Playing to Win
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Michelle Finkle, ‘The Voice Mellows’, The Australian Women’s Weekly, June 1999.
Clark Forbes, Whispering Jack: The John Farnham Story, Hutchinson Australia, 1989.
Robert Forster, ‘Scream – The Glory and the Madness of Being a 60s and 70s Australian Pop Singer’, The Monthly, December 2010.
Jane Freeman, ‘Toothsome Threesome Put Best Foot Forward’, Sydney Morning Herald, 16 October 1998.
Lee Glendinning, ‘You’re the Voice and We Understand It’, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 December 2002.
Peter Groves, ‘Farnham Rocks and Rolls Like Thunder’, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 March 1981.
Peter Hackett, ‘The Voice Still Roars at 50’, The Advertiser, 3 July 1999.
Helen Hawks, ‘The Gospel According to John’, Sun-Herald, 6 April 1996.
Sarah Hudson, ‘Review’, Herald Sun, 15 June 1999.
David Kent, Australian Chart Book 1970–1992, Australian Chart Book, 1992.
Paula Kruger, ‘Farnham Pulled from ANZAC Commemorations’, ABC Online, 17 February 2005.
Bert Lillye, ‘Down the Line’, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 1975.
Ross MacDowell, Inside Story: 20 Famous Australians tell their Story, Hobson Dell, 2001.
Fergus Maguire, Farnham Hits the Big 50, Still Rockin’ After All These Years’, The Age, 14 June 1999.
John Mangan, ‘John Farnham Takes a Walk on the Mild Side’, The Age, 20 October 1993.
Patrick McDonald, ‘Perfect Harmony in the Main Event’, The Advertiser, 3 December 1998.
Ian McFarlane, The Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop, Allen & Unwin, 1999.
Noel McGrath, Australian Encyclopedia of Rock, Outback Press, 1978.
George Moore, ‘Moore on Pop’, The Australian Women’s Weekly, 22 September 1982.
Phil Moore, ‘Move Over Roy Rogers: Farnsie Feels a Bit Horse’, People, 1993.
Shaunagh O’Connor, ‘Hopelessly Devoted …’, Herald Sun, 29 October 1998.
Anthony O’Grady ‘The Resurrection of John Farnham’, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 February 1987.
Kay O’Sullivan, ‘Farnham Hits High Notes with Key to the City’, Herald Sun, 15 June 1999.
Michael Owen, ‘Review: The Main Event’, The Sunday Mail, 30 November 1998.
George Palathingal, ‘Tom Jones and John Farnham Review’, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 February 2005.
Dale Plummer, ‘New TV Series for Farnham’, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 June 1976.
Geoff Roach, ‘Why We Love You, John’, The Advertiser, 3 July 1999.
Jim Schembri, ‘The Rise and Rise of John “Voice” Farnham’, The Age, 11 March 1994.
Larry Schwartz, ‘10 Things You Didn’t Know about John Farnham’, The Age, 16 October 1993.
Iain Shedden, ‘Voice Raised in Anger at Games March Boss’, The Australian, 24 June 1999.
Garry Shelley, ‘John Farnham Veteran at 31’, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 March 1980.
Aneela Simone, ‘Reunited with Denmark after 10 Years’, SE & HOR (Denmark), undated.
David Sly, ‘John Parties, with a Little Help from His Friends’, The Advertiser, 12 June 1999.
Margaret Smith, ‘They’ve Trodden the Boards for 50 Years’, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 September 1974.
Katrina Strickland, ‘Farnham at 50 … He’s Mollyfied’, Herald Sun, 14 April 1999.
Andrew Taylor, ‘Farnham on ASIO’s Radar for Tent Embassy Support’, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 March 2012.
Carolyn Webb, ‘A Mouthpiece for The Voice’, The Age, 15 November 2000.
Lana Wells, ‘John Farnham: What’s He Really Like?’ The Australian Women’s Weekly, 28 February 1979.
Glenn Wheatley, Paper Paradise: Confessions of a Rock and Roll Survivor, Bantam 1999.
Glenn Wheatley, Facing the Music, Hardie Grant, 2010.
Richard Wilkins, ‘John Farnham Talks about Fame, Fortune, Fatherhood and the Big Five O’, TV Week, 17 July 1999.
Kim Wilson and Simon Plant, ‘Singers Tune up for Knockout Main Event’, Herald Sun, 24 October 1998.
Bernard Zuel, ‘The Battle for a Nation’s Soul’, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 November 2000.
ABC TV, ‘The Making of a Pop Star’, Four Corners, 1968.
Channel 9, Jacks’ Back, TV special, 1987.
‘John Farnham Hits at Tax Probe on Glenn Wheatley’,, 19 June 2011.
Greg Jennett, ‘John Howard Embarks on Goodwill Mission to New Zealand’, ABC Online, 21 February 2005.
Kathy McCabe, ‘John Farnham Reveals He Prank Called Fans’,, 27 November 2015.
Farnham comments on his Little River Band days:
Farnham with Little River Band: Hans Poulsen:
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock:
Jack’s Place:
The Last Time Tour documentary:
Little River Band shows:
Little River Band clips:
Live by Demand media conference 2009: