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To Be a Mother

Page 24

by Rebecca Winters

  Motherhood must be contagious, because Leslie is expecting baby number two any day now. Cory loves his little sister, Diana, but he’s hoping for a brother this time. Pierce and Leslie decided they would wait to see what they had and be surprised.

  Of course, Cory has announced to everyone they’re going to call the new baby Max. According to Leslie, that’s what Cory wanted to call his dog until he found out it was a girl, then he had to change the name to Lucy.

  Now that summer’s here, Nick’s cousins will be coming down from Gillette next weekend with their horses. We’re all going to take a two-day pack trip into the high country. Mom and Dad will stay here to baby-sit Tyler for us.

  Since my grandparents have passed away, my parents visit us every three weeks. They’re crazy about the children, but they’re also crazy about Nick. I knew they would be if they ever got to know him.

  I love my job, my friends, my family. I love my children. I love my husband. He’s my lover, my friend, my rock, my idol. He’s the reason I stay well.

  The miracle is still in effect and life is glorious.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7842-8


  Copyright © 2004 by Rebecca Winters.

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