International GAAP® 2019: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards
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departures from full retrospective application, Ch. 5, 3.5
disclosures, Ch. 39, 15.5.5
fair value and deemed cost, Ch. 5, 3.3
initial recognition, Ch. 39, 15.5.3
first-time adoption timeline, Ch. 5, 3.1
allocating costs between inventory and the stripping
hedge accounting in, Ch. 5, 4.5
activity asset, Ch. 39, 15.5.3.A
transitional provisions in other standards, Ch. 5, 3.4
identifying the component of the ore body, Ch. 39,
optional exemptions from the requirements of certain IFRSs,
Ch. 5, 5
recognition criteria-stripping activity asset, Ch. 39, 15.5.2
business combinations and acquisitions of associates and
scope of IFRIC 20, Ch. 39, 15.5.1
joint arrangements, Ch. 5, 5.2
subsequent measurement, Ch. 39, 15.5.4
associates and joint arrangements, Ch. 5, 5.2.2.A
IFRIC 21– Levies, Ch. 27, 6.8
business combinations and acquisitions of associates and
IFRIC 22– Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance
joint ventures asset acquisitions, Ch. 5, 5.2.1.A
Consideration, Ch. 5, 5.22
assets and liabilities excluded, Ch. 5, 5.2.4.B
IFRIC 23– Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments, Ch. 29, 9.1
assets and liabilities to be recognised in the opening
changes to estimates of uncertain tax treatments, Ch. 34, 3.6
IFRS statement of financial position, Ch. 5, 5.2.4
events after the reporting period
classification of business combinations, Ch. 5, 5.2.3
adjusting events, Ch. 34, 2.1.2
currency adjustments to goodwill, Ch. 5, 5.2.6
non-adjusting events, Ch. 34, 2.1.3
deferred taxes and non-controlling interests,
IFRS 1– First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting
measurement of, Ch. 5, 5.2.9
Standards, Ch. 5, 1–8. See also First-time adoption
definition of a ‘business’ under IFRS 3, Ch. 5, 5.2.1
accounting policies and practical application issues, Ch. 5, 7
derecognition of negative goodwill, Ch. 5, 5.2.5.B
authoritative literature, Ch. 5, 1.2
goodwill previously deducted from equity, Ch. 5,
borrowing costs, Ch. 5, 5.15
compound financial instruments, Ch. 5, 5.10
in-process research and development, Ch. 5, 5.2.4.D
cumulative translation differences, Ch. 5, 5.7
option to restate business combinations retrospectively,
decommissioning liabilities included in the cost of property,
Ch. 5, 5.2.2
plant and equipment, Ch. 5, 5.13
previous GAAP carrying amount as deemed cost,
deemed cost, Ch. 5, 5.5
Ch. 5, 5.2.4.C
designation of previously recognised financial instruments,
previously consolidated entities that are not
Ch. 5, 5.11
subsidiaries, Ch. 5, 5.2.8
disclosures, Ch. 5, 5.20.6.B, 6
previously unconsolidated subsidiaries, Ch. 5, 5.2.7
embedded derivatives, Ch. 5, 4.11
prohibition of other adjustments of goodwill, Ch. 5,
employee benefits, Ch. 5, 7.7
exceptions to retrospective application of other IFRSs, Ch. 5, 4
recognition and measurement requirements, Ch. 5,
estimates, Ch. 5, 4.2
extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments,
recognition of assets and liabilities, Ch. 5, 5.2.4.B
Ch. 5, 5.16
restatement of goodwill, Ch. 5, 5.2.5
fair value measurement of financial assets and liabilities at
subsequent measurement under IFRSs not based on
initial recognition, Ch. 5, 5.12
cost, Ch. 5, 5.2.4.E
financial assets or intangible assets accounted for in accordance
transition accounting for contingent consideration,
with IFRIC 12, Ch. 5, 5.14
Ch. 5, 5.2.10
financial instruments under IFRS 9, classification and
presentation and disclosure, Ch. 5, 6
measurement of, Ch. 5, 4.9
comparative information, Ch. 5, 6.1
first-time adopter, Ch. 5, 2
designation of financial instruments, Ch. 5, 6.4
future developments, Ch. 5, 1.4
disclosure of IFRS information before adoption of IFRSs,
government loans, Ch. 5, 4.12
Ch. 5, 6.7
disclosures regarding deemed cost use, Ch. 5, 6.5
development of IFRS 2, Ch. 30, 1.2
after severe hyperinflation, Ch. 5, 6.5.5
definitions, Ch. 30, 2.2.1
for assets used in operations subject to rate regulation,
disclosures, Ch. 30, 13
Ch. 5, 6.5.4
equity-settled transactions
for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
allocation of expense, Ch. 30, 6
associates, Ch. 5, 6.5.2
cost of awards, Ch. 30, 5
for oil and gas assets, Ch. 5, 6.5.3
modification, cancellation and settlement, Ch. 30, 7
use of fair value as deemed cost, Ch. 5, 6.5.1
overview, Ch. 30, 4
explanation of transition to IFRSs, Ch. 5, 6.3
valuation, Ch. 30, 8
disclosure of reconciliations, Ch. 5, 6.3.1
first-time adoption, Ch. 30, 16.1
inclusion of IFRS 1 reconciliations by cross reference,
general recognition principles, Ch. 30, 3
Ch. 5, 6.3.4
grant date, Ch. 30, 5.3. See also Grant date
line-by-line reconciliations and detailed explanations,
group share schemes, Ch. 30, 12. See also Group share schemes
Ch. 5, 6.3.2
loans to employees to purchase shares, Ch. 30, 15.2
recognition and reversal of impairments, Ch. 5, 6.3.3
market conditions, Ch. 30, 6.3
reconciliation by a first-time adopter that continues to
matching share awards, Ch. 30, 15.1
publish previous GAAP financial statements,
modification, cancellation and settlement of equity-settled
Ch. 5, 6.3.1.A
transactions, Ch. 30, 7
interim financial reports, Ch. 5, 6.6
non-compete agreements, Ch. 30, 3.2.3
disclosures in, Ch. 5, 6.6.2
objective of IFRS 2, Ch. 30, 2.1
reconciliations in, Ch. 5, 6.6.1
overall approach of IFRS 2, Ch. 30, 1.4
regulatory deferral accounts, Ch. 5, 5.20
classification differences between IFRS 2 and IAS 32/IFRS
regulatory issues, Ch. 5, 8
9, Ch. 30, 1.4.1
revenue from contracts with customers (IFRS 15), Ch. 5, 5.21;
research project, Ch. 30, 1.2.1
Ch. 5, 7.6
scope, Ch. 30, 2.2
severe hyperinflation, Ch. 5, 5.17
definitions, Ch. 30, 2.2.1
share-based payment transactions, Ch. 5, 5.3
practical applications of scope requirements, Ch. 30, 2.2.4
short-term exemptions from restatement of comparative
awards for which the counterparty has paid ‘fair value’,
information for IFRS 9, Ch. 5, 5.23
Ch. 30, 2.2.4.D
stripping costs in the production phase of a surface mine,
awards with a foreign currency strike price, Ch. 30,
Ch. 5, 5.19
br /> IFRS 2 – Share-based payment, Ch. 30, 1–16. See also Cash-
cash bonus dependent on share price performance,
settled share based payment transactions; Equity-settled share-
Ch. 30, 2.2.4.E
based payment transactions; Share-based payment
cash-settled awards based on an entity’s ‘enterprise
transactions; Vesting
value’ or other formula, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.F
awards entitled to dividends during the vesting period, Ch. 30,
equity-settled award of subsidiary with put option
against the parent, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.B
awards vesting/exercisable on an exit event/change of control,
holding own shares to satisfy or ‘hedge’ awards,
Ch. 30, 15.4
Ch. 30, 2.2.4.H
awards ‘purchased for fair value’, Ch. 30, 15.4.5
increase in ownership interest with no change in
awards requiring achievement of a minimum price on
number of shares held, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.C
flotation/sale, Ch. 30, 15.4.4
options over puttable instruments classified as equity
‘drag along’ and ‘tag along’ rights, Ch. 30, 15.4.6
under specific exception in IAS 32, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.J
grant date, Ch. 30, 15.4.1
remuneration in non-equity shares and arrangements
is flotation/sale a vesting condition or a non-vesting
with put rights over equity shares, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.A
condition?, Ch. 30, 15.4.3
shares/warrants issued in connection with a financial
vesting period, Ch. 30, 15.4.2
liability, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.I
business combination, replacement share-based payment
special discounts to certain categories of investor on a
awards issued, Ch. 30, 11
share issue, Ch. 30, 2.2.4.K
acquiree award not replaced by acquirer, Ch. 30, 11.3
transactions not within the scope of IFRS 2, Ch. 30, 2.2.3
background, Ch. 30, 11.1
business combinations, Ch. 30, 2.2.3.C
financial statements of the acquired entity, Ch. 30, 11.4
common control transactions and formation of joint
replacement award, Ch. 30, 11.2
arrangements, Ch. 30, 2.2.3.D
accounting for changes in vesting assumptions after the
transactions in financial assets outside the scope of IAS
acquisition date, Ch. 30, 11.2.3
32 and IFRS 9, Ch. 30, 2.2.3.F
acquiree awards that the acquirer is not ‘obliged’ to
transactions in the scope of IAS 32 and IFRS 9,
replace, Ch. 30, 11.2.2
Ch. 30, 2.2.3.E
awards that the acquirer is ‘obliged’ to replace, Ch. 30,
transactions with shareholders in their capacity as such,
Ch. 30, 2.2.3.A
cash-settled transactions, Ch. 30, 9
transfer of assets in group restructuring arrangements,
cost of awards, equity-settled transactions, Ch. 30, 5
Ch. 30, 2.2.3.B
158 Index
IFRS 2 – Share-based payment—contd
new entity formed to effect a business combination,
scope —contd
Ch. 9, 4.1.1
transactions within the scope of IFRS 2, Ch. 30, 2.2.2
stapling arrangements, Ch. 9, 4.1.2
‘all employee’ share plans, Ch. 30, 2.2.2.D
assessing what is part of the exchange for the acquiree,
group schemes and transactions with group
Ch. 9, 11
shareholders, Ch. 30, 2.2.2.A
effective settlement of pre-existing relationships, Ch. 9, 11.1
transactions where the identifiable consideration
reimbursement for paying the acquirer’s acquisition-related
received appears to be less than the consideration
costs, Ch. 9, 11.3
given, Ch. 30, 2.2.2.C
remuneration for future services of employees or former
transactions with employee benefit trusts and similar
owners of the acquire, Ch. 9, 11.2
vehicles, Ch. 30, 2.2.2.B
restructuring plans, Ch. 9, 11.4
vested transactions, Ch. 30, 2.2.2.E
bargain purchase transactions, Ch. 9, 10
South African black economic empowerment (‘BEE’) and
business combinations achieved in stages (‘step acquisitions’),
similar arrangements, Ch. 30, 15.5
Ch. 9, 9
taxes related to share-based payment transactions, Ch. 30, 14
consideration transferred, Ch. 9, 7
transactions with equity and cash alternatives, Ch. 30, 10
acquisition-related costs, Ch. 9, 7.3
awards requiring cash settlement in specific circumstances
business combinations achieved without the transfer of
(awards with contingent cash settlement), Ch. 30, 10.3
consideration, Ch. 9, 7.4
accounting for change in manner of settlement where
business combinations by contract alone, Ch. 9, 7.4.1
award is contingent on future events outside the
combinations involving mutual entities, Ch. 9, 7.5
control of the entity and the counterparty, Ch. 30,
contingent consideration, Ch. 9, 7.1
classification of a contingent consideration obligation,
cash settlement on a change of control, Ch. 30, 10.3.3
Ch. 9, 7.1.2
cash-settled if contingency is outside entity’s control,
initial recognition and measurement, Ch. 9, 7.1.1
Ch. 30, 10.3.1
subsequent measurement and accounting, Ch. 9, 7.1.3
cash-settled if contingency is outside entity’s control
replacement share-based payment awards, Ch. 9, 7;
and probable, Ch. 30, 10.3.2
Ch. 30, 11.2, 11.3
manner of settlement contingent on future events,
disclosures, Ch. 9, 16
Ch. 30, 10.3.5
financial effects of adjustments recognised in the current
cash settlement alternative not based on share price/value,
reporting period, Ch. 9, 16.2
Ch. 30, 10.4
illustrative example, Ch. 9, 16.4
transactions where the counterparty has choice of
nature and financial effect of business combinations,
settlement, Ch. 30, 10.1
Ch. 9, 16.1
accounting treatment, Ch. 30, 10.1.3
business combinations during the current reporting
‘backstop’ cash settlement rights, Ch. 30, 10.1.5
period, Ch. 9, 16.1.1
cash-settlement alternative for employee introduced
business combinations effected after the end of the
after grant date, Ch. 30, 10.1.4
reporting period, Ch. 9, 16.1.2
convertible bonds issued to acquire goods/services,
identifying a business combination, Ch. 9, 3.2.3
Ch. 30, 10.1.6
definition of a business, Ch. 9, 3.2
transactions in which the fair value is measured
‘capable of’ from the viewpoint of a market
directly, Ch. 30, 10.1.1
participant, Ch. 9, 3.2.2
transactions in which the fair value is measured
development stage entities, Ch. 9, 3.2.4
indirectly, Ch. 30, 10.1.2
identifying business combinations, Ch. 9, 3.2.3
transactions where the entity has choice of settlement,
inputs, processes and outputs, Ch. 9, 3.2.1
Ch. 30, 10.2
resence of goodwill, Ch. 9, 3.2.5
change in entity’s settlement policy/intention leading
IFRS 3 (as revised in 2008) and subsequent amendments,
to change in classification of award after grant date,
Ch. 9, 1.1
Ch. 30, 10.2.3
post-implementation review, Ch. 9, 1.1.1
transactions treated as cash-settled, Ch. 30, 10.2.1
measurement period, Ch. 9, 12
transactions treated as equity-settled, Ch. 30, 10.2.2
adjustments made after end of measurement period, Ch. 9,
transitional provisions for June 2016 amendments, Ch. 30, 16.2
valuation of equity-settled transactions, Ch. 30, 8
adjustments made during measurement period to
vesting conditions, Ch. 30, 3.1
provisional amounts, Ch. 9, 12.1
vesting conditions other than market conditions, Ch. 30, 6.2
proposed amendments to, Ch. 9, 1.1.2
vesting period, Ch. 30, 3.3
push down accounting, Ch. 9, 15
IFRS 3– Business Combinations, Ch. 9, 1–16. See also Business
recognising and measuring goodwill or a gain in a bargain
purchase, Ch. 9, 5.5; Ch. 9, 6
acquisition method of accounting, Ch. 9, 4
subsequent accounting for goodwill, Ch. 9, 6.1
acquisition date determination, Ch. 9, 4.2
recognising and measureing non-controlling interests, Ch. 7,
identifying the acquirer, Ch. 9, 4.1
5.2, 6; Ch. 9, 8
call and put options over non-controlling interests, Ch. 7,
reverse acquisitions, Ch. 9, 14
6; Ch. 9, 8.5
cash consideration, Ch. 9, 14.6
implications of method chosen for measuring non-
earnings per share, Ch. 9, 14.5
controlling interests, Ch. 9, 8.3
measuring goodwill, Ch. 9, 14.2
measuring qualifying non-controlling interests at
measuring the consideration transferred, Ch. 9, 14.1
acquisition-date fair value, Ch. 9, 8.1
non-controlling interest, Ch. 9, 14.4
measuring qualifying non-controlling interests at the
preparation and presentation of consolidated financial
statements, Ch. 9, 14.3
share of the value of net identifiable assets acquired, Ch. 9,
reverse acquisitions and acquirers that are not legal entities,
Ch. 9, 14.9
measuring share-based payment and other components of
reverse acquisitions involving a non-trading shell company,
non-controlling interests, Ch. 9, 8.4
Ch. 9, 14.8
recognition and measurement of assets acquired, liabilities
share-based payments, Ch. 9, 14.7
assumed and non-controlling interests, Ch. 9, 5, 5.5