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Serenade Me: A Rockstar Romance (Rock Chamber Boys Book 3)

Page 5

by Daisy Allen

  “I do, and I’m sorry that it’s been that way. I guess we just rub each other the wrong way,” she shrugs.

  For a moment the words “rub” and “each other” flash in my brain and I bite the inside of my cheek to ignore it. Focus, Marius. She’s Jez’s sister. No rub.

  Oblivious to my inner thoughts, she’s silent for a few seconds and sighs. “Sorry I’ve been such a bitch. I guess I’ll tell Jez that it’s a no go.”

  And suddenly the thought of her not being around trumps all the annoyance of the last 24 hours. Before I can stop myself, I hear myself saying, “No. Don’t. Look. We got off on the wrong foot. Why don’t we… why don’t we try to get through some rehearsals and in a few days if it doesn’t work out, we’ll decide then.”

  The look on her face tells me I’ve done the right thing. “Really?”

  I shrug, “Yeah, I’ll try not to be too much of an insensitive asshole.”

  She lets out a short laugh, “And I’ll try not to be such a sensitive witch.”

  I feel my eyebrows raise at the word. “Witch?”

  “Yeah, I… er, I may have been called that before in my past.”

  “Oh. You don’t say. I can’t imagine that…” Her eyes narrow trying to read my tone and I force myself to smile.

  “You fu-…” she starts and then clamps her mouth shut and I can see, our pact to behave is going to take some effort on both our parts. She forces herself to smile and I can’t help but grin at how much it must be killing her.

  “Come on, let’s go back, before they’re done conspiring how to kick me out of the band and get you to replace me.”

  She hesitates, then rocks forward on her feet and walks past me. I follow behind her just as she flips her hair and there’s a waft of her scent.


  Vanilla cotton candy and liquid silk.

  Chapter Seven


  “You guys should do that song as a duet,” Cadence tells me, as we’re freshening up, getting ready to go out for her farewell dinner.

  “Oh, um, no. I’m sure the songs they already have will work great. The ones you’ve been playing.”

  “Come on. If you have ideas, don’t be afraid to tell them. They’ll resist at first, but I’ve been there. They’ve been playing as a band for 12 years. Hearing different opinion, and from a girl, can make them a little…” she makes a look that wouldn’t look out of place on Munch’s The Scream painting.”

  “You… you suggested songs?”

  “Hell, yeah. And you should too. If they like it, great. If they don’t, screw ‘em and play it anyway. Make them learn to like it,” she says matter-of-factly and I think I might be a little in love with her. She’s so confident and assured. No one would know she’s not the famous one in her relationship.

  “Something tells me they would not appreciate this conversation.” Especially that buffoon, I think, before I bite my tongue, reminding myself that we’re on a truce.

  “I bet they didn’t think they’d like monogamy either.” She gives me an exaggerated wink and wiggles her engagement ring at me. “Oh great, Emily’s here.” Cadence waves to a stunning, petite brunette who has just walked through the door with Brad. I remember Jez telling me that they’re recently engaged. “Come meet her, she’s the other Rock Chamber Boys permanent groupie.”

  I watch as Cadence skips over to Emily and pulls her into a huge hug.

  “Hey Ball!” Cadence yells.

  “Hey Chain!” Emily replies and they give each other dramatic air kisses before dissolving into giggles.

  “Anca! Come here!” I make my way over, a little intimidated by how striking Emily is. But as soon as I go over there she gives me a big smile.

  “Hi Anca, it’s so nice to meet you! This is Ben,” she gestures to the little boy hugging Brad’s leg.

  “Well, hello, Ben.” I kneel down and ruffle his hair. He stares at me for a moment, unblinking. I squirm a little, under his scrutiny. He’s so little but he has such an intense gaze. Then he breaks into a huge smile and asks, “What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?”

  “O-oh. Um, I love anything that has chocolate chips in it.”

  His eyes grow wide before he responds. “Me tooooo. It’s my absolute favorite.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Brad says, as I stand up. “He’ll eat anything if it’s got the words ‘ice cream’ in it.”

  We all laugh and head down the hall way to Jez and Marius’ room where we’d agreed to meet up. After our discussion earlier, Marius and I came back and told everyone we’d sorted out our differences and that if the others agreed, he and I were ready to start rehearsals for the tour.

  Jez didn’t seem as happy as I thought he’d be considering it was his idea in the first place, but hey, that’s Jez. If he always made sense he might not have even chosen the career he has, considering what we went through in our childhood. The thought instantly darkens my mood and I try to push the thoughts away, tuning back in to the conversation.

  “What’s everyone discussing?” I whisper to Jez.

  “We’re having the same argument we have every bloody night.”

  “Where to go for dinner.” They all chime in, as if rehearsed.

  I can’t help but laugh. They continue arguing for a few more minutes before I interject with an idea. “Ok, how ‘bout this. I’m going to pick a number between 1 and 50 and whoever chooses the closest number, gets to pick the restaurant.”

  They all pick their numbers and I can’t help but inwardly giggle as I realize who’s won.

  “And the number I picked was number 1! And the winner, who picked number 2 is…. BEN!”

  “Hey, no fair, he only knows like 5 numbers, he had a smaller pool to choose from.” Marius pouts.

  “So, Ben, where are we going?” I ask him.

  He jumps up and down with excitement as he yells, “BEST. PLACE. EVER!!!”


  “Your shoe size, ma’am?” The guy at the counter asks me and hands me my bowling ball.

  “It’s um… an 11,” I whisper.

  “A what?” Marius snorts, shaking his head disbelievingly, and then looks down at my feet.

  “Shush!” I hiss, dropping my handbag down to sit on my toes, trying to hide them from his eyes.

  “Oh my god! Are you secretly harboring the Hulk’s feet?” He says, his eyes lit up, as he pushes my bag away.

  “No! Go away, don’t make me throw this bowling ball at your head.”

  “Miss, that’s against the rules,” the guy at the counter says, dead pan, handing over my stripy red and white bowling shoes and points to a sign on the wall.

  Marius squints at it. “No Throwing Bowling Balls At Other People,” he reads slowly. “Huh. So it does. So, I’m safe.”

  I pout, playing along, appreciating his efforts to bury the hatchet between us.

  “Hey, over here.” Jez waves to us and we wander over to him. We sit down and kick off our shoes, replacing them with the dubious looking and smelling rentals.

  “Hey Bozo, nice going with the restaurant choice game,” my brother tells me rolling his eyes. “I love getting dressed to the nines to end up at a bowling alley.”

  I shrug, sticking my foot in the shoe, cringing at the thought of who’s foot was in it before mine. “Maybe it’ll teach you guys to stop fighting over something so trivial next time. Then you could be fussing over some unpronounceable French liver dish instead of enjoying the delicious real food they serve here.”

  “Dinnerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is served!” A voice announces behind us, and we turn to see Brad with a tray filled five storeys high with fries and hot dogs and burgers and sodas.

  “YUMMM!” Ben yells, clapping as his mother hands him a cup of fries. “Thanks, Auntie Anca!”

  My heart warms seeing how happy Ben is and I reach over and steal a fry from his cup. I watch him, waiting for him to throw a tantrum or tell his mom but he just grins and holds it out to me offering me another one.

��Dude. Is Ben the most mature one here?”

  Everyone laughs. Apparently, they’ve heard this before.

  “He keeps us in line, doncha Benny boy?” Brad says, ruffling his hair, the love in his eyes for the little boy so sincere I feel a twinge somewhere I think my uterus should be.

  “So, how are we gonna do this?” Sebastian gets up, shaking his foot as if he’s hoping the shoe will fly off.

  “Well, eight of us, how ‘bout two teams?” I suggest.

  “Yay! Can I be captain?” Ben jumps up.

  “Of course!” Sebastian says. “Who do you want to be Captain of the other team?”

  “Hmmm Aunt Anca, cos she let me pick the restaurant.”

  “Aww, thanks, Benny. Okay, you go first!”

  “Okay… I pick… Uncle Brad!” He shouts and jumps onto Brad’s lap.

  “Well, that was a waste of 12 hours of labour,” Emily grumbles.

  “Your turn, Auntie Anca.”

  “Okay, let me see. I pick Sebastian!”

  “Cool, why me?” He asks as he wanders over to join me.

  “Um, ‘cos it looks like you might’ve been picked last for teams in high school, and I didn’t want to give you traumatic flashbacks!”

  “I’d be offended. If it weren’t true.” Seb hangs his head.

  “Okay, Benny, you’re up again.”

  “Okay… I pick…Uncle Jez.”

  “Right on, buddy! We are gonna crush ‘em.” Jez holds up his hand for a high five.

  “It’s not too late for adoption, you know?” Emily says, tapping on her son’s shoulder to get his attention, which he ignores, giving his full attention to his dwindling bucket of fries..

  “Okay, my turn and… Emily, it is!”

  “Hooray!!” She yells and we fist bump, barely making contact and almost punching each other in the face.

  “Aw, Mommy, I was going to pick you next.” Ben says, looking sad.

  “Well, next time you should pick me earlier. Okay, now hurry up, your turn, Uncle Marius or Auntie Cadence.”

  “I pick…”

  “No need to say it, buddy, I got your back,’ Marius cuts in and jumps over to stand by Ben.

  “…Auntie Cadence!” Ben announces.

  “Wha?” Marius stops in his tracks, shocked.

  “Sorry, Uncle Marius, but she makes the best jam sandwiches. She puts lots of ice cream in them”

  “But jam sandwiches don’t have ice cream in them.”

  “And that’s why you’re the last person to be picked for a team,” Cadence taunts Marius and pushes him back over to my side.

  “Aunt Anca, it’s your turn!” Ben declares gleefully.

  “Yeah, thanks. Not much of a choice, is it?” I pretend sneer and look Marius up and down, trying not to let a grin break out.

  “Hey. I’m a master at this “balling” thing. I am gonna. Win. This. You’ll ALL be eating your words.” He grabs a ball and walks up to the lane,” Now, what are those white things at the end of the catwalk?”


  It turns out, Marius is actually quite good.

  So good, in fact, that about half way in, he’s way ahead of anyone else and has about the same amount of points as the rest of us on the team combined.

  I, on the other hand, have contributed about 2% of the total score.

  And they’re not letting me forget it.

  “Aaaaand…she’s up. Godzilla’s foot stand-in, taking her position on the lane. Will she or won’t she… actually get the ball halfway down the lane, is what betters are putting their money down on.” Marius stands behind me, invisible microphone in his hand, adding infuriating commentary.

  “You’re supposed to be on MY team,” I grumble.

  “I am on your team. I’m also funny.”

  I snort and almost drop the ball on our feet. “You’re deluded is what you are.”

  “Hurry up! We already know you’re just going to get it into the gutter,” Jez rushes me.

  “Yeah, but we don’t know which one,” Sebastian calls out. “I vote the one in the next lane like she did on the last bowl.”

  “HEY!” I cry out, offended. I’m missing that warm welcome they gave me last night.

  “It’s okay, honey. You just take your time.” Cadence says supportively, then adds, “It’s not like I have a plane to catch in 12 hours or anything.” Traitor.

  “Ok, look, you’re just not holding the ball right,” Marius says, pressing up closer behind me. His hand suddenly reaches around, pressing his hands against mine, gently guiding my fingers into position. “See? You’ve got the wrong fingers in the wrong holes.”

  “Oi, we have a kid here! Keep it PG, people!” Brad yells out and Sebastian snorts so hard he chokes on his drink.

  “Shut it! That’s my sister.” Jez hisses.

  “Ignore them.” Marius’s voice is low, and it’s like he’s inside my brain whispering to me. I squirm a bit, not sure how to feel about him being so close. My body’s burning hot and there’s nothing I can do about that.

  He seems oblivious to my dilemma and just keeps guiding me. “Yup, that’s right. You’ve got to move your stance as well. Take bigger steps and then kind of drop your knee down and with that momentum swing your arm back and let go of the ball. You don’t really need to use too much energy.” As he talks, his hands move around. First, they slide down my arms and then they’re on my hips, his legs pushing mine to separate a bit. And then they’re on my waist again as he guides my body motions.

  But his voice, his lips, are always right there against my ear, his breath on my neck.

  I swallow hard. I can barely make out the words that he’s saying, but I’m trying to concentrate on them… and not on him.

  “Ahem,” I clear my throat when I realize he’s stopped talking for a moment, and waiting for me to reply. “Yeah, um, thanks. Okay. I’ll give that a try.”

  “Okay, go on, I’ll help,” he nods, encouragingly.

  He doesn’t step back, and I realize he’s going to move with me.

  I take a step forward.

  “Yup, you got it, wider steps,” he directs.

  I feel myself lunging forward, almost losing my balance, and I feel his hands steady me at the waist.

  “Whoa, I said a bit, not do the splits.” He chuckles a little and then I hear him clear his throat as well.

  “Okay, one more step. Sing your hand back and… let go.”

  I drop my knee and swing. He’s so close I swear I feel his chest and his groin graze against my back as I move. The ball falls onto the lane with a dull, heavy thud, but it gains speed and rolls down the lane. Everyone is silent as we watch it slowly hit the pins and they fall. All of them. Every single one.

  “Oh my god!” I jump up and spin around, and he hasn’t moved. He’s still right there. I’m so excited I wrap my arms around his neck and press a kiss to his cheek.

  His eyebrows jump up but his arms slide around me, pulling me tight against him. The conflicted look in his eyes, though, instantly makes me let go and I almost step on his foot on my way down.

  “Um, sorry.” I mumble, looking away, letting my hair fall in front of my face.

  “It’s okay. Your feet aren’t that big.”

  “No! I meant about the… um. Nevermind. Thank you.”

  “Congratulations! Your first strike. Virgin no more,” he gives me a wink and then goes to sit back down with the others.

  I tuck my hair behind my ear and brush my cool palm over my face, my burning hot face. I follow him back to the group and sit down with my cheering team.

  From across the benches, Jez gives me a look and I turn away. He moves to sit down next to me, nudging me with his elbow.

  “What was that?” he asks, his voice tense.

  “What was what?”


  “Jez, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I turn away so he can’t see the heat continuing to build in my cheeks.

  “Then why are you blushing?”
  “I’m excited. I got my first ever strike!”

  “Okay. Just checking.” He doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t seem satisfied with my answer.

  “Well, thanks for checking, big bro. You can go back to your losing team now.” I give a wave of my hand, trying to shoo him off. I grab a hotdog, something with which to busy myself while I try to avoid his stare.

  “Um, we’re beating you by like 5 gazillion points.”

  “Well, then you don’t want to be here while I have a bottle of ketchup in my hand, do you?” I point it at him threateningly.

  He gets up, but not before giving me one last pointed look.

  But I can’t worry about him.

  I’m too busy being worried about why my cheeks are flushed and my heart is racing and there’s a dampness at the nape of my neck and a warmth between my legs.

  No, there’s nothing to worry about, it’s just the excitement, I tell myself again.

  It’s not what I think it is.

  About who I think it’s about.

  Chapter Eight


  “I’m going to miss you so much, my Maz-turbating Mazzy,” Cadence drawls as she hugs me goodbye, her fiancé trying to control her inebriated arms and legs as she bids us all farewell. “You know you’re my favourite.”

  “I do and I’m going to miss you too, big sis.” I tell her, squeezing her tight. It’s just not going to be the same without her around.

  “And Anca! You’re so beautiful, I know we’ve just met, but you know you’re my favorite,” she says as she moves over to Jez’s sister who laughs and lets Cadence hug her.

  “You’re my favorite too, thanks for making it so easy for me.”

  “You’re going to be a supernova! Just remember, don’t be scared to stand up to them. And if you want something, ask them in the morning, especially when they’re hungover, they’ll agree to everything then. But shhhhhhhhh don’t tell them I told you that,” she says, pressing her finger to her lips.


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