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Provider Prime: Alien Legacy

Page 33

by John Vassar

  Mitchell said, ‘And once they’ve been crushed...’

  ‘We can then advise you of this fact. At this point you will be able to-’

  ‘Destroy the hybrid automs here. Thorne can then be subdued using our own sentinels.’

  ‘We concur, Lee Mitchell. We are the same, but We are different.’

  Ga’naal interrupted, ‘Will we have time to make the modifications? And will the gravity well not cause collateral damage and possible loss of human life?’

  ‘The design modifications have already been deposited into your ship’s data banks. Your engineers will have no difficulty in adapting your existing anti-inertia system en route to Mars. Your technology is capable of limiting the gravity well to a very specific radius. However, as a precaution We have already instigated a local evacuation of personnel at the Autogen assembly plant. We have led FedStat to believe that We have uncovered a potential act of sabotage similar to that which occurred at Cytec Euro-2.’

  ‘Right. Looks like you’ve thought of everything,’ said Mitchell. And admitted that you’re capable of lying without a second thought. ‘Let’s hope Ja’faal doesn’t decide to bring forward his own agenda.’

  ‘There is that risk,’ Ga’naal agreed. ‘But I believe that this is our best collective option. It is a good plan. The SenANNs are more advanced than we could ever have envisaged.’

  The SenANNs said, ‘We will also implement the evacuation of all human personnel within a one-thousand kilometre radius of Cytec T-1 to the garrison at Lomonosov.’

  ‘That will include the entire workforce at T-13. Better work fast,’ said Mitchell. He turned to the Vis’haani commander. ‘You do understand that Ja’faal intends to kill us once we’re at T-1? And if he suspects that we’ve neutralised his Martian force, there is every chance he will react with violence sooner rather than later.’

  ‘I understand, Lee Mitchell of Earth, as do my officers and crew. When we discovered Ka’laat’s evil, the Elders made a decision that Vis’haan should make every attempt to put right that which had been perverted by his treacherous actions. Every one of us on this vessel is a volunteer. Every one of us is prepared to die in the attempt to restore the honour of Vis’haan.’

  Mitchell nodded. ‘Then I, too, believe we should adopt the SenANNs’ plan.’

  Ga’naal turned to his crew. ‘Qa’laan, make the necessary modifications to the anti-inertia systems. Once we have disembarked, make all haste to the fourth planet. The Earth SenANNs will be your commander from this point onwards. Do as they bid, without question. Under no circumstances are you to initiate contact with us. It is essential that Ja’faal remains unaware of your actions.’ The Vis’haani commander glided towards his two senior officers. His long fingers unfurled, but he did not reach out to them. His eyes became red once more. ‘Ri’yaal. Sa’laan. My good friends. I cannot in truth order you to accompany me. But we have journeyed far together, seen many wondrous sights and confronted many dangers. I would not wish to face Ja’faal without you by my side.’

  The taller of the two said, ‘You already know our answer, Commander.’

  ‘Thank you, my friends.’ Ga’naal of Vis’haan turned back to Mitchell. His eyes shimmering red and yellow.

  ‘Lee Mitchell of Earth. I believe it is time.’

  Mitchell said, ‘I believe you are correct, Commander Ga’naal.’

  Harry Doyle, what the hell did you get me into…


  ‘Ja’faal of Vis’haan. Hear us. We will comply with your demands. We will come to you. Our shuttle will remain uncloaked at all times. The vessel, along with ourselves, will be unarmed.’ Ga’naal remained waited for the response. It seemed to take an eternity.

  ‘Very well. You have thirteen minutes.’

  Mitchell exhaled slowly. So far, so good.

  ‘We must proceed with all haste, Lee Mitchell. Please accompany us to the launch bay.’ Ga’naal and his fellow officers left the bridge at a pace that took Mitchell by surprise. His own movements hampered by the low grav, he was fifteen metres behind them within a few seconds. When he eventually reached the launch bay, he stopped dead. The shuttle was unbelievable. Thorne’s skimmer had been impressive, but nothing compared to this. The hull was almost fluid with iridescence, the colours appearing to cover the entire spectrum. The lines of the ship itself were perfect. Nothing else could describe what his eyes were seeing.

  It was perfect.

  “Please embark, Lee Mitchell.” Ga’naal’s voice was being translated again via the SenANNs. The difference was noticeable. Mitchell wondered about Charlis and if he had recovered. He was in a bad way the last time he’d seen him.

  ‘Sub-Commander Charlis is now conscious. We are keeping him appraised via the SenANN interface at Lomonosov. He is becoming more adept at using this device.’

  “I never thought I’d say this. Somehow I’d feel better if he was with us right now.”

  And I’d also feel better if you stopped reading my damn thoughts.

  Mitchell watched the Vis’haani as they distributed their own translation seeds.

  Ga’naal felt his gaze. “We will require these devices in the event that Ja’faal continues to converse in your language. We should not discuss our strategy once we disembark. Ja’faal will be monitoring our every move. We will rely on the SenANNs to inform you of our progress on your fourth planet.”

  “Understood,” Mitchell replied.

  “Our sensors show that there is no atmosphere at all remaining on the lunar base. You will still require your protective headgear. We will also have to adopt further protection.”

  Each in turn, Ga’naal and his officers stepped into a translucent cubicle and emerged in a skin-tight suit that, as with all things Vis’haani, danced with light as they moved. Integral breathing apparatus covered their mouths once more. Mitchell looked down at his own cam-suit, wondering what life would be like without one when this was all over. He looked back at the glistening Vis’haani. Perhaps a little more elegant.

  “We have arrived, Lee Mitchell.”

  Mitchell shook his head. “Your technology is unbelievable, Ga’naal of Vis’haan. I hope to see more of it in the days ahead.”

  “We hope to be able to grant that wish.”

  They picked their way through the collapsed hangar portal and turned left towards Area 1. Mitchell had set the mission chronometer in his neural link and it displayed four minutes remaining of Ja’faal’s deadline. Area 1, thankfully, was two minutes away by foot.

  Mitchell asked the SenANNs, “Are the two remaining assault sentinels still at the hybrids’ bunker?”

  ‘They are, Lee Mitchell. Ja’faal has so far made no attempt to neutralise them.’

  “Interesting. I wonder why...?”

  ‘He will be aware of the superior design of the current tranche of SWS automs. He may not be willing to risk engaging them in direct combat.’

  “Possible. But he must suspect that we will use them to destroy the hybrids.”

  ‘We concur. However, he must believe that he can still utilise the hybrids before that destruction.’

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. And he can also wipe out three unarmed Vis’haani and a human with his own Sentinel’s weaponry.”

  ‘Survival must be your first priority, Lee Mitchell. The threat posed by Ja’faal now outweighs the requirement to bring him to justice.’

  “I’ll do my best.”

  Three Vis’haani and a human now stood outside Area 1, Section 1 in Cytec Assembly Plant T-1. Commander Ga’naal approached the portal.

  “Ja’faal of Vis’haan. We seek an audience with you.”

  The portal morphed open.

  Inside, the Sentinel containing the intellect known to Earth as Roderick Deucalion Thorne stood in front of them. Behind the giant autom, Mitchell saw the coms array that was transmitting to the hybrid automs on Mars. Behind that, a single medtec autom on standby, dwarfed by the Sentinel, stood a few metres away.

  ‘Lee Mitchell.
With the assistance of Sub-Commander Charlis, We have established a sub-ether link with the two SWS automs at the bunker containing the hybrid automs. Their targets have been allocated.’

  “Good. Destroy the hybrids the second you receive word of success from Hellas Planitia.”

  Ja’faal of Vis’haan moved forward. Mitchell looked at the battered Sentinel that contained the essence of an alien genius. His journey had been incredible in the truest sense of the word. Somehow, he had survived and almost succeeded in his mission, however misguided that mission was. Even with Harry’s ghost at his side, Mitchell could not help but feel admiration along with the hatred.

  The Sentinel rasped out, ‘The traitors of Vis’haan will step forward.’

  Ga’naal and his officers did so. The Vis’haani commander kept a metre or so in front of Ri’yaal and Sa’laan. Mitchell sensed the gesture was less to do with rank and more about Ga’naal protecting his crew. Unarmed as they were, these were all brave souls.

  Ga’naal spoke first. “Ja’faal. Once again, I implore you. Let us help. Let us return you to Vis’haan where we can preserve your intellect. There is no need for your journey to end this way.” His words held nothing but sincerity, but Ja’faal did not hear them.

  ‘Why would I accept assistance from traitors? From those who have sabotaged the mission of the Provider Prime?’ The Sentinel’s head angled sideways a few degrees. ‘I cannot comprehend how you have come to overthrow Ka’laat, but I will not betray him.’

  “Ja’faal. The explanation is a simple one. As a youngling, you were abducted by Ka’laat. Your mind was… trained to accept his evil. To accept it as the truth. But such evil could not lay hidden in a society such as ours. Inevitably The Elders, in their wisdom, discovered his treachery. They discovered also how Ka’laat had set you on a course of destruction here in Sol System. We are here at The Elders’ bidding, Ja’faal.”

  There was no response. The Sentinel remained motionless.

  Mitchell took a chance. ‘Ja’faal. The serum that you yourself used to make humans obey your commands. Do you remember? How you controlled Lamont. How you controlled Bhanerjee and Devlin. You made them believe anything, make them do anything. Ka’laat used a machine on your mind to achieve the same thing. That’s how he could-’

  The Sentinel darted towards him at unbelievable speed. Mitchell jerked backwards instinctively, almost falling.

  ‘You dare to lecture me?’ the Sentinel’s right pincer was now centimetres from Mitchell’s face. The three fingers snapped open and closed. ‘Your intellect is that of an insect compared to mine. Yet, you were still able to interfere. Still able to survive... How is that possible?’

  ‘Lee Mitchell, the Vis’haani vessel has destroyed the hybrid bunker at Hellas Planitia. The order has now been given to the SWS automs to destroy the hybrids at your location.’

  Mitchell felt a tremor through the soles of the cam-suit and saw a flash of light reflect on the tarnished neck-plate of the autom. His scanners confirmed what he already knew. He smiled up at the soulless, machine face. ‘I’ve done more than survive, Thorne. I’ve beaten you. This is for Harry.’ Mitchell deployed the micro-rifle and rammed it into the missing chest plate on the Sentinel. He released the most powerful energy bolt the weapon was capable of. The torso of the giant machine glowed red from the inside, then subsided as the micro-rifle’s charge drained to nothing.

  He had taken his chance.

  And failed.

  The coms array airscreen flashed intel of the severed link to the bunker at Hellas Planitia. The Sentinel stood tall again, seemingly oblivious. ‘Your pathetic mission of revenge has failed. Now, you will feel what it is to suffer.’

  “Please, Ja’faal,” Ga’naal spoke softly. “Have mercy on this little one. He has been through much and-”

  ‘Silence!’ The Sentinel lurched towards Ga’naal and struck a blow across his right arm that almost severed it. The Vis’haani commander was lifted off his feet and skidded to the floor with purplish blood spurting from an ugly wound. His officers were quick to his side.

  ‘The hybrid automs have been destroyed, Lee Mitchell.’

  “Get those sentinels here fast. We’re in trouble!”

  ‘Your request was anticipated.’

  On cue, the assault sentinels appeared at the portal, their upper limbs locked in attack position. The first volleys struck Ja’faal’s machine around the mid-section. It remained upright, undamaged. It returned fire.

  Both the SWS automs were wiped out instantaneously.

  With a weapon exactly similar to the roach-thing.

  The Sentinel’s head turned again to face Mitchell. He felt his face drain of colour. The autom’s forward lenses pinpointed his own eyes. ‘I could have destroyed you, the Vis’haani and any other target I chose at any time. It was never my intention to use the hybrids once my mission had been compromised.’

  ‘Then what was your intention?’ Mitchell croaked, his throat as dry as the lunar dust around his feet. ‘Martyrdom?’

  ‘I would not give you the satisfaction. My intention now is simple. To show you the true meaning of revenge.’

  ‘Revenge against who? Your own people are here right now to stop you from committing genocide, but still you refuse to believe the truth.’

  ‘Their truth is as worthless as yours.’ The Sentinel towered above him. ‘But that is of no consequence. You are here, and my will is that you and the Vis’haani will die at my hand. But first, you will feel my anger at your interference.’

  Another, larger airscreen lit up above the coms array. Mitchell recognised the outline of the Lomonosov control centre building. God, no. Rayna…

  ‘Lee Mitchell. The vessel belonging to Ja’faal has become active.’

  The Sentinel gestured towards the airscreen as Ja’faal’s words cut into Mitchell like a knife. ‘Observe. My craft is now positioned directly above the location of your female companion.’

  “SenANNs,” Mitchell begged. “Destroy that skimmer. I’ll do anything. Be anything you want me to be. Just destroy it…”

  ‘The unfortunate Mr Steinberg did not have time to remove the female’s IDN during her visit to T-1. I have her precise location to within millimetres.’ On the airscreen a small red target icon appeared, superimposed over Lomonosov’s medical centre.

  ‘Sub-Commander Charlis is attempting to immobilise the vessel.’

  Mitchell watched Thorne’s skimmer tilt nose down above the building, its shields glowing orange as Lomonosov’s laser turrets launched salvo after salvo. Two cruisers approached, their L-cannons also blazing. Each volley was absorbed by the skimmer’s shields. But they were weakening…

  Ja’faal spoke. The head of the Sentinel tilted again. ‘The secret of revenge, Lee Mitchell, lies in generating hope before the inevitable. You can, no doubt, deduce that the shields on my vessel are on the point of collapse…’

  “Please. SenANNs…”

  The Sentinel raised an arm, then opened its pincer.


  The pincer snapped shut.

  ‘We are sorry, Lee Mitchell.’

  The skimmer plunged down into the Lomonosov control centre. There was a second’s pause before the plume of the explosion rocketed skywards, the two cruisers disappearing in the fireball.

  Lee Mitchell fell to his knees, shaking. He had expected to hear Rayna’s screams. He had heard nothing.

  But Ja’faal of Vis’haan had heard.

  The Sentinel’s head shook violently from side to side. “No! Get out of my mind, beast!”

  Mitchell still heard nothing. “SenANNs. Could this be Rayna?”

  ‘The IDN of Rayna Ash has ceased transmission. Why do you suspect that she has survived?’

  Mitchell felt a familiar presence. It told him not to worry. He watched the Sentinel writhing in confusion. “Because I can feel her. And so can Ja’faal.”

  ‘Leave me! Your lies cannot… will not…’ The Sentinel began to topple and Mitchell scrambl
ed away as it crashed onto the deck of the coms room. Dust arced up as he crawled across to join Ga’naal and his officers. The Sentinel lay on its back, both sets of pincers snapping open and shut.

  “What is happening, Lee Mitchell?” Ga’naal struggled to force out the words. His arm had been swathed in something blue and shiny, but he was still in great pain. “Is it possible that your attack was successful after all?”

  “I don’t think so. I believe we are receiving help from an unexpected source,” Mitchell said. “But what Ja’faal may do next is anyone’s guess. Can you walk? We may have to get out of here at very soon…”

  “I am able walk, Lee Mitchell. I have no choice.”

  Before they had time to move, Ja’faal’s metallic voice screamed out again, ‘NO! You do not know me, beast! You cannot take me back!’ The Sentinel’s arms crashed backwards into the floor and sent the giant autom spinning upwards. Arms still flailing, it landed face down across the portal of the coms room and then lay still. Their way out was barred.

  Ga’naal turned to his companions. ‘Use the recording. While we still can.’

  Sa’laan clicked an instruction to an unknown source. The shuttle?

  Another voice filled the room. It came through to Mitchell via his link with the SenANNs. It was translated Vis’haani, but this time obviously female.

  “Ja’faal? Ja’faal, my son?”

  Dust streamed from the sides of the Sentinel’s head as it raised from the deck. The airscreen image of Lomonosov had vanished, replaced by the head and shoulders of two Vis’haani figures.

  ‘What is this trickery?’ Ja’faal rasped.

  “There is no deception, Ja’faal,” Ga’naal replied. His voice was calm, almost soothing. “This is a message from Vis’haan. From the true Vis’haan. From your kin.”


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