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Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)

Page 24

by Marie Higgins

  But there was something even more frightening than his eyes. Something about that man was familiar to her. She frowned as she tried to search her memory for where she might have met him before.

  “Whot’s goin’ on ’ere?” the man repeated when he saw Jacqueline and Charlotte standing in the doorway.

  “Um...we’re having a...simple soiree,” Jacqueline stuttered.

  “Do ye think me addled? I can tell it’s more than that,” he replied ignorantly.

  The man’s mouth took on a pleasant twist, making Charlotte’s blood run cold. She held herself strongly erect. “I don’t believe I know you. Did someone, perchance, invite you here tonight, sir?”

  “’Course not!”

  “Then please, tell us who are you and why you’re here?” Charlotte asked again.

  His dark penetrating gaze never left hers for an instant. “I’m ’ere to see the commissioner.”

  “He’s, ah, rather indisposed at the moment—”

  “Ye don’t need to tell me somethin’ I can obviously see for m’self,” the man shouted. “But whot I’d like to know is why doesn’t ’e wake up when I try and shake ’im? All ’e does is look at me and smile like ’e’s gone daft.”

  Charlotte’s heart pounded in her ears, and she frantically tried to think of an intelligent answer. She forced a pleasant smile. “Haven’t you ever seen a man who’s been completely satisfied by woman and drink?”

  The angry scowl didn’t diminish. All of Charlotte’s nervousness slipped back to physically grip her. She glanced helplessly at Jacqueline.

  Jacqueline tried to explain further. “He’s had an awful lot to drink,” she added softly.

  The man’s arm flashed out. When he yanked Charlotte roughly toward him, she cried out.

  “I know this man personally and ’e never gets this drunk. Whot did you do to ’im?”

  Charlotte swallowed the lump of fear lodged in her throat. “How do you know the commissioner?”

  “‘e’s my brother.”

  Charlotte could have swooned, and from the way Jacqueline sagged against her, she knew Jacqueline was close to doing so as well.

  “Please, sir.” Charlotte tried peeling his fingers from her arm. “I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t know why your brother is acting this way, except he has had quite a lot to drink.”

  The man peered suspiciously again around the room. “Why aren’t you actin’ the same way? And why is your friend normal? Everyone ’ere is like my brother, except for the two of you.”

  With sinking fear, Charlotte knew she was in trouble. There was no explanation. “Jacqueline and I haven’t had that much to drink. We have been too busy upstairs getting the bedrooms ready.”

  He studied her face for a few seconds and leaned forward. “Woman, you’re lyin’,” he shouted.

  She reeled back from his odorous breath.

  He shook her roughly. “Now tell me whot’s wrong with my brother!”

  Suddenly, the commissioner muttered. Charlotte couldn’t understand what he said, but she nearly gasped in surprise.

  “Benji? Is that you?” Jeffrey grumbled.

  She glanced toward him. His torso was naked, and thankfully, his trousers were still on. He held his hands to both sides of his head. A look of utter confusion was plastered on his face.

  The man released Charlotte’s arm and moved over to his brother. “Jeffrey? Whot’s wrong with ya?” He shook his brother’s shoulders.

  The commissioner laughed deeply. “What do you mean? Nuthin’s wrong. I’m hav’n the most amazin’ time with this lovely creature.” His gaze moved to Charlotte. “See that woman? Ain’t she sweet?” He laughed again.

  Benji let go of his brother and marched back to Charlotte, roughly taking her wrist. “Ye drugged ’im, didn’t ye?”

  “What?” She tried to appear shocked by his accusation. “We’ve already told you. We were upstairs getting the rooms ready. Besides, why would either of us want to drug your brother? To get him to do things to me, he might normally not do?” Charlotte’s fake laugh was high-pitched. “If that’s the case, you obviously don’t know him very well—”

  Benji’s expression turned from anger to confusion. Charlotte finally saw the similarities in the two brothers.

  “I don’t know why,” Benji said, his eyes narrowing first on Charlotte, before coming to rest on Jacqueline. “But yer lyin’. Just as certain as I’m standin’ ’ere, I know yer lyin’. My brother thinks ye pleased ’im, yet ye’ve been upstairs gettin’ the rooms ready. Besides that, ya don’t even look as if ye’ve been tumbled at all.” His eyes swept over their attire from head to toe. “In fact, ye look almost too perfect.” His gaze moved back up to Charlotte’s hair and he studied it curiously. Then, his hand moved up and quickly snatched off the wig.

  She cried out in surprise and horror.

  Benji’s bark of laughter made her cringe. “Yer in disguise!”

  Where is Ian? Her heart beat erratically. Wasn’t he watching what was going on from outside? He wouldn’t have left yet, would he? Of course, he would, she sadly mused.

  “We’d been upstairs for more than an hour.” She steadied her voice when she answered, “Most women in my profession wear costumes.”

  The man glanced over her shoulder, and then quickly scanned the room. “Where did the other woman go?”

  Charlotte finally realized Jacqueline wasn’t standing beside her any longer. A wave of relief swept over her. Jacqueline would go for help. Jacqueline would find Ian, but just as Charlotte’s thoughts brought her a measure of relief, the front door flew open. A second man, much larger than Benji, strolled inside. He held a struggling Jacqueline under one arm. Jacqueline kicked and screamed. She tried to bite the man’s arm, but he merely laughed and flipped her under his other arm in one fluid movement.

  “Lookie what I found runnin’ away from the house,” he announced with an air of self-congratulation.

  It was then that Charlotte finally recognized the two men. They were the same brutes who’d kidnapped her three years ago! The commissioner had already called his brother Benji, and she was willing to bet the other man’s name was Henry.

  Oh, why had fate stepped into her life so cruelly again? She prayed they didn’t recognize her. She knew she’d changed a great deal—more than most people change in three years. But a wave of insecurity hit her. The fright she’d experienced back then ago closed in around her like a shroud, and she knew she was in grave danger. What were the odds that she would see these two blackguards again? And where was Ian? He’d been there to rescue her the first time, but she feared her luck wasn’t going to be that good this time.

  “There ye are,” Benji hissed at Jacqueline.

  “What’s goin’ on here?” the other man barked.

  “Well, looks as if these two women ’ave drugged my brother and that other fellow, and it seems as if we ’ave an impostor among us.”

  The larger man with the pocked face moved to Charlotte and stared deeply into her eyes. “Ya know, I would think so. She don’t look like no whore I’ve ever seen before. A little too fancy, don’t ya think?”

  His sinister voice chilled Charlotte.

  “That’s whot I thought, too, ’enry.”

  She gasped. The other man’s name was Henry! Just as she’d suspected.

  The room had grown quiet and it felt as the walls were closing in on her. Panic like she’d never known before welled up in her throat and flooded up her eyes.

  “So, what are ya gonna do with her?” Henry asked.

  Benji glanced at the commissioner who still reposed in front of the settee, a look of total satisfaction on his ugly face. “I think we’ll ’ave to sober my brother up first, and then we’ll go from there. I’m certain ’e’ll know what to do about these women.”

  Sheer black fright swept through Charlotte and her knees started to buckle. Her mind raced, trying desperately to find a way out of this dilemma. She glanced over at the doors, but both men were
blocking the only exit in the room.

  “What should we do with them while we wait?”

  “I think we should tie them up. I don’t want to ’old them the whole time.”

  Benji dragged Charlotte over to a chair and forced her down then roughly wound disposed stocking and pantaloons around her wrists and ankles. She gave the man a hostile glare through her struggles.

  Jacqueline fought with them also, but the larger man struck her across the face and she quit. A trickle of blood ran down her lip. Jacqueline stared at the floor and let them bind her hands and feet.

  Seconds ticked off a half hour as Charlotte watched Benji and Henry force coffee down the commissioner’s throat, coaxing him sober. They’d dragged him outside for fresh air a time or two, and then returned to pour more coffee down him. Finally, Jeffrey showed signs of normalcy, and once he was coherent enough and able to see what was going on, his temper exploded. The men quickly explained to him that they had been drugged and duped.

  “What were you thinking, harlot?” he yelled at Jacqueline before backhanding her across the face. Her head swung to the side in a violent motion. Tears filled the woman’s eyes. Her gaze lowered to look at the large red poppy on the rug. She didn’t speak, or even so much as replied.

  Several times, he shook her, brutally slapping her face. Blood trickled from her nose, and the left side of her face was bruised and swollen.

  Charlotte flinched each time he struck her, thinking how brave Jacqueline was. How strong will I be when it’s my turn? Icy fear twisted around her heart. Ian! Where are you?

  Then, it was her turn. The three men surrounded her chair. “I have many questions for you, the first of which is, why all this deliberate pretense?” The commissioner’s hands waved to take in the house, her costume.

  “I…I…was just…bored,” she said in a choked, frightened voice.

  “So, the rumors must be true. Fielding is impotent.” A self-satisfied grin spread across his face.

  Charlotte wished she could pound that smile away. She struggled against her bonds, but they were too tight. She took a breath and spat in his face. Her frightened mood veered sharply to anger.

  She flashed him a cold look of disdain, and raised her chin defiantly to meet his icy stare. She didn’t waste energy trying to tell him the truth about Ian’s sexual exploits. She didn’t want to upset the commissioner too much. Obviously, the man was envious of Ian in all aspects of his life.

  Jeffrey didn’t bother to wipe the saliva off, just stood with his evil smile. Charlotte knew retaliation would be rapid in coming, but she wasn’t going to bow down to him no matter what he did to her. Her pride returned in full dress parade, for she would not let herself be put down by this brute.

  He folded his arms across his beefy chest and glanced at Jacqueline. He shook his head. “I’m a little disappointed in you. After all I’ve done for you, this is how you repay me?”

  “Yes, commissioner,” Charlotte spoke, knowing he was probably going to kill her, and not willing to die without having her say. “Let’s look at everything you have so selflessly given her, shall we? Not only have you given her a bad reputation, you have given her reason to hate you more than anyone on this earth.” She didn’t believe it could happen, but his gaze became even more inflamed. Inwardly, Charlotte cringed, but she was determined not to let her fears show.

  “Yes, Charlotte, my dear. I suppose you could say I’ve given her reason to hate me, but I have also taken very good care of her.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want your kind of care.”

  He laughed, his gaze wandering over Charlotte’s dress, lingering mostly on the exposed skin at her chest. She wished she could cover her bodice.

  “Maybe you don’t know her as well as you think,” he sneered. “And what about you, my precious beauty?” He moved closer. “What have I ever done to you?”

  “Don’t tell me your memory is that short.”

  Confusion crossed his brow for only a moment then his face relaxed and he smiled. “Oh, do you mean that time in your husband’s office? You can’t still be upset over that.”

  She glared at him. “What do you think? You forced yourself on me, you beast! If it hadn’t been for Lord Thatcher, you’d have violated me.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so, Charlotte. In fact, I’m quite certain you would have enjoyed my style of lovemaking—”

  “And, after being with my husband, I’m quite certain I wouldn’t. You don’t measure up to Ian Fielding, and you never will.”

  Charlotte didn’t realize her mistake in saying those words aloud until after she had spoken them, and it wasn’t the commissioner who worried her. At that moment, she received looks from the other two men, and she noticed that they finally recognized her.

  It was Henry who laughed first. “Oh, my!” he exclaimed. “I don’t believe my luck. Benji? Do ya know who this girlie is? It’s that same ragamuffin we kidnapped three years ago!”

  “No! Can’t be the same one. She don’t look nuthin’ like that girl.”

  The commissioner glared at his brother. “What are you two imbeciles rambling on about?”

  “Jeffrey, this girl right ’ere is the one we kidnapped three years ago. Remember, we could ’ave been rich off ’er. Everythin’ was messed up when we trusted that rickety old man to help.” Benji’s fists clenched and he took a pair of steps toward her.

  Jeffrey’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Yes, and that’s the reason you hate Ian Fielding so much. He was disguised as an old man you thought was going to help you with getting the ransom.”

  “Yer correct,” Henry said as he walked to Charlotte. “And we also promised revenge when we met up with him again.” His hand came out as he touched her face, his knuckles caressing the side of her cheek. “But is this beauty really that ’lil rag doll?” He studied her face closely. “I don’t believe someone could change that much.”

  Jeffrey nodded. “Her father’s name is Ashley. Didn’t you say he was William Ashley?”

  “Yup, that’s the bloody lowlife!”

  Jeffrey looked at Charlotte and grinned. “Well, well, well, my lovely Charlotte.” He rubbed his hands together. “This makes things so much more interesting. It appears my brother and his friend like you as much as I like your husband.”

  She maintained her glare when she looked at him. “With all this hate going around, I’m in with the right company, aren’t I?”

  He laughed. “You’re certainly a feisty one.”

  “This is the girl, ’enry,” Benji said. “Don’t ya remember ’ow stubborn and ornery she was back then?”

  “Yes, but what are we to do with her now?” Jeffrey grinned. “Maybe you could demand another ransom from her father.” His lips twisted into a cynical smile. “This time, you might be able to get two of them…get a second one from her husband.” His eyes darkened dangerously as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  “No, ’er father’s dead now.”

  “Then get the bloody ransom from her wayward husband!” Jeffrey yelled.

  “But didn’t ye say Fielding was in ’iding?”

  “Yes, but don’t you see?” Jeffrey moved closer to Charlotte as he cupped her face. His foul breath fanned her face. “This is the one thing that will bring the coward out of hiding and we’ll be able to hang him for his thievery.”

  Charlotte said a silent prayer, hoping Ian was at the commissioner’s house waiting for them. He’d save her as he’d always done. She hoped.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ian found some of the stolen jewels, enough to prove he wasn’t the thief. Good fortune was certainly on his side. But now he needed someone else to see and witness the stolen items kept in the commissioner’s townhouse down in the cellar. Ian needed to contact his friend who worked as the King’s guard. The man owed Ian a favor, and he was the only one who would help him out of this mess. If there was anyone who could free him from these false charges, it would be George’s cousin. Now that Ian had the proof, the res
t would be simple.

  He carefully made certain to put things back the way they were. He checked his makeup and wig in the hall mirror and headed into town. The first thing on his mind was to send a message to George’s cousin, and hopefully, Ian’s freedom wouldn’t be more than days away. It was so close he could taste it, but he mustn’t get too excited. Not yet. Not until everything was completed.

  The weather turned cool and windy tonight, so wearing a hooded cloak wouldn’t look too conspicuous. He went straight to his office, and quickly penned a note. After putting his own seal on it, he carried it outside, and to the nearest delivery person and instructed him to take it to William Stanhope, George’s cousin.

  After everything was done, Ian headed back to Ewan’s house. The women would be finished with their search by now and they were probably waiting for his return. He hoped everything had gone well. The plan was infallible. Charlotte and Jacqueline had worked out every detail. But as Ian approached the house, he knew something was amiss. It wasn’t so much that the lights were all on, nor was it the lack of movement behind the drapes, but something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

  He tiptoed closer, keeping among the shadows of the hickory trees. No movement. No sound either. That’s it! There was no sound. The place was dead quiet. Yet, what did he expect to hear? Ewan and the commissioner were all in dreamland?

  Ian cautiously opened the front door. Everything seemed as it should, but Ewan was the only person in the room. Ian stepped past the sleeping man on the floor and walked upstairs, checking in every room. No sign of his wife, Jacqueline or the commissioner. Panic tightened his chest and he ran back down the stairs. He kneeled by Ewan’s side and shook him. “Ewan, wake up.”

  His secretary groggily opened one eye, smiled then slumped back into dreamland. Ian slapped his friend’s face, but still didn’t get a response. Irritation rushed through him. Somebody had to know something! He took a deep breath and convinced himself there was a good explanation for all of this. The women probably went back to the castle.


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