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Pack Enforcer (Were Chronicles Book 2)

Page 7

by Crissy Smith

  Emily allowed Cain to crowd close to her so that she could lick him all over his face and head. She could be just as possessive and mark him with her scent too.

  She could almost taste the arousal in the air between them.

  Cain backed off while growling low. He was just as turned on as she was.

  Cain started his transformation, and Emily followed suit. Within just a few minutes they stood across from each other, naked. Emily jumped at him, and he caught her easily before dropping them down to the damp grass beside the water. The coolness of the ground sent a shiver through her heated flesh.

  “I need,” she told Cain, lifting her hips so she could press against his hard-on.

  “I know,” Cain said. He sat back so he was kneeling between her legs and pumped his cock. “How much is the question, though.”

  Oh, hell. If Cain was going to tease her, Emily was certain she would go insane. “Don’t…” she said. “Don’t tease.”

  Cain’s smile was wicked before he winked. “Why not?”

  She groaned. “Please.” Then she licked her lips, which had him tightening his hold on his cock as he stroked himself.

  “Take what you desire,” he told her.

  Even better. Emily pushed on Cain’s chest as she sat up. Cain followed directions well and soon he was lying on his back with her hovering over him. She straddled his hips, making sure she dragged her body along his. He hissed and she gave him her own wild smile. She liked being in control.

  He’d released his shaft, so Emily put her hand on him like he’d done and began to pull on him. Cain gasped, lifting his hips to push into her hold.

  “Now you’re teasing,” he complained.

  “You’re right,” she said. In one quick, smooth move, she slid down and engulfed his cock in her mouth. His flavor burst on her tongue and she moaned. Clean, woodsy and Cain. The scent and taste were so familiar to her and her body knew it was her man. Between her legs, she grew damp and it took all her control to not jump on him instead of sucking him deep.

  Her pussy throbbed as she let his shaft slip back out before she buried him deep again. She repeated the action over and over while Cain locked his fingers into her long, loose hair. She liked the same bite of pain, the tug, as she moved her head up and down.

  “Stop!” Cain shouted. She lifted her head with regret. She wanted to swallow down his seed and be marked from the inside out. “I want to come inside you.”

  Well, that doesn’t sound too bad.

  Rising, she climbed back onto his lap. Cain’s hands were firm on her hips as he helped her into position, until his cock brushed against her folds. She lowered down and he filled her. The heat from his shaft warmed her and it felt so damn good. This was how it was supposed to be. Her breasts felt full while the ache in her body grew.

  Emily slammed back down and Cain’s hands tightened on her hips while he thrust. She let her head drop back and stared up at the moon above them. Are we all alone in the woods? In the world? It sure feels like it. Like we’re the only two people in the whole wide world. The moonlight brushed over them, Cain’s eyes shone back at her, and the connection between them two of them seemed to pulse.

  She lifted her hands and kneaded her breasts while riding him faster. Cain was grunting, the sound mixing with her moans. A tingle at her clit signaled her climax as it rushed over her too quickly for her to even think about slowing down.

  Emily shouted her pleasure out into the wild.

  Cain sat up and clamped his arms around her while plunging roughly. She panted as she collapsed against him. Cain growled, then his seed was filling her, marking her as his.

  Chapter Seven

  Cain pulled up in front of his home and sighed. They hadn’t learned anything new from their trip to Colorado. Only that neither he nor Adam were able to catch a familiar scent on the girl’s clothes. They’d been hoping, with the attack having been so recent, that something would be found. Whoever was doing this had no intention of stopping and that scared Cain. Each attack had been worse than the last and if this madman wasn’t stopped he was going to kill someone.

  Cain was so tired that he practically had to crawl out of his vehicle before he slowly made his way to the front door. All he wanted was a hot shower, food and some rest before he went to see Emily. His wolf was close to the surface, brought up by his frustration and need to protect. If anyone would be able to soothe the beast it would be Emily.

  Walking into the house, he heard the noise and racket of numerous guests. So he probably wasn’t going to get the nap. He could still get a hot shower and food, though. Cain stomped up the stairs when he caught a strong trace of a mouthwatering scent. Emily had strolled through this spot very recently. His chest seemed to throb as his wolf fought to hunt for her.

  He placed his hand on the wall then shook his head. His wolf was always strong but he’d never had the feeling that his wolf was trying to break out of his body. It was a little scary, more than, but after a few deep breaths his wolf seemed to settle. He turned sharply and walked back down.

  Maybe it was because their relationship was so new? He’d have to ask his Alpha. Emily had been at the front of his thoughts for the past three days and every time he remembered the run they’d shared, he grew more anxious to see her.

  It had been amazing chasing her as she’d run, jumped and teased. They had lain in the woods together, just taking in the sounds of nature. He’d watched her fall asleep and had closed his eyes beside her.

  His cock hardened at the memory of her taking him deep inside, riding him with the moonlight shining over her.

  The words to ask to mate with her had been on the tip of his tongue when she’d dropped her head back and climaxed. The jolt that had gone through his body had sizzled him and he had rolled her over to pound himself inside her until she’d come again, screaming, taking him with her. But he feared his actions in the past might keep her from fully committing herself to him. If Emily told him ‘no’, that she didn’t want to be with him, Cain wasn’t sure he’d ever recover. That didn’t mean he couldn’t slowly seduce her in accepting a mate bond.

  Dropping his bag at the base of the stairs, he turned then headed to look for her. She needed to join him for a shower now. That would take care of the first round before he hunted some food to keep up his energy for several more rounds. With a grin on his face, he pushed open the kitchen door.

  Toby was in the middle of the room, tying his shoes. “You’re home!” he exclaimed.

  Cain smiled. That was a good greeting, and he was expecting a better one from Emily.

  “Hey, champ.” He ruffled his hair. “How’s it going?”

  Toby smiled up at him, showing a missing tooth. “Good.”

  “Hey, there’s something different about you.” Cain stroked his chin, pretending to think about it. “Did you get your hair cut?”

  Toby laughed and shook his head.

  “Hmm, wonder what it is.”

  Toby smiled, his large gap in plain view.

  They both turned as the kitchen door opened. Toby scowled and bent down to finish tying his shoes. Kyle smiled when he spotted the brothers.

  “Hey, just came in for some water. We got a football game in the back yard going,” Kyle told them.

  Toby mumbled something and jumped off the stool. That wasn’t a greeting that Toby usually gave. His little brother was always welcoming to others. Cain nodded at Kyle and placed a hand on Toby’s shoulder, keeping the boy from running off. Toby would tell him what was bothering him sooner or later.

  “Okay, bud, let’s figure this out.” He studied Toby again. “It’s not new shoes. Hmm, let’s see…”

  Toby still had the scowl on his face.

  “What’s up, bud?”

  Toby looked down at the ground and kicked the cupboard. Cain waited patiently. When Toby appeared to finish thinking about what he wanted to say, he looked up at Cain with big eyes.

  “I thought Emily was your girl,” he told his older b

  Cain nodded. “Does that bother you?”

  Toby and Emily loved each other. Cain knew that for a fact. Maybe Toby is feeling left out?

  Toby shook his head enthusiastically. “No, if she was your girl, she’d stay. Not go away again.”

  Cain nodded. “Okay.” That wasn’t actually how it worked, but Cain understood Toby’s meaning.

  Toby shifted from one foot to another. “But if she’s your girl, how come Kyle was kissing her?”

  Cain felt like he had been punched in the stomach. His vision blurred and his gums tingled like his fangs were trying to burst free. “Where?” he demanded.

  Toby tilted his head at him. “On the mouth.”

  Cain tried to hold his fury in. He looked at the young, innocent boy in front of him. “Where were they?”

  “In the living room.”

  Cain nodded. There had to be a reasonable explanation. He knew Emily and Kyle, and they would never betray him. Still, it was hard to hold back a full shift. Biting his lip, he mentally pushed back at his wolf.

  “I don’t want her going away with him,” Toby told him.

  Cain wanted to gently ruffle his hair again while reassuring his younger brother, but he was afraid to touch the boy. Something was wrong. “She won’t. Don’t worry.”

  Cain kept his gaze away before he strode across the room toward the door that Kyle had just exited. A few quick words and he’d have his answer and would be able to get his control back. It would be better if Cain spoke to Kyle before tracking down Emily. Never in his life had he feared that he might hurt someone, but at the moment he was terrified of just that.

  As carefully as he could, he slid open the door. He glanced down and could see the hairs on the back of his hand standing up.

  What is happening to me?

  “Breathe,” he murmured out loud to himself. If Tony or his dad were close by, he hoped they’d be able to help, because Cain was on the verge of panic.

  The warm air washed over him as he cleared the deck, but the sounds of shouting and playing assaulted his ears. It was too much. Even his heart beating was too loudly.

  He smelled her, Emily, his… Cain peered across the lawn to where she was standing next to Kyle. His vision narrowed and he could only see her after a moment. Fury rolled through him and he snarled.

  Emily sensed Cain, and her heart actually stuttered before resuming the steady rhythm she was used to. How crazy is it that I know when he’s near and get so excited? When she’d heard stories of love and mating, Emily had believed they were exaggerated. Now she knew the truth.

  She smiled, but as she turned, the smile immediately fell from her face. He looked furious. Had something gone wrong during his trip? Oh God, what if someone had died? Emily wanted to offer him comfort but the rage she saw on his face had her staying right where she was. Cain appeared livid at her.

  When he reached her, he grabbed her arm in an iron-tight grip and yanked her toward the house.

  “Hey!” she protested but then thought better of it when Cain growled. She wasn’t sure what was going on so hopefully they could get to the bottom of this mess.

  He dragged her forward so hard she tripped over her own feet. She hadn’t been prepared for his speed. Hell, she was fast, but there was an animalistic sense to him. Stronger than she’d ever been around. Before she had a chance to try to catch up, Cain half-turned, then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

  Emily should have probably been humiliated, but she was frightened of him. Not for herself but for whatever had happened to cause this.

  He went through the open glass door, crossed the kitchen then kicked the swinging door open into the hall. Hanging upside down, she grew a little nauseous at the manhandling.

  She cursed at him quietly, demanding he put her down before she threw up. Emily could feel the bile start to rise. She started kicking and scratching when he opened the bedroom door then slammed it behind him. He dropped her on the bed none too gently.

  “Cain?” Emily raised herself on her elbows. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “What the hell were you thinking, Emily?” he yelled.

  The volume had her flinching away. He’d never shouted at her like that.

  She blinked. “Wh…what?” she managed.

  He stood in front of the bed, his eyes flashing. She could feel the shimmering in the air as he tried not to shift. Shit, what could she do to calm him? She hadn’t been prepared for this. Very slowly she raised her hands in front of her. “Talk to me,” she pleaded.

  “Why, Emily?” Cain’s voice cracked. “Why?”

  “Cain, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please just tell me what happened. What I did.” She tried to keep her voice soft and controlled. He was pacing the room like…a caged wolf. “Cain, calm down.” Should I suggest we shift together?

  “Don’t! Do not tell me to calm down, Emily. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Did you think I would just shrug it off?” His voice had gone low, dangerously low.

  “Find out what?” She moved farther up the bed. She didn’t like where this was going. “Talk to me, Cain.”

  “Shut up. Just shut the hell up,” he ordered, still in that deadly tone. “What did you think I’d do, Emily?”

  For the first time in her life, she was afraid of him so she kept her mouth closed—partly from fear and partly from the fact she couldn’t believe he’d told her to shut up. That wasn’t like him. Sure, he was domineering and arrogant, but he was never downright disrespectful.

  “Answer me, damn it!”

  “You told me to shut up,” she blurted out. She hadn’t meant to say it, but she was scared and starting to get pissed herself.

  He was on her—from the door to the bed in one leap—and he sat with his knees holding her legs down and arms at her side. He wasn’t hurting her, and in fact even in the yard when he’d grabbed her, his touch had been firm but gentle. That reassured her some.

  “Cain.” She didn’t struggle. “Cain, I need you to explain to me what I did.”

  He snarled. “What? Do you want me to say the events step by step so you can relive your fun?”

  Emily shook her head. “Cain, please…you’re scaring me.”

  He abruptly let go of her and backed away. He curled his lip with a look of disgust.

  She sat up and reached for him, but he shook his head. No, she was going to get answers. If he pushed her away she might never get him back. He loved her, she was certain, now she needed to show him she felt the same way. “Let’s just talk…”

  “Go,” he barked.

  “What?” she asked. “We need to work this out.”

  He turned his cold eyes at her. “Go. Get out. I don’t want to see you. Don’t want to be around you.”

  His eyes were so dark that she couldn’t even see any humanity in the depths. She stood up slowly. “At least tell me why.”

  “Get out!” he yelled at her.

  She fumbled for the door while tears ran unchecked down her cheeks as her heart broke. Cain wasn’t even giving them a chance. He’d left for three days, come back mad and was telling her they were through. Years and years, they’d danced around their feelings for each other and he was saying he didn’t even want to give them a chance? Had he gone crazy?

  She made it out of the door and down the hall, but stopped as she ran into something solid.

  “Emily.” Kyle gripped her shoulders. “You okay?”

  She nodded. She was numb. How could Cain turn on her? She’d been so looking forward to having him home.

  “Did he hurt you?” Kyle asked her quietly.

  She shook her head. Cain hadn’t hurt her, not physically, but he’d also just destroyed her. The look on Cain’s face was one she would never forget. She’d known he’d be home today and had hung around waiting for him. Then he’d flipped out and…

  “Aww, isn’t this sweet?” Cain’s voice came up from behind them.

  Emily jumped and slammed he
r back into the wall. His eyes were still the unusual black. Where was Lamont? Or Tony? They had to know what was happening. Could a shifter become possessed or something?

  Kyle shifted slightly, which blocked most of her body from Cain’s view. She wanted to tell Kyle that it wasn’t necessary, but Cain snorted then growled.

  “Coming to her rescue?” Cain spat.

  Kyle looked between Cain and Emily. She shrugged but nodded to assure him that she really was okay. Kyle turned back to Cain. “Just making sure she’s okay.”

  Cain laughed—it was sharp and angry. “Were you? Were you really?”

  Cain’s fist flew out and landed on Kyle’s jaw, forcing Kyle through the wall. Kyle’s head cracked against it and the sheet rock fell in clumps around him.

  Emily screamed and ran toward Kyle to help. What the hell!

  Cain grabbed her arm before she reached him and pushed her back into the wall. “Don’t touch him,” he ordered.

  Emily looked up at him. He’d actually hit Kyle. Kyle was a friend of theirs. Sure, Emily was closer to him, but Cain had also hung out with him. She was sure that the noise they made would be calling to others in the house. Help would be coming. “Cain. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Wrong?” His hand snaked up to her throat. The way he’d done before when they’d been about to make love. His possession, his hold on her, marked her as his. “Why do you say something’s wrong?” he murmured.

  Was his voice different? Rougher? His hand tightened but still he did not hurt her. Pinned against the wall like this, she would normally be turned on, begging for him, and she actually considered it. Her body didn’t know the difference between Cain claiming her and him being mad. Emily bit her lip as arousal traveled up her spine and made her flush.

  “You’re not laughing now, are you?” he asked. “Did you when he had his mouth on you? His hands?” he spat at her.

  “He didn’t touch me,” she said. “No one touched me but you.” Why would he even think she would betray him? If she could get him to remember their last time together, maybe he’d snap out of whatever he was going through.


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