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Four Erotic Series Collection: Bounds Of Passion, Sexed Up/Tied Down, Spectacular Stranger, The Proposition

Page 12

by Lucia Jordan

  “I’m thinking they’ve both conjured a way for me to cope quite well,” Hailey murmured, wondering how she could even be thinking what she was thinking. But it had been all she could think about ever since R.J. had shown up. Was she being too much of a freak for even considering the thoughts going through her mind?

  “I don’t underst…?” Samantha began quizzically, before lifting her hands with a laugh, “You know what, maybe I don’t want to know. I’ll probably expire from envy if I did.” She patted Hailey’s cheek affectionately. “Now you better go. I can see your two versions of Adonis waiting impatiently by the exit.”

  Hailey let out a nervous giggle, which trailed away as she turned and saw both Ethan and R.J. standing side by side, far across the room. They had almost identical looks of dark, powerful craving on their faces that communicated itself to her even with the distance between them. “Gotta go,” she croaked to her friend, not giving a backward look as she followed where her heart – and body – led.

  Chapter Three

  Hailey hadn’t had much time to think as all three of them were driven from the party in the limousine that had been waiting outside. It was heading for her apartment, and for the ride, she was seated between the two brothers. Not much was said, but the tension in the luxurious confines of the limo was palpable.

  “I wish now I made it back sooner,” R.J. was saying, his thigh so close to hers that it made her so over-conscious of everything about him. “I mean, I was supposed to be home months ago, but something kept coming up at the last minute and I had to stay back in Canada. Think how much more time we’d have had together.” He smiled warmly at Hailey as she stole a look sideways at him.

  “It’s never too late to start,” Ethan replied, slipping a hand in between Hailey’s body and his, and linking their fingers. She turned to him with a grateful smile, glad for his reassuring touch. He almost seemed to be telling her to relax, that she had nothing to worry about.

  But she did because right then, there was a sensual bomb ticking in her deepest core for these two gorgeous hotties on either side of her. Ethan brought his own brand of excitement, and now so did R.J. Was it too wicked of her to feel such strong attraction for Ethan’s brother? And even though Ethan had let her feel like he didn’t mind at all; it still made her feel freaky for even feeling this way. But gosh, it felt good.

  Soon, they were at her place. She’d moved up a lot since her first paycheck from the publishing firm. Ethan’s company had been more than generous but then, her book was topping the lists and moving copies. So yeah, she deserved her new, gorgeous home with all the trappings. They were inside, and Ethan was mixing them drinks.

  There settled a casual air about them as they chatted easily but Hailey could still feel it; the tense excitement just waiting to be brought to life…


  “Come here, darling,” Ethan said softly, suddenly. By now the two brothers were standing next to each other, leaning with their backs against the bar. So far she’d been keeping her distance, nursing her drink, pacing the living room as they’d conversed. But at those three stirring words from Ethan, the whole atmosphere changed, shifted, darkened.

  Now, she felt her legs move forward to obey without thinking first.

  She could feel both their eyes watching her, and wondered why it felt like two pairs of laser beams were trained on different parts of her body. Her face, her hair, her shoulders, her heavy, full breasts beneath her dress. Her pinched in waist, her gently flaring hips. Everywhere, she felt the gaze of each of them till it was as physical as a touch, a caress.

  She went to Ethan, and was drawn into his arms. He wrapped them round her waist, placing her between him and R.J. as he kissed her lingeringly, wetly. She moaned softly against Ethan’s lips, their hot, familiarly sweet kiss all the more thrilling knowing that R.J. was watching with those stirring green eyes of his. Ethan’s kiss grew more demanding, more feral, and she shivered when she felt his hand reach up to slide over her breast. He fondled her with a tender, warm caress, bringing another moan to the tip of her lips. Her thighs quivered as she felt ready to buckle at the knees.

  All of a sudden, she felt a hand on her bare arm. She drew back from Ethan’s lips, just as R.J’s hand roved upwards to wrap around the back of her neck so he could draw her forward to him. Aroused beyond description, Hailey looked first into his fiery green eyes, before her gaze shot to Ethan in confusion, lust, and surprise.

  Ethan nodded slowly, his face a thrilling mask of arousal. “Go on, Hailey. It’s okay.”

  She shivered inwardly, and didn’t demur as R.J. tugged her to him and kissed her, hard. Her first taste was firm, rough, and delicious. His fingers twined in her hair, shifting her head in perfect position for him to plunge as deep and hungrily as Ethan had done. Hailey sunk into him, ashamed at the way she responded with the same quickness in her blood that she normally felt with Ethan. How could this be? They both twisted her up in knots of ecstasy, made her ready to pull herself down with them into the wells of pleasure.

  Behind her, Ethan drew close, placing himself right at her back so that she could feel his throbbing erection. She moaned, her lips parting wider in a gasp. At her belly was the unmistakable ridge of R.J’s thick, pulsing hardness. The knowledge that she was wedged in by cock was not lost on her; in fact, her pussy was well aware of the fact as it began to thrum and drip in earnest.

  R.J. pulled back to look deeply into her eyes. “Ethan was right,” he said hoarsely, “You are perfect. You taste and feel…wonderful. I want you, Hailey. But this has to be what you want, too. Me and you. And Ethan.”

  Ethan chuckled close to her right ear, teasing her with soft licks inside her sensitive lobe which made her head fall back against his shoulder. His hand came up to grip on the collar of her dress, as if he would rip it through. But instead, he only tugged it down low so he could reach for the full warm flesh beneath.

  “Oh, she wants it,” he crooned, lapping at the scented pocket behind her ear. “Don’t you, Hailey? Chapter twenty four…page eighty nine. Our heroine fucks two brothers, and loves it.”

  Hailey shuddered all over, closing her eyes briefly. Was there nothing Ethan had missed within those tell-tale pages of her book? Yes, he was right. Her heroine had received the pleasure of being fucked by two hot brothers, and Hailey certainly couldn’t deny that this too, was one of her deepest-set fantasies. And hadn’t Ethan promised her once that he would see them all fulfilled?

  He took her chin with his fingers and turned her to look into his eyes. “R.J and I both want this so much Hailey…but we also want it to be all about you. Tell us what you want; because tonight, you get to lead the way.”

  Oh, boy. Telling her something like that, giving her the green light to ask for whatever she wanted, was almost like handing her the erotic version of a blank check.

  Slowly, she breathed in and out for a few moments, as she let her mind work around what was about to happen. Then, she made up her mind and switched into red-hot-sizzling-aroused-female mode.

  “I want…I want you both to take my clothes off. Slowly,” she whispered, her gaze moving from Ethan’s to R.J’s to catch their response. If the gleam in their eyes was anything to go by, she’d hit the spot right on…


  “With pleasure,” Ethan growled in response to her command, just as R.J chuckled with masculine delight.

  “Well Hailey, I must say you know just how to get a party started,” was R.J’s deeply approving comment.

  Hailey bit on her bottom lip, eyes hooding over as she gave in to the sensual thrill of having them both peel at her clothes. Ethan zipped down her dress, tugging it off her as slowly as she liked. It pooled off her arms and down to the floor. They helped her step out of it, leading her by taking either hand on both sides of her. The keyhole bodice had not allowed for a bra, and now she stood naked from the waist up. Her proud, large and gorgeously firm breasts stood high above her tiny waist. She sighed as she felt RJ crouch low so his fa
ce was level with her crotch, his fingers hooking into the elastic of her red and black lace panties. “So perfectly lovely,” he breathed, as he slowly rolled the underwear down her hips and to her knees before gently removing it from her ankles as she helpfully lifted each one. He raised the sexy fabric to his nose and inhaled deeply and with satisfaction. “Aah…that scent’s been calling out to me all night. I can’t wait to taste you, Hailey. I know I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

  Behind her Ethan chuckled, his large, warm hands settling on Hailey’s waist. “I’ve told you, RJ, you showed up at the perfect time. Not too soon, not too late. Because now she’s more ready than she’s ever been – for both of us. Aren’t you, Hailey?” He whispered the words in a kiss to her arched neck, and she leaned back into him for support as her head rolled back on his shoulder.

  “No doubt I am,” she replied, voice husky and as laborious-sounding as her words. Being undressed by them both was the first phase of her fantasy. Seeing the desire in their faces as they’d taken off each item of clothing had been worth it. And now, she was up for much, much more.

  Taking both their hands, she gave a sensual, tempting smile to both glint-eyed men. “Let’s take this party to the bedroom shall we?”

  Chapter Four

  She could tell that they were both men who preferred control in their own way. But for tonight – for a few hours at least, they’d given her the authority to lead.

  She went to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her propped hands as both men stood in the middle of the room. “Now, I’d like a striptease. The heroine of this fantasy has always longed to have her very own private male strip show. And now, lucky me, I get to have two.”

  Both guys sent each other grins. “Looks like someone’s been watching too much Magic Mike,” Ethan teased, and his brother smirked.

  “I’ve got no problem taking it all off for a gorgeous girl. Our girl,” R.J. said, facing Hailey boldly with those last two words that cut through her arousal like a sickle, adding the perfect edge to it. Their girl…it felt so good to hear it, and Ethan certainly looked pleased at the idea.

  It was like being lost in the fabled chocolate factory. Man candy everywhere. Ethan and RJ divested of their shirts first, true male stripper style. Buttons popped everywhere; expensive shirts ripped to shreds. Hailey gulped, dazed with delight. Boy, these two men knew how to make a grown woman happy. Belt buckles were undone, pulled out and then there were those thick sounds of strong leather and metal dropping to the floor. Hailey had to cross her thighs tightly over each other to keep the lust juice from pooling out too frenziedly.

  As they uncovered themselves, Hailey marveled at how different their bodies were, with Ethan so broad and yet streamlined and etched with hard sinew, while R.J. was sleekly muscled, his frame lithe with flexing tendons as he moved.

  “Magnificent,” she said to them both, and once more, that twin-like set of grins.

  “Very glad you approve,” RJ said deeply, “Considering I’m a new addition.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll fit right in,” Hailey purred, appreciative eyes lingering on his springing cock. Certainly, the Wolf brothers had been blessed in the masculinity department. He was every inch impressive, just somewhat leaner in girth than Ethan, with a cock that had a cone-like tip, the perfect arrowhead to pierce through her already aching pussy. Just looking at them both, Ethan with his ever-new, ever-thrilling body, his cock always a pleasure to glimpse with its thick helmet cap and angry, pounding veins…it was enough to make her whimper as she bit on her bottom lip. Slowly, she backed unto the bed till she was in the middle of it, and then patted both sides of her. “Now come here; it’s getting lonesome on this king-sized bed.”

  They moved like jungle beasts, quick and purposefully. Ethan slid up to her left, while RJ took position on her right side. Being in between them suddenly caused her to feel that lightheadedness again, as a furnace-like heat seemed to emanate literally from left and right of her.


  For a moment, Hailey closed her eyes briefly with desperate desire, and all she could let out was, “Touch me.”

  There were deep sounds of willing pleasure from both of them at her brief, passionate bidding. In a split second, Hailey was covered all over by their hands. Awash with sensation, she lifted her hand to bury her fingers in Ethan’s hair, and then twisted her body, so she could do the same to R.J. with her other hand.

  At the same time, two separate palms fell on her breasts, and she closed her eyes tighter, trying not to think too much about it all or she’d implode. And yet, even with her eyes closed she could tell it was Ethan who captured her left breast, rough and fast, cupping her forcefully as his thumb dragged across the stiffened nub. On her other side, R.J. was soft and slow, stroking the other nipple with his fingertips and palm. Both were individually spinning her arousal into incredible heights. Crying out wordlessly, she clutched her fingers tighter in their hair, her body arching into them as with her body, she pleaded for more.

  It was R.J’s hand stroking over her skin, along her ribs and ghosting them over her belly while Ethan’s palm smoothed over her thigh. She luxuriated in every moment, dazed with the pleasure of having two hard, ready bodies surging next to her trembling body. Higher and higher they propelled her with just their touch, as if helping her get used to the idea of having their different hands on her body. Within her ecstasy fogged mind, she reached a plane of existence she’d never imagined or dreamed. Her mind gave over to pure driving instinct.

  Every nerve ending came alive when at last, she felt their lips upon her skin. In an instant, Ethan and RJ were on her breasts. She’d never had both nipples sucked at the same time, and the pleasure became limitless. There was a wondrous pressure drawing her down and in, as their enchanting mouths nursed on her nipples. How alive she felt right then, so centered on what they were doing, rough and tender in turns and yet both demanding at once. She knew her breasts would be sore in the morning, but she didn’t care.

  They moved and acted with different rhythms and it was a joy to lie between them and be enmeshed in the pleasure they derived from touching and pleasing her. And now she needed to touch them. Her hands sought their cocks, and she grasped each in her waiting hand. How could she possibly describe how it felt to have two dicks in both hands? Nothing had prepared her for the overwhelming sense of power and passion she felt right then.

  She heard them groan as she pulled on their individual sacs, stroking in time to the rough sucking of their tongues and lips on her breasts. Pleasure was a living thing and it was breeding deep inside her where both men had planted the seeds.

  Now that Hailey had touched them though, she had the insurmountable need to have them in her mouth. So she had them kneel on either side of her head as she propped herself on a pillow, all the better to reach for their straining, throbbing shafts in turn. Both she held in each fist, her fingers barely able to fit around them; both she pressed against her lips, one after the other. She sucked RJ into her open, wet mouth and he groaned, his fingers sinking in her hair.

  She stroked his length with her tongue, dancing round the crown and lapping up his rushing precum. As his body shivered in response to her famished ministration, she felt a hand come from the other side to cup her breast and squeeze hard. Turning to Ethan, she rolled the tip of her tongue over his broad, carved cap, inching right below the edge where the “v” met beneath his pulsing helmet. He groaned, fingers sinking harder into her tit and causing a soft moan of pleasure to course through her throat.

  Taking turns, she bobbed her head over their dicks, stroking up the shaft with the “O” of her lips ringed tightly around their turgid flesh. Deeper and deeper down her throat she took one and then they other till she had them bucking into her face. While she sucked hard on RJ, her hand pumped firmly on Ethan, and then she turned her head to do it the other way. It was exhilarating to feel such control, to know that she could and did please them with her touch and her lips. Their hand
s travelled over her face, neck and then her breasts as she sucked and stroked on their cocks. They made her whimpers vibrate around the stiff member that happened to be in her mouth when their caresses grew particularly wicked. They tweaked on her nipples, pinched roughly and sweetly, slapping on the full globes sharply and sending the signals of ecstasy to her brain.

  “Open your eyes, baby,” RJ said, breaking into her sensual reverie, making her blink as she forced back the mist from her vision. His hand had slipped down her belly from her breast. She could feel his fingertips reach for the juncture at her thighs, and she widened her legs further involuntarily.

  “Can I touch you? I need to be inside of you with my fingers. I need to know how it feels.”

  “Then do it, R.J.” she said on a sigh, holding his gaze with helpless passion, half-distracted by Ethan pulling hard on her nipple as he manipulated her fleshy tit in his strong fingers. Oh, the bliss…

  RJ’s index finger found the tight slit separating her tender outer lips and he ran that questing finger the length of her narrow channel, teasing and tickling the delicate folds within. Shockingly intimate and daring, the fingers probed and teased, and Hailey experienced a delicious floating thrill wash over her.

  There was a damp, sort of squishy sensation between her legs accompanied by a sudden buzzing throb that was partly wonderful, partly agonizing. Oh, having Ethan’s hand latched to her breast while she watched RJ’s eyes grow dark as he fingerfucked her was too pleasurable for words.

  “Damn it feels good,” he groaned, his eyes travelling down to where his two fingers now snaked into the sweetly naked mound of flesh. Hailey’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, and let herself enjoy these new twists of pleasure. She was so moist down there now, that R.J’s index and middle fingers became slick as they explored deeply inside the confines of her swollen folds. He rumbled, “So hot, tight–wet. Feels like heaven inside you, baby.”


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