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Chasing Time: A Love Through Time Novel

Page 30

by Stephany Wallace

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, and rushed towards the room.

  Samantha grabbed the coffee mug he had taken out for her and poured some coffee, taking a sip. Jonathan cleared his throat behind her, and she turned to see him smiling from ear to ear and pointing to his feet. She looked down and gasped. He was wearing his brown Converse shoes that matched hers perfectly— Jonathan had bought them matching pairs when he received his first paycheck at sixteen. He had just started working at Anderson’s Supermarket at the time, his very first job— Although he was only sixteen, Jonathan had already fully grown into his body, probably triggered by the constant exercise while swimming. She wasn’t surprised that the shoes still fit him.

  “Oh, my God. I can’t believe you still have them!”

  He walked towards her, holding her by the waist. “You still have yours.”

  She nodded looking up into his eyes. “I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of them, or your sweatshirt. I just couldn’t let go.”

  “You never have to let go.”

  After breakfast, they drove to their secret destination holding hands. She finally managed to pull her smitten eyes away from him, and gasped. She looked at him again, pointing out the window.

  “Is that where we are going?”

  He grinned and nodded as Fenway Park came into view— Growing up with her Dad and Jonathan by her side, Samantha hadn’t had much choice in the matter. Baseball had become her favorite sport. She had grown up a tomboy after all. She used to watch all the games, especially the Red Sox’s games while at Harvard. Even though she was from Michigan, she had grown fond of the team.

  “I love it, thank you. Have you been here before?”

  He nodded. “I thought about you the whole time I was there, what I would have given to have you with me back then.”

  They parked and got out of the car, he held her hand, and gave her two little small kisses on her forehead then started to walk to the tickets office for the day tour.

  “Welcome to America’s most beloved Ballpark,” the guide announced as the tour began.

  Jonathan smiled at her, receiving a kiss on the cheek. He tightened his hand on hers.

  “After extensive construction in the early months of 1912, Fenway Park hosted its first game on April 9, an exhibition between the Red Sox and Harvard College. Eleven days later, the Red Sox played their first official game at Fenway Park against the New York Highlanders. The club went on to win 105 regular season games.”

  They listened to the guide while they walked through the museum, spotting Babe Ruth’s bat, and Mickey Mantle’s signed baseball. Samantha smiled while they continued admiring the signed baseball bats, uniforms and gloves from all the greatest athletes that had played there. Ted Williams, John Farrell, and Carl Yastrzemski among others, then stopped by the brick wall with the world championship signs to take a picture. The tour continued and every once in a while Samantha caught Jonathan looking at her, making her blush. He chuckled and kissed her hand every time after she smacked his chest.

  Finally, they walked out on the field. Her mouth dropped. She was truly speechless. He chuckled at her expression, and nodded.

  “It’s impressive.”

  She faced him with her mouth still open. “Impressive doesn’t even begin to cover it. I can hardly believe I’m standing here.”

  They followed the tour and walked up to the bleachers, she looked around admiring the view of manicured field, and the broadcast booths with the Famous Fenway Park sign on top. She could see the Green Monster seats with the Coca Cola sign. Jonathan kissed her cheek and pointed to the right, her eyes followed and widened. The Lone Red seat stood out proudly in the right field bleachers. She smiled.

  “The longest Home Run at Fenway, another reminder of the greatness of Ted Williams.” He nodded then laughed when she pulled his arm.

  “Hot dogs! We have to get some hotdogs.”

  They walked back to the car, hand in hand after the tour ended. It was the end of the day and Samantha couldn’t help but feel the weight of reality start to fall on her. Tomorrow would be her last day with Jonathan before she had to go back to Springport, and leave for England with her Father.

  She sat silently in the car while they drove back. Her head rested against the window, while the lights of the city flew by. With every second that passed, she could feel sadness take hold of her. Her heart was deeply troubled. Christopher hadn’t called her since that day when she told him she was confused and needed time. He was giving it to her, which only made her feel worst. She loved Jonathan, yet she couldn’t deny she also loved Christopher. She couldn’t fandom how she would ever be brave enough to break his heart.

  “Are you ok, baby?” Jonathan asked, taking her away from her thoughts.

  She turned her body on the seat, and looked at their hands together. She nodded. “I’m just sad I have only one more day with you.”

  He held her hand tighter, acknowledging the full weight of that statement. They had been living in their own little heaven for the past few days, but soon they would have to face the reality they had managed to avoid. Although temporarily. The toughest part of all was yet to come, and Samantha would have to make her final choice. She had told him it was him she loved, that it was him she wanted to be with, but he had witnessed the pain she felt by merely thinking about breaking Christopher’s heart. He would be lying to himself if he didn’t acknowledge the love she felt for Christopher. Things could change once she was in Oxford, with him. The mere thought of Samantha with him again sent a piercing pain through him that left him breathless, but there was nothing Jonathan could do about it. He was painfully aware of the fact that all of this was his fault, and now he was hurting her even more by putting her in this position. Yet he also knew in his heart that they belonged together. That he was the only one that could truly make her happy and he wouldn’t breathe, wouldn’t sleep and wouldn’t dare to rest until Samantha was with him for good… for the rest of their lives.

  As soon as they walked into the apartment, he took the bag from her hand placing it on the sofa, and then held her close.

  “You want me to order something to eat?” She nodded silent, wrapping her arms around him, and hiding her face in his neck. “I was thinking we can spend the whole day in bed tomorrow if you want. We can watch movies, or read. I’ll hold you in my arms, and love you all day long,” he added, kissing her forehead and she nodded, still silent.

  Samantha held on to him tighter and he felt the wetness of her silent tears sliding down his neck. He felt her pain, sharp and agonizing inside him, his jaw tensed as his eyes watered. He took a slow breath, gaining control of himself and lowered his head. He pulled back so that he was looking into her eyes, and cradled her face in his hands.

  “I know. I know, baby, and I’m sorry I have put you in this position. I’m sorry you have this impossible task ahead of you, that’s hurting you even before you do it, but please. Please, I beg you, don’t cry. We are still together today. We still have tomorrow before we both have to face the reality of what needs to happen. Please, lets spend them loving each other, not saying goodbye. You are not alone in this, baby. I’m with you, always… I love you, Sam.”

  Samantha nodded as another tear slid down her cheek, and she reached for him, kissing him, needing him more than anything, more than she had ever needed him before.

  Carrying her in his arms, Jonathan took her to the room, their lips never leaving each other. He set her down in the bathroom, and began to undress her slowly. His lips kissed, her and nibbled on hers softly, while her hands guided his clothes off his body. He pressed the button in the digital wall panel and the shower turned on. Soon, the steam filled the bathroom and he held her close to him, taking their naked bodies into the large shower, and closing the glass door behind them.

  The hot water from the multiple showerheads began to fall all over their bodies, from every direction. It intensified the sensations running through them, and their need for each other. Jonatha
n pressed her back against the travertine wall, and held her there with his body. His lips teased her, and taunted her just like he had done the first time he made love to her. Samantha loved when he kissed her this way. When he made love to her like this. It was almost as though he was satisfying a quiet desperation within himself. Every touch, every taste was languid and savored, like she was the most delicious dish he had ever tasted. As though he didn’t want to rush, so he could truly feel every inch of her under his lips. Enjoy her completely, until there wasn’t a part of her he hadn’t kissed, he hadn’t tasted, he hadn’t loved.

  He brushed her lips with his ever so slightly, and nibbled at her lower lip. A soft moan left her, while he repeated the move on her top lip. She was glad he was holding her, because her knees were getting weaker by the second. His body slid against hers as he pressed himself to her, due to the wetness of their skins. The water fell in between their bodies and slid over her breasts and belly, causing a different set of sensations while he continued to kiss her. His hands roamed her body, massaging her breasts while his lips continued down her neck, and she could feel all of him against her. His body curled around her. A new rush of desire ran through her. She needed him. His lips closed over her nipple and she moaned again, arching her back to him. She held his shoulders tightly, looking to steady herself, but it didn’t work. She still felt like falling. Unable to help it, she sidestepped and he held her waist, guiding her to the corner. The two walls held her snuggly, while his lips continued their exploration down her body. She shuddered and pressed her back to the corner, her breath was ragged and her eyes were still closed from the sensual haze he had her in.

  Jonathan kissed her navel gently, and kneeled on the floor, allowing his lips to travel the length of her beautiful legs. Lifting her right leg, he kissed her ankle and began to nibble and kiss her leg on his way up. He rested it on his right shoulder, and placed a gentle kiss on her inner thigh, then proceeded to give the same adoration to her other leg. He kissed, and nibbled her skin until his lips kissed her gently on the very edge of her inner thigh, and guided her leg to rest on his left shoulder. Samantha moaned when he gently nuzzled her sensitive skin, inhaling the scent of her. His hands held her waist securely while he slowly stood. Her back slid up the corner, until he was fully standing. His tongue found her and she placed her left hand on the ceiling, attempting to steady herself from the slant of pleasure traveling through her.

  “Jonathan,” she said breathless, unable to finish the sentence as she felt her world begin to spin.

  “I’m here, baby. You are safe with me,” he answered, against her sensitive skin. His breath caressed her and caused her stomach to dip violently. The pulsing intensified in her.

  Jonathan hummed in delight as he licked, nibbled, and savored her. Her thighs trembled on his shoulders while Samantha struggled to breathe. He was destroying her sanity with every brush of his lips against her. She could only hear the thunderous beating of her heart, and her moans that although loud, seemed to resonate far away in the distance. He knew she was on the edge, close to giving him her all and he jerked in his hand. The mere thought of her falling apart on his lips had him losing control. He had never been this thirsty for her. His lips closed over the most sensitive part of her and he sucked, so gently he barely touched her. It was all it took to push her over the edge. He drank from her, everything she had to give, while her body shook in his hold. Giving her skin one last adoring kiss, he held her thighs off his shoulders, and allowed her body to slide down against his, until she was standing in front of him once again. He brushed his lips against hers, enjoying the way it felt, then claimed them in another languid yet passionate kiss.

  “I love you,” he whispered on her lips, and saw her finally open her eyes. They were glazed over with need and desire, but there was so much love in them. His heart grew just a bit more. He kissed her again, and holding her shoulders turned her around.

  Samantha placed her hands on the wall, trying to steady herself. He had left her weak, however, she was perfectly content with letting him do whatever he wanted to her. Every touch, every kiss and caress sent her to paradise. She was absolutely, and irrefutably his. Her breasts pressed against the wall as he held her with his body, his hands left her for a moment, then he suddenly held her waist and pulled her back against his chest.

  Walking back, Jonathan sat on the stone bench within the shower. He sat her on his lap, and rested his back to the wall, while her back rested on him. The hot water fell on them, washing the front of their bodies. Gently, he lifted her hips, and slid inside her. A moan rippled through him. Originating in the depths of him, and escaped his mouth when he finally felt her wrap around him tightly. The moan mixed with hers, becoming one and resounding in the air around them. He silently mourned the loss of her moan, wishing his lips were on hers. Holding her thighs, he guided her legs to the sides, to rest over his. He squeezed the bottle of her body wash on his hand, and began to rub his palms together. Another moan left her, when he began to lather the front of her body. Her head fell back on his shoulder, just as his hips lifted from the bench and he started rocking into her. Cradling her neck, he tilted her face towards him and kissed her lips, claiming her moans. His right hand began massaging her breasts, while the other slid between her thighs, caressing her intimately. The skin that was already sensitive, from the attention his lips had given her, became alive for him once more. His hips continued their sensual rhythm into her, while he loved her. His movements were deep, leisurely, and with purpose. He needed her to feel him in the most remote parts of her. He wanted her to feel him like she had never felt him before. He needed to become part of her, and be inside her so deeply that nothing could ever make her forget that she was his. That no matter where she was, he would remain inside her, because he was hers too, and they belonged together.

  A powerful moan erupted from Samantha, as she fell off the edge once more for him. Feeling the tremors overpower her body, she began to contract around him. Jonathan let go for her, becoming undone inside her. He held her tightly in his arms while their bodies shook together, and they gave everything they had to each other.

  They stood in the shower, while Jonathan finished rinsing her hair. He was beginning to understand Phil’s fascination with it. The way Samantha’s hair fell over her breasts and body, when he loved her, was unquestionably one of the sexiest things he had ever seen. Samantha laid her head on his chest, while the warm water fell over them. Their skin was wrinkled, and tender from the long exposure to the water but she didn’t care, she never wanted to leave this shower with him. She listened to his heartbeat, while her hands roamed his back, and smiled when his heart skipped a beat.

  He chuckled. “Yes, you do that to me,” he admitted.

  Samantha raised her gaze to his, but didn’t speak. Looking deeply into his eyes, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, kissing him.

  The next day went as planned. Jonathan and Samantha spent the whole day in bed, in each other arms. It started with breakfast in bed, prepared by chef Jonathan. In fact, he had worn the apron and the hat for her, nothing else though, and for that she was eternally grateful. They read a book while holding hands, and then they made love to each other, until she fell asleep in his arms. After their well-deserved nap, they decided to watch a movie. It was now 7:00pm and they sat on the bed, eating Chinese again.

  “Oh my God, I swear this is the best Chinese I’ve ever had,” Samantha exclaimed truly enjoying each bite.

  He smirked. “Well that’s because you are eating it with me,” she chuckled. “Baby, do you want the last egg roll?” She nodded, and he began to hand it to her, it but suddenly stopped. “Well, what are you willing to give up for it? Now that I think about it, this egg roll is very important to me, and I don’t think I can let it go that easily.”

  She smirked. “I’ll give you a kiss.”

  He chuckled, and handed her the egg roll. “All yours.”

  She laughed. “That’s it?
That’s all it took? Those are your brilliant negotiating skills, Mr. Fancy Lawyer? You only got one kiss.”

  His smile turned adoring while he looked at her. He reached for her cheek and caressed it with the back of his finger.

  “One kiss from you was all it took to change my life. I’ll take every single one I can get.”

  Samantha threw the eggroll on the plate and literally jumped him. They laughed, as they almost rolled off the bed from her maneuver.

  “Did I forget to say it was an intrepid kiss too?” she said, and they laughed again. She crushed his lips with hers, kissing him with all the love she felt for him.

  Jonathan woke up startled when he couldn’t feel her in his arms anymore. He turned to the clock on his nightstand, to check the time. It was 4:03am and still dark outside. He got up, and walked out of the bedroom to find her wrapped in his robe, standing out on the balcony. He put his coat on, and walked out to her side. Holding her shoulders he turned her around, and saw the tears in her eyes. She looked up at him, nearly tearing his heart.

  “I don’t want to leave, Jonathan. I don’t want to leave you,” she said, wrapping her arms around him, and hiding her head in his chest.

  He looked into the horizon, taking a deep breath while his jaw hardened, but he still couldn’t stop the tears that gathered in his eyes. He didn’t know what to tell her, the truth was he didn’t want her to leave, but they couldn’t avoid this. She had to do this so they could finally be together. He lifted her chin, and looked into her eyes while a tear escaped him. He wiped it away and cradled her cheeks.

  “I’ll be with you soon, baby. I already requested the transfer. It should be approved in the next two weeks, and I’ll talk to my realtor about the apartment after I return from Springport. You are the most important thing in my life, and I’m not letting you go. I’ll be there the second you are ready, but you know you need to face this. You need to go and talk to him, explain our love and that you can’t be with him anymore… if that’s still what you want of course.”


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