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Under the Strawberry Moon

Page 8

by Beth Bennett

  “Whenever you want, sweetheart! Whenever you want! Oh Lord, Bob is going to be over the moon. He predicted this would happen before you even got here!”

  “What?” Kelly exclaimed.

  “Yep,” Aunt Emma replied. “He said Branson Bennett would know a good thing when he saw it and that as soon as he laid eyes on you, it would all be over. That strawberry moon we saw in June sealed the deal as far as Bob was concerned.” Branson overheard the conversation and lifted his eyebrows.

  “Well, at least Bob thinks I have good taste.” Branson shook his head and Kelly ran and jumped in his arms. They all went inside the house.

  “Did you know about the ring, Aunt Emma?” Kelly questioned.

  “No, but when he ordered up a picnic basket, I suspected a ring might be involved.” Turning to Branson, Emma asked, “Branson, why don’t you come over for dinner tonight. Everyone is going to want to celebrate your engagement.”

  “Yes.” Kelly clapped. “Please come, Branson.”

  “Okay, sweet thang. Let me throw on some jeans and a shirt. I’ll only be a minute, do you want to wait and ride with me, Kelly?”

  Aunt Emma had already started walking out the door. “Of course she does!” Emma shouted as she left.

  That night, Kelly and Branson’s joy was celebrated by everyone at Canyon Gulch, including the guests. The evening could not have been better had it been a planned party. Kelly sat curled up in the crook of Branson’s arm on the porch swing. The stars had been flung across the night sky, and she could hear a coyote howling in the distance.

  Kelly had already talked with her parents and they said they could get there by the weekend. They were thrilled for her. Bob had already filled Kelly’s father in on Branson. When Kelly spoke with her dad, he said that Branson came highly recommended. The wedding was set for Saturday and the evening ended in excitement as the guests went to bed and Branson went home.

  As Branson kissed Kelly goodnight, he whispered in her ear, “In just a few days we won’t be parting once the sun goes down.” Kelly gave him a big smile.

  Kelly and Emma drove into Bozeman the next day and picked out an elegant white suit trimmed in lace with gold buttons. Branson decided to wear a nice dark suit. Kelly’s father gave her away and Emma was her matron of honor. Branson asked Blake Williams to be his best man. Things had happened so fast, they opted to wait and go someplace warm in January for a honeymoon.

  After the ceremony, Kelly looked at the matching gold band around her finger. It sat below her diamond. How weird, she thought. I never dreamed this day would come, and certainly not so soon. Emma and Bob threw a wonderful wedding dinner on Branson’s ranch. They roasted a steer and had all the fixings. Kelly and Branson wanted the atmosphere to be relaxed so they changed into jeans along with everyone else for the reception and dinner. Before the party could get into full swing, Branson stood, cleared his throat, and tapped on a wine class with his spoon. The crowd grew quiet as everyone looked up in anticipation. “Friends, family, and neighbors,” Branson began. “Kelly and I would like to thank all of you for your love and support.”

  “Here, here,” yelled someone in the crowd.

  “As a part of this wonderful celebration, I’d like to give a special gift to all the ranch hands.” Jeb and the others turned to look as a murmur went up. “All of you will have a paid day of vacation tomorrow.”

  “Hurrah!” they yelled.

  “In addition,” Branson clarified. “That means, I don’t want to see your face on this ranch tomorrow. I want the whole day alone with Kelly. So friends, family, employees, clear out after the party.” There were hearty laughs all around and pats on the back. Kelly grinned from ear to ear. She really didn’t care if anyone was offended or not. It was a wonderful thing to do.

  A few friends brought guitars and fiddles and Branson and Kelly got the first dance. The fiddle sang out the honeyed notes of the old tune, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart,” as Branson and Kelly swayed in time to the music.

  “Are you happy?” Branson asked.

  “Yes.” Kelly smiled. “So happy.”

  Branson smiled back and gently kissed Kelly’s lips. “Me too, darling.” After a few minutes, others joined in the dance. The sweet strains of old, sentimental songs resonated long into the night.

  Branson and Kelly left their guests to make their way upstairs. It had been a beautiful ceremony made all the more wonderful by the fact that they had shared it with family and friends. Kelly gave a wide yawn as Branson reached down to pick her up and carry her over the threshold of the bedroom. “Don’t you get sleepy now, Mrs. Bennett,” he teased. He gently put her down by the foot of the bed.

  Kelly giggled. “I am Mrs. Bennett aren’t I?” She held her hand up in front of her to gaze at her rings. “Oh Branson, what a lovely day. Everything was just perfect.” Branson tossed his hat on the hat stand near the door.

  “I know a perfect way to end this perfect day,” he growled as he drew her near. Kelly slid her arms around his neck and Branson lowered his mouth to hers. She tasted like champagne and cake. “Mmm,” Branson mumbled.

  Their tongues entwined as they drank deeply from one another. Branson moved his mouth down Kelly’s neck and nibbled on her ear. Slowly he began to unbutton her shirt as she pulled his from his pants. By the time they made it to the bed, Branson was shirtless and Kelly was dressed only in a bra and jeans.

  Branson lifted her up to lay her down and began to go to work on her pants. He toed his own boots off before covering her with his body. “Hello, my beautiful Kelly.” He smiled down into her face. He leaned up on his elbow so he could get a good look at her. She had on a very light pink lace bra with matching panties. Branson took his hand and glided it over her body while he deftly did away with Kelly’s lingerie. He lightly caressed her nipples as his palm ran over her breasts. Kelly placed her hands upon his chest. He was so strong. She ran her hands through his chest hair as she had been longing to do, then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her.

  Branson found his way between her legs and gently pushed her knees apart. He intensified his caresses and began to flick and pinch her nipples. Kelly let out a delighted squeal. Branson’s lips played upon her again. He leaned on his elbows above her as he explored every part of her beautiful body. Branson caressed Kelly’s thighs and as his hands found the sweet spot between them. He eased a finger inside her. Kelly’s breath caught in her throat. She had never felt anything so strange or so delightful. To Branson’s great joy she was soaking wet. He continued to test the soft flesh and eased another finger inside.

  Kelly was beside herself. She tossed her head back and forth upon the bed. “Oh, Branson,” she moaned.

  Branson parted her just where he knew she would be more sensitive and circled his finger round and round. Kelly let out a cry and Branson captured it with his mouth. He entered her in one smooth move. Kelly’s cry changed to one of pain. “All right, sweet darling, all right,” Branson crooned. “Give it just a minute, you’ll get used to me.”

  They moved slowly together as one. Branson circled his hips as Kelly moaned. The pressure between them continued to build until Kelly let out a cry of amazement. Branson groaned as he pressed deeply inside of her. Branson and Kelly clung to each other as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over them.

  Branson lay on his back and gently ran his fingertips over Kelly’s arm while she curled up on his chest. He felt Kelly giggle to herself. Sitting up a bit, Branson pushed his hair from his eyes and said, “What’s that about little miss?”

  Kelly gave a wide smile and said, “Oh, I know I told you I had fooled around before, but, I’ll have to say, I never fooled around like thaaat before.”

  Branson let out a belly laugh. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, little britches.”

  Kelly snuggled down in the blankets and Branson rolled over to spoon her. The two fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, happy in the knowledge that they were finally together.

er Nine

  The next morning came all too quickly. Kelly woke and gave a huge stretch. Branson lay on his stomach, still snoring beside her. She turned on her side to watch him sleep. He looked so young with his face relaxed, his scratchy beard already appearing. Kelly stared in fascination as Branson blearily opened one eye.

  “I thought I felt somebody staring at me.” He smiled and reached out to pull her close. Kelly wiggled up under his chin. “This is a nice way to wake up, little britches.” He reached down and patted her naked behind. “I sure would like to practice with you a little more. I think I better let you take a bit of a breather though, are you sore, honey?”

  “A little,” Kelly answered. “But it’ll be all right. Last night was, amazing, I…I just never expected such a thing.”

  “There are even better things to come, sweetheart.” Branson reached down and gave her a little pinch on her bottom. Kelly let out a squeal. “What would you like to do today, Mrs. Bennett?”

  “I’d be happy just to lie here in bed with you all day.” Kelly giggled. Branson loved the sound of it.

  “Well, darling, I’ve got something to show you. It’s a special wedding present from Bob and Emma, I think you’ll really like it. But for you to get it, you have to get up and come out to the barn with me.”

  Branson stood and dragged his pillow with him. He leaned down and looked deeply into Kelly’s eyes. She smiled back at him. Kelly let out an “oof” as Branson took his pillow and hit her gently in the face. A muffled shriek came out her mouth while the pillow lay over her head.

  A rich, deep laugh rang from Branson’s chest. “That’s what you get, sleepy head.” Kelly pulled the pillow off her face and put her hands behind her head while she watched Branson getting dressed.

  She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. “You are a mighty fine stud muffin, Mr. Bennett, mighty fine.” Kelly gave the best wolf whistle she could do. It came out rather thin.

  Branson pulled on his boxers and jeans. “If you don’t get out of that bed, Mrs. Bennett, this stud muffin is going to give you more than a little pinch on your bottom. Come on, hurry up.” Branson started to leave.

  “Wait for me!” Kelly yelped.

  Branson leaned against the door while he waited for her to get dressed. It was his turn to do the ogling. Kelly took the opportunity to throw the pillow at him as she leaped from bed and pulled her underwear on as fast as possible.

  “I’ve seen all you’ve got already, little britches, take your time.” Branson was met with another pillow in the face. She was finally ready, and as they walked down the hall toward the steps, Branson suddenly stopped, and crouched over. “Want a ride?”

  Kelly gave a leap and as Branson bent down, she hopped up on his back. Down the stairs, he clomped with Kelly riding piggy back. When he reached the bottom step, he gently set her down. “Kelly, look at this place. I don’t believe it.”

  There had been lots of people attending the wedding the night before and the house had been a mess. Somehow, the cleaning fairy had visited and everything was in its place, spit shine clean. Emma had even left a note saying there were some cinnamon rolls they could bake for breakfast in the refrigerator. Branson twirled Kelly around the kitchen as she gave a joyful shout. “Our first breakfast together as man and wife, a clean house and Aunt Emma’s cinnamon rolls! It doesn’t get any better than that!” She finished her twirl and went to turn on the oven and start the coffee.

  After eating all the rolls they could hold, Branson led Kelly outside and down to the paddock. He made her stop outside the barn. “Close your eyes, Kelly.” Kelly tried to humor him, but he knew she was peeking. “None of that,” he barked. He pinched her on the behind. Kelly gave a squeak. He had brought a handkerchief with him to remedy just such a situation. He tied it around her eyes. “Now, come with me,” he said.

  Branson led Kelly inside the barn and told her to stand still. He turned her around three times. “I know where I am, Branson, there’s no need to spin me around.”

  “Just play along, little britches.” Branson took off the blindfold and to Kelly’s surprise, there stood good old Cantaloupe in a stall. Kelly couldn’t believe her eyes! The beautiful Palomino shook her head and whinnied in greeting. Kelly ran to the fence. “Cantaloupe, come here you silly thing. What are you doing here?”

  Branson stood beside Kelly. “She’s all yours, sweetheart. Bob and Emma’s wedding gift to you.”

  “What! Oh Branson!” Kelly jumped up and down. She just couldn’t believe it. Cantaloupe was an expensive horse. She had never dreamed she would own anything so grand. “Oh, Cantaloupe,” Kelly cried. “I take back every bad word I ever said about you.” Cantaloupe trotted over to Kelly so she could stroke her nose and ears.

  Branson leaned on the fence and watched the two. He pushed his hat down, and remarked, “A Cantaloupe and a peach, you two belong together.” He shook his head and smiled. “I’m glad you like her, Kelly. She’s a fine mare and will make a fine mount. I have to tell you though, I was a little worried about accepting her. You know Cantaloupe is headstrong and young. I could say the same thing about you.” Kelly rolled her eyes. Branson continued, “I took her only under the condition that you would not ride her alone until I was sure you could handle her. Do you hear what I’m saying, little britches?”

  “Oh Branson, you’re overprotective. I learned my lesson for heaven’s sake. I have no desire for any more stitches. I know Cantaloupe and I both need more practice. You don’t need to worry.” Kelly reached over and hugged Branson around his neck. “Thank you,” she said. He gave her a squeeze.

  “I know you think you won’t do it, Kelly, but I’m telling you right now, I’m putting my foot down about this. Don’t ride Cantaloupe alone till I say it’s okay.”

  “All right, all right, Branson, geez.” Kelly felt a little angry. He could be so pushy. She had no intention of riding Cantaloupe any time soon, but she didn’t like Branson telling her she couldn’t. She wouldn’t have even thought of riding Cantaloupe alone if Branson hadn’t said not to. Feeling a little miffed, Kelly placed her hand on her hip. “I think I’ll give Cantaloupe a good curry, if that’s all right with you, Bennett.”

  Branson narrowed his eyes at her. “You can curry that horse till you rub her bald, but I better not catch you riding her. I’m going back up to the house for some more coffee. Why don’t you come with me, baby? Later we’ll go riding…together.”

  “Humph.” Kelly sniffed. “I’d like to spend a few minutes with Cantaloupe if you don’t mind. She is my wedding present.” She turned her back to Branson and walked over to get the curry comb.

  “Enjoy yourself, Mrs. Bennett, but I meant what I said, young lady.” Kelly heard Branson leave. She turned around to re-enter the stall and stuck her tongue out at Branson’s back as he walked to the house.

  “Men are so aggravating, Cantaloupe, but they’re good for a few things.” Kelly thought about last night and began to hum a little tune. She loved Branson so much. Kelly knew he was right about the horse. One of her goals was to improve her own horsemanship so that she could be the one doing the training. Cantaloupe would be a good start. She ran the brush down Cantaloupe’s sleek sides, over and over. Kelly had never seen a horse as beautiful as Cantaloupe. Her mane was long and blonde and Kelly brushed its silky length. “You might make a nice show horse,” Kelly told her. Cantaloupe huffed in response.

  Kelly placed a bridle and bit on Cantaloupe and led her by the reins out into the paddock. She gave her a pat. The horse seemed a little nervous. Cantaloupe pricked her ears back and made a low whinny. “Don’t worry, Cantaloupe, I’m not going to ride you.” I swear, thought Kelly, that horse likes Branson better than me. Kelly led Cantaloupe in a circle along the edge of the paddock fence. She looked back to the house. No sign of Branson.

  “He did say we would go riding later,” Kelly told Cantaloupe. “I might as well get you saddled up.” Kelly led Cantaloupe back into the stall and put the blanket and saddle on her
. Giving Cantaloupe’s belly a pat, Kelly pulled the cinch tight. Once more, glancing back toward the house, Kelly placed a foot in the stirrup. “Just one trot around the paddock won’t hurt, I’ve ridden you before, girl.” Kelly got up in the saddle and urged Cantaloupe outside.

  Branson stood sipping a cup of coffee in his office. He gazed out the front window. That Kelly, thought Branson, she was definitely going to give him a run for his money. As he looked out over the Triple H a deep feeling of satisfaction rolled over him. He had worked so hard and the herd was doing very well. This was a beautiful place, something he had dreamed of owning his whole life and to top it off, he had gone and married the girl of his dreams. Branson smiled to himself, he had everything he had ever wanted.

  Beyond the barn, past the paddock, and across the pasture, Branson noticed Blue, his prized bull, standing alone against the fence. That was unusual. The bull was so far away, Branson couldn’t tell if the animal was inside or outside of the enclosure. He stepped closer to the window. As he picked up the binoculars laying on the desk, he trained them on the animal. Branson watched as Blue trotted beyond the fence line. Damn, he was out for sure. There was no help for it. He would have to saddle Gray Boy and go after him. Blue was from prized breeding stock and weighed 1700 pounds. Besides being valuable, he could also be extremely dangerous.

  “What the hell is he doing out?” Branson put down the binoculars and grabbed his hat. He was always so careful about that bull. Owning such an animal required careful responsibility. He had never had this happen before. At that moment, Branson wished he hadn’t told the ranch hands and staff to stay away for the day. As soon as Branson took a few steps out the front door, he saw Miss Kelly riding Cantaloupe around the paddock. He nearly blew his stack. As if he didn’t have enough to worry about.

  “Kelly!” Branson yelled. “You get your ass off that horse right now and put her away. My bull’s gotten out and I don’t have time to fool with you right now.”


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