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Trapstar 3

Page 14

by Karrington, Blake

  “Ummmm… ummmm… ummmmm.” Herman kept trying to speak with the gag in his mouth. Selena reached down and pulled the rag out his mouth temporarily. She wanted to hear his last pleas for life.

  “Say your piece, nigga, before I send you to hell.”

  With a quaking voice, he mustered out a sentence. “Let me say something before you kill me,” Herman pleaded. “Trust me, I think you want to hear this. If you kill me right now, Brianna and Charrise’s mother won’t live to see next week. Starvation and dehydration will claim her life in the most vicious way,” Herman said, turning his head to spit out a glob of blood.

  Selena felt a chill go up her back. She studied Herman; hearing him mention harm coming to Lorraine caused her finger to squeeze the trigger. She steadied herself for a moment, this was just one of his bullshit attempts to weasel his way out of paying his debt for what he had done. However, she needed to be sure that he was only bluffing. She pressed the barrel of the gun against his forehead again.

  “Nigga what you talking about?”

  “I got her somewhere safe… for now,” he answered, giving Selena a serious look.

  “You lyin’,” she shot back.

  “Try to call her then… Call that bitch Brianna or Charrise, I guarantee you they haven’t heard nothing from her.” Herman said, now starting to smile.

  Selena got up, walked over to her purse sitting on the table and retrieved her cell phone from it. She punched in Lorraine’s cell phone number and it went straight to voicemail. She quickly hung up the phone and then tried to call the house phone. That line just kept ringing and ringing. Lorraine was not answering, and with each ring, Selena’s heart rate increased. She looked at Herman sitting in the chair. She had to stop herself from screaming and unloading the clip into him. Her head began to spin, so she braced herself against the wall.


  Brianna and Jonathan pulled up to Charlotte Memorial Hospital, only to see Cowboy’s car surrounded by police officers and detectives in front of the emergency room door. Brianna’s heart raced after seeing blood all over his steering wheel and driver’s seat. The detectives were trying to take as many pictures and collect as much evidence as they could before they placed the car on the flatbed. Brianna and Jonathan hurried into the emergency room lobby and walked up to the admissions station.

  “I’m looking for my father. His name is Mr. Parson,” she said, walking up to the nurses’ station.

  The nurse keyed something into the computer. She slid her finger down the screen. “Your father has been taken into surgery. I can have someone take you to the waiting area.”

  “How was he when they brought him in?” Brianna asked, fighting back tears.

  “He drove himself here, Ms. Parson. When he got inside, he collapsed, and we rushed him to the OR. I’m sorry that is all the information I have right now.”

  Jonathan wrapped his arms around Brianna and led her to a chair. She buried her face in his shoulder and cried. She began to pray to God, begging him not to take her father away from her.


  Charrise needed some time to herself, away from everyone. The last year and half had really taken a toll on her. She had gone from being totally in love with Dre, to being raped and finding out that her own father was partially or maybe even totally responsible. She would never truly know, since it was evident that Brianna and everyone else was keeping secrets from her. Charrise shook her head, hoping to get those and other memories out her mind. Not today, she thought to herself. Although she had checked into Ballantine resort and spa two days ago, she had spent the full 48 hours inside her room, soaking and crying. But today, she had made up her mind that she would enjoy the amenities available to her.

  She took her time going through the brochure of the resort to see what activities would suit her best. She decided on the “Golf for the Day” package. Although she couldn’t play a lick of golf, she knew she felt like hitting something. She needed to release some stress, and maybe that little white ball would do the trick. The golf package started with a gourmet breakfast. Once Charrise looked over at the clock, she realized that the morning meal would be served in less than twenty minutes. She knew she didn’t have time for a full shower, so she would have to settle with a quick wash up.

  She sat her naked body on the side of the tub, and with the water running, cleaned her key areas. She quickly brushed her teeth and slipped on her white True Religion shorts and a red and white Polo golf shirt. The only shoes she had were sandals, so she knew she would need to purchase some golf shoes from the lobby store. She was going to have to buy a hat also, because it would take at least another hour to get her hair straight. It was times like these that she envied Brianna and Selena, with their long good Indian hair. The thought of her two girls made her smile. She knew that both loved her tremendously and would do anything for her. But she was tired of them and everyone else treating her like a child when it was convenient for them. She knew she would have to forgive them at some point, but as of right now, she was going to make them suffer before she did so.

  Walking into the downstairs reception area, Charrise really took in the beautiful decor of the resort. The weather was perfect to be outside, so she took a table on the outdoor patio. While in the resort store, she had picked up a pair of Gucci frame sunglasses while purchasing her golf shoes and hat. The shades were quite expensive, but she was using the credit card that Brianna had given her for expenditures when she traveled for business.

  Shit, she owes me. Charrise thought to herself before placing the glasses and the other items on the counter.

  “Hey you… I hate to be staring at you like I was, but I’m sure I have met you, I just can’t seem to place where, and it’s bothering me tremendously.”

  Charrise snapped out of her daze. She looked at the nice looking white man with confusion. She was so into her thoughts she hadn’t noticed anyone looking in her direction. She was almost sure he didn’t know her, nor her him. Then as she looked closer, it was something very familiar about the gentleman; she just couldn’t figure out what.

  “Well, do you mind if I join you for breakfast and maybe we can figure it out together?” the man asked

  Now, Charrise was not sure if this was just a great pickup line, or if they did indeed know each other. If it is a pickup line, it was a very unique one, she thought. He is nice looking though, and I am a little lonely. She continued to reason with herself.

  “Sure, why not.” she responded with a smile. The man sat down and they began talking like old classmates who were catching up after years of not seeing each other. After chatting about where they were from, the subject of occupation came up. Charrise, unsure of what profession to claim, insisted that Alston go first.

  “Well, if you must know, I’m a Doctor, a gynecologist to be exact. I work at Caroline Health Care.”

  Alston didn’t have to finish his statement, before Charrise realized where they had seen each other. He was the fine doctor who had called for the woman who went before her at the clinic. All kind of thoughts began to run through her mind. The first and most important being whether or not he knew why she was there that day. Alston was still talking about his career, so it seemed that, unlike Charrise, he had not put his work and seeing her together yet. He probably sees hundreds of women in any given week. It’s no way he will make that connection, even so, I could have been there for a simple checkup or anything. Charrise thought to herself.

  “Ok, enough about my work, what type of work do you do?” Alston asked with a raised brow.

  “Actually, I’m a fulltime student and I sell Herbalife products part-time.” Charrise responded.

  “Well you must do very well with your health products to be able to spend a weekend at a resort like this.” Alston replied.

  “I do pretty well, and I’m spending a week, not a weekend.” Charrise uttered. It was her way of letting Alston know that she wasn’t a female in need of a come up,
and she could handle herself financially.

  Alston and Charrise enjoyed each other’s company for all eighteen holes of the golf course. While Alston started off serious, by the fourth hole, he was only interested in helping Charrise with her form. So that meant being close enough to smell her wonderful scent and feel her still thick curvy figure against his body.

  Both were sweating profusely and Charrise was about to invite him up to her room, so they could shower and make dinner plans, when her phone began to ring. It was Selena. She had not talked to her girl in a while, so she decided to answer.


  The doctor entered the waiting room. Brianna and Jonathan had been there for nearly six hours. Brianna refused to go home until she saw her father.

  “Ms. Parsons?” the tall slim doctor said as he looked at Brianna. “My name is Dr. Morris. I am your father’s surgeon.” Dr. Morris said, extending his hand to Brianna.

  “It’s Campbell. How is my dad?”

  “Well, Ms. Campbell, it was touch and go. He has lost a lot of blood, and we had to remove some of his intestines. The bullet went straight through him. He is resting now. You can see him for a few minutes, but he is still heavily sedated.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Brianna said holding Jonathan’s hand.

  They followed the doctor through the double doors. The fluorescent lights seemed to become brighter as they approached the ICU. Brianna could smell the disinfectants and hear the machines monitoring patients. Dr. Morris stopped at room six.

  “Only one of you can go in, and only for a few moments.”

  Brianna squeezed Jonathan’s hand and opened the door. Cowboy lay in the bed with tubes, and wires coming out of him. Brianna touched his hand and sat down on the stool beside the bed.

  “Daddy.” Brianna kissed his hand and laid her head on the bed beside his arm. “You get better, Daddy, cause I need you.” Brianna wiped her eyes and kissed his forehead.

  The machines beeped as she watched his chest rise and fall. “I’m gonna find out who did this, and take their fucking head off.” She squeezed his hand and then pulled the covers up on him. She looked back at him one last time before leaving the room.

  “I love you, Daddy,” she said before closing the door.

  “How is he?” a man said, practically running into Brianna. Brianna recognized him from the courthouse. It was Cowboy’s son… well, her brother.

  “He is resting right now. He is really sedated.” Brianna said.

  “I want to see him.” Eagle said, walking past her into the room.

  Brianna looked at Jonathan, and sat down beside him.

  “Hey sis, I don’t know Cowboy that well, but from what I can tell he is one tough dude. He is going to be all right. That guy is a beast. He probably gonna wake up and smoke a cigarette in the ICU.” Jonathan said, laughing.

  “Yeah, he probably will. He is tough, a real O.G..” Brianna said, wiping her nose with a tissue.

  They sat there silently for a few moments. Brianna’s phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw Charrise’s picture. She hit ignore; she did not want to deal with Charrise right now. Right now, she just wanted to concentrate on her father. She scrolled through her contact list and dialed her mother’s number. Lorraine’s voicemail picked up without even ringing. She called again and the voicemail picked up again.

  “Ma, where are you? I need you to come to the hospital. Cowboy has been shot.” Brianna pressed end and sat back in the chair. It was not like her mother not to answer her phone, but it was like her not to charge her phone. Brianna decided to text her as well. She knew she would see the text as soon as she turned on her phone. Her phone buzzed. She looked at the screen, Charrise was calling her again, she was about to hit ignore for the second time, but paused.

  “Yeah?” Brianna said with an attitude that Charrise could feel through the phone.

  “Why yo ass send me to voice mail?” Charrise said, sitting in the car watching the cops watch her parents’ house.

  “What do you want?” Brianna said, looking at her nails.

  “Where is Ma? Is she with you?”

  “No, she isn’t with me. I’m at the hospital. Cowboy got shot. I just tried calling her and she didn’t answer. Why?” Brianna asked nonchalantly.

  “He got shot by who?”

  “I don’t know, Charrise, he just got out of surgery.”

  “Was Ma with him?” Charrise asked, feeling her pulse quicken.

  “I just said that I tried calling her, Charrise. No, she wasn’t with him. Look, what’s up?” The line was quiet for a moment. “Charrise! What is wrong? Why are you asking about Ma? I am sure she is fine.”

  “Herman says that she isn’t fine, and I can’t reach her.” Charrise said, putting her keys in the ignition.

  “Herman? Where did you see him?” Brianna said, standing.

  “That doesn’t matter, I need to find Ma.” Charrise said trying to hide the panic she was feeling.

  “Charrise, where did you see Herman?”

  “I don’t have time to talk about Herman now. I need to find my mother.”

  “Charrise, what is going on? Where are you?” Brianna said, raising her voice slightly.

  “I am about to handle some shit you should have handled months ago.” Charrise said.

  Brianna heard a click and then silence.

  “Was that Charrise?” Jonathan asked.

  Brianna shook her head and walked over to the window of the waiting room. The sun had gone down. She checked her watch; it was almost seven. She dialed her mother’s number again, and Lorraine’s voice mailed picked up.

  “Jonathan, have your heard from Mommy today?” she asked.

  “No.” Jonathan said, taking out his phone. He had not checked his phone all day. He saw a few text messages from people, but one caught his eye. A message from Gator was sent earlier that day.

  “Did she call you?” Brianna asked as she dialed Lorraine’s number again.

  Jonathan shook his head.

  “Something is up.” Brianna said, walking around the room.

  She took her phone out and called Kasy. His phone rang several times and went to voicemail. Brianna wondered why he wasn’t answering, and why he had not followed them to the hospital.

  Brianna felt a twinge in her stomach, making her sit down for a moment. She inhaled.

  The door to Cowboy’s room opened and Eagle walked out. He walked over to Brianna and touched her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?” he asked as he sat down beside her. “Pops is strong, he is going to pull through.” Eagle said, wrapping his arms around Brianna’s shoulder.

  “I hope so, Eagle.” She looked up to see the police walking into the waiting area.

  “Here come these mutherfuckas.” Eagle whispered.

  “Ms. Campbell? My name is Detective Sanders,” the white detective said, showing her his badge. “The doctor says your father is lucky to be alive. Any idea who would have shot him?”

  “If we knew that, do you think we would be sitting here?” Eagle said without looking at the detective.

  “And you are?” Detective Sanders said, looking Eagle over.

  “I am trying to comfort my sister while our father fights for his life. So why don’t you get your ass out there and pretend to look for who put him in that fucking bed!” Eagle said as he stood.

  He pulled Brianna up and motioned for Jonathan to follow him. They exited the waiting room and walked outside. Eagle didn’t say anything as he walked to his white Range Rover. He opened the door for Brianna, as Jonathan got in the back seat.

  “I can’t stand them muthafuckas.” he said as he drove out of the parking lot. “You guys hungry? Because I’m starving, let’s get something to eat. The doctors have my number if something changes with Pops. In the meantime, we need to find out what the hell happened to him.”

  Chapter 15

  Selena and Charrise sat in the parked minivan in the front yard of t
he house. Charrise had rushed to the address once Selena called and told her what Herman had done to their mother. She tried to get as much info as possible from Brianna, but it was like she was bothering her, so she never let her know Lorraine was in danger. Charrise figured she would handle it herself.

  Herman was doubled over, tired from the beating that Selena and the rest of the girls had given him. Selena tossed a cup of soda in Herman’s face to wake him up.

  Herman smiled at her, and laughed when he saw Charrise sitting there beside her.

  “No luck, huh?” he said as he coughed. “You just wasted valuable time, girl. I told you I am the one that will decide if Lorraine lives or dies. It all depends on what you and that bitch Brianna do. Hey baby girl, I see they done dragged you into this now.”

  “Don’t fuckin call me that!” Charrise said, trying to fight back tears. “Why are you doing this to me? I am your flesh and blood, and she is your wife. Why are you so heartless?” Charrise said looking into Herman’s eyes. Herman laughed at her.

  As he laughed, he began to cough. The taste of the shitty rag lingered on his tongue

  “You really are sick. How do you do shit like this to your own flesh and blood? How you allow your child to be tortured and raped?” Charrise asked with tears forming in her eyes.

  “They told you that? That little red hoe promised that she wouldn’t—”

  “So you don’t deny it, do you asshole?” Charrise responded cutting Herman off. She didn’t want to hear any more of his lies, so she picked the rag up off the floor and stuck it back into his mouth.

  Charrise walked back to the chair and sat down. She stared at Herman, thinking of her childhood. Unlike Brianna, he had always showered her with affection and love. He never mistreated her and was always supportive of her in every way. She wondered would she be able to kill him to save her mother. She wished Brianna was here to take the decision out her hands.


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