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My Pinup Girl (My Girl Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Nicky Fox

  I was tempted the next day to check on Hunter, but I knew he had family here including Carlos. So, he would be all right without me. He had been for the past couple months. Again, I needed to put him out of my mind. I was even tinkering with the idea of living in Mexico. It was gorgeous there. Many historical buildings got my creative juices flowing. Still, every time I closed my eyes I would see his face. If he kept kissing me as he did, I would never be able to put him out of my mind.

  As I sat on my couch making my to-do list there was a knock on the door. Evie was in her room, so I figured it was probably the guy she was dating to come pick her up. I opened the door and saw Hunter with a bandage over his right eye. He got his trademark black Stetson on top of his head. A black shirt and jeans. He looked so good.

  "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. He just stares at me intensely.

  "What do you want, Hunter?" I'm becoming more agitated with him coming over all the time. He thinks he can just drop by anytime. No. This is exactly why I need to get out of here.

  "You." I bristle at that one word.

  I push into his chest. "No. What are you doing here?" He stands firm and takes it. Hunter looks at me adoringly which makes me even more mad. He's so infuriating.

  "God, you're so beautiful, Lenora, even when you're mad as hell and yelling at me. All I can think of is kissing you. It's taking everything in me right now not to just grab you." He braces his hands on the doorframe.

  "Shut up. Shut up. I don't want to hear it, Hunter."

  "I love it when you say my name. I've missed it. I've missed you so much, Lenora. You have no idea. It was never over, sweetheart, never over for me." There's hurt in his voice. I look away because I can't take it.

  "I don't want to hear it. You broke me, destroyed me." I yell the last word, and he reaches for me, but I shake my head. "You cast me away, and now you're trying to reel me back in? No. What are you doing here?"

  He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at his boots. "You mentioned the paintings are complete in the hospital. I came to pick them up."

  "Oh." I did tell him he could pick them up. "Okay, hold on." I rush back to the studio and grab his paintings. There are four in total. One is based on the photograph of the farmhouse. The second is an abstract landscape of his corn fields. The third and fourth pictures are portraits of him. I walk out and hand them over. "There you are." He flips through them and smiles at the paintings. "You painted me?"

  I blush. "I did." He smiles at me and nods. "I painted the portraits a few months ago," I tell him that so he doesn't think I've been pining over him.

  "Do you want to have dinner?" I sigh and shake my head.

  "It's been a long day, Hunter, and I need to start packing." He shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

  "Start packing?" His eyebrows shoot up, and he looks hurt.

  "My work is being featured at a gallery in Mexico. I'm going to the showing."

  "Wow, Lee. Really? I'm proud of you. That's great news."

  He motions to the paintings in his hands. "They're amazing. You're incredible. Thank you. I can't wait to hang them up." He walks on to the porch and turns around to look at me.

  "Goodbye, Hunter." His mouth opens to say something, but he loses his words. I closed the door softly and slink down to the floor. I hear his boots walk away.

  She thinks that was a goodbye. I haven't even started to win her back. That woman is mine. I loved her from the minute I seen her unconscious on my lawn. Nothing else in this world matters to me, not even the farm. Carlos was right. Grandpa would never let anything get between my grandmother and him. Not even death could keep them apart. I know they're together now. Hopefully, they can give me a helping hand with Lenora. I need it.

  It just took me awhile to figure out that the farm wasn't imperative, she is. My grandfather would be disappointed in me. I did have my head up my ass. I was too busy with my problems I couldn't even go with her to Austin for a few days. What was I thinking? I thought her dad would be okay. She said he was downplaying it, but I figured since he was already in the hospital getting care he would be alright. She said he was in good health before that. It's no excuse. I should have been there.

  When I was at the hospital and I was worse for wear, she was there. She is this little ray of sunshine meant just for me. I love her more than anything. I have to show her. I need her to know there is no doubt. We need to be together. Now, I just need to figure out how to make that happen. I'm not giving up. She might feel like it's too late but, it's never too late for love.

  I know just the person to call. "Hey Hunter, how's the hunt going?" I chuckle at his lame joke. Carlos always knows how to soften the mood.

  "Hey man, I need a favor. I have an idea, and I know you can help set everything up for me."

  "Anything, man." Yeah, he's my family. I rub my hands together like we're making a plan.

  "My girl's going to Mexico."

  "My motherland, I think I know where you're getting at. I'm on board. Let me tell Mariel I'll be out of town for a few days."

  I almost drop the phone. "Wait, what? No, you're not coming. I'm going solo, man."

  Carlos huffs on the phone. "You need backup, man. You need some major help. I'm your amigo. I got your back." I hear him pull away from the phone. "Mariel lay out my luggage bag. Hunter and I are taking a business trip." He laughs on the phone. "I've always wanted to say that." I hear Mariel's muffled voice in the background. "Well, I don't know where it is. I got to go, man, I'll call you with all the deets."

  "Deets?" Carlos hangs up. I shake my head at the ceiling. What the hell is going on?

  I'm sitting on the plane next to Carlos. My palms are sweating and I have no idea what I'm going to do in Mexico. Carlos was awesome and within an hour had all the information on the gallery that was showing her art and a flight down there set up for the both of us. He even had some family there we could stay with for a few days.

  "What do I say to her, man? I need a plan. Last time I just went in there blind, and it blew up in my face. How can I make her see that she's it for me?"

  "You do need a plan. I wish I could help you with what to say, but you have to do that part yourself. You need to speak from your heart. I'm here for moral support and Pinterest ideas. Do you want to hear a new corn joke?"

  I rub my hands down my face and sigh. "Not right now, man, but thanks. Thanks for doing this with me. I feel like this is some huge test, and I'm going to fail miserably."

  Carlos opens a bag of pretzels and starts munching on them. "That's why I'm there, to kick you in the ass when you're being one." He gives me a bright smile, and I can't help but return it. I send a silent prayer up to Grandad to help me get my girl.

  Most of the flight goes smoothly. Carlos naps while I feel like I'm going to vomit any minute. I have to go to the bathroom and splash water on my face to calm down. We finally land in Mexico City. Carlos is off and running. He gets us through security and baggage claim very quickly. It helps to have a guy who knows the language so well. I only know a bit from what he's taught me, and it's mostly slang and cuss words. Not very helpful right now.

  We grab a cab to go to his family's hacienda. It's his cousin's home. They are more than welcoming. I change into some nicer clothes for the showing at the gallery. I keep my hat though. I'm nervous as hell. My palms are still sweating from the flight, and Carlos' real words are doing nothing to calm me. He pats me on the back on the way out the door. He's spending the evening with his family.

  It's a bit of a walk to the gallery, but I enjoy the time to clear my head. The city is bustling, and the lights are beginning to turn on in the front of the shops. It's a beautiful city.

  I glance at the piece of paper that Carlos wrote the address and directions on. I search for the number of the building in front of me. This is it. There are large picture windows you can see into the gallery. There's quite a big gathering of people and all different styles of art on the walls.

e we go." I straighten my hat and open the doors.

  I'm overwhelmed with the atmosphere in the gallery. There are many great artists presented tonight. I can't believe I'm in with this caliber of art. Many patrons are walking around with champagne that's complimentary. I feel like pinching myself. Angelica finds me by the craft service table.

  "Darling, why are you hiding over here? Let me introduce you to everyone."

  I spend the next hour being passed around. I meet many interesting and cultured people. I even meet some artists of some of the other paintings which I greatly admire. The night is going by in a blur. I can't be happier with how the showing is going. I'm also a little tipsy from all the champagne.

  I finally have a second to myself. I turn to another section that's not being showcased tonight but is equally as breathtaking as anything I've seen this evening. The colors the artist used in one of the paintings captivates me. I hear someone clear their throat behind me. My back goes ram rod straight. Am I in trouble for being in here? I slowly turn around expecting to see a security guard.

  I see that black Stetson and those blue eyes. "Hunter? What are you doing here?"

  He just smiles at me and looks my body up and down. "You look stunning, Lenora." He's wearing black slacks and a blue button-down shirt. He's so handsome.

  "Thank you." I don't know what to think or say. I just stand there waiting for him to do something.

  "I heard this amazing artist is being featured in this gallery tonight. So, I had to come and see it for myself." I can tell he wants to touch me in some way, but he doesn't know if it's allowed. I lean over and give him a light hug. He smiles when we pull apart.

  "Thank you, Hunter. I don't know what to say." I cross my arms over my chest, so I don't reach out to touch him again. He smells wonderful, like home.

  "You don't have to say anything, Lenora. I just wanted to let you know that I support you and I'm proud of your work, all of it. I'm lucky that I have some of it hanging in my home."

  "I appreciate you coming here to see my paintings. Are you in town for long?" I ask.

  "How long are you in town for?" I miss this with him. He makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. "Look, Lenora, I don't know if it's obvious, but I'm here only for you. I don't have anything else going on. I followed you down here to be with you and support you. I wanted to be able to talk to you and explain some things when you're ready to hear them."

  Maybe we can both get some closure. Hunter obviously has some important things to tell me that he followed me all the way to Mexico. "I'm almost done here. We can grab some dinner after?"

  "That would be great. I'll wait around for you. Take your time." He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and turns to leave. I touch the spot where he kissed my cheek and imagine never feeling his lips on me again. I take a deep breath and put my game face on to finish this incredible showing. I leave the room and head to my section of the gallery.

  A half hour later I feel I can leave. I've noticed Hunter's black hat from time to time roaming around and keeping an eye on me. I've seen women all night checking him out and trying to talk to him. I feel giddy that I get to leave with him. I head over to where he's looking at a painting.

  When I see the painting he's staring at, I gasp.

  "What is that doing here?" I take it down immediately from the wall and cover the picture with my body.

  "Lenora, did you paint that?" Hunter looks like he's seen a ghost and I think I've already died so, that would make sense. I'm incredibly embarrassed. I must have accidentally shipped the pin-up painting to the gallery. I was planning on including it with Hunter's paintings as a sort of a goodbye. He mentioned to me that I was his pin-up girl.

  It was the project Evie and I worked on together. She took some pics of me while I posed. I then took the picture and made a painting out of it, just like my grandfather taught me. He used to paint, and the pin-up style was his specialty. He painted other things, landscapes like me but he was most proud of his pin-ups. I watched him and practiced it. It was a dying art we learned about briefly in college. I wanted to be a master like him. I didn't want that style of art to die. I still have all his originals.

  The pin-up I painted for Hunter was me in the kitchen with an apple pie. I'm bent over with only an apron and red boots on. My ass is on full display. It was supposed to be something just between the two of us, a painting for him to always remember me. Now, it seems dumb. It also seems like a huge mistake.

  "Lenora, what's the problem?" Angelica bustles over to me. Her mouth agape like I murdered someone. I mean, I guess I did take a painting off the wall, but it wasn't supposed to be up there in the first place.

  "Angelica, this was not supposed to be sent in the paintings I sent you." I turn over the picture and briefly show it to her. There are eyes on us since I'm making somewhat of a scene.

  "Oh, I see. That was one of the items with no name attached to it. So, we hung it in the miscellaneous section since it's such a rare find. You don't see paintings like that anymore. And now that I think about it, the woman in it does look like you." She smiles at me not understanding how embarrassed I am.

  "Well, it's not meant to be seen, especially displayed in a gallery. I'll have to take the painting back." I grip my art closer to my body. They'll have to go over my dead body to have this hung up for everyone to see.

  "No problem. We did get a lot of interest in that one. If you have any others that are not so personal, I'd be interested in showcasing a series." She claps her hands together. "Well, now I know that's all settled. There are a few other people I need to speak with. If you'll excuse me." She smiles and breezes off to another group of individuals.

  "Lenora, we need to talk." Hunter still has that crazy look about him. I don't know what he's thinking. Maybe the portrait was a turn off for him? I should've never painted the damn thing.

  "Sure." Trying to sound casual, but failing. "So, I heard from a few people that there's a great place to eat just down the road here." Hunter still acts a little dumbfounded, but offers me his arm. I take it.

  "Sounds perfect."

  We are seated immediately at a quaint little restaurant. It has a quiet and intimate atmosphere where we can talk. A candle flickers in its holder in the middle of our table. I shoved my painting into a bag before we left and it's sitting snugly next to my chair. Hunter's face glows in the candlelight. He took his hat off, and I can see the small scar he got from the fireplace. It's healing though. Hunter's watching me, not saying anything. I don't know what to say either. He seems a bit nervous, fidgeting with his menu. The waiter takes our order and leaves us.

  A Mariachi band comes and plays next to us. They begin to sing "My Little Buttercup." It's a little unorthodox, but it's fun. I can't help but giggle and look into Hunter's eyes. He's smiling. This whole scene reminds me of "The Three Amigos," but the name Buttercup means more to me than these singers know. It feels right, Hunter and I here together.

  Hunter's hand moves across the table offering to hold mine. I place my hand in his not knowing what to expect from him next. The song comes to an end, and they move on to another table. I look at Hunter, and he begins to speak.

  "Lenora, when you left to care for your father, I was in a very rough place. I found out there was a lien on the farm. With the new property I wanted to purchase, I was sinking fast. It took some work from a lawyer and the executor of the estate to figure out that the lien had been paid. The executor was just ignorant and didn't file the right paperwork to have the lien lifted. I almost lost my grandfather’s farm. It doesn't even compare to losing you, though. I thought he was going to be okay. I'm sorry, Lenora. If I had known…" I shake my head. "If I could go back, I would be there with you in Austin. I would've met your father and asked for his blessing." I gasp. Our waiter sets our drinks down and abruptly leaves. Hunter continues.

  "But I realized, after almost losing my grandfather's farm that it wasn't important. You are. I did lose everything in the process. None of it means anythi
ng without you. I belong to you." Tears stream down my face. "Can I ask you a question?"

  "Okay." I'm hesitant to see where this is going. Is he going to ask me to marry him? I wipe my tears from my face with my napkin.

  "I remember you said your grandfather was a painter and he taught you. Was his last name Kraven?" I look at him bewildered now. This seems from left field. Why would he ask me this?

  "Umm, yes. Daniel. Daniel Kraven." Hunter's eyes close briefly, and his head falls back. "Is everything okay?"

  I think I hear him mumble, "Thanks, Grandad." Then his piercing blue eyes are focused on me.

  "I don't even know where to start with this." He looks down at the table. Hunter seems to come to some resolve. "I've always called you my Pin-up girl, and it hasn't been truer than in this moment. I know now that I was meant for you and you were meant for me. Our fate is written in the stars. The same stars as our grandparents." What is he talking about?

  "Our grandparents? Hunter, what are you talking about? You're not making any sense." I have no idea where he's going with this. I guess I just need to be patient and hear him out.

  "My grandparents met in 1945 because of a pin-up calendar your grandfather painted." He doesn't continue. I mull over that fact for a minute.

  "My grandfather?" I'm still confused. What? A calendar my grandfather painted?

  "Grandad saw my grandmother on a calendar. She was Miss January. He found her through your grandfather, Kraven. He brought them together through his art. Because of your grandfather, I am here. I still can't believe you're his granddaughter. So, you see, Lenora. We were always meant to meet. No matter what you'll always be my pin-up girl, my forever. I love you."


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