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Page 10

by Tessa Teevan

  Opening the box, I see a brand new set of dog tags, shiny, silver, and most importantly, not banged up and covered with my dried blood from an explosion like the last set. “Thanks, man,” I tell him as I slip them over my head, finally feeling a little bit like a soldier again. “What’s the message?”

  “‘Stop being a pussy and get the fuck back to work, Soldier,’” Jace deadpans. “And yes, that’s a direct quote.”

  Kale cracks up until I hit him on the back of the head, and I just shake mine, wishing I could follow Chief’s orders because not working is slowly going to be the death of me.

  Once Jace finds a parking spot, I get out of the car and groan when I realize we’re at The Lodge, the same place where I met Charlie last weekend. Jace just shrugs when he sees the look on my face.

  “It’s the best place to watch sports, and then it turns in to a club after nine. Best of both worlds, man.”

  I sigh as I follow them inside. When we enter the bar, my eyes have to take a second to adjust to the dimly lit room. Following them to a high-top half table, half booth, I slide into the booth portion beside Kale. I can tell he’s already checking out the selection of women in the place, and I can’t help but follow suit. I tell myself I’m just scoping the crowd for hot chicks, but I know I’m looking for her. Part of me wants her to be here, especially after witnessing the moment between Jace and Lexi earlier, but the other half of me knows I need to not complicate things. And going after Charlie would do nothing but cause complications.

  “She’s not here, Knox. Relax,” Jace says, interrupting my thoughts. I don’t even bother to respond because a cute blonde waitress sidles up to the table and begins to take our drink orders. Since I’m not driving, I decide that I’m going to let myself have a good time. I haven’t taken a pain pill since lunchtime, so I think I’m safe. We order a couple pitchers for the table, and I get a round of shots, although Lexi declines since she’s driving. Responsible. Another reason to like her. I glance around the bar one last time, disappointed when I see that Jace is right. She isn’t here.

  A COUPLE of hours and a few pitchers of beer later, Lexi’s yelling at the TV, more than pissed that her team is losing pretty damn badly. Jace is just watching her like a lovesick fool, telling her that it doesn’t matter because they’re still first in their division, but she doesn’t want to hear it. The dance floor has opened up and Kale’s had a revolving door of dance partners for the past half an hour. It’s really amazing what a crew cut and some dog tags can get you.

  “So Charlie seems like a nice girl. How are things going there?” Jace asks, pulling my attention away from Kale and the blonde chick who’s practically giving him a lap dance on the floor.

  “Umm, yeah, she’s fine.” I know what he’s going to say, and I’m not interested. Okay, that’s a lie, but I’m not interested right now.

  “Okay, admit it. How awkward was it when she showed up on your doorstep the morning after you were a total dick to her?”

  I signal the waitress for another shot, even though I’m already feeling pretty buzzed. “I wasn’t a total dick to her. I may have been a bit abrupt, but I wasn’t even mean. Rude, maybe, but I wasn’t an asshole. As ass, but not an asshole.”

  “You know, she said the same thing when I tried to smooth things over for you.”

  Huh. That’s weird. I figured she’d hated me. Her face had grown red with humiliation when I basically told her I wasn’t interested when all she’d done was introduce herself. “She actually said that?”

  He nods, and I’m surprised.

  “Okay, so, yeah, things were kind of awkward the next day. It didn’t help that we had another misunderstanding. I don’t know, Jace. She’s gotten under my skin and I don’t like it. I still can’t believe Cohen’s not coming back after finals.” I shake my head, still pissed that my brother called me earlier today with news that a spot had opened up in a summer course at UT and he could get ahead if he took it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of my brother for pursuing his dream, but I have to admit that I was really looking forward to spending the summer with him. And to putting an end to this babysitter volunteering business.

  Taking a sip of his beer, he watches me. “Why does it have to be a bad thing that she gets under your skin? Maybe it’s time you finally met someone who makes you feel something more than just lust.”

  “Maybe, man. I know I’m over random hook-ups. But Charlie Davenport isn’t the girl I need start anything with. We’d kill each other in the first week. We’re not compatible at all.”

  “If you say so.”

  Before I can respond, Kale rejoins us at the table, and the conversation switches to less serious topics.

  “Holy shit, that girl is smokin’,” Kale says as he takes a drink of his beer. He’s staring at the dance floor, and when I look over, my heart stops and my shorts tighten in the crotch area.

  I don’t know how I missed her come in, but there’s Charlie in the middle of the bar, dancing with some guy who’s barely an inch taller than her. I can only see her profile, but then they slowly circle so that I can see her from the front, and I go completely hard. Her long brown hair hangs in loose curls down her back, and she’s wearing a fitted, tight black t-shirt that cups her breasts perfectly. She’s paired it with tight, tiny jean shorts, and I can tell that this girl works out because her toned thighs show off a slight ripple of muscle as she moves her hips back and forth to the hip-hop music that’s playing.

  I can’t stop watching her, and she looks like she’s in her element, without a care in the world. Her eyes are closed, but even though they’re dancing, her back to his front, she’s leaving about a half an inch of space between them.

  “Hey, isn’t that—” Jace starts to say when Kale cuts him off.

  “Oh damn, I didn’t even realize who it was. That’s Charlie. I used to never see her out, but after she called her engagement off, she’s started getting out a lot more. She’s a nice girl,” Kale says absentmindedly as he checks out the girls at the table next to us.

  “You know her?” I ask him, wondering how he knows her, feeling jealous that both Jace and Kale seem to get the nice, sweet side of her at all times.

  “Yeah, she helped me out with all my G.I. Bill stuff when I first transferred to Ft. Campbell. You guys haven’t seen her at the boxing gym? She’s there a couple of times a week, and I like sparring with her. She’s got great technique, and it helps that she’s hot has hell. I’ve got a good thing going with one of her friends…” He trails off, looking around the room, and I’m wondering why I’ve never seen her at the gym. Obviously I haven’t been since I’ve been back, and before I always went late in the evening. We must’ve never crossed paths. Kale spots someone and gets up from the table. “Excuse me, fellas and Lexi, but I have a lady waiting for me,” he says, grinning as he heads back out to dance.

  Jace and Lexi get up to join him, and Jace shoots me a look. “I’m good, man. Go ahead.”

  He nods, and I can’t help but laugh as he crutches to the edge of the floor and tries to dance with Lexi. It’s more of him standing there holding himself up while she dances against him.

  Turning away, I look around to find Charlie again. I spot her just in time to see the douche she’s dancing with put his hands on her hips and pull her into him as he grinds into her ass. Gritting my teeth, I start to look away when I see her push away from him, only for him to pull her back.

  Before I can even think about what I’m doing, I’m downing my beer and crossing to the dance floor. Right as I’m getting to where she is, she turns around and shoves the guy, and he stumbles slightly. I have a feeling he’s had a little too much tonight, and he’s not getting that she isn’t joking. He’s about to reach for her again when I grab her arm and pull her into my chest. She wasn’t expecting it, so she smashes into me, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my ribs, but I can take it.

  She looks up into my eyes and they widen with surprise when she realizes who’s grabbed her.
  “Hey, babe. I thought you were going to save a dance for me?” I ask her, giving her a wink, indicating for her to play along.

  Her hands fall flat on my chest and slide up until they’re wrapped around my neck. She’s taller than the girls I usually go for, and in her heels she’s only a couple of inches shorter than me. It’s just another abnormality when it comes to her, because I always enjoyed the feel of a tiny, petite body, but I’m finding that I like how she fits in my arms while she’s pressed up against me, our thighs, hips, torsos touching intimately.

  “I was just biding my time until you got here, babe,” she says, making her cute, Southern drawl just a little more pronounced than normal. The guy she was dancing with backs away, mumbling something that sounds like “my bad,” and he gets swallowed up in the crowd. Her arms are still around my neck as a slow country song comes on. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her into me, and we slowly begin to move slowly with the music. I don’t know if she’s doing this for that douche’s benefit or because she actually wants to be close to me, but right now, I don’t care. She feels so good in my arms, and I pull her in closer, my arms squeezing just a little tighter. When she settles the side of her head against my chest, a wave of vanilla washes over me, and I can’t help but inhale, knowing I’ll never think of vanilla the same way again.

  The song ends and she pulls back, looking up at me as the song ends. “Thanks, Knox. Trust me, I could’ve taken care of him, but you made it a little easier,” she tells me, smiling up at me, and I think it’s the first genuine smile I’ve gotten from her since the night she introduced herself.

  “No problem, sweetheart. It’s the least I can do since you’ve seen me naked,” I tease, but her smile falters as she clenches her teeth.

  “God, you’re such an ass. Can you just say ‘you’re welcome’ like a normal human being?” she asks as she stops moving and unhooks her arms from around my neck.

  I catch her wrists and let her hands slide down my chest the same way she slid them up. “You’re welcome. For both rescuing you and letting you see me naked.” I grin down at her, and I can see her trying to suppress a smile. Grabbing her hand, I pull her off the dance floor back towards our table. I can see that Jace and Lexi have returned, so as soon as we get them, I make the introductions between the girls.

  I’m not surprised when they start chatting like old friends. Jace and I just shake our heads at each other as they start a friendly argument over Alabama and Ohio State football. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing right now, because bringing her over here and introducing her to my best friend and his girl feels a little like relationship territory. But I push the thought out of my head, telling myself that it just makes sense since Charlie will be around for a while. There’s nothing wrong with being friendly, right? If only I could tell my dick that’s all we’re going to be.

  LEXI TATE is one of the sweetest girls I’ve met, and although her taste in football teams is suspect, I’m having such a good time getting to know her. I came here with Lucy, but she’s been on the dance floor with Kale, her on-again, off-again hook-up, for most of the night, and I won’t begrudge her for that. She’s got things she’s working through, and I’ll support her no matter what.

  I was shocked when Knox came up and ‘rescued’ me, as he put it, but in reality, he rescued the dick I was dancing with. He was about to get a knee to the groin when Knox approached, but I allowed him to play the knight in shining armor just to stroke his ego—not that he needs it.

  Of course he had to bring up my seeing him naked. As if I haven’t pictured it every night since then. I have to smile at the thought that Lucy hasn’t heard any bedtime crying late at night, and I’m really hoping that she’s been too busy to hear the light buzzing since I’ve been unable to get the images of him hot, wet, and naked out of my mind. I never understood the term spank bank until now. But holy smokes, Knox Wellington has made me a millionaire where that’s concerned.

  His knee brushes against mine, and I’m pulled from my thoughts. He smiles at me, a real genuine smile, and I can’t help but get lost in his green eyes and his perfect white teeth that are usually covered by full lips just begging to be kissed. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the images of him in the shower, but I’m fighting an internal battle, wanting to lean in and taste him and wanting to retreat at the same time.

  Fortunately, a waitress interrupts the war in my mind, and I quickly order more to drink. Lucy’s supposed to be the DD tonight, and with all the dancing she’s doing, I know she’s not drinking, so I’m going to enjoy myself and let loose for the first time in a long time.

  I turn to Lexi and Jace, and catch them mid-kiss. When I first met Jace, I couldn’t help but feel a slight jealously at how comfortable he seemed with himself and his relationship. Now that I’ve met Lexi, I completely understand. Watching the two of them, I feel a pang in my heart. Drew and I were good together, even if we were slightly incompatible in certain ways. I miss that. I don’t know that I necessarily miss Drew, but I miss being close with someone. I miss being in love. I miss having someone to hold me.

  The waitress returns with my drink and I down half of it with one gulp. She looks at me inquisitively and I just nod, indicating that yes, I will take another.

  “So how long have you two lovebirds been together?” I ask them, genuinely interested because they seem so in sync with each other.

  Lexi looks at Jace and I swear he gives her the sweetest smile. I notice Knox just shaking his head, apparently already knowing the full story.

  “Well, it’s kind of a long story,” she tells me, her eyes lighting up as Jace presses a soft kiss against her cheek.

  I glance at my phone, seeing that it’s only a little after eleven. “Okay, Lexi, spill it. We have plenty of time!” I have no idea why I care so much, but perhaps it’s because after my failed engagement, I need to hear about someone else’s happily ever after.

  “Well, long story short, we were best friends in high school,” she tells me, launching into a shortened version of how they came to be here together, right now. It doesn’t escape my attention the way Jace watches her and rubs her shoulder when she tells me about her deceased husband, and I’m amazed at how calm he is, hearing about the man she married and how hard it was to lose him.

  Glancing over at Knox, I can see that he’s watching her curiously, almost as if this is the first time he’s heard this version of the story from Lexi herself. His eyebrows come together when she talks about Ty, but I can see the way his eyes soften when she briefly speaks of the car accident. To be honest, I have no idea how she’s being so candid about it, but I have a feeling that some of that strength comes from Jace.

  A moment later Kale Montgomery comes over to the table, with Lucy in tow. She looks at me curiously and then grins once she sees Knox.

  “Hey, guys. Lucy’s going to give me a ride home, so don’t wait around for me,” he informs his friends.

  I begin to stand up, ready to leave with them. “It was nice meeting you, Lexi, and seeing you again, Jace. Knox, as always, it’s sometimes a pleasure,” I tease, and he sends me a mocking glare.

  Lucy moves towards the table. “Oh, Charlie, you don’t have to leave with us. If you can get a ride…” she says, looking around to see if anyone will take her up on it. Lexi catches my eye and gives me a wink, apparently knowing full well what Lucy is wanting to do.

  “I’m the DD tonight, and I have no problem giving Charlie a ride,” Lexi informs her, and Lucy throws her arms around her in a hug, even though she’s a complete stranger.

  She comes to my side of the booth and gives me a hug as well. “He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you. Get drunk and have fun for once,” she tells me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Shaking my head, I tell her to have fun and watch as she and Kale leave the bar, his hand placed firmly on her ass.

  I raise my drink to Knox, Jace, and Lexi. “Well, I guess y’all are stuck with me tonight.”

No big deal, girl. I have to take Knox back to his place, so one more stop isn’t a problem at all,” Lexi tells me, smiling widely.

  “You can always just drop them both off at Knox’s. She probably has to go there tomorrow anyway. And then we can meet them for brunch or something in the morning,” Jace suggests, causing Knox’s head to flip around quickly to glare at him.

  Clearly he hates this idea, so I think it’s genius. “That works for me. Cohen mentioned that the guest bed was pretty comfortable, and I’ll probably have to help him shower tomorrow anyways. We might as well have a sleepover,” I suggest, hoping to get under his skin.

  Knox’s knee hits mine under the table, and my eyes rise to meet his. They’re full of heat, and I feel his hand on my knee, moving up to rest on my thigh.

  “I’m afraid I’ve never been very good at slumber parties, Charlotte,” he says, using my full name for emphasis.

  Lexi looks back and forth between us before I can answer. I’m sure she’s wondering what Jace is trying to start. “Oh, that’s okay, Knox. All you need to know is I promise not braid your hair, and I might make you homemade French toast in the morning if you’re lucky.”

  He shakes his head, smiling into his drink, trying to hide it. We’ve both been going crazy, fighting this attraction between us, but I decide here and now to push every single button until he makes a move. Before I can say anything else, he meets my eyes and holds my gaze as his hand rubs my thigh under the table.

  Leaning into me, he whispers huskily into my ear. “You don’t have to worry about that, Charlie. I always get lucky when I want to.” He drags his hand down my thigh and then removes it as he looks away from me. Now I’m not sure who’s trying to mess with whom. I think he just got the best of me, but hell if I’m going to let him know.

  “Hey, Charlie. Speaking of, how’s the housing situation going?” Jace asks, interrupting the thing between Knox and me, which causes him to look at me questioningly. I have a feeling he doesn’t like the fact that Jace seems to know more about me than he does, but he hasn’t exactly asked for a Q&A session in any of our time spent together.


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