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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

Page 16

by Stephany Wallace

  “Your place or mine?” She asked while her hands moved to a new territory. They began on his knees, and caressed his thighs higher, until they were just inches from his crotch. She kissed him again, her lips nibbling at him. Jonathan broke the kiss panting, as he responded to her touch.


  Phil opened the door to their apartment, and stepped aside to allow Victoria and Chantelle to enter. He pulled Victoria to him and kissed her, guiding her to his room. He broke the kiss, and turned to Jonathan.

  “I’m sorry, dude, but this is going to get loud,” Victoria giggled, and kissed him while he brought her into the room, closing the door.

  Chantelle’s hand cupped Jonathan’s cheek, bringing his attention back to her. She looked into his dazed, lustful eyes and kissed him. His hands caressed the curve of her spine, traveling over her body all the way down to her thighs. He slipped her hands between them, and pulled her up. Her skirt slid up to her waist, and she wrapped her legs around his hips tightly. Securing her to him, he carried her in his arms and took her into his room, closing the door behind them.

  He laid her on the bed, and kissed her again, then looked into her eyes and suddenly, big dazzling honey eyes were staring back at him. He pulled himself up, taking a broader look and saw Samantha lying beneath him. A faint smile curved his lips, his heart responding to the sight. His fingers caressed the lines that formed her face settling on her lips.

  “You are so beautiful, Sam.” He whispered on her lips and kissed her again. All the need, and desire he had repressed inside poured out of him in that one kiss. His hands travelled down her arms to her waist and he pulled her impossibly closer to him.

  Samantha was all he could see.

  She was all he wanted.

  She was the one laying on his bed.

  Jonathan took her clothes off, piece by piece. Enjoying the feel of her body under his touch, and as she undressed him, it was Samantha’s hands roaming his body. Her lips on his neck, on his chest, on his abs. Chantelle kissed him but it wasn’t her. It couldn’t be her, because there was only one woman he wanted.

  “Baby, I miss you. I need you,” he thought, as his lips traveled all over her body, relishing in the feel of her skin. Every inch of her body under his tongue sent pulses of electrifying pleasure through him. He wanted her like he had never wanted anyone before. His eyes closed as Samantha’s body responded to his, welcoming every single inch of him. Her moans filling the air while his hips began to rock into her.

  “Yes, baby,” he moaned, holding her as close as he could manage. “You belong in my arms,” he said never wanting to let her go. He kissed her with all the passion he had in him, and made love to her, to his Samantha, all through the night…

  The light filtering through the open drapes caused Jonathan to cringe, waking him up. The morning had arrived, and with that also did the realization that Chantelle was the one lying next to him. His eyes settled on her face and then closed, disappointed. He took a deep breath as his heart constricted.

  “She’s not here, it is not her,” he reminded himself, and opened his eyes again to find Chantelle waking up.

  “Good morning, tiger,” she said, with a wicked smirk and he chuckled. “Last night was amazing. I’ve never been with any one so passionate before, with so much stamina,” she said pulling herself up to his lips, and kissing him. He kissed her back. Breaking the kiss, she leaned back and pulled the sheet from their bodies, taking him all in in broad daylight. Her eyes followed the planes of his body from head to toe and she smiled, kissing him again. Her hands slowly slid down his abs. He broke the kiss.

  “We have to get ready Chantelle, or we will be late to the office,” Jonathan said, getting up and walking to the closet. She got up and strode towards him. His eyes unconsciously roamed her naked body through the closet mirror. It was pure art. She truly was a beautiful woman. It was obvious from the way she walked, swinging her hips, and how she carried herself that she knew it too.

  “Oh relax, will you? It doesn’t matter if we are a little late,” she answered standing behind him and pressing her breasts to his back. Her hands caressed his abs following the natural dip of his belly and held him tightly. He moaned, as her hands began to move on him. It took every ounce of will power he had, to pull out of her grasp.

  “Listen, about last night…” He began to explain, but she laughed sarcastically.

  “Really? You are going to give me the speech? Please, I’m not hoping to marry you or anything honey, so you can relax. I don’t do relationships. I have no patience, or time for all that emotional mess,” she walked around him, and stood in front of him. Her hands held him again, moving slowly. “But I do love to have fun,” she added, with a smirk, squeezed him tight one last time eliciting another moan, and let go off him.

  Jonathan’s lustful eyes, followed her as she picked up her clothes, giving him a prime view of her. He cupped himself, taking a deep breath just as she looked at him over her shoulder, smiling. Once she got dressed, she turned around to find him still standing in the same spot, staring at her. She grinned.

  “See you at the office,” she opened the door to his room, flipped her hair and walked out. Her voice reached him from the hallway. “Same time, same place tonight, tiger!”


  It was Sunday afternoon, and true to his word Christopher had spent every moment of the last two weeks with Samantha. Maggie was still enjoying the company of her family.

  He had taken her to different museums. They hung out at the library together, went to the farmer’s market again, and spent most of their time at the secret garden, eating, reading and laughing. Today they had breakfast at the café, and read a couple of books while lying on a blanket at the Botanic Garden of the university. Afterwards, he took her to the Cider Festival, and now they were dropping by James Street Tavern to have dinner. It was standup comedy night before their regular music set, and she was really looking forward to it.

  Christopher walked, holding Samantha’s hand in his while on their way to the tavern. He looked at her under the moonlight and found himself smitten. “Breathtakingly beautiful,” he thought, as the urge to kiss her inundated every cell of his body. He felt it every single time he was with her. It had been a long time since he had felt this way. He hadn’t kissed her, he couldn’t. Yet, she governed his thoughts. He couldn’t understand how she had managed to get under his skin in such a short time, and in a period of his life when he thought it the least possible.

  Yet she had.

  He didn’t want to understand it though. He didn’t need to. All he knew was how he felt with her. He enjoyed the time they spent together, the way his whole body tingled when she smiled at him, the way his heart skipped a beat when she kissed his cheek. He had come to expect those kisses, to count on them every day, and she never disappointed. He liked holding her in his arms when they read at the park, or when she was hurting and sought refuge in him to cry. She had not cried in the past three days, however. At least not with him, he knew she was still aching, but he could tell she was doing better, and that made him happy.

  The way she drew him in was addicting, and oh how he wanted to kiss her. He just didn’t want to risk the fragile balance of what they had… whatever that might be. They leaned on each other for support, and for now that was enough for him.

  “Oh, I know what we are going to have! I’m craving a burger tonight, with fries. I haven’t had one in months, and I need its sweet greasiness and fattiness in my existence. Only then will I truly be happy,” Samantha said, interrupting his thoughts. He laughed.

  “Done, anything else you fancy, Princess?”

  “A kiss, Perhaps?” he thought to himself, and chuckled. He was a step away from pathetic.

  She smiled, shaking her head. Samantha looked into Christopher’s eyes, and smiled. He had such kind eyes. The now familiar feeling she experienced with him made its way through her body, making her nervous and confusing her. She couldn’t understand the feeling
s she experienced with him. She just knew that after every moment she spent with him, she wanted more. It wasn’t fair. She was an emotional mess right now. Hurt, confused, and in love with someone else, but she couldn’t discount the way she felt by his side… in his arms. Then again, he was hurting too. Perhaps, that was what made them feel good together, because it did. It felt good, so good. Her gaze dropped to her hand in his and she realized how much she enjoyed it when he held her hand, and how she always got excited before seeing him. Was it possible she may care about him? Maybe, but right now she didn’t want to analyze this. She just wanted to do what felt right, and he felt right.

  They walked into the tavern, and her eyes roamed the place. It was cozy, and she liked that. The lights were dimmed and there were small tables around the stage with candles on it. The booths were situated on the far right, and the bar on the left. Samantha squeezed Christopher’s hand, and pulled him into the pub, choosing one of the small tables with a candle on it. She turned to face him.

  “This is nice, thanks for bringing me here. We should celebrate something. Want to get a bottle of wine tonight?” He smiled at her, nodding, and waved the waiter over while he pulled the chair for her.

  Sitting down, he dragged his chair over to her side so he was sitting next to her, and facing the stage. She smiled at him and grabbed his arm, swinging it over her head and around her shoulders. “I love when she does that,” he thought, feeling the urge to kiss her again. His arm settled on her shoulders, and he pulled her close hugging her to his side. She looked at him with a weird expression, as though she was uncomfortable. He froze. She took his arm and guided it down across her back, placing his hand on her waist.

  “Much better,” Samantha said smiling. He sighed relieved. She leaned into him, and he chuckled placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “Is this your attempt at grooming me?”

  She laughed. “Finally, he gets it.”

  He laughed, loudly, and placed his lips on her forehead, kissing her again just as the wine arrived at the table.

  “To new beginnings,” Samantha said raising her glass. He smiled, lifting her glass to hers and truly liking the sound of it.

  “To new beginnings.”

  As the evening unwound, they ate, drank and laughed with the comedians. The band was once again playing, and the upbeat music filled the air around them. Couples began to fill the make shift dance floor, Samantha got up, and grabbed Christopher’s hand. His eyes opened wide in alarm.

  “Oh, no. I don’t have the slightest idea of how to dance that.”

  She smiled wide, and leaned in, whispering in his ear. “Me neither, but I’m not going to let that stop me,” she confessed, and pulled him up.

  They walked through the crowd and towards the center of the dance floor. Christopher followed, her dumbfounded. He had never met anyone like her. She was beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, sweet and innocent all at the same time, and he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing her. She stopped at her desired spot, and began bouncing on the balls of her feet, switching from foot to foot. A wide smile curved his lips and she shrugged, continuing to bounce. She closed her eyes and raised her arms, waiving them from side to side with the music. Time seemed to slow for Christopher. He was mesmerized. She looked at him again and he smiled reaching for her hand. He twirled her around, and around, and in that moment he could almost see everything in slow motion. She smiled, and closed her eyes continuing to twirl as she held his hand. Her hair seemed to fly, while she spun, and wrapped around her when she finally stopped. A new kind of feeling ran through him, bringing with it a new sense of awareness. He smiled, and began bouncing with her, following her lead.

  “Yes!” she shouted, excited, realizing he’d joined her. They laughed, enjoying the moment to its fullest.

  A few minutes later Samantha stopped, reached for his hand, and pulled him out of the crowd.

  “I made myself dizzy,” she said chuckling, holding her head, and leaning on the table.

  He laughed. “Would you like to leave?” She nodded, grabbing her purse but he beat her to it. He placed a couple of bills on the table and held her hand, guiding her out of the tavern.

  “Are you ever going to let me pay?” She asked, on their way out.

  He looked over his shoulder, as he answered amused. “Not a chance.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Why, because you are man, and I’m a woman?”

  He stopped right at the door and turned to look at her. “No, because I’m a gentleman and you are my guest,” he kissed her forehead and pulled her through the door.

  She chuckled. “That was so much fun, thank you.”

  “Absolutely mental,” he agreed.

  “I’m never going to get used to your accent,” she said, laughing.

  He chuckled, caressing her hand, feeling relief. He looked into her eyes, and took a deep breath holding the familiar urge inside him. He began to walk with her.

  “It’s so beautiful out tonight, warm and fresh. The sky is clear and starry. The moon bright and big, it’s enchanting,” she said gazing at the sky while he looked at her. She suddenly turned to look at him, a playful glint in her eye. “It is a beauteous evening, calm and free…” she added, quoting William Woodsworth.

  Christopher smiled brilliantly, enjoying the reference.

  “It is indeed.”

  They took the shortcut through the park on their way back. Samantha’s eyes settled on one of the benches. “Would you sit with me?”

  He nodded, and walked towards the bench, sitting by her side. Smiling, he wrapped his left arm around her, like she had done at the tavern, and looked at the sky. Her eyes examined everything else. There were flowers all around them, in the landscape, flowerbeds and enveloping the base of the trees. The lights, from the small lampposts along the walkway illuminated the area beautifully. It was only the two of them there, although a few other couples walked in the distance hand by hand coming into the park, or exiting it. The moon was their only company, and it was shining on them.

  “It’s so romantic here,” Samantha whispered, truly taking it all in.

  Christopher swallowed. His throat had become dry as he admired her. He was trying hard to push the urge away but being here with her was not helping. He had his arm around her, and she was holding his hand. The way she looked under the moonlight, the look in her eyes as she took in the beauty surrounding them, and her lips looked so irresistible. To top it all off, she was acknowledging how romantic the place was. Without even being aware, she was doing things to him he didn’t even know were possible. She turned, and leaned into him. Closing his eyes, he placed his lips on her forehead, giving her one soft, long kiss.

  Samantha closed her eyes as the warmth from his kiss ran though her body. Suddenly a different feeling enveloped her. The tingling in the pit of her stomach returned. Prompting her to recognize this kiss was different from the other ones he’d given her. There was heaviness to it. She leaned away and raised her eyes to his, and realized something else. There had also been need, and longing in the kiss. She could see it in his eyes.

  Christopher could feel all the emotions in him causing havoc. His pulse began to race while he looked into her eyes. He couldn’t hold back anymore, he needed to kiss her before he went completely mad. Lifting his left hand, he cupped her cheek, and caressed it gently with his thumb. His eyes were intense on hers, and without a single thought in his head other than this torturing desire to taste her lips he leaned in slowly.

  Painfully slowly.

  Giving her the opportunity to pull back. He knew he couldn’t hold this need anymore, but he also knew she might not share it. His gaze dropped to her lips and he stopped about an inch from them. He could feel her ragged breathing fanning his lips and pushing him to the edge. Looking into her eyes one last time, he closed the gap between their lips and kissed her. His lips brushed over hers, in a soft and tender way that nearly destroyed his sanity. The world might as well have stopped as his lips touc
hed hers. They were soft, full and sweet, and he couldn’t get enough of them.

  “Heavenly,” Christopher thought, as their lips came together again. He savored her, drinking from her lips ever so lightly. Then softly and slowly just as it begun, his lips left hers. He rested his forehead to hers, his eyes still closed. He wanted to be in this moment forever, but he needed to know how she felt about it. He opened his eyes, the moment she slowly began to pull way.

  Samantha opened her eyes and looked at Christopher. She could feel her insides trembling from the tenderness of his kiss. “What are you doing?” she whispered, unable to fully speak. Lifting her right hand, she traced her tingling lips with her fingertips. Caressing the places where his lips were, just a second ago. He still held her face in his hand, while looking into her eyes. He shook his head slowly, dazed.

  “I haven’t the slightest idea, Princess. I felt that if I didn’t kiss you right that second, I might very well go mad.”

  Samantha looked at him still touching her lips. Her gaze dropped to his, and she placed her fingertips on them, caressing them. He closed his eyes reveling in her touch. It was enticing and torturing, all at the same time. “That was… amazing,” she said barely above a whisper, and without another thought she leaned in, her lips closing over his.

  Letting out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, Christopher welcomed her kiss and held her waist, pulling her closer to him. Something awakened in him, and this time he kissed her with everything he felt inside. With the fear, the need, the passion and longing, the innocence, and the urgency. Every feeling poured out of him as their lips moved together. She responded to his kiss, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers slid through his short hair, stroking the tender spot on the back of his neck, and driving him absolutely mad.

  So they kissed as the night came alive around them, and with that kiss, so did their hearts.

  Christopher held her hand in his, while they walked the final steps to her building. His heart felt so big, it didn’t fit in his chest anymore. He felt excited, nervous, anxious, relieved. He had finally kissed her, and she had welcomed his kiss. Samantha had kissed him back, and it had been the most extraordinary kiss he could have ever hoped for. He didn’t want to let her go. He just wanted to kiss her, and hold her in his arms, all night long.


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