Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel Page 28

by Stephany Wallace

  He held her close, placing two kisses on her forehead. Holding her hand, he pulled her down the hallway. “I want you to meet someone.”

  She looked back, to see their luggage next to the elevator where he had set it. Jonathan shook his head dismissively.

  “It’s fine, baby. No need to worry. There’s only two apartments on this floor,” Just then she noticed there were only two doors. He guided her to the closest one and knocked five times in a row, stopped, then two more times. She looked at him like he was crazy, and he chuckled. The door suddenly opened wide, and Phil stood in front of them. Samantha gasped, shocked to see him there.

  “Oh my God, Phil!” she squealed, unable to hold back.

  “Samantha?” He asked, and pulled her into his arms for a bear hug, not waiting for an answer. She laughed, hugging him back. He stepped back to look at her, his hands on her shoulders. “Damn, Samantha! You were always fine, but you are beyond HOT right now.”

  Jonathan laughed, while she turned bright red.

  Phil gaze suddenly turned to look at Jonathan, stunned. “You finally found her.”

  Jonathan nodded. “And I love her.”

  “Oh my fucking… WHAT?” Phil shouted, hugging him. They laughed.

  Samantha laughed, while her heart warmed at their friend’s reaction. Jonathan pulled back from the hug, and Phil opened the door wider.

  “Well don’t just stand there. Come in. Please sit down, we have to celebrate!” He said, still staring at them in shock, then turned around towards the hall. “My love, come here,” he shouted. “Jonathan is back, and you won’t believe this!”

  Jonathan took Samantha’s hand in his, caressing it with his thumb. She looked at him smiling, and kissed his lips softly.

  Phil squealed then turned to the hall once more. “Hurry up, woman!”

  Samantha followed his gaze into the hall, until she finally spotted a beautiful woman step out of a room. She walked towards them with a kind smile on her face. Her eyes focused on Jonathan, but instantly froze when she realized Samantha was sitting next to him, holding his hand. She turned to look at Phil, confused.

  “That’s Samantha!” He yelled, excited. Pointing towards her like he was signaling a plane for landing.

  Rose gasped, and turned to look at them again. Finally, she leaned in hugging them both. Samantha looked at her, surprised by the reaction but Jonathan chuckled.

  “Samantha, this is Rose, she’s a very close friend of mine, and has the misfortune of being Phil’s girlfriend,” Samantha laughed. Rose cleared her throat forcefully.

  “Excuse me, but I have the misfortune of being his fiancé” she grinned, showing her left hand to Jonathan. The engagement ring sparkled wildly on her finger. He got up to hug them both.

  “Congratulations guys, I’m happy you are getting married,” Rose looked at him as if he had just grown a second head.

  “Oh, no! Are you all right?” She asked, touching his forehead and neck, as though to check for a fever. They laughed. She faced Samantha. “I’m sorry about that Samantha, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “He found her,” Phil said, excited. Rose rolled her eyes, but still smiled.

  “Yes, I can see that, honey. She’s right here, sitting in our living room.”

  Phil laughed, and looked at Jonathan. “Tell her what you told me. You know, what you said at the door. Come on, tell her!”

  Samantha looked at him as though he might have a screw loose somewhere, and then chuckled when she noticed Rose sharing her expression.

  Jonathan smiled, taking Samantha’s hand in his, kissed it, and looked into her eyes. “I’m in love with her. I love her.”

  Rose squealed, almost as loud as Phil had and turned to him. Getting up from his seat, he hugged her and they began jumping together, overjoyed. Jonathan laughed, throwing one of the small pillows from the sofa at them. Realization hit Samantha, with incredible clarity. They had been witness of Jonathan’s suffering, his denial of love… the sadness he had lived through from not having Samantha by his side. Her heart constricted. She felt guilty. Her eyes searched for Jonathan’s, and she kissed him, immediately hearing them scream again. She laughed.

  Rose suddenly stopped jumping, and fixed her shirt. “I’m sorry Samantha, this must seem like really odd behavior to you, but we are normal people, I swear!” Samantha chuckled. “It’s just that we are so happy for him. For a moment there, I thought this might never happen, and we are thrilled that he finally has you, and he has embraced his love for you,” Rose hugged Samantha again, and ran to the kitchen.

  “We need champagne!”

  An hour later, Jonathan and Samantha finally walked into his apartment, tired and a little tipsy from the champagne. She remained silent while her eyes roamed the place, taking everything in.

  “You don’t like it,” Jonathan said, as a fact.

  She looked up at him. “I do, like it. It’s just… so modern. It doesn’t really feel like you. You’ve always shared my love for architecture, and old character, and this is so…. modern.”

  “You already said that,” he pointed out, trying not to laugh.

  She made a face. “Sorry.”

  He chuckled, and kissed her. “It’s ok, it came fully furnished. It was the model for the penthouses in here and the other two towers. I just though it easier to buy it like this, since I didn’t have you to help me decorate it.” There was a hint of sadness in his voice, but he held her hand and walked out to the balcony. She looked at the view of the city in awe, while he stood behind her.

  “Wow, this is truly beautiful,” she whispered, as he enveloped her in his arms. She placed her hands on top of his.

  “So many times I stood right here, thinking about you. Wishing I could share all of this with you,” he placed a kiss on her hair, and then closed his eyes smelling her scent deeply. “Come with me, baby,” he said, holding her hand, and taking her into the bedroom.

  He opened the closet and handed her an old pillow. Samantha looked at it, confused, until she realized it was her pillow from the dorm at Harvard. Her mouth dropped as she looked at it, then at him. He smiled. She looked at the pillow again, noticing the remnants of the makeup stain from when she buried her head in it, crying on graduation day. Jonathan took it from her and brought it his nose, then handed it back to her.

  “You can’t really smell your perfume on it anymore, though.”

  She stepped closer. Her heart tore a little at his words. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him close. A tear fell from her eye while she looked at him, and the events from those days filled her head again.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he said, his heart constricting at the sight of her tear.

  She shook her head. “No, I’m the one who is sorry. I was so wrapped up in the pain I felt, in what was happening, that I didn’t think about the pain I was causing you. One way or another you loved me, and I knew that. I’m sorry I hurt you by disappearing on you, by leaving you like that. You didn’t deserve that, Jonathan. I just… I couldn’t cope,” another tear ran down her face, he hugged her tighter, and rested his forehead to hers.

  “No, baby. Don’t cry. That is all in the past, we are together now and that’s all that matters,” he leaned in, his lips claiming hers.

  “I love you, Jonathan,” she whispered, kissing him back.

  The next morning, they woke up early, showered and got dressed. Jonathan would be taking Samantha to his office. He was dressed in one of his deep blue tailored suits, with a matching vest underneath, a crisp white shirt and a black tie.

  Samantha stared at him, while his freshly sprayed cologne intoxicated her senses. He grabbed a long black wool coat and put it on, and she reached for her purse, knowing it was time to leave. Jonathan focused on her and was immediately smitten. She wore another one of her body hugging knitted dresses. This one was cream, with a beautiful pattern on the knit, and an oversized cowl neck that overflowed towards her chest. Th
e dress went down to just above her knee, and she had on dark stockings, her knee-high black leather boots, and a burgundy wool coat that still managed to outline her silhouette. Her hair fell in waves, and she had very nice sexy make up on, with burgundy lips as well.

  “Stunning,” Jonathan said, taken aback. “I don’t think you’ll ever realize how sexy you look in those clothes.”

  She smirked. “Ditto, shall we go?”

  He chuckled and offered his arm to her.

  They stood outside Phil’s door and he knocked five times in a row again, then two more.

  She looked at him amused. “Is that the secret knock to the bat cave?”

  He chuckled just as the door opened to reveal Rose in a beautiful outfit, her winter white coat was closed and she was wearing a purple scarf. She smiled at them then looked back into the apartment.

  “Honey, we are ready!”

  Phil walked out looking as hot and sharp as Jonathan in a light grey suit with a lavender shirt and a light grey tie.

  Samantha looked at Phil and smiled, noticing they matched. These two were adorable.

  “I never thought I’d say this, Phil, but you look so freaking handsome.” They laughed, and she shook her head, amazed.

  Rose took her arm, leading her away from Jonathan and towards the elevator. “I know right? He is so hot. You want to trade?” They all laughed again, getting in the elevator.

  Samantha chuckled, looking at Rose. “I like you.”

  Rose winked at her. “I like me too.”

  They walked into the law firm and Samantha was impressed, everything around them screamed elegance. From the marble floors and columns, to the leather, and wood carved furniture, even the security podium. Everything was beautiful.

  “Good morning, Mr. Adams, Mr. Smith, Miss Miller,” The receptionist said, greeting them. She glanced at them, and then focused on Samantha. “Good morning, Miss,” Samantha nodded at the lady, and smiled.

  “Good Morning, Ann,” Jonathan replied, and walked with the others to the elevator while Samantha held his hand.

  Once the elevator doors closed, Ann picked up the phone, dialing Chantelle’s extension.

  “Chantelle speaking.”

  “Hey, it’s Ann. I just saw Mr. Smith come in, and he’s with a woman on his arm. I thought you might want to know.”

  Chantelle hung up on her, annoyed, and stared at the window for a few minutes. Then walked to her door and opened it slightly, peeking outside so she could see them once they came in.

  Phil got off on the tenth floor, giving a very long, hot and steamy goodbye kiss to Rose. Jonathan and Samantha laughed when the doors closed, almost squeezing him in the process. Samantha looked at Rose.

  “Well, that was very indecent,”

  Rose nodded, grinning. “Thank you, we try.”

  They finally reached their floor, and stepped out of the elevator. Jonathan’s eyes fell on the reception area. There was a woman sitting at the desk. “These people are fast.”

  Rose chuckled. “Tell me about it. The Monday after you left that girl was already here, and they started training me.”

  Samantha looked at Jonathan, a bit lost by the conversation. Rose smiled.

  “He just promoted me to be his Executive Assistant, right before he left for Thanksgiving. I was the receptionist-do-everything-they-tell-me-to girl before.” Samantha nodded, with a chuckle. “But don’t worry, there has been no hanky-panky going on in his office when I go in there to take notes.”

  “That’s because I haven’t been in my office,” he added, winking dramatically at her, and they laughed.

  They arrived at his door, and Rose settled on her desk outside. Jonathan and Samantha walked inside.

  Chantelle closed the door after seeing them come in. She returned to her desk and sat down, looking at the window while tapping her nails anxiously on the surface. She was trying to figure out who the hell that woman was but nothing came to mind. Then she realized how cozy they looked when he walked in with her in his arm, and the way he looked at her.

  “Samantha!” She said slamming her hand against the desk, once realization dawned on her. “That must be her. He’s never looked at anyone like that, not even me!” Jealousy was slowly clawing at her.

  “But what the hell happened? The way he talks about her when we are together is as though she’s gone. He says her name with anguish, with longing… Ugh, and she’s gorgeous.”

  She stood up, upset at the realization and opened the door, but stopped and closed it again.

  “I need an excuse to go there,” she thought, and whirled around, looking for something on her desk. She spotted the case he was currently collaborating on, and smirked. Opening the armoire’s door, she assessed herself in the full-length mirror.

  “Stunning, as usual,” she said, smiling at her reflection and grabbed the folder, walking out the door.

  Jonathan sat at his desk, with Samantha on his lap.

  “I love you,” he whispered in her ear, and she smiled tightening her arms around his neck. “You know, I really like this. Maybe I should hire you as my assistant.”

  “Baby, you wouldn’t get any work done. In fact, I’m not sure that I would let you,” a sexy grin curved Samantha’s lips, and his eyes became deliciously intense. Leaning in, he brushed his lips against her neck and whispered in her ear.

  “Oh, I would be working, baby. I assure you, I would work every single inch of you.”

  The sound of knocking at his door interrupted them. Samantha got up from his lap chuckling, and gave him a “Saved by the Bell,” look. He grinned, motioning for her to sit on the chair in front of his desk. She blew a kiss to him and his smile widened. The intercom came to life, then Rose’s voice sounded through the speaker.

  “Mr. Smith, you have Miss Williams here to see you. She says it’s important, are you available?” She asked sarcastically, and he chuckled as Chantelle began complaining outside. He looked at Samantha.

  “Rose is enjoying this a little too much,” she looked at him, confused. “I’ll tell you later,” he pressed the intercom. “I’m sorry, Rose. I’m afraid I can’t see her at the moment. I’m in the middle of something extremely important. Please let her know I’ll give her a call as soon as I’m available,” Rose repressed a chuckle, and disguised it as a cough, then closed the intercom.

  Jonathan chuckled when Chantelle raised her voice, clearly upset. He can hear her outside.

  “I’m sorry Chantelle, but he’s a Jr. Partner. You can’t just walk into his office, I’ll let you know when he becomes available.”

  Their “code knock” sounded at the door and Jonathan chuckled.

  “Come in, Rose.”

  Rose peeked her head inside. “I just want to thank you again for hiring me as your assistant. I feel like I should be the one paying you, just to get the chance to do that to her,” they laughed, and she closed the door, returning to her desk.

  Samantha looked at him, even more confused.

  “Chantelle is the niece of Jim Parker, one of the owners. She is used to getting her way, she had it in for Rose since before I started working here, and used to treat her like crap until I got fed up. I took advantage of the fact that my executive assistant had quit to become a stay at home Mom, and I promoted Rose to work with me.”

  “But can’t Chantelle still make her life miserable if she wants to? I mean, if she is related to one of the owners.”

  He shook his head. “No. First of all she’s my assistant now. She responds only to me, and second of all, Jim is an extremely fair man. He knows who his niece is and he doesn’t like those kinds of things. He would never allow it even if she tried. Rose is untouchable, Chantelle can’t do anything to her.” She chuckled. Jonathan leaned in and held her hand. “Sam, there’s something about Chantelle that you need to know. When I first got here I…” The intercom came to life again, cutting his words.

  “I’m very sorry to interrupt you, Jonathan, but Mr. Parker has requested you go to his
office a.s.a.p.”

  “Shit! I completely forgot I had a meeting first thing this morning. Thank you, Rose,” he said, looking at his watch and realizing he was ten minutes late. “I’m sorry, baby. I forgot about my meeting with him. I’ll be right back,” he got up, cradled her face, and placed two kisses on her forehead right before walking out the door.

  The door opened again, and Rose came in. “Hey there, how is your office visit going so far?”

  Samantha smiled. “Very nicely, thanks.”

  “Good, is there anything you need? I’m going to the restroom. I can get you some water if you want?”

  “Not from the restroom I hope,” Samantha said, amused.

  “Ugh, you are so picky!” Rose answered and they laughed.

  “Water would be nice, or tea please. Whatever you have,” Rose nodded.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Samantha stood from the chair, walked to the sofa next to the door, and sat down. Taking her book about Queen Elizabeth the first from her purse, she began to read.

  Chantelle opened the door to her office again. The curiosity was eating her alive. She noticed Jonathan walk out of his office, then Rose stepped in but left a few minutes later on what seemed was her way to the restroom. She smirked, and walked out of her office with the folder in hand, once again.

  Samantha heard a knock at the door and turned to see it opening slowly.

  “Jonathan, are you available now? I didn’t see Rose outside,” she heard the woman say peeking through the door, and then walked in.

  “I’m sorry, he’s not here. He’s currently in a meeting with Mr. Parker,” Samantha informed her. Chantelle faked embarrassment.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there. I came to bring a folder to him that he needs on a case we are currently working on together,” She held her hand out towards Samantha. “I’m Chantelle Williams. Pleasure to meet you, and you are?”

  Samantha repressed the urge to roll her eyes. She wasn’t buying her act for a second. “I’m Samantha Johnson, very nice to meet you.”

  “Oh, Samantha? The Famous Samantha! Wow, I should probably be honored to finally meet you. Jonathan has spoken so much about you.”


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