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Pawn of the Crown

Page 7

by Cheryl Oblon

  “He’ll try to turn me. That’s all.”.

  “It’s enough. Dead or alive, he comes back here. Understand?” the queen asked.

  “It’ll be hard to hold him. If we catch him quickly, I can’t just leave after a few days. How long is the visit?”

  “One month is all I’m agreeing to, for now. If it looks like progress is being made, you and Nemal may extend it. Whenever you catch your father, Prince Johey will take custody and bring him back immediately. Your father didn’t escape Johey’s guard. The main thing is to get him before he shares too much with the king. Before he starts a war.” She tapped the table.

  “Of course. I’m just worried about Faldar and Remmy.” I hated how complicated it all felt.

  “I’m worried, too. You might find a way out by being there. See if the king really wants the wedding or if he has a better bride. If we can break the engagement, that’s one less problem.” She sighed.

  Resolve built inside me. I had to do it, and I had to find the energy and enthusiasm to make the Bachal feel good about me being there.

  “You’re quiet,” the queen said.

  “I was just going over things to see if I had more questions while I have your time. I feel a bit like I’m abandoning my duties. Of course, Aunt Gurol can help if you need a seer, though she can’t be out in public.” I felt better knowing someone trained as a seer was here to help the queen if needed.

  “She’ll be well cared for, and I’ll consult with her at least once a week. Trust me, if she has something to share—she isn’t shy about sending a message. Julianne is doing a wonderful job at your estate. We’ve never had any trouble with your mother’s side of the family.” The queen frowned. “Whom they marry, that is another story.”

  “I have no plan to marry. Maybe I never will. Poor choices in husbands seem to be a pattern,” I agreed.

  “You get Minnette the right man. I’ll worry about your marriage when the time comes.” The queen stood. “If you have more questions, you know how to find me.”

  I stood. “Yes, thank you.”

  “I believe in you,” she said.

  I walked her to the door. “That means a great deal. I’m sure that I’ll return with good experiences and greater confidence in my diplomatic and travel abilities.”

  Once she left. I leaned on the wall. I could do it. I had to do it. If I over thought things and looked for problems, I’d freeze up. I had to clear my mind and approach it as an adventure—except for Father. I had to lure him out of hiding and hand him over to the queen’s brother. After that, I didn’t need to think of my father again. He had to be stopped before he killed another guard or started a war. I put my Aunt Elani’s crazy theories out of my mind. Paranoia wouldn’t help me seem genuine.

  A month didn’t seem like a long time for this trip, but it was too long for me. I made a list of what I wanted to take. Which gowns and such, plus some books I’d make sure were on my tablet. The Bachal lacked an appreciation for art and literature, so I needed to bring enough to entertain myself.

  My door chimed, and I hoped it would be Nemal. Instead, Minnette stormed in with her usual indignant and superior gaze.

  “What do you know about diplomatic trips?” she asked.

  “Not a thing. I mentioned that to the queen. If you can change her mind, please do. But I’ll have to learn sometime.” I sighed. “At least I’ve met the Bachal.”

  “Met them. You’ve made a mess of this,” she said.

  “I made a mess? Of what exactly?”.

  “Remmy and Faldar. You knew about them,” she accused.

  “I did. They were very happy. Your mother did charge me with finding love marriages for her children. I can’t take credit for it, but I did make sure the feelings were genuine on both sides.”

  Minnette folded her arms. “Feelings? They must live in reality. I want my brother happy, but so much is at stake. You’re the seer, find another resolution.”

  As much as Minnette and I didn’t care for each other, she did care about her siblings, and so did I. “I’m sorry. Even if I had tried to stop it, I don’t think it would’ve been possible. They were meeting secretly. By the time I discovered how deeply they were involved, Remmy was terrified of losing Faldar. I’m not an expert in love, but it seems it can happen fast. I don’t want Remmy hurt any more than you do.”

  “Really? You don’t have any siblings. What do you know of protecting your family?” She shook her head.

  “True, I’m an only child. I do care and look after the members of my family. My cousins, but it’s not quite the same as growing up with sisters and brothers. I don’t remember you stepping in to help Remmy keep Faldar, but that’s not important. How can I help Remmy now?” I tossed the responsibility in her lap since he was her brother.

  “Get that king to drag his son back home as soon as possible. Tell him LeFawn is too young or whatever and Faldar should marry someone closer to his own age sooner, have some sons quickly, and not wait. Tell the king it’s a vision of yours. The faster we separate Remmy and Faldar, the easier it’ll be on them.” Minnette frowned with concern.

  For a second, I let myself feel her sadness. She didn’t want her brother to be hurt, but it was better to do it sooner and quickly than let the two men grow closer and more attached. She was putting the country first. It wasn’t about her selfish or competitive nature.

  “I’ll do what I can. They don’t listen to women much. I hate hurting Remmy. He’ll be devastated.” I made myself a few notes on the angles to approach people with. Lying and manipulating things wasn’t my natural state, but entering a foreign land meant I had to be on guard.

  “He’s the son of a queen. He’s used to tough choices, doing the right thing, and self-sacrifice. He’ll survive. Just don’t give him any more false hope.” She smiled at me.

  I knew a command when I received one, but Minnette wasn’t the queen yet. “I wish there was a way for them to be happy together. But I should be focused on finding you a proper husband. Any requests or suggestions?”

  “Don’t bother. You’ll have plenty to do on your diplomatic visit. I supposed if you killed the king, it might help Faldar to move up. He could change the rules, then. Make Remmy his consort.” Minnette smirked. “But do you think he would? Do you think his people would follow him?”

  “I don’t know the Bachal people that well. Neither do you, I suspect. But I don’t want to kill anyone. There has to be a better way.”.

  “Perhaps. Still, I’d prefer if you didn’t meddle in my love life,” Minnette said.

  “Because your fiancé was such a good choice he had to be executed?”.

  She glared at me. “I was trying to do my duty. Please my mother and the people. Maybe it was a bad choice, but I will sacrifice for my people. You have status and power without all the responsibility on your shoulders.”

  “You don’t understand my job, at all,” I said. “I’d much rather have my mother here and be shadowing her instead of trying to fill her shoes.”

  “Your mother was an excellent seer. You are suspect,” she replied.

  I’d never denied that. “I’m young. I have a lot of work to do.”

  “Your father is a traitor.” Minnette looked down at me. “Mother should have you banished or locked in the tower.”

  I nearly stood and lost my temper. Instead, I kept my chair. Subtle power signals meant more. She was the crowned princess, but protocol only demanded I stand and bow to the queen. Ranking rules I knew well enough.

  “My father is guilty and wrong. I don’t follow his example. I will never argue with any punishment the queen hands down,” I said calmly.

  She shook her head. “His blood is in you. Family ties can’t be eliminated even if you cut members out of your life. Your daughter could be persuaded to be a rebel. If you have a son, your father would love to gain the boy’s trust and loyalty. The rebels will target anyone near you because of your power.”

“You’re right. My father is a huge disappointment. I’m not sure banishing me would solve that, but I’ll always obey my queen.” I wondered if the contraceptive device the queen had implanted in my arm was part of that. It wasn’t a choice for me. It felt more like a test. Would I object? Would I argue? Keeping me from having children as a teen was simply smart, but the monarch hadn’t gone about it in the nicest way.

  How long the device would stay there was the question I had no answer to. Maybe the queen wasn’t sure yet, either.

  “I’m glad you’ll always obey the queen. My mother is an excellent queen, but she and I are not exactly the same.” Minnette turned on her heel and left.

  A threat? A warning? Minnette and I seemed to be on the same side for a while when the Bachal were here for negotiations…at least, toward the end. Now, we were back where we started. I suspected my father was to blame since Nemal and I weren’t very public with our relationship. Of course, people would view me suspiciously as the daughter of a traitor.

  If things went badly for me, in any way, I needed to be sure I had someone looking out for the rest of the fifth family. Getting up, I headed for the other princess.

  “You look awful,” LeFawn said.

  Her attendants ushered me to sit, and a droid brought me tea.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  LeFawn asked, “What happened?”

  “I’m going on the diplomatic visit,” I said.

  “It’s an adventure. Nemal is going, so I bet you’ll enjoy it.” LeFawn grinned.

  I frowned. “He is your brother.”

  “And I’d like you for a sister. We’re growing up. There are weirder things. Really, the trip has you this unsettled?”

  “Minnette visited me. She seems to think I should pay for my father’s crimes.” I sipped the tea.

  “She’s jealous. You’re going places and representing the queen. She was complaining to me. She should be the one to go. To save the day. Nemal and I both think she’d overstep in some way to make a point and do more damage. You’ll just be a guest,” LeFawn said.

  “It’s my father. I’m being sent because I’ll draw him out, and your uncle Johey can capture him. I’m bait, not diplomatically skilled. Tell Minnette that, and maybe she’ll feel better,” I said.

  LeFawn sighed. “If she hasn’t figured that out on her own, she’s going to be a lousy queen.”

  “Are Remmy and Faldar scared?”

  LeFawn looked at the floor. “Remmy can pretend Mother will fix everything. Faldar is enjoying the freedom. I think they’re deeply in denial of reality.”

  “I need to ask you a favor.”

  LeFawn sat. “Anything.”

  “Please, check in on Julianne and Ember. Let her know how much I appreciate the work. See if they need anything.” I needed my family taken care of.

  “Of course. It’ll be a good excuse to get out of the castle.” She smiled. “Anything else?”

  “You might want to keep an eye on Minnette. She doesn’t want me setting her up or finding her a husband. I don’t know what her plans are, but she resents me. The break might be good.” They were sisters. I was an outsider.

  “She’s conflicted. Minn resents your powers and status. Naturally, she doesn’t want Mother to be gone, just so her own status increases, which is what happened to you. But, for now, you’re more powerful in the castle than she is, and that will never set right with her. Inheriting roles is odd that way.” LeFawn tilted her head thoughtfully. “It seems very orderly and natural, but death can happen early, and it throws off the progression.”

  I shook my head. “I’d love to have my mother back, but I can’t change that. Now, I have to worry about getting my father in line.”

  LeFawn hugged me. “I wish I could help.”

  “Just look after my cousins. That’s a huge help. Thanks.” The royals had the most responsibility. I had no right to impose on any of the first family, but she’d been my friend so long that we had our own rules.

  Chapter 7

  The preparations for the trip were underway. I’d informed Marel and Zoma they were coming along. Both seemed oddly excited. The droids and guards were selected from those I knew best. I’d probed their minds extensively since that last bad choice of Ballen.

  The packing was nearly done, but I had one big piece of business left. My male cousins were arriving soon. I’d summoned them. It truly felt odd to have such authority, but their attendance wasn’t optional. No invitation would do.

  The door chimed, and Marel opened it.

  “Welcome, please sit down.” I gestured to the large dining table where I sat at the head.

  “A bit of lunch?” Curlon asked.

  “I thought it was only fair,” I replied. “Thank you all for coming.”

  “We wish you a safe journey, cousin,” Furlon said.

  “Thank you. I actually need your help. All of you, while I’m gone. Hopefully, it won’t be too much trouble.” I pointed to the droids to begin serving.

  “Anything. I wish I were going with you as protection,” said Ricor.

  “Thank you, but they are sending plenty of guards. Prince Nemal is seeing to that. I need you and Curlon here. If you two would please make it your business to check on Julianne, the other fifth family homes, and the princesses—I’d very much appreciate it.”

  “The princesses? Matchmaking?” Curlon asked.

  “No, protecting them from my father. We all know what he’s been up to. He could try to take advantage of a misdirection and double back. I don’t want anyone hurt because of him. The Bachal also have their troops among ours. We don’t know if this visit is a signal for them to start some spying or other actions.”

  “Smart, she’s very smart,” Ricor said to his brother.

  “What can the rest of us do for you?” Zelan asked while nodding in agreement with his brother's comment.

  “Well, a lot. Curlon and Ricor can only be in so many places at once. But, for example, Murlon’s farming expertise will be useful. He can check on all the farms and the owners in the fifth family. Also, he can offer himself as a bit of a tutor for Princess LeFawn. She can include her sister, as well. That will keep you in touch with them. Allow you to approach or ask them how they are if you happen to be in the castle. I’ll arrange the first tutoring session myself,” I said.

  “Might I assume you also want them tutored in gems and mining?” Micfel asked.

  “Indeed.” I grinned. They’d caught on with the little game.

  “And history? Though it’s rather dull.” Zelan smiled sheepishly and looked at his plate.

  “Actually, the history is the most important of all right now. The war history. Strategy and tactics are essential for Minnette to understand. If we can’t find true peace with Bachal, we all know where our nations are headed. How long we have, no one knows. But Minnette could use that education. She might resist, but I trust LeFawn will make sure she shows up.” I began eating, and the rest of the men did, as well.

  Most of the men I knew and had a plan for. Furlon was a bit of a misfit. He’d tried the Queen’s Guard, but lacked the discipline. He had no gift for gems or farming. He wasn’t much of a scholar. All I knew was that he made himself useful in the family home and helped his brothers.

  “We’ll do whatever we can,” Curlon said.

  “I’ll pay visits to the family to fill in the gaps,” Furlon offered.

  “Thank you. I think that’s a very good idea.” I smiled, but felt guilty for not having a specific job for him.

  “You can help with the history lessons. I can be rather dull,” Zelan chuckled.

  “If you want, I’m not a scholar,” Furlon agreed.

  Wanting to encourage Furlon, I jumped in. “The more of you they interact with, the better. Some people simply don’t get along. So, if Minnette takes a dislike to one of you, it’s not your fault, but you’ll see she’s very firm in her ideas, then those of you she gets along wi
th better can fill in. You’ll have to work together, but I know you can do it.”

  “It’s an honor to be trusted with helping the princesses,” Micfel said.

  Murlon threw his cousin a look.

  “The princesses. Looking after our own family is something we should always do, but to be asked to help with the princesses, that is more than I ever expected,” Micfel added.

  “Don’t overdo it. Just be yourself, but use the appropriate protocol, and you’ll be fine. Less is more with Minnette,” I advised.

  Ricor stood. “Long live the queen and princesses.”

  We all repeated the toast and drank.

  Furlon stood. “Long live the Royal Seer.”

  I felt my cheek burn hot as I was toasted.

  “Thank you, but it’s not necessary. I have my duties, and I appreciate your help by taking on a few extra around the castle. If Minnette gives you any trouble LeFawn can’t handle, speak to Prince Remmy.” I went back to lunch.

  The men immediately talked about scheduling and topics of study. Curlon proposed teaching the princesses more advanced self-defense techniques.

  I didn’t care how they filled the time. As long as someone kept extra eyes on the royal family, just in case Father decided to return…I couldn’t predict that man, so I had to protect the people he might target. If Minnette and LeFawn received some extra education in the bargain, they could be annoyed with me later.

  Dinner with Remmy and Faldar was an unexpected invitation. It seemed when you were leaving, people wanted to see you. There was so much to do before we left, but I couldn’t say no. As I exited my chambers, I found Nemal in the hallway.

  “Dinner?” he asked.

  “You, too?”

  “I think Faldar is nervous about us going,” Nemal said.

  “Reality will have to return for him sometime,” I said. “Either he needs a sham marriage or to tell the truth

  We stood outside Remmy’s quarters, and the sensor chimed. Seconds later, the doors opened, and Remmy was all smiles.


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