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Girls From da Hood 9

Page 15

by Amaleka McCall

  “Yes; when can I start?” I asked full of excitement.

  “Today, if you brought the white shirt and black pants and black shoes that I instructed you to bring.”

  “Yes, I did,” I said, holding up the small duffle bag full of clothes.

  “Well, in that case, you can start right now. I need a copy of your driver’s license and your social security card so you can begin giving your hard-earned money away to the government. This is what they like to call taxes. Personally, I think it’s legalized robbery.” Antonia and I both laughed; then she continued. “There is a bathroom down the hall. You can change clothes there. Next to the bathroom is a closet; please bring up some shortbread cookies. Last but not least, here are your very own pair of pearl earrings. If I like you, I will buy you a pearl necklace. This officially makes you part of the team. Guard those pearls with your life and don’t come to work without them. Got it, newbie?” she asked while giving me a playful smack to the butt.

  “Yeah, I got it.” I gave her thumbs-up with a smile.

  “Welcome to Pearl, my darling. Call me Tony or Antonia. I will meet you at the front desk in thirty minutes. Meanwhile, you’re welcome to look around,” she said.

  After I changed my clothes in the bathroom, I went to the closet to grab the shortbread cookies as Antonia had instructed. The door shut behind me. I couldn’t help hearing a moaning sound coming from the back of the closet. I moved closer to the sound and moved out of the way some supplies on a shelf. There, I found a small peephole in the wall of the closet. Out of curiosity, I looked in. I could see a woman who looked as though she had just finished giving a man a massage. I watched quietly as she inched toward his dick. She began to kiss his thighs then moved toward his balls. Seconds later, she was licking his balls and stroking his penis. Next, in a sudden motion, his dick was engulfed in her mouth. His moans became louder. She stopped and climbed on top to ride him. He grabbed her tightly around her waist as she thrust her pelvis against his. With every stroke, she was pounding her pussy on his dick even harder. The man climaxed within minutes. The woman climbed off of him and began to clean him up.

  Even though I was in shock from what I’d just witnessed, my pussy was undeniably soaking wet and I had an overwhelming urge to have an orgasm. I found a spot in the corner to sit. I propped open my legs and placed my hand inside my panties. As I pictured the image of the woman riding the man’s dick, I massaged my clit quickly back and forth. I needed to cum and fast. What seemed like a minute later, my body was shaking with pleasure. I took a moment to gather myself then prepared to leave the closet. I realized what was really going on. This business was soliciting for sex. I knew that was probably how Antonia made her real money. I had to wonder, should I even be working at a place like this? So this is what Becca calls a happy ending.

  “Angela, darling, did you find the cookies? I might have forgotten to pick up some at the store,” Antonia said after opening the closet door.

  Startled by her entrance, I quickly yelled, “I got them,” while holding them up and smiling.

  “Wonderful. Now let’s get you on the phone,” she said.

  “Great,” I said with a smile.

  I decided to try this newfound job out for a while. It paid decently. Besides, I was the one snooping. I knew I would never agree to have sex with a client.

  Chapter 10

  Moving Along

  Two years had passed with me strolling through college, only putting in a few late nights. Things were progressing just as I planned.

  I had moved out of Joyce and George’s home and into a cozy apartment near Town Center in Virginia Beach. It was hard to go but Fera and I were ready to be on our own. Of course, we would go visit every Sunday for family dinner. At times, Fera cried for Joyce. For a while, I felt a little guilty about taking her baby away from her. They slept together every night. Now, Fera and I slept together.

  Antonia had promoted me to be the manager of her spa. Since my promotion, she was hardly even there. As long as the money was right and the girls were safe, she didn’t have a care. It didn’t take me long to realize that her so-called “spa” was really operating as an upscale cathouse. There were beautiful girls wanting to get paid and men obliging them with cash and credit cards.

  There were times I still watched from that peephole in the closet. It was my little secret. My mind drifted to a world of lust and sexual satisfaction. I had begun to think about sex as much as I’d thought about the revenge on the men who raped me when I was younger. It was almost as though I was obsessed with sex and revenge.

  I’d spent months researching the whereabouts of Sam Burns and Timothy McCall, the two other men who raped me when I was a child. Those memories had never left my mind. Mentally and emotionally, I have been tortured over and over again each day. I knew from my research that both of them remained good friends to this very day. At times, I wondered if that event held their friendship so tightly after all these years. It turned out Harvey Cumberland, the first man I killed, left his best buddies a large sum of money. With it, those two opened up a bar called Jazz. Fortunately for me, they worked late nights. For months, I had been carefully watching them at the bar and it was finally time for me to execute.

  I was camped out in my car across the street dressed all in black. When the night was dying down, I crept over behind the building of the bar. I even wore Depends underwear just in case I would be out here for hours. Since that awful night they raped me, I’d been dreaming of this moment of revenge.

  “I’m going to take the trash out and I’m outta here,” Sam said while opening the door. He kept the door cracked open. I assumed because he had more trash to take out.

  It was my chance to strike. I was able to slither into the bar. I quietly located the circuit breaker and turned the knobs to a downward position to turn all the lights off.

  “What the hell!” Timothy blurted out.

  I never forgot the sound and tone of each of their voices. I was laughing inside with my knife in one hand and my infamous blow torch in the other, knowing the sheer joy I was going to experience while slaughtering them. I could feel someone coming. An adrenaline rush came over me. I caught Timothy from behind, jerked his head back, and cut him right above the eyes. He immediately dropped to the floor, lying on his back. He yelled out in pain while grabbing his eye.

  “Shut up!” I said. I stepped on his dick, grinding it with my sneaker. I cut his throat and cut his wrists.

  “You remember me. I’m Angela Farmer.”

  “I’m so sorry. Forgive me. Have mercy on my soul. Jesus wouldn’t want this.”

  “You want to play the Jesus card. Well, I’m here to tell you, the Lord isn’t here tonight but the devil is. Go join your friend Harvey and burn in hell,” I said before lighting the blow torch on him. As I remember, Timothy was the lookout guy, too. So as a bonus, I cut out his eyes and left them at the bar.

  Sam was still upfront counting money and listening to music from his cell phone. He didn’t hear the commotion in the back. I got down on all fours and inched my way closer to him. I was on the other side of the bar where he couldn’t see me. Finally after twenty minutes, Sam called out to Timothy. My adrenaline was rushing to the point where I was shaking. I took a deep breath.

  He came out from the other side of the bar to head toward the back of the restaurant. I stuck out my leg so he would fall, and ignited the blow torch, starting with his face first. Timothy was the worst of all of them beating me repeatedly. I started cutting him with the knife everywhere. I wanted him to suffer for the rest of the night.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “Doesn’t everyone want to know that tonight?” I laughed.

  “Take whatever you want.”

  “What I want is your soul to suffer for eternity,” I screamed, kicking him in the stomach.

  “Stop, please, I got a wife and kids.”

  “They will grow up without a daddy. Angela Farmer is my name. Your friends along with
yourself know what you did to me.”

  “I thought you died,” he said, barley able to talk.

  “No, I’m still here. As for you, it won’t be the same case.” I took out a bottle of peroxide out of my bag and poured it all over his body. He screamed in agony.

  “Stop please,” he begged.

  “Wow, the same words I said to you as a little girl.” I continued to torture him for another hour.

  “Say hello to my mother when you arrive in hell,” I said.

  When there was little fight left in him, I stabbed Sam in the heart. He died instantly.

  Driving home to my apartment, I felt no mercy. My only concern was curling up with Fera and studying one more time for a history exam.

  Chapter 11


  “Let me in,” he said.

  “No,” I replied and starting running away as fast as I could to my secret place in the closet of Pearl.

  “All I want is you,” he assured me.

  “A massage isn’t the only service you have been arriving in this facility for,” I said.

  “Believe me, I get massages and leave. There is nothing more. You know you want me.” He brought his lips closer to mine.

  My mind struggled for half a second as I turned my head. Logically, a voice said no, but a deep-set urge inside me said yes. The man gently grabbed my chin and turned my face toward him and he leaned in for a kiss. This time, I didn’t resist.

  “Mmm,” I said and closed my eyes right before we kissed.

  “You’ve been watching me for a while,” he whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair.

  Although what he was saying was true, I didn’t say a word. My mind started to drift back to the many times I’d watch his massage sessions through the peephole in the closet wall and masturbated at the same time. He started undressing me slowly. Again, I didn’t resist. Once I was completely naked, he paused and looked at my entire body as if to take it all in. I began to feel self-conscious and grabbed my clothes in an attempt to cover up my scars. He grabbed my hands to stop me. Then, he got on his knees. I watched as he kissed my thighs with loving care and licked the multiple cut scars on my thighs. He slowly worked his way up my body, kissing and licking every inch on the way. When he stood to his feet, he nibbled on my neck. He never removed any of his clothing. He kept his suit on, only unzipping his pants. I closed my eyes tight as he pressed his dick against my vagina. My mind flashed back and forth.

  “No!” I yelled and pushed him away.

  The child inside of me didn’t like this experience. It brought me back to the horrific rapes I’d experienced as a kid.

  “Ssssshhh . . . it’s okay,” he whispered as he squeezed my ass tight and pushed his dick inside my vagina.

  “Aaaahhh!” I yelled out in pain but I wanted him to continue. It was a pleasurable pain and I liked it. I finally relaxed totally and let him in. I was tired of playing the cat-and-mouse game. We began kissing again. It was more as if his tongue was chasing mine. He couldn’t get enough of me. With each stroke, I wanted more and more. Within minutes, I reached my climax.

  “Mmmm.” I gave a relieving exhale then felt a jolt.

  I opened my eyes and looked around.

  It was only a dream. I woke up to Fera licking me on the cheek. Julie, who was visiting for the weekend, was on the computer playing the game Sims and laughing her head off.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” she said.

  “How long have I been asleep?” I asked.

  “Just for a couple of hours. That dream must have been steamy. I could hear little moans coming from you,” she mentioned.

  It was quite amazing and deep inside I wished it wasn’t a dream but I was too embarrassed to say.

  “I collected the mail for you. I think that letter you’ve been waiting for has arrived. I have to run now, but call me and let me know what it says,” Julie said, then gave me a hug.

  “Thanks; you can let yourself out,” I yelled to her as she walked out of the room.

  I rubbed my eyes and gathered myself. I needed to be fully awake for this letter. I’d been waiting for months. I took a deep breath as I opened the letter titled Virginia Laboratory of Clinical Research. I read the first few lines: We are glad to inform you . . . That was all I needed to read. I knew from those words that I’d been accepted.

  “Yay!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, startling Fera. She began to bark as I yelled.

  I grabbed my cell phone to call Joyce and George. The phone rang several times but neither one of them answered. I figured they were probably on the farm but I couldn’t wait for them to call back. News this great had to be shared right away, and even better in person. So, I grabbed the letter and Fera and hopped in the car and headed to Joyce’s home.

  Chapter 12

  The News

  “Joyce, I got accepted to a research lab,” I screamed as I busted through the front door with my Fera in my arms and the acceptance letter in my hand. No one was home; although, Joyce’s car was in the driveway. My cell phone rang.

  “Hey, David, how are you?” I asked in an upbeat voice. He was Joyce’s nephew.

  “Angela, hey, I’m at the front door. Will you let me in?” he asked.

  “Sure,” I said before hanging up the phone.

  “Hi,” I said, greeting him at the door. “I’m not sure where Joyce and George are right now—”

  “I know where they are,” he said sharply, cutting me off and leading me to the bottom step of the staircase to sit down.

  “Where are they?”

  “Angela, listen to me carefully. Joyce was in an accident. They went to the Kroger grocery store. George went in and Joyce decided to stay in the car. Out of nowhere, a drunk driver hit the car. Joyce is hurt very badly. It’s possible brain damage. George is all right,” he explained and then snatched my keys away.

  I stood up but my knees weakened. I sat back down. Joyce was hurt and I couldn’t even move.

  “I need to go the hospital,” I said with tears coming down my face.

  “They are at Obici Hospital. I’m going to take you, now. Angela, you are in no condition to drive.” David’s words began to slur and echo in my head.

  The room started to spin. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t know what to do. At a time like this, I knew Joyce would pray. I gave up on God a long time ago but I was willing to call on His name for the sake of Joyce. In my mind, I began to pray for God to heal her. I had to wonder if I was I being punished for killing those men who savaged me.

  “Please drive fast,” I demanded after David had approached the highway. “Where’s Fera?” I asked, almost forgetting about her

  “I put her in the doggie crate in the kitchen. She will be fine ’til we return to the house,” he said.

  Sweat was pouring down my face. The minutes seemed endless but we finally pulled up next to the hospital entrance. I managed to get out of the car. I didn’t take two complete steps before everything around me became silent, and my vision slowly left me and suddenly everything went black.

  Chapter 13


  I awoke to a doctor shining a light in my eye. So this is the end huh? I never knew if this heaven place really existed and if so I never imagined there would be a place for me, I thought.

  “Angela . . . Angela.” I heard a male voice call out to me.

  “God, is that you? Am I in heaven?” I managed to say softly.

  “Get the doctor. She is in room five now,” he said to someone.

  Soon, I heard heels clicking toward me.

  “Angela, my name is Dr. Seymour. You’re not dead, honey. You have been in the hospital since Friday. I need you to nod your head slowly so I know you understand the words that I am speaking to you,” she instructed.

  I nodded my head as I struggled to focus my eyes. As things became clear I was able to see. George was standing next to the doctor. I sat up slowly and looked around the room. I didn’t see Joyce.

  “Where’s Jo
yce?” I asked.

  No one responded. It was as though I hadn’t said anything at all so I asked again. “Where’s Joyce, George? Answer me,” I demanded.

  The room went silent, and with the exception of the male nurse quickly coming in to take my vitals, everyone sat motionless.

  “Where is she?” I yelled angrily.

  “She is in the room across the hall,” George finally replied.

  “I want to see her,” I said as I struggled to rise from the bed.

  “Now, just a moment, Angela, please. We need to talk,” a familiar voice said.

  I looked up to see my therapist entering through the door. “I don’t want to hear what you have to say. Joyce needs me right now! Where is Fera? What day is it?” I asked.

  Again the room was still and no one responded. I was beginning to get beyond irritated. “Somebody answer me,” I pleaded.

  “Fera is at the house. David and his wife are there keeping her company. Today is Sunday,” George explained.

  “Give me a few moments and then I will let you see Joyce,” the therapist, Dr. Gunter, bargained with me.

  “Listen to her,” George added.

  “Angela, you have a severe anxiety disorder. The worst kind I have ever seen. Due to your condition, you have been in a coma state for several days. I wrote you a prescription for a drug called Ativan. When these attacks happen in the future, you need to take the medication. When you are discharged you will get a prescription for the medication. Also, I urge you to continue therapy sessions with me or another psychologist. The rape and the abuse from your mother have deeply affected your past and present, but please don’t let it affect your future.”

  “Are you done, now?” I asked while getting out of bed to enter into the hallway to find Joyce’s room. George assisted me with putting a robe on.

  “Joyce,” I called out as I entered the hospital hallway.

  “Follow me,” George instructed.

  I walked closely behind George. The halls were quiet and there were only a few people around. I looked at the large rooms with glass sliding doors. All the patients seem near to death and barely holding on to life. My stomach filled with butterflies as I began to wonder what kind of state Joyce was in.


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