International GAAP® 2019: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards
Page 732
Methods for determining the EIR for a given set of cash flows (as in the examples above)
include simple trial and error techniques as well as more methodical iterative algorithms.
Financial instruments: Subsequent measurement 3701
Alternatively, many spreadsheet applications contain goal-seek or similar functions that
can also be used to derive EIRs.
Floating interest rate instruments
For floating-rate instruments, the periodic re-estimation of cash flows to reflect the
movements in the market interest rates alters the EIR. The standard goes on to explain
that where a floating rate financial asset or a floating-rate financial liability is initially
recognised at an amount equal to the principal receivable or repayable on maturity,
re-estimating the future interest payments normally has no significant effect on the
carrying amount of the asset or the liability. [IFRS 9.B5.4.5]. This is equivalent to the
previous IAS 39 approach set out in paragraph AG7. This is normally interpreted to
mean that entities should simply account for periodic floating-rate payments on an
accrual basis in the period they are earned. An alternative treatment would consist of
calculating the EIR based on a market-derived yield curve applicable for the entire
life of the instrument. Applying this alternative approach, the calculated EIR is applied
until estimated future cash flows are revised, at which point a new EIR is calculated
based on the revised cash flow expectations and the current carrying amount. This
more complicated treatment is illustrated in the following example (in which it is
assumed that the instrument meets the criteria for measurement at amortised cost
under IFRS 9).
Example 46.6: Effective interest method – variable rate loan
At the start of July 2019, Company G originates a floating-rate debt instrument. Its fair value is equal to its
principal amount of $1,000 and no transaction costs are incurred. The instrument pays, in arrears at the end
of June, a variable rate coupon, determined by reference to 12 month LIBOR at the start of each previous
July. It has a term of five years and is repayable at its principal amount at the end of June 2024.
On origination, 12 month LIBOR is 5% and this establishes the first payment, to be made in June 2020, at
$50. Based on a market-derived yield curve, G estimates that the subsequent floating-rate payments will be
$60, $70, $80 and $90 (the yield curve rises steeply). It can be demonstrated that the interest rate that exactly
discounts these estimated coupon payments and the $1,000 principal at maturity to the current carrying
amount of $1,000 is 6.87%. This would be the market rate for a fixed 5 year bond, with a minor adjustment
to reflect the uneven cash flows.
Even if it is not applied widely in practice (and the effect may often not be material),
such an approach seems technically correct. This was also confirmed by the IFRIC
discussion on inflation-linked instruments in May 2008 (see 3.6 below).
The example below illustrates a loan which is partially fixed and partially variable.
Example 46.7: Fixed rate mortgage which reprices to market interest rate
Bank E offers fixed-rate mortgages to customers with an initial fixed-rate for a term of 5 years, which is
shorter than the overall term of the loan of 25 years. The fixed-rate is a market rate at the date of the mortgage
offer. After the fixed 5 year term, the initial rate on the loan reverts to a market rate.
The change in interest rate is to a current market rate and is made in accordance with the terms of the original
instrument. Consequently it is appropriate to treat this as a change in EIR, similar to the repricing on a
floating-rate instrument. Therefore, the fixed rate is applied for the initial 5 years followed by the new market
rate when applying the effective interest method. However, if the initial rate is a bargain rate, then it may be
required to calculate a blended rate.
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Payments, receipts, discounts and premiums included in the effective interest method
calculation are normally amortised over the expected life of the instrument and it will
often be acceptable to amortise transaction costs on a straight line basis over the life of
the instrument on a basis of materiality.
However, there may be situations when discounts or premiums are amortised over a
shorter period if this is the period to which the fees, points paid or received, transaction
costs, premiums or discounts relate (see 3 above). This will be the case when the related
variable (e.g. interest rates) to which the fees, points paid or received, transaction costs,
premiums or discounts relate is repriced to market rates before the instrument’s
expected maturity. In such cases, the appropriate amortisation period is to the next
repricing date. [IFRS 9.B5.4.4, BCZ5.70].
For example, if a premium or discount on a floating-rate instrument reflects interest
that has accrued since interest was last paid, or changes in market rates since the
floating interest rate was reset to market rates, it will be amortised to the next date
when the interest rate is reset to market rates. This is because the premium or
discount relates to the period to the next interest reset date because, at that date, the
variable to which the premium or discount relates (i.e. the interest rate) is reset to
market rates. If, however, the premium or discount results from a change in the credit
spread over the floating-rate specified in the financial instrument, or other variables
that are not reset to market rates, it is amortised over the expected life of the
instrument. [IFRS 9.B5.4.4].
The following examples illustrate the requirements of applying a discount arising on
acquisition of a debt instrument resulting from (a) a credit downgrade and (b) accrued interest.
Example 46.8: Effective interest method –
amortisation of discount arising from credit downgrade
A twenty year bond is issued at £100, has a principal amount of £100, and requires quarterly interest payments
equal to current three month LIBOR plus 1% over the life of the instrument. The interest rate reflects the
market-based required rate of return associated with the bond issue at issuance. Subsequent to issuance, the
credit quality of the bond deteriorates resulting in a rating downgrade. It therefore trades at a discount,
although it is assessed not to be credit-impaired (see Chapter 47 at 3.1). Company A purchases the bond for
£95 and classifies it as measured at amortised cost and not determined to be purchased credit-impaired on
initial recognition.
The discount of £5 is amortised to income over the period to the maturity of the bond and not to the next date
interest rate payments are reset as it results from a change in credit spreads.3 This is because it relates to an
adjustment for credit quality which is not a variable that reprices to market rates before the expected maturity.
Example 46.9: Effective interest method –
amortisation of discount arising from accrued interest
At the start of November 2019, Company P acquires the bond issued by Company G in Example 46.6 above
– current interest rates have not changed since the end of July 2019 and G’s credit risk has not changed, but
$17 of coupon has accrued since the last interest reset date. Consequently,
P pays $1,017 to acquire the bond.
The premium of $17 paid by P relates to interest accrued since the last reset date and so is amortised to income
over the period to the next repricing date, June 2020.
Consequently, for the eight months ended June 2020, P will record interest of $33 ($50 – $17), which is also
the approximate equivalent of eight months interest at current rates (5%) earned on P’s initial investment.
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Prepayment, call and similar options
When calculating the EIR, all contractual terms of the financial instrument, for example
prepayment, call and similar options, should be considered. [IFRS 9 Appendix A]. (This
assumes that the presence of such contractual terms do not cause the contractual cash
flow characteristics test to fail, i.e. the contractual terms of the debt instrument give rise
on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the
principal amount outstanding (see Chapter 44 at 2 and 6)). The following simple
example illustrates how this principle is applied.
Example 46.10: Effective interest rate – embedded prepayment options
Bank ABC originates 1,000 ten year loans of £10,000 with 10% stated interest, prepayable at par.
Prepayments are probable and it is possible to reasonably estimate their timing and amount. ABC determines
that the EIR including loan origination fees received by ABC is 10.2% based on the contractual payment
terms of the loans as the fees received reduce the initial carrying amount.
However, if the expected prepayments were considered, the EIR would be 10.4% since the difference between
the initial amount and maturity amount is amortised over a shorter period.
The EIR that should be used by ABC for the loans in this portfolio is 10.4%.4
Revisions to estimated cash flows
The standard contains an explanation of how changes to estimates of payments or
receipts (e.g. because of a reassessment of the extent to which prepayments will occur)
should be dealt with.
When there is a change in estimates of payments or receipts, excluding changes in
estimates of ECLs, the gross carrying amount of the financial asset or amortised cost of
a financial liability (or group of instruments) should be adjusted to reflect actual and
revised estimated cash flows. More precisely, the gross carrying amount of the financial
asset or amortised cost of the financial liability should be recalculated by computing the
present value of estimated future contractual cash flows that are discounted at the
financial instrument’s original EIR. Any consequent adjustment should be recognised
immediately in profit or loss. [IFRS 9.B5.4.6]. This is equivalent to the previous IAS 39
approach set out in paragraph AG8.
The revision of estimates is illustrated in the following example adapted from the
Implementation Guidance to the standard. [IFRS 9.IG.B.26].
Example 46.11: Effective interest method – revision of estimates
At the start of 2019, a company purchases in a quoted market a debt instrument with five years remaining to
maturity for its fair value of US$1,000 (including transaction costs). The instrument has a principal amount
of US$1,250 and carries fixed interest of 4.7% payable annually (US$1,250 × 4.7% = US$59 per year). In
order to allocate interest receipts and the initial discount over the term of the instrument at a constant rate on
the carrying amount, it can be shown that interest needs to be accrued at the rate of 10% annually. In each
period, the amortised cost at the beginning of the period is multiplied by the EIR of 10% and added to the
gross carrying amount. Any cash payments in the period are deducted from the resulting balance.
This instrument has the same terms as the instrument in Example 46.4 at 3.2 above, except that the contract
also specifies that the borrower has an option to prepay the instrument and that no penalty will be charged for
prepayment (i.e. any prepayment will be made at the principal amount of US$1,250 or a proportion thereof).
At inception, there is an expectation that the borrower will not prepay and so the information about the
instrument’s EIR, gross carrying amount, interest income and cash flows in each reporting period would be
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the same as that in Example 46.4. The table is repeated below and provides information about the gross
carrying amount, interest income, and cash flows of the debt instrument in each reporting period.5
[IFRS 9.IG.B.26].
(b = a × 10%)
(d = a + b – c)
Gross carrying
Gross carrying
amount at the start
amount at the end
of the year
Interest income
Cash flows
of the year
Year (US$)
2019 1,000
2020 1,041
2021 1,086
2022 1,136
1,250 + 59
On the first day of 2021, the investor revises its estimate of cash flows. It now expects that 50% of the
principal will be prepaid at the end of 2021 and the remaining 50% at the end of 2023. Therefore, the opening
balance of the debt instrument in 2021 is adjusted to an amount calculated by discounting the amounts
expected to be received in 2021 and subsequent years using the original EIR (10%). This results in a revised
balance of US$1,138. The adjustment of US$52 (US$1,138 – US$1,086) is recorded in profit or loss in 2021.
The table below provides information about the gross carrying amount, interest income and cash flows as
they would be adjusted taking into account this change in estimate.
(b = a × 10%)
(d = a + b – c)
Gross carrying
Gross carrying
amount at start of
Interest and
amount at end of
similar income
Cash flows
Year (US$)
2019 1,000
2020 1,041
1,086 + 52
625 + 59
2022 568
625 + 30
This above calculation would be applicable whether the instruments were classified as measured at amortised
cost or fair value through other comprehensive income under IFRS 9.
The standard and its related guidance do not state whether the catch-up adjustment in
the example above (US$52 in 2021 in this case) should be classified as interest income or
as some other income or expense, simply that it should be recognised in profit or loss.
This example assumes that the prepayment option does not cause the debt instrument
to fail to comply with the amortised cost classification criteria. For this to be the case,
the fair value of the prepayment feature on initial recognition would have to be
insignificant. [IFRS, B4.1.12].
If a hybrid contract contains a host that is a liability within the scope of IFRS 9, any
embedded derivative (e.g. a prepayment option) that is required to be separated from
the host must be accounted for as a derivative (see Chapter 42 at 4 and 5). [IFRS].
Once separated, the embedded derivative should not be taken into account in applying
the effective interest method of the host. However, if the embedded derivative is closely
related and not separated from the host instrument, entities that measure these hybrid
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contracts at amortised cost must apply the effective interest method to determine the
amount of interest to be recognised in profit or loss for each period (see 3.6 below).
3.5 Perpetual
The fact that an instrument is perpetual does not change how the gross carrying amount
is calculated. The present value of the perpetual stream of future cash payments,
discounted at the EIR, equals the gross carrying amount in each period. [IFRS 9.IG.B.24].
However, in cases where interest is only paid over a limited amount of time, some or all
of the interest payments are, from an economic perspective, repayments of the gross
carrying amount, as illustrated in the following example. [IFRS 9.IG.B.25].
Example 46.12: Amortised cost – perpetual debt with interest payments over a
limited amount of time
On 1 January 2019, Company A subscribes £1,000 for a debt instrument which yields 25% interest for the
first five years and 0% in subsequent periods. The instrument is classified as measured at amortised cost. It
can be determined that the effective yield is 7.9% and the gross carrying amount is shown in the table below.
(b = a × 7.9%)
(d = a + b – c)
Gross carrying