”


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