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Garden of Serenity

Page 23

by Nina Pierce

Such a simple statement laced with so much emotion.

  She walked to him, this man who had stolen her heart and at the same time, made her whole. “You look very handsome.” It was the only thing she could push past the fear burning in her throat.

  “I’m hoping they don’t find a clothed man offensive.” Brenimyn’s man’s hands flitted nervously about his outfit, fixing and straightening. He shot the cuffs of the white shirt tucked neatly at his narrow waist, its buttons opened at the collar, exposing a modest amount of his broad chest. He readjusted the buckle of the leather belt he’d worn the first night at the apartment. Raking his fingers through his blond curls, he finally met her eyes. “Well—”

  “I’ll be there shortly.” She couldn’t bear to hear him say goodbye.

  “I love you with all my heart, Jahara.” He spoke the words before he leaned in to kiss her. “Hold on to that.”

  He turned and walked away from her. And though she wanted to run after him—to tell him they didn’t have to do this—she remained rooted in their bedroom. It would have been futile to try to talk him out of this. She’d finally come to realize that nothing could change the course of the events unfolding before them.

  She heard his sandals tapping across the kitchen tile and the creaky hiss of the broken door as it shut. She fell to her knees, her head falling into her hands and cried.

  He’d just left her.

  Jahara wasn’t sure how she knew. But she knew—Brenimyn would never be coming back to her residence.

  * * * *

  If Attika hadn’t agreed to pick her up, Jahara wasn’t sure she would’ve had the strength to make it to the government building on her own. The woman chatted incessantly in the vehicle and Jahara was grateful she wasn’t expected to respond.

  She thought the breeders would be lining the street when they arrived, but no one was standing outside.

  The meeting hall, however, was crowded with women and they had a hard time finding a seat in the gallery on the second floor. Peering over the edge of the railing, Jahara looked down on the wooden benches filled with chattering females, pondering just how many of them were governmental spies. Some in front faced the assembly, leaning their bottoms against the heavy wooden railing separating the spectators from the floor of the assembly. Their hands moved animatedly as they spoke to those seated. The laughter filling the large room gave the whole scene a carnival quality.

  A large dais was set up at the far end of the room, elevated only a few feet higher than the assembly floor. Ten leather chairs, for the women of the Governmental Body, currently stood empty. A young girl moved along the back wall, placing papers on the table at each seat.

  “There you are, Jahara.” Nazaret came up to them. Pregnancy agreed with her, the woman absolutely glowed with health.

  “Nazaret, my breeding sister Attika. Attika, Nazaret.” Jahara didn’t even try to feign enthusiasm as the women exchanged pleasantries.

  “Sit with us, Nazaret, we can make room.” Attika scooted across the bench and they squeezed Nazaret in next to them. The two women flanked Jahara as if to protect her.

  “Xylice wired a feed to the barn.” Nazaret leaned in casually, whispering the words in Jahara’s ear. “The men are watching from a safe distance.” She needn’t have bothered talking so quietly. No one could hear above the incredible din of the growing crowd.

  A hush moved through the multitude and Jahara looked up to see the women in long robes parading across the stage. She recognized only Bresilee and Linsig, settling themselves in the two largest chairs in the center of the dais. The rest of the women were strangers to her.

  Bresilee waited a moment until nothing stirred in the room save for the fans on the ceiling. The wrap of the wooden gavel reverberated through the assembly like a gong.

  “This special meeting of the Governmental Body is called to order.” She paused and swept her gaze over the crowd. “I am pleased so many of you have taken an interest in these proceedings.” Bresilee lifted a paper in front of her, perusing it. “The first order of business is the petition to be brought forth by …” She looked down her nose at the paper. “Brenimyn. Representative of the male breeding population of the Garden of Serenity.”

  A side door opened and Brenimyn walked across the expanse of the tiled floor. The only noise came from his sandals tapping out the seconds of tension filling the air.

  Though he kept his eyes cast down at the floor, he stopped and stood before Bresilee with unmistakable dignity. His pride would not allow him to cower before this gathering. Standing tall, he squared his broad shoulders in defiance. His feet were slightly apart, his hands clasped loosely at his back.

  For a moment no one spoke and, Jahara was sure, no one breathed.

  “This special meeting has been convened today, breeder,” Bresilee spoke the last word with contempt, “not because you have petitioned the Governmental Body to present a proposal …” Bresilee stopped to let the words sink in. “But because your mate has brought charges of rape against you.”

  The air that had been held in everyone’s lungs escaped in a loud whoosh. Maybe it was simply the blood pounding in Jahara’s ears. She wasn’t sure she’d heard Bresilee correctly.

  A low rumble ran through the crowd. The women watching seemed to be the only ones reacting. Neither the women on the dais nor Brenimyn moved. Jahara thought she might vomit. She was only vaguely aware of Attika and Nazaret’s arms supporting her.

  Bresilee banged her gavel. “Please. These charges are very serious. If the gallery cannot contain themselves I will have the chambers cleared.”

  Of course it was an empty threat. Bresilee had staged this mockery of justice and what fun would it be if she couldn’t act it out in front of an audience? None of this was really happening. Jahara was sure she would wake from the nightmare at any moment.

  But the heavy gavel thudding on the table made it all too real. Jahara went limp with grief. She marveled at Brenimyn’s ability to remain so poised. He must have sensed something like this was coming. Hadn’t she found the speech he’d written lying on the kitchen counter before she’d left? Up until this moment, she’d believed he’d simply memorized it. But now she realized he’d left it for her as a warning.

  “I call forth Kylie Devereaux,” Bresilee bellowed.

  Kylie materialized out of the crowd. Her filmy dress swirled about her body like the murmurs filtering through the crowd. Meticulously, she picked her way around the others seated on the benches below. She walked slowly down the center aisle as if embarrassed to have all the attention on her.

  Slipping through the break in the wooden railing, she straightened the wisps of golden hair that had worked loose from the braid running down her back. Demurely, she stepped behind a podium, which had materialized from the floor. There was no doubt every move had been scripted by the director.

  Bresilee looked at the crowd as she spoke. “Kylie Devereaux, you have reported to the Governmental Body that this breeder has broken the first law of the Garden. Is that correct?”

  Kylie leaned into the voice amplifier, her eyes focused on Bresilee. “Yes.” The tremor in her voice could be heard in that simple word.

  This time Bresilee let the gasps die on their own before she continued. “Have you any proof?”

  “The surveillance video from my bedroom.” The tears trickling down Kylie’s face could be seen even from the balcony where she sat. Jahara couldn’t fault the woman her incredible acting skills.

  Motioning to the wall behind the dais, Kylie directed the women of the government to the hologram materializing over their heads. It was a picture of Brenimyn and Kylie standing naked. Fisted at his sides, his hands looked threatening. Her face held a startled grimace.

  “Play the video,” Bresilee’s voice boomed.

  “Kylie, you want me.” Brenimyn’s voice filled the room as the hologram went into motion.

  Kylie’s hand struck his face with such force, Jahara heard herself gasp.

  “I don’t
want you. Why are you here? I am refusing you. It’s law.” Kylie’s voice was filled with fear. “Go back to Jahara.” The last words were spoken with her back to the camera as she walked away from him.

  He took two steps toward her, and she yelled, “No, no this isn’t right.” Her hands came up in defense or invitation, it was difficult to discern.

  Jahara couldn’t believe what she was watching.

  “Damn you, Brenimyn. Stop.” Kylie’s nails dug the ugly welts into his chest and his hands wrapped around her wrists.

  “Let go of me,” she cried.

  “Stop fighting me. You will do as I say.” The voice was male, but not Brenimyn’s. It was so close no one else would have picked up on the subtle nuances.

  Kylie dropped to her knees in front of him, taking his penis into her mouth. They looked at each other, Kylie with revulsion, Brenimyn with satisfaction. His fingers wound themselves into her hair. “It’s wonderful. Continue.”

  As Jahara watched Brenimyn’s body react, it was hard for her not to believe the video.

  She watched in horror as he hauled Kylie to her feet and swept her into his arms. The woman shook her head, tears glistening in her eyes as he dropped her roughly on the bed, covering her body with his, entering her without any prelude.

  “I don’t want this.” Her voice trembled with emotion.

  He didn’t respond, only pinned her arms over her head and thrust himself into her.

  “No! No! Stop! Stop!” Her head flailed from side to side, but her pleas went unheeded. He continued to rock his hips, pounding against her even as she begged him to stop. The room filled with his cries of climax.

  When he rolled off her, he was flaccid, his need having been sated.

  The last image was of Kylie turning her back on Brenimyn, begging him to leave her.

  “We’ve seen enough.” Bresilee’s commanding voice broke through the heavy stillness. “This woman doesn’t need to relive the horror any more than that.”

  The hologram faded and with it Jahara’s hopes that people would see the video had been forged. Someone had masterfully manipulated the images to condemn Brenimyn. She knew firsthand how easily it could be done.

  Bresilee turned back to the crowd. “The video is enough to convict this breeder. I’m sorry to ask you this, Ms. Devereaux, but for the record, is there any more proof?”

  Linsig stood. “I can speak for the woman. As a healer, I examined Kylie Devereaux in the clinic where she came after the rape. Her vagina was torn from the violence of his actions and the life essence of this breeder was present within her.” She pointed down at Brenimyn.

  Jahara knew it was all a lie, but she had no way to prove it.

  The audience sat in stunned silence. Bresilee looked from Kylie, to Brenimyn and then swept the faces of the crowd, milking the situation for every moment she could steal from them.

  “Charges against this breeder have been levied and proven. The first law of the Garden has been broken and a woman has been irrefutably damaged and emotionally scarred. The penalty for breaking this law is castration and exile.”

  The room exploded in disbelief. Brenimyn didn’t move.

  “So it is written, so shall it be done.” Yelling over the commotion, Bresilee slammed down the gavel.

  The sound assaulted Jahara like a knife through her heart.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The mob of security guards swarming the assembly floor came out of nowhere. With arms crossed over their muscular chests, biceps bulging, the women created a barrier between the maelstrom in the benches and Brenimyn.

  Jahara watched in helpless horror as four of them surrounded the man, who only an hour ago had been wrapped in her arms. Now he was wrapped in chains. Though he hadn’t tried to resist, two of the guards held weapons at the ready. He said nothing, simply lifting his head in Bresilee’s direction.

  The woman who had commanded the attention of all, now cowered in her seat and Jahara wondered if he had threatened her telepathically. She hoped it had been something scathing and vicious. But knowing Brenimyn, it was probably nothing more than the steely glare of his ice blue eyes that had the director recoiling.

  Jahara was bumped and jostled from all sides as women fought to move out of the gallery. She couldn’t be sure whether the commotion came from the disbelief that a woman had been raped or that their hero was being martyred. Some part of her brain knew Nazaret and Attika were talking to her, but she only had eyes for the man disappearing—perhaps forever—through the side door of the hall.

  He stole a look over his shoulder. Her eyes beckoned his to find her in the crowd. Like a magnet, his gaze was pulled to hers. She heard his words ring clear. Find strength in my love.

  Then he was gone.

  * * * *

  Jahara stood on the empty sidewalk outside the government building, too stunned to make sense of the thoughts careening around in her skull.

  “Please, let me take you back to my apartment.” Attika would not let go of Jahara’s arm. “I don’t think you should be alone right now.”

  Nazaret had rushed back to the barns to formulate a plan with the breeders. Though they thought they’d been prepared for every outcome, no one had seen Bresilee’s brilliant path to blowing the revolution apart.

  Everything was tumbling down around them and Jahara had no idea how to continue. The new world order couldn’t come about without Brenimyn—but he had been exiled. She had expected to do battle at his side.

  She had no idea how much time had passed since she’d watched in shocked horror as the women rushed from the meeting room. No one had dared look into her eyes for fear they would be charged as traitors to the Governmental Body if they acknowledged her.

  Only Attika stood by her side. But even her doubtful expression weighed heavily on her. Jahara wanted someone to tell her what to do. Her gaze shifted from the vehicle to Attika then up to the crimson sky. There were no answers in sight.

  Castrated and exiled.

  Bresilee had made the pronouncement with evident delight. Cut off the head and the snake cannot live. Merenith had told her that once when Jahara had been threatened by a deadly reptile in the mountains. Apparently that’s what Bresilee had done. There would be no change without Brenimyn’s guidance and conviction in the vision. Bresilee knew it.

  At that moment something snapped. Later, Jahara would speculate whether it was Brenimyn’s telepathic prodding or her own belief in the new world order. Either way, she was pushed into action. The war had started and with absolute clarity, she knew where the next battle would happen.

  “I’ve got Bresilee fooled. It never occurred to her that it was a two-headed snake.” Jahara looked down at Attika’s face, wrinkled in confusion.

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’m not going home, Attika. I’m fine, dear friend.” Jahara bent and kissed her damp cheek. “In my hour of greatest need, you’ve not deserted me and I will always remember that. But there’s still much to do.” Hadn’t Brenimyn said those words to her as he’d left? “Return to Zenick. You’ll know when I need you. For now, I have to go on my own.”


  “Trust me, Attika,” she yelled over her shoulder as she ran into battle.

  * * * *

  “Of course there’s great cause for celebration.” Pulling the gold robe over her head, Gabriella stood naked. “Don’t be such a fool, Kylie. Everyone’ll want to rejoice the demise of the new world order.” Gabriella fussed with the bun at the nape of her neck. “I should’ve planned this ahead of time.” Threading a hanger through the neck hole of the robe, she placed it in the closet of honor. The other women on the Governmental Body had already left the building. She and Kylie stood alone in the ante chamber.

  “The video was so much more than I could’ve hoped it would be.” Gabriella clapped her hands together like a joyful child with an unexpected gift. “Did you see their faces? Total disbelief that their guardian was such a villain? And how guilty did that breeder l
ook? He just stood there, accepting his fate.” Gabriella stared through Kylie. “And Linsig? Well, that woman’s just a genius when it comes to acting. And you were just as delicious.” Pinching Kylie’s chin in her fingers, Gabriella shook it back and forth. “As proud of you as your own Dame would be, yes I am. If I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve thought those tears were genuine.”

  Kylie swallowed hard, working to keep from puking. The tears had been real. They had nothing to do with the accusations of rape and everything to do with exiling an innocent man whose only crime had been falling in love with a woman.

  “—and contact everyone on my usual list through the video system.” Gabriella looked up at the clock on the wall. “The dining commons should be able to deliver food within the hour. Ask the guests to arrive at 1900 with the usual wait staff in uniform. I will definitely want some of those lovely young girls with their perky little breasts there tonight.” She pulled on her yellow tunic, covering the scars she hid from so many. “Then arrange to have computer technology do a pyrotechnic display over the mansion at 2300.”

  Gabriella didn’t think twice about what she asked of her. She knew Kylie would obey without question. The woman didn’t turn back as her clipped walk carried her from the room, leaving Kylie alone to doubt her own life path.

  * * * *

  Hopping from foot to foot, Jahara slipped off the cumbersome sandals and ran barefoot past the little shops and flowerbeds lining the main street. Their front windows were as dark as Jahara’s future without Brenimyn. No one was in this part of the Garden. She wondered if they’d gone home to celebrate or mourn.

  What propelled her, she didn’t know. But Jahara’s next actions were as obvious as the false sun slipping below the horizon. Nothing in this place was real except her love for Brenimyn.

  Her shadow danced along the hedges decorating the walks of the medical facility. Entering the building through a service entrance, Jahara skulked the murky hall and took a circuitous route to avoid the maternity floors.

  Only the emergency clinic and the wings housing the pregnant women losing their fetuses would be occupied this time of night. The rest of the facility staff had left long before the trial began. Bresilee never intended for it to be a meeting. She’d planned the charade days ago when she kidnapped Brenimyn. Jahara never liked Kylie, but even this seemed beneath the woman’s usual conniving personality.


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