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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

Page 26

by Stephany Wallace

  Samantha covered her mouth with her hand, while a different kind of tears came. The sight took her breath away, just like it had so many years ago. The beautiful white houses with their peaked roofs and brown beams forming gorgeous intricate patterns, greeted them. A happy tear spilled from her eyes as she remembered being there. She could almost see the image of her and her Mother holding hands, while they walked down the streets. Going into every little shop together and falling in love with everything they saw. Samantha still had the Christmas ornament they bought at one of the stores. It was a small, wooden Nutcracker that she used to place front and center on their Christmas tree each year. She looked at Jonathan, speechless, and smiled in between the tears.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, unable to do anything more. She was overcome with emotion. His eyes glistened, and he kissed her hand again.

  He parked the car, and turning off the ignition he faced her. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go, and they held each other for what felt like an hour. Finally pulling away, Jonathan gave her a long, soft, and meaningful kiss and rested his forehead to hers.

  “I love you,” she whispered, on his lips and he smiled.

  “I love you too, baby, but I didn’t bring you here so we could stay in the parking lot.”

  Samantha chuckled while he cupped her cheek and kissed the tears off her face. He placed two final kisses on her forehead, and got out of the car.

  They walked along the street, and she glanced around amazed. Everything looked the same as when she was last there.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” she thought out loud, mesmerized by the sight before them. Quaint little shops, restaurants, and beautiful architecture surrounded them.

  Jonathan smiled at her, and pulled her into an antique store. They walked straight to the old books section, and she immediately let go of his hand, and began looking through it.

  He chuckled. “Now, that’s my Sam,” she looked at him, grinning, and went back to the pile of books.

  She stuck half her body in the bin looking at the very bottom of the towers of books, and suddenly felt something very worn and scruffy under her touch. She pulled it out and assessed it. It was a book that seemed to have been published in the early 1900’s. The worn out cover, the cracked spine and yellowing pages were the first dead giveaway. She looked at Jonathan wide eyed, and opened the book to find that it was about Queen Elizabeth the first. Some of the pages were torn, and eaten away by time around the edges. She was in love.

  “Queen Elizabeth the first: Life, Reign and Legacy,” she read out loud then turned to Jonathan again, hardly able to contain her excitement. “You know, I know about her from the basics of Britain’s history I studied at Harvard, but I don’t really know much about her life. What made her who she was, what drove her? I’ve always wanted to read about her, learn more,” Jonathan nodded intrigued, stepped closer to her, and looked at the book in her hands.

  “Maybe once you are done with it I can borrow it,” she nodded, too enthralled in the book to look back at him. He chuckled, kissing her forehead.

  She glanced through the pages and found a picture of a painting of Queen Elizabeth with a beautiful, luxurious gown. Her hair was up in an opulent hairdo, and she had exquisite jewelry on. She looked closely at the picture looking at her necklace and ring.

  “This is it for me, I’m taking it.”

  He smiled when she held his hand again. They walked out of the store, and continued down the street. Suddenly, they found themselves in front of the Christmas store she once visited with her Mother, Grace. Jonathan loved the expression in Samantha’s eyes. He knew how much this meant to her.

  “Come on,” he said smiling, and they walked in.

  The store was incredibly beautiful and vast. It had two floors full of beautiful decorations of all kind. From handmade and hand painted, to factory made. The glints of colored lights and moving Reindeers, the angels and other Christmas decorations all around, the fully stocked trees, and even the music transported them into a different land. It felt as though they had stepped into Santa’s workshop.

  “Magical,” she whispered, walking with him further in.

  They began walking the halls, looking at all the amazing things until they got to the Nutcracker section. She stood next to one that was easily over six feet, almost Jonathan’s size.

  “I’m sorry, baby, but I’m afraid this is over. I’ve found the man of my dreams,” Samantha said batting her eyelashes, and he laughed.

  Jonathan loved seeing her this way, happy and playful… her usual self. They browsed around but the moment she got distracted, looking at the ten thousand kinds of nutcrackers, he disappeared from her sight.

  “Oh look, baby! This is perfect for my Dad,” she said, holding a Christmas apron that depicted the body of a nutcracker in front, up to the neck. She snickered, imagining Frank with it on, and turned to show it to Jonathan. He wasn’t around.

  “That’s odd,” she said, and turned in every direction looking for him, but found nothing.

  She rolled her eyes sighing, and placed the apron on her arm, then continued looking around. Considering the fact that this was one of the biggest Christmas stores in the country, she wasn’t even going to try and find him.

  A few minutes later, she decided to grab a basket since things were pretty much falling from her hands. She had just finished placing everything inside, when she felt strong arms hug her from behind. The feeling sent a shiver through her body.

  “Jonathan Edward Smith! Where were you?”

  He kissed her neck, laughing and loving it to the core. It had been so long since she had chided him, and used his full name. “Oh, I’m in trouble now!” Jonathan said, standing in front of her, and scrunching up his face.

  She hid a smile, and raised her eyebrow at him, with a murderous look.

  “You want to smile at me, Sam. I know you do. You are just dying to stretch those beautiful, and sexy lips of yours, into a bright beautiful smile that is going to leave me blind. Just let it happen, baby. Give into it, it will feel sooo good,” he taunted with a smirk, while he watched her struggle to repress her smile. God, he loved her.

  She pressed her lips together, containing the urge. “Stop it. No, I don’t. I’m mad at you, mister. You left me here, without me even knowing and I was talking to my…”

  Jonathan took her into his arms abruptly, and crushed her lips with his, silencing her. He kissed her with such intensity and passion that by the time he pulled back she was stunned, and dizzy. Samantha opened her eyes, to find him looking at her, his lips curved with the sexiest smile she had ever seen.

  “You were saying?” He asked, brushing his lips against hers once more.

  She sighed. “I have no idea,” she said, breathless, and placed her lips on his again. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer…

  After putting the shopping bags in the trunk, they decided to go get some dinner, and then turn in for the night. Jonathan and Samantha had spent the whole day walking around, and going into all the little shops. She bought a beautiful hand knitted pink scarf for Maggie, and then they went to the clock company, where she got a small cuckoo clock. It was a typical German little house, with the little bird coming out every hour on the hour. She had always wanted one. Then Jonathan took her to the old Christmas Station Museum and Antique Store, where they loved seeing all the beauty and growth of Christmas decorations and celebrations from the 1880’s to the 1940’s. Once at the museum’s antique store, Jonathan bought a few things for Angela and Grandma Rose. They even took a Bavarian Belle riverboat tour, but the evening had finally arrived, and they were hungry and drained.

  They walked into one of the authentic German restaurants in town, and placed their order. Samantha held his hands, her eyes full of emotion, and looked into his.

  “Today has been enchanting Jonathan… magical. Thank you so much for bring me here, baby. I love that you know me so well.”

  Jonathan reached for
her face, and pulled her in for a kiss. Being with her, surpassed every expectation or illusion he had ever had. He never wanted to let go, the way he felt with her… he had no idea what would come next for them but he was certain of one thing. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He kissed her again, pleasantly surprised by this realization, welcoming the overwhelming emotions that she awoke in him. There was no running from them anymore. He wanted this. He wanted her, more than anything. He pulled away, resting his forehead to hers.

  “Baby, you don’t know how many times I dreamed about kissing you again.”

  She smiled. “You don’t know how many times I dreamed about you kissing me.”

  He opened his eyes, looked straight into hers, and kissed her once more.


  They parked in front of the hotel and Jonathan opened the trunk, taking his leather bag from it. She looked at him wide eyed, as realization dawned on her.

  “I’m such an idiot, I didn’t bring any extra clothes,” she said, thumping her head and truly feeling stupid. Not that she had known where they were going in the first place. So this was all Jonathan’s fault.

  He gave her a sexy smile, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “You don’t need them,” she smacked him on the chest, shaking her head while he laughed. “Nothing to worry. I grabbed a change of clothes for you, while you were talking to Grandma Rose in the kitchen this morning.”

  She looked at him impressed. “Well aren’t you, Mr. Sneaky?”

  He smiled and leaned in, placing two kisses on her forehead. Her eyes fell on the hotel, and they walked in. It was a historic Bed and Breakfast.

  The building was full of character. From the beautiful red orange bricks, to the cream walls and arches, the stained glass windows and the beautiful peaks on the roof, with natural wooden beams. It was truly beautiful. She felt transported to another place in time. They checked in, and the lady at the front desk showed them to their room.

  Samantha’s eyes widened when she entered the room. It was rich and inviting, much bigger than she had expected. Its high ceilings were breathtaking, they were on the last floor and their room was considered the high-end suite of the place. It had intricately carved, white crown molding over the edge of the ceiling in every direction. The soft hues of red, pink, gold and green in the flowered wallpaper that enveloped the room, were rich and warm but still calming. It had a cozy, and beautifully carved wooden fireplace on the far wall, and even a huge claw foot tub by the window that faced the garden below.

  “This is our best room. The wallpaper it’s the original one hung back in 1888 when the B&B was built. It was designed and hand painted by the artist,” the lady informed, standing beside them. They look around amazed.

  “It’s truly beautiful,” Jonathan said, while Samantha let go of his hand and walked towards the wall. She noticed a frame with a piece of the wallpaper and a signature on it.

  “What is this?”

  The woman smiled. “A framed signature of the artist who designed, and hung the wallpaper in 1888.”

  “Wow,” Samantha whispered, her eyes returning to the signature.

  Jonathan smiled at the lady, handing her a large tip. “Thank you very much for your kindness, Miss. The room is perfect for us.”

  The woman smiled, gracefully, and left the room. His eyes fell on Samantha. She was walking around the room slowly, her fingers gently touching every inch of the place. She seemed captivated by it. He smiled, and closed the door.

  Jonathan set out to building up the fire, while Samantha continued to admire the place. He removed his jacket once the room had become warm, and pulled something from the pocket. He sat on the bed removing his shoes, and waited for her to finally sit beside him.

  “This is gorgeous,” she whispered amazed, and he smiled looking into her eyes.

  “I disagree, I’ve seen much more beautiful things.”

  She blushed, and smacked his chest. “Thank you, Mr. Corny,” he laughed, giving her a soft kiss, and pulled a small bag from behind him. He handed it to her.

  She looked at it suspiciously. “Is this why you disappeared this afternoon at the Christmas store?” He smiled, nodding.

  Her gaze returned to the bag, and she opened it. She reached in to pull out the gift, and soon realized what it was. She was holding a small, wooden carved nutcracker with a set of tools in his little hands. It was a tree ornament, and it was a perfect complement to the one her Mother Grace had bought her when she was a little girl. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn’t. Jonathan looked at her, smiling wide.

  “The manager of the store said that it was from the same collection as the one you have. They were made by the same artist, and he only made ten, this was the last one still available.”

  She quickly turned it upside down, and saw the signature of the artist and the date carved on the nutcracker, just like the one she had. She looked up into Jonathan’s eyes, overcome with emotion.

  “Thank you,” she placed her hands on his cheeks, and kissed him. “This means a lot to me, baby. Now this place holds my two most cherished memories. Being here with my Mother, and being here with you,” she rested her forehead to his closing her eyes, but Jonathan pulled back, lifting her chin with his finger.

  “You know that I would do anything for you, be anything, go anywhere you want me to go, because I love you, and I’m yours. You belong with me, Sam. I know now that nothing will ever feel as right as when I hold you in my arms. Nothing will be as intense as my love for you, Sam. We are meant to be together. I realize that now, and I believe it with every single part of me… we were always meant to be,” he closed his eyes, and kissed her again, letting the emotions inside him take over.

  The sound of the crackling fire behind them filled the room, and mixed with their labored breathing while they kissed. Samantha’s arms wrapped around Jonathan’s neck as her last piece of clothing fell to the floor. She pulled him to her, feeling the need inside her increase, blinding her to everything but him. Kissing him wasn’t enough. Loving him wasn’t enough, giving her body to him wasn’t even close to being enough. She needed him on a level she couldn’t even understand. All that she knew was that she needed him.

  She turned their bodies, so that she was resting on him. Her fingers caressed his neck and chest, on their way down his naked body. Her lips followed their trail. Jonathan inhaled sharply, once her hand reached him and her fingers wrapped around him. She tightened her hold and moved her hand slowly on him, as though memorizing the feel of him. She bit his neck gently and he moaned. It was the second most sensitive part of his body, and her lips on him were driving him crazy. He gripped her waist, holding on to her while she licked his chest. Her lips closed over his nipple, and her teeth tugged at it gently. He grunted, feeling the surge of pleasure travel through him, then smiled. Samantha was a biter, and he was enjoying every second of it.

  His hands began to roam her back, while she kissed his abs. God! She was going to destroy his sanity if she continued this exploration of his body. Her hand continued to caress him, while she slid down on him. His hooded gaze connected with hers, only a second before her lips found him. He moaned, and a full-blown shudder ran though his body. Her lips felt unbelievable on him, and he had no doubt she was going to be the end of him. He opened his eyes again to look at her, and found her smiling. The tip of her tongue caressed the length of him just a moment before she took him in. Her lips closed on him, and she moved up. Her teeth grazed him on their way up, while her lips soothed behind over every single inch of him. The tip of her tongue flicked him, right before her lips left him. He jerked in her hand.

  “Fuck!” He said in a half gasp, feeling the throbbing intensify. That was the sexiest, most fucking amazing thing anyone had ever done to him. He cradled her cheeks, and pulled her up, kissing her fiercely. He needed her. Now. He pulled himself up on the bed, and rested his back to the headboard, bringing her with him so that she was sitting on him.

  Samantha let him
pull her up, only because she needed him as much as he needed her. However, she planned to explore him with her lips before they left tomorrow. She moaned, realizing that their new position only ignited her desire for him even more. She sat on his lap now, and could feel his gloriously hard body against her so much more intensely this way. It was doing so many things to her. She kissed him and bent her knees, anchoring herself to him. Placing her hand on the back of his neck, she held on to him and began moving against him. Her hips rocked over him with a leisurely, yet purposeful rhythm. Her breathing accelerated, while her body stroked him. The hardness of him rubbing against the most sensitive part of her was making her lose all reason. She arched her back, and tilted her head all the way back while she continued to dance over him.

  Jonathan was mesmerized.

  She looked glorious dancing over him this way. Her hair cascaded over her back, swinging back and forth. Her lips parted, and her eyes closed in ecstasy while she moved. Her breasts glistened in front of him, so close to his lips that he could claim them that very second. The way her hips rocked over him was pure passion. His eyes were glazed over by raw need and desire. He looked down at their bodies, noticing the way her sleek skin glided smoothly over his. He swore she was trying to kill him. He pulled her closer, and claimed her lips, kissing her fiercely. He was about to become undone for her, and he hadn’t even felt her wrap around him yet. He desperately needed to be inside her.

  Samantha pulled back from his lips, and guided his head to her breasts, pressing them to him while her body began to tremble. She was so close to the edge. She was already losing control of her body, fast. Her half whimpered moans filled the air, while he began kissing and sucking every inch of her breasts. His lips on her, and his hands pressing her closer to him only pushed her higher. His right hand slid from her back to her belly and lower still, until his thumb glided over the most sensitive part of her. She gasped, instantly falling over the edge, violently. Her gasp turned into a long deep moan, and she clung to him. Her body shook on him.


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